9A Unit 8 Detective Story
Comic Strip & Welcome to the Unit教学设计
本节课是牛津译林版教材初中英语9A Unit8第一课时(Comic Strip &Welcome to the unit )。本单元主要学习的主要内容是侦探故事,通过犯罪嫌疑人的笔录,让学生自由谈论谁最有可能成为凶手,从而培养学生的严密的推理能力,增强自我保护意识,做一名遵纪守法的好市民。本课时属于热身学习,卡通画(Comic strip)以风趣的漫画、Eddie and Hobo简洁的对白带入新单元的学习,接下来的一组图片、一段对话的Welcome to the unit ,激活我们关于单元话题已有的知识储备,其目的在于激发学生对本单元话题的兴趣,将学生引入学习情境,以高涨的热情投入到本单元学习。
本课时属于单元导入教学板块,是激发学生兴趣,使其投入到新单元学习的重要环节。主要任务就是激发兴趣,激活话题,培养听说读写技能,所有活动设计围绕这一目标开展落实,并且巧妙运用教材内容和适当的活动设计对学生进行情感教育。本单元主要内容是侦探故事和周围犯罪类型,学生对侦探小说很感兴趣,很想能够成为像柯南一样的破案高手,于是在本节课整体设计上,我精心设计了生活中三个不同的案件(盗窃案 抢劫案 谋杀案),引导学生帮助柯南去破案。解决这三个案件作为本课时的主线,贯穿这节课教学始终,每个案件呈现方式都不相同,有录像 、图片、嫌疑犯录音形式,并且案件的难度在增加,让学生对每个案件充满期待,激发、保持、巩固兴趣,使得整节课课堂气氛活跃,充满情趣;整个教学设计中紧紧围绕三维目标,生词的呈现,放在三个案件当中,放在真实的语境中,学生很容易掌握。通过任务型活动,解决三个案件,设计大量的问答、对话、讨论、配音、表演形式多样的语言实践活动,让学生在活动中主动参与,学会通过自己思考问题,学会与他人合作交流,把语言材料用到真实的生活交际情境中去,推理出最有可能的凶手,从而培养学生合作意识和团队精神以及严密的推理能力,增强自我保护的意识,做一名遵纪守法的好公民,从而对学生进行情感态度价值观的教育。
学习并掌握有关犯罪的词汇: detective clue suspect medium guilty missing, truth等
2. 任务型教学法
3. 交际教学法
(一)教师准备:名探柯南主题曲视频 跷跷板视频 嫌疑犯录音 Comic flash 动画
教学环节 教师活动预设 学生活动预设 设计意图
Step 1 Lead in Show a theme song of a cartoon called Detective Conan .T:Who’s the lead role in the cartoon What’s his job detectiveShow some pictures about other detectives like BaoZhen 、DiRenjie 、Sherlock Homes and talk about these detectives. 3.Present new words Present new words by showing some pictures.T:Detectives have a wide knowledge of different things.They are good at looking for clues to something important.According to clues,they can find out the suspects and see who is guilty.Their job is to find the murderer and tell people the truth. Enjoy the song and talk about the detectives. Read the new words 此环节用学生所喜爱的名探柯南主题曲录像导入本课内容,激发学生学习的兴趣。教师创设情景,在图片中不断呈现单词,学生在真实语境中学习单词,更容易接受和运用。
Step2Present myste-ries andencou-rage Ssto solve them. Present mysteries and encour-age Ss to solve them.T:Do you want to be a detective when you grow up Detctives are good at soloving mysteries .Today Conan has some detective stories.Can you help Conan to find out the suspects Are you ready Let’s go.Detective Story 1: Who ate the cake Show a video about a seasaw.T:Well done. Boys and girls !Congratulations ! Welcome to Detective story 2.Detective Story 2: RobberyT:A man robbed someone on the road and ran away quickly. The police have 3 suspects. He was seen running into the railway station. Who is the robber 1)Talk about 3 suspects and teach some new words at the same time. medium height Have a discussion.Who might be the robber What’s your opinion I think (Suspect1 ...)might be the robber because…The teacher gives praise to the students .Detective Story 3: Who is the murderer Let Ss listen to the siren of a police car and ask what happened by showing a murder picture.Task 1 Read the T: Someting more serious happened last night.A young man was murdered last Saturday at 8:pm.We have four suspects. The police have made notes on all of them .Let’s see what they said. Task One Notes on the suspectsQ: What was he doing when the murder happened Q:Where does she live What was she doing when the murder happened She said she had no time to murder somebody,do you believe her words lie-lyingQ: What’s she like What was she doing when the murder happen Q:Where was he when the murder happened What do you think of him Task 2 Discuss in groupsWho is the most likely to be the murderer Task 3 Listen and answerT: Listen! Daniel and Sandy are also talking about it. Let’s listen to them carefully and answer the following ques- tions.1. Who does Sandy think might be the murderer Why Who does Daniel think might be the murderer Why T: Open your books at P107.let’s read the dialogue in roles.Task 4 Pair work Work in pairs and discuss who you think might be the murderer. T: Boys and girls, there is no right or wrong answers here now. In order to find out the truth, we have to find more clues to solve the crime. I’m sure the murderer will be arrested soon.Because nobody escapes judgement of heaven. Watch the video and think about who ate the cake.Discuss who is the most likely to be the robber and tell the reason.Read the notes ofeach suspectListen to what suspects said and anwer the queston.Discuss who is the murderer.Answer the questionsRead the dialoguein rolesMake up dialogue 设计三个不同的案件(theft robbery mur- der ),并通过不同的方式呈现(录像 图片,录音),案件难度递增的方式让学生对即将要完成的任务充满期待,使其学习兴趣和课堂参与热情大增。全英的动画视频给学生提供愉快的学习英语环境,激发学生破案激情。第一个案件较为简单,能使全体学生参与到课堂中来。教师在课堂上对学生的观点多次进行赞扬,既激励了学生,也增加师生的感情。警车声音让学生带入到下一个谋杀案的现场,让学生有一种身临其境的感觉。让学生讨论前了解嫌疑犯信息,使其对即将进行小组讨论做好充分准备模拟四个嫌疑犯做笔录的英文录音,让学生根据他们的录音回答问题,既能激发学生的破案的兴趣,又能训练了学生的听力。学生通过小组合作的方式讨论出嫌疑犯,培养其小组合作意识。提高学生归纳比较、分析问题和对案件推理的能力。模仿课本对话鼓励学生自编对话,使学生在真实的语言环境中进行进行语言交流,锻炼学生的英语交际能力,培养与同伴合作能力。向学生渗透犯罪必受到法律的惩罚的道理,激励学生做个遵纪守法的好公民。
Step 3 Present Comic Strip T: Well done. I think all of you can be clever enough to be detectives. Do you think Eddie can be a good detective Look,what is he dressed like be dressed likeTask 1 Play the flash and ask some questions.What is Eddie really looking for What’s a detective Task 2 Ask Ss read and dub the Comic Strip.Task 3 Encouage Ss to act it out in pairs.Task 4 Discuss if Eddie can be a good detective.T:Do you think Eddie can be a good detective Why or why not Watch the flash and answer the ques-tions.Read and dub the Comic Strip.Act out the Comic Strip.. 展示Eddie打扮成侦探样子的图片,从表扬学生能够成为名侦探提问学生Eddie 能成为好的侦探吗,自然而然的过度到Comic的教学。
Step 4Discussion Encourage Ss to discuss what qualities a good detective should have.What qualities do you think a gooddetective should have wise, clever, careful, curious, imaginative, brave clever, creative, modest, fair, careful, patient, selfless confident, thoughtful, kind practical Discuss what qualities a good detective should have. 让学生说出成为一名好的侦探所具备的品质,引导学生在生活培养自己这些优秀的品质,成为更全面的人.
Step 5Promote Encourage Ss to say some safety tips.T:Here are some crimes around us . How should we protect ourselves 1)Don’t go alone whenever go out2)Tell parents where to go and when to return.3)Close the door whenever get or leave home.4)Wear tidy and clean clothes instead of expensive ones.5)Keep distance when unknown drivers ask for directions.
6)Learn to get help from school or police.T: Let’s help create a world of harmony. Ss say some safety tips to protect themselves. 让学生说出一些safety tips,增强学生自我保护的意识,对学生进行情感、态度、价值观教育,体现了三维目标,引导学生通过自己的努力获得理想的职业,创建和谐社会,对学生进行情感教育,体现社会主义核心价值观.
Unit 8 Comic Strip & Welcome to the Unit detective tell the truthclue go missingsuspect be of medium height guilty make notes on murderer be dressed liketrue-truth
本课时教学重在体现新课程改革的理念,注重倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式,教学中突出提高学生英语综合运用能力,发挥学生主体作用, 引导学生小组合作,培养他们学习的自学能力和合作意识。以学生为主体,把课堂还给学生,根据“以学生为中心”的教学思路,整节课我采用的教学方法是任务型教学法,比如设计了贯穿整节课始终的三个不同的案件,让学生去找出最大嫌疑犯;根据录音完成问题,根据对话自我改编,分角色朗读配音表演,设计了大量问答、叙述、表演、讨论等形式多样的语言实践活动,让学生在语言实践的过程中逐步形成主动参与、善于合作的学习态度;同时采用交际型教学方法,课堂上给学生多次开口说英语的机会,将学生分成小组pair work ,group work,既发挥学生主体作用,提高学生英语综合运用能力,又能培养与同伴合作能力。作为单元第一课时,本节课定位很准确:激发兴趣,激活话题,解决生词障碍;本节课的课型从教学过程来划分属于新授课,从技能培养目标来划分属于听说课,所有的任务、活动设计都围绕着这一目标开展落实;并且巧妙运用教材内容和适当的活动设计对学生进行情感教育是这节课的另一大特色。
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