人教版(2019) 选择性必修第三册 Unit 3 Environmental Protection 单元过关复习课件(17张)


名称 人教版(2019) 选择性必修第三册 Unit 3 Environmental Protection 单元过关复习课件(17张)
格式 pptx
文件大小 1.2MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-09-16 10:02:55



1.ecology  n.生态;生态学
2.release vt.& n.排放;释放;发布
3.comprehensive adj.全部的;所有的;详尽的
4.trend n.趋势;趋向;动向
5.broadcast vt.& vi. 播送;广播;传播 n.广播节目;电视节目
6.policy n.政策;方针;原则
7.seize vt.抓住;夺取,控制
8.reform vt.& vi.改革;(使)改正;改造 n.改革;变革;改良
9.annual adj.每年的;一年的
10.sensitive adj.敏感的;善解人意的;灵敏的
11.volume n.量;体积;(成套书籍中的)一卷
12.garbage n.垃圾;废物
13.enterprise n.公司;企业;事业
14.restore vt.恢复;使复原;修复
15.dozen n.(一)打;十二个
16.fine vt.对……处以罚款
17.campaign n.运动;战役 vt.& vi.参加运动;领导运动
18.tolerate vt.忍受;包容;容许
19.agenda n.议程表;议事日程
20.nuclear adj.原子能的;核能的;原子核的
1.graph n.  图;图表;曲线图
2.emission n. 排放物;散发物;排放
3.melt vt.& vi.(使)融化;熔化;软化
4.seal n. 海豹
5.methane n. 甲烷;沼气
6.carbon n. 碳
7.dioxide n. 二氧化物
8.habitable adj.适合居住的
9.fossil n. 化石
10.fuel n. 燃料;刺激性言行
11.worldwide adv.遍及全球地
12.footprint n.足迹;(某物所占的)空间量面积
13.basin n. 流域;盆地;盆
14.penguin n. 企鹅
15.undergo vt.经历;经受(变化、不快等)
16.implement vt.使生效;贯彻;执行
17.moderate adj.适度的;中等的;温和的
vt.& vi.缓和;使适中
18.disposal n. 去掉;清除;处理
19.tropical adj.热带的;来自热带的
20.chaos n. 混乱;杂乱;紊乱
21.jungle n. (热带)丛林;密林
22.smog n. 烟雾(烟与雾混合的空气污染物)
23.originate vt.& vi.起源;发源;创立
24.regulation n.章程;规章制度
25.waterway n.水道;航道
1.starve vt.& vi.(使)挨饿;饿死→starvation n.挨饿;饿死
2.sustain vt.维持;遭受;承受住→sustainable adj.可持续的;合理利用的
3.frequent adj.经常的;频繁的→frequently adv.频繁地;经常
4.restrict vt.限制;限定;束缚→restriction n.限制规定;限制法规;约束
5.harmony n.和谐→harmonious adj.和谐的
6.inspect vt.检查→inspection n.检查;查看;视察
7.submit vt.& vi.提交;呈递;屈服→submission n.提交;服从
8.conserve vt.保存;保全→conservation n.对(环境、文物等)保护;保持
1.After three days without food,the men were close to starvation.If we had come later,they would have starved to death.(starve)
2.The universe and its belongings are presented in harmony and maintained in harmonious relationship and order.(harmony)
3.The word “conservation” has a thrifty meaning.To conserve is to save and protect,to leave what we ourselves enjoy in such a good condition so that others may also share the enjoyment.(conserve)
4.During the contest,a contestant can only submit one painting and shall not repeat submission.(submit)
5.The creation of an efficient and sustainable transport system is critical to the long-term future of the city.(sustain)
1.on behalf of 代表
2.dozens of 许多;很多
3.refer to 指;参考
4.result in 导致
5.in search of 寻找
6.bring about 带来
7.die out 灭绝
8.have an impact on 对……有影响
1.seize the opportunity抓住机遇
2.take responsibility for为……负责
3.along with和……一起
4.huge amounts of大量的
5.be trapped in被困在
6.make policies制定政策
7.take measures采取措施
8.be known as作为……而著名
10.print out印出
11.take notes of记笔记
12.be harmful to对……有害
13.have an interview with采访
14.carbon dioxide二氧化碳
15.fossil fuel化石
16.environmental problems环境问题
17.greenhouse effect温室效应
18.climate change气候变化
19.millions of数百万
20.set up regulations制定制度
There is no doubt 1.that Earth is becoming warmer and there is strong evidence of what causes the dramatic change in the global climate.A 2013 news photo of a 2.dead (die) polar bear showed that the polar bear seemed to have died of 3.starvation (starve).This alarming case showed how the increase in temperature had 4.an impact on Earth’s ecology.
The “greenhouse effect” is to blame.The “greenhouse effect” has two common meanings: the “natural” greenhouse effect 5.and the “man-made” greenhouse effect.The process of the “natural” greenhouse effect 6.keeps (keep) Earth’s climate warm and habitable while the “man-made” greenhouse effect causes Earth’s surface temperature 7.to rise (rise).
As is well known,the rise in temperature has led to an increase in extreme weather and natural disasters worldwide,not only 8.causing (cause) serious damage,but also costing human lives.9.To reduce (reduce) greenhouse gas emissions,governments need to consider making policies and taking appropriate actions and measures while we as individuals can also reduce our “carbon footprint” by restricting the amount of carbon dioxide 10.our (we) lifestyles produce.