【2022 新课标】Unit2 Ways to go to school Part A Let's talk 课件+教案+同步练习+素材(共21张PPT 含flash素材)


名称 【2022 新课标】Unit2 Ways to go to school Part A Let's talk 课件+教案+同步练习+素材(共21张PPT 含flash素材)
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文件大小 18.6MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-09-15 06:47:23


人教PEP版 六年级上册
Unit 2 Ways to go to school A Let’s talk
(2022新课标 修订版)
Listen and sing
A: How do you go to school
B: I go to school ______.
by bus
by car
on foot
by bike
Warm up
Amy meets Mike at school this morning.
Listen and tick or cross.
1.( ) They are talking about
a sports meet.
2.( ) They will go by bus.
Listen and tick

Listen and check
Amy: Morning, Mike.
Mike: Morning. Hey! Don‘t forget! Mrs Smith will take
us to the nature park next Wednesday.
Amy: Oh, yes! How do we get to the nature park
Mike: By bus.
Amy: Look! There’s Mrs Smith now!
Think and watch
Look! There’s Mrs Smith now!
How does she come to school
How do Mike and Amy come to school
Watch and answer
By bus, sometimes on foot .
On foot, sometimes by car.
1. How does Mrs Smith come to school
—How do you come to school,
Mrs Smith By car
—Sometimes, but I usually walk.
Sometimes I come by car
come on foot
Watch and answer
By car .
On foot, sometimes by bus.
2. How does Amy come to school
By bike .
On foot.
3. How does Mike come to school
Language point
【点拨】就“交通方式”进行提问使用疑问词how,回答时也可直接使用on foot, by bike, by bus等短语。
按英语表达习惯,谈话者往往以自身位置作为参照来使用come或go。如果说话者身处学校外,上面的问句应改为:How do you go to school
—How do you come to school
—Usually, I come on foot.
Mike: Good morning, Mrs Smith!
Mrs Smith: Hi, children. You’re early.
How do you come to school
Amy: Usually, I come on foot.
Sometimes I come by bus.
Listen and repeat
Listen and repeat
Mike: I often come by bike.
Amy: How do you come to school,
Mrs Smith By car
Mrs Smith: Sometimes, but I usually walk.
Mike: That’s good exercise.
短语: do morning exercises
Ways Name By bike On foot / Walk By car By bus
Mrs Smith
e.g. Hi, I’m Mike. I often come to school by bike.
根据Let’s talk内容,用频率副词填空。
Fill and say
Read and role-play
1. Read the dialogue.
2. Role-play the dialogue.
角色表演,语音、语调基本 正确。
Mike: Good morning, Mrs Smith!
Mrs Smith: Hi, children. You’re early.
How do you come to school
Amy: Usually, I come on foot.
Sometimes I come by bus.
Mike: I often come by bike.
Amy: How do you come to school,
Mrs Smith By car
Mrs Smith: Sometimes, but I usually walk.
Mike: That’s good exercise.
What about your classmates and teachers
How do you come to school
I usually / often / sometimes ...
Do a survery
Give a report
e.g. Three stuedents usually come to school by bike.
Two students often come by bike.
One students sometimes comes by bike ...
Wrap up.
Useful expressions(核心表达句型):
How do you come to school
I usually come on foot. Sometimes I come by bus.
always usually often sometimes never
1.We ______ go to school by school bus.
2. She is ______ late for school.
4. That’s good _______. 那是很好的锻炼。
5. ______do you come to school 你怎么来学校的?
—I come _______ . 通常我步行来。
on foot
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课题 PA Let’s talk 单元 Unit 2 Ways to go to school 年级 六年级上册
学习目标 1. 能够听懂Let’s try部分的录音,完成听音判读正误的练习。2.能够理解会话内容,按照正确的意群及语音、语调朗读对话并进行角色扮演。3. 能听懂、会说句型:How do you come to school I usually…并能在实际情景中运用。能够针对具体情况正确使用usually, often, sometimes三个频度副词。24. 能在Do a survey部分用目标语言询问其他学生的上学方式, 并用英语作出汇报。育网
重点 在情景中运用句型How do you come to school I usually…询问并回答交通方式。
难点 理解并正确使用usually, often, sometimes三个频度副词。
教学环节 师生活动 设计意图
Warm-up Listen and sing. 听唱歌谣How do you go to schoolAsk and answer 由歌谣引出句型 T: How do you go to school Ss: I go to school by bus/bycar/on foot... 歌曲导入,引入学习话题。
Presentation and practice Let’s try1.Listen and tick or cross. 学生听前浏览题干和图片信息,然后带着问题听录音,做出判断对错。2. Listen and check. 再次听录音,理解关键语言信息 the nature park, by busLet’s talk呈现主情景图和问题,观看视频前预测对话重点。Watch and answer.呈现问题:How does Mrs Smith come to school Step1:老师播放视频,学生寻找问题答案。Step3:核对答案,点拨疑难句Sometimes, but I usually walk.Watch and answer. 呈现问题:How does Amy come to school How doesMike come to school 再次播放视频,学生寻找答案。Language point 核心句型点拨How do you come to school 5.Listen and repeat 分句播放录音,学生跟读,注意模仿语音语调。 引导学生理解“early”“exercise”等词汇并正确发音。6.Grammar 频度副词点拨7.Fill and say 用频度副词填空,然后练习说句子。 呈现Let’s try板块语言情景,让学生预测对话内容;培养学生听音时学会捕捉关键信息的能力。带着问题观看视频,让学生有目标寻找答案。通过回答问题,了解学生对文本理解的程度。然后通过点拨疑难、重点词句,加深学生对对话内容和细节的掌握。
Consolidation 1.Read and role-play两人分角色朗读对话,分层提出要求。选出部分小组全班表演对话。2.Do a survey and give a report 调查班里周围学生上学的交通方式,然后仿照例子作报告。3. Wrap up 总结本课所学核心句型和频度副词。4. Exercises in class. 当堂检测,补全句子。 活动设计是为了进一步巩固运用所学语言知识,做到由语言输入到语言输出。
Homework 1.听音跟读,然后熟练朗读对话。
2.以交通方式为话题,与同伴编排一组对话,不少于六句。3.完成配套练习册。 可根据个人学力和实际情况,分层完成任务。
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Unit 2 PA Let’s talk
________ _______ _______ ______
1. ( How/What )do you go to school
2. Usually I go to work (on/by) foot.
3. (Sometime/Sometimes) I go to school by bike.
4. What (about/but) you, Amy
5. I usually (walk/ on foot) to school.
三、 将下列句子重新排序,组成一段完整的对话。
(  )It’s near my school.
( 1 )Good morning!
(  )Do you usually go to school by bus
(  )How do you go to school
(  )Good morning!
(  )Is your home near or far from your school
(  )No, I don’t.
(  )By bike.
四、 阅读短文,补全句子。
Amy’s home is far from her school. Every day she gets up early. First, she goes to the bus stop by bike. Then, she goes to the post office by bus. At last, she goes to school on foot.
1. Amy goes to the bus stop      .
2. Amy goes to the post office      .
3. Amy goes to school        .
4. Amy’s school is         her home.
A: Hi, John! 1. ________
B: On foot.
A: 2.
A: He usually goes by bike.
B: What about your mother
A: 3.
B: Walks with you Oh. I see. 4.
A: Haha. You’re clever.
A. How does your father go to work B. She’s a teacher in your school.C. How do you get to school every day D. She often walks to school with me.
一、by bus by bike by car on foot
二、1.How 2.on 3.Sometimes 4.about 5.walk
三、 4 1 5 7 2 3 6 8
四、 1. by bike 2. by bus 3. on foot 4. far from
五、1~4 CADB
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