Unit 8 Time


名称 Unit 8 Time
格式 zip
文件大小 2.2MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 上海牛津(绿色上教版)
科目 英语
更新时间 2013-10-16 18:26:31



课件18张PPT。Unit 8 TimeBy Miss LuSing the song “ten little indians”onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnineten123456789101112eleventwelvethree6fourone25six43twofive1123456789101112._____cl__ck/kl?k /ow__tch/w?t? /athreefiveeighttentwoo’clockWhat time is it?It'so'clock.What time is it?Look! It's five o'clock.What time is it?Look! It's three o'clock.What time is it?Listen! It's five o'clock.It's_____ o'clock.get up !six126 in the dayLet’sWhat time is it?/dei/What time is it?It's_______ o'clock.have breakfast!seven127早餐 in the dayLet’s/dei//e//?/What time is it?It's_____ o'clock.go to school!eight128 in the dayLet’s/dei/What time is it?It's_______ o'clock.have lunch.twelve12午餐 in the dayLet’s/dei//?/What time is it?It's_____ o'clock.play with the toys.four124玩具 in the dayLet’s/dei//?i/What time is it?It's_____ o'clock.have dinner!six126晚餐 in the dayLet’s/dei//?//i/What time is it?It's_____ o'clock.go to bed.nine129Let’s at night/nait/watchclockdaynightbreakfastlunchdinner/kl?k //w?t? //dei//nait //’brekf?st//’din?//l?nt?/