人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 1People of Achievement 单元测试题(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 1People of Achievement 单元测试题(含答案)
格式 zip
文件大小 34.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-09-18 10:41:36



第一部分 听力(略)
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Global Student Challenge
Global Student Challenge is an online construction business game open to students across the world, studying a built environment course.
About Global Student Challenge
Started in 2014, Global Student Challenge is a yearly competition run by the Chartered Institute of Building that provides built environment students with a chance to apply their learning to a real-world situation of running their own virtual construction company.
Phase (阶段) One: Registration
Registration is perhaps the most important part of the competition! You'll need to register your team in order to use the MERIT software. Even more important, you'll need to decide who your teammates will be. Entry for the competition is open now and will close on 7 April 2021.
Phase Two: Pre-Competition
The first phase of competition begins on 15 March 2021. In this phase, your team will be able to use the game software and begin to make your plan to run the company.
Phase Three: Competition
This is when things start to get real.
On 14 April 2021 the first round of data will be shown to all teams and you'll have a week to make your decisions and hand them in for scoring.
After each round you'll get a score and you'll be graded against other teams based on this. We call this stage “The Early Years” as you begin to get your virtual construction company off the ground.
In total, you'll do this six times over six rounds of competition.
Phase Four: The GSC Final
The top six teams after The Early Years will be told to the public as our finalists on 25 May 2021. The finals week is scheduled to be held virtually in June 2021.
21. What do we know about Global Student Challenge
A. It is held twice a year.
B. It is an offline competition.
C. It is now entering its eighth year.
D. It asks competitors to work in a real company.
22. When must signing up for the competition be done
A. At the beginning of April.
B. In the middle of March.
C. In the middle of April.
D. At the end of May.
23. What will competitors do during Phase Three
A. Make their own plans.
B. Start to collect their data.
C. Compete with other teams.
D. Learn to use the game software.
Gerty Cori, the first American woman to win the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine, was born Gerty Theresa Radnitz in Prague in 1896. Gerty decided at the age of sixteen to study medicine. She entered the Realgymnasium at Tetschen, from which she graduated in 1914, and then went to the Medical School of the German University of Prague. While in medical school, Gerty met Carl Cori, a classmate who shared both her love of skiing and mountain climbing and her interest in laboratory research. In 1920, the two published the results of their first joint research, received their medical degrees, and married each other.
Gerty's first research position was as an assistant in the Karolinen Children's Hospital in Vienna. In 1922, Carl Cori moved to the United States to join the staff of the New York State Institute for the Study of Malignant Diseases in Buffalo, New York. Gerty Cori moved a few months later, starting as an assistant pathologist ( 病理学家) at the Institute and later rising to an assistant biochemist. In 1928, the Coris became US citizens.
In 1931, Carl Cori accepted the position of chairman of the Department of Pharmacology of the Washington University School of Medicine (WUSM), while Gerty Cori was hired as a research fellow. In the early 1940s the Coris moved to the Department of Biological Chemistry. Gerty Cori was made an associate ( 副) professor of Research Biological Chemistry and Pharmacology in 1943. She was elevated to the rank ( 级别) of professor of Biological Chemistry in July 1947, the same year she and her husband were awarded the Nobel Prize for their work on the metabolism of glycogen (糖代谢).
In 1947, Gerty Cori began showing the signs of myelofibrosis, an unusual blood disease. She fought the disease for ten years, refusing to give up her research until the last few months of her life. Gerty Cori died on October 26, 1957.
24. What can we learn about Gerty's husband
A. He shared the same interests with Gerty.
B. He moved to the USA later than Gerty.
C. He married Gerty while in medical school.
D. He studied pathology under the influence of Gerty.
25. Which of the following is the correct order of the events in Gerty's life
a. She moved to the USA.
b. She won the Nobel Prize.
c. She met her husband Carl.
d. She got a job in the WUSM.
e. She received her medical degree.
A. e, a, c, b, d
B. c, e, a, d, b
C. e, c, a, d, b
D. c, a, e, b, d
26. What does the underlined word “elevated” in paragraph 3 mean
A. Adapted.
B. Defeated.
C. Promoted.
D. Committed.
27. What can we infer about Gerty from the last paragraph
A. She was satisfied with her later life.
B. She was in poor health all her life.
C. She died of a common disease.
D. She was very mentally strong.
Walking through an airport is never easy. Now imagine doing it if you were blind. That's the problem faced by Chieko Asakawa, a computer scientist and IBM researcher. Asakawa often flies between the US and Japan, making the journey monthly. If traveling alone she has to be helped at both ends of the flight, which sometimes includes endless waiting. Searching for a better replacement led Asakawa to invent a high-tech suitcase that helps get her to the place she wants to go safely.
“I never relax when I travel alone,” she says. “I always think about what technology will help me travel easier, quicker and more comfortably.” It was this restlessness that led to the AI suitcase.
The idea has been in development since 2017 through research between IBM, other Japanese companies, and Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania. Asakawa says there are hopes to commercialize the suitcase and a pilot scheme ( 试验计划) is planned to use it in an airport, a shopping mall and other public spaces. Though the suitcase is too full of tech to hold any clothes, that could change in the future, she says.
A runner, Asakawa held Olympic dreams as a child, but a swimming accident at age 11 caused her to gradually lose her sight until, aged 14, she became totally blind. As a grown-up she has paid attention to developing accessibility technology. Among her creations is “aDesigner,” whose aim is to make designers' websites more user-friendly, and “IBM Home Page Reader,” the first voice browser ( 浏览器) to allow Internet access for blind people. Asakawa has won industry and government awards and been introduced into the US National Inventors Hall of Fame.
“The blind people usually use a white cane ( 手杖) or a guide dog. It will open up many doors for blind people, because we'd be able to go anywhere by ourselves. Without new technology, we cannot make our society more inclusive,” Asakawa says. “A smart suitcase is a great showcase for how AI and technology can change the lives of the blind.”
28. What drove Asakawa to invent the suitcase
A. The suggestion from an international airport.
B. The wish to finish her trip without any help.
C. The huge business advantages of the suitcase.
D. The experience of keeping the blind company.
29. What can we say about the suitcase
A. It can hold clothes.
B. It has yet to be widely used.
C. It has proved unhelpful for the blind.
D. It is ready to be commercially produced.
30. What does Asakawa think of the suitcase
A. It will encourage more scientists to help the blind.
B. It will make the public care for the blind more.
C. It will hugely free up the blind's movements.
D. It will change people's way of traveling.
31. What is the best title for this text
A. Technology is changing people's lives rapidly
B. A robot suitcase makes traveling easy and popular
C. Traveling alone requires much courage for the blind
D. A smart suitcase could replace canes and guide dogs for the blind
Ada Lovelace was born on December 10th 1815. Ada's mother and father (the famous poet Lord George Gordon Byron) parted just weeks after she was born. Her mother feared her growing up with her father's changeable nature. To stop this from happening, Ada was forced by her mother to learn science and mathematics which was unusual for women at the time. She was also punished if her work was not up to standard. However, she was greatly interested in mathematics and science and would perhaps have learned about them on her own.
Ada was partially disabled and as a result spent much time studying. Ada knew of her mother's thought about keeping the creative side of her from germinating (萌芽) however, as Ada herself is known to have said, “If you can't give me poetry at least give me poetical science.” Ada married at 19, to William King who was made Earl of Lovelace in 1838, at which point she became Lady Ada King, the Countess of Lovelace, but was known as Ada Lovelace. Ada and King had a relatively happy marriage, with King even encouraging his wife's love for numbers.
During her youth Ada was introduced to the Scot, Mary Somerville, who was known as the “Queen of 19th Century Science” and was the first woman to be accepted into the Royal Astronomical Society. It was through Mary Somerville that Ada first heard of Charles Babbage's idea for a new calculating (计算) engine. Attracted by this idea, Ada began a period of letter-writing with him that would come to decide her professional life.
Ada met Babbage when she was around 17 and the two became close friends. Babbage was working on an “Analytical Engine”, something he was designing to deal with complex ( 复杂的) calculations. Ada was later asked to translate an article. She not only translated the article but added pages and pages of notes, calculations and innovations (创新). Her notes were published in 1843 and it turned out that what she had written was so original, it is now seen as the first comprehensive comment on what would become modern-day computer programming. Although impressive, Ada was not actually given credit for the article until 1848.
32. What happened to Ada in her childhood
A. She was pushed to learn scientific knowledge.
B. She had to compare herself with other women.
C. She gave up learning because of her father.
D. She was greatly cared for by her father.
33. What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 2 mean
A. Ada thought poetry was boring.
B. Ada thought science was creative.
C. Ada was interested in both science and poetry.
D. Ada believed poetry was harder than science.
34. What decided Ada's professional life
A. The support of the Royal Astronomical Society.
B. Her communication with Babbage.
C. Her husband's encouragement.
D. Somerville's suggestions.
35. What did Ada do after she met Babbage
A. She taught people how to program.
B. She invented an “Analytical Engine”.
C. She praised Babbage's achievements.
D. She translated an article and developed it.
It has been 150 years since Charles Dickens died, 184 years since his first work was released to the public and 156 years since his last completed book came out. 36 Dickens may have left us, but his work remains timeless.
Most people have read, watched or at least heard of Dickens' stories, but what makes him and his work so popular 37 Year after year his awaiting fans were not left disappointed as their minds were fed with stories of love, crime, and hope.
In Victorian times he lived in, much of the work Dickens produced built on the literature before him. He was one of the first writers of the time to show honest examples of working-class people. 38 That allowed his readers to understand why they may have acted in unusual ways.
Any Dickens fan will know the different characters that come to life. This novelist's ability to imagine these characters' stories comes from his own experience. He knew what it was like to be seen in different lights. 39 Over a century and a half later, Dickens' topics can be relevant to today's world problems. While his work may be set in a time strange to readers today, everyone can relate to the love, hardship and family that pours (涌现) from the stories. 40
A. Charles Dickens was born in England.
B. His first book was Sketches by Boz in 1836.
C. He underlined the good and bad qualities of characters.
D. In all of this time, these novels have never been out of print.
E. It is this quality that has carried Charles Dickens into the 21st century.
F. This deep understanding of his characters made his novels very believable.
G. Since he began novel writing in his 20s, Dickens wrote a lot of quality classics.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Armed with my camera and a face mask, I entered the COVID-19 quarantine ward (隔离病区) after having my temperature checked.
A quick look in any direction in the ward showed nurses 41 going around attending to patients, who were separated from me by a partition (隔板) with clear glass windows I could 42 . For my own 43 , I was not allowed to open the door leading to the room where the patients were.
I stood in the long passage, focusing my camera to 44 the nurses and patients beyond the partition. The patients seemed to be in good 45 . Some of them waved at me and gave me the “thumbs up (跷拇指)” sign through the 46 window.
But what caught my 47 the most were the nurses, who were 48 from head to toe in full personal protective equipment (PPE). Despite working long hours, some of them could still share a 49 with me about the PPE, which they called a “sauna (桑拿浴) suit”.
Due to the 50 amount of PPE, these staff must wear their heavy protective equipment for four full hours, so they are usually wet with sweat by the time they are allowed to 51 . One of the nurses whom I spoke to said a colleague of hers 52 a few kilograms due to the PPE.
The nurses, who are risking their lives caring for the 53 , never let the tiredness and other 54 get in their way.
After spending about 30 minutes at the ward, I left with great 55 for these medical workers.
41. A. slowly B. suddenly C. luckily D. busily
42. A. get across B. search for C. look through D. think about
43. A. safety B. recovery C. future D. schedule
44. A. seek B. invite C. photograph D. attract
45. A. company B. spirits C. order D. positions
46. A. open B. glass C. dirty D. picture
47. A. breath B. ear C. case D. attention
48. A. taken B. frightened C. decorated D. dressed
49. A. joke B. dream C. story D. message
50. A. great B. exact C. limited D. average
51. A. change B. run C. pull D. break
52. A. contained B. lost C. expected D. added
53. A. poor B. sick C. needy D. old
54. A. choices B. actions C. disadvantages D. difficulties
55. A. satisfaction B. care C. respect D. regret
Confucius, China's most famous teacher and philosopher, was born Kongqiu in 551 BCE near Qufu, in eastern China. Confucius showed a great interest 56. ________ academics early on. “At 15, I set my heart on 57. ________ (learn),” he later told his followers. He studied music, mathematics, the classics, history, and more.
Confucius believed that education and reflection led to virtue. He once worked for the government, but 58. ________ (find) far greater success as a teacher instead. Confucius broke with tradition in the 59. ________ (believe) that all human beings could benefit from education. He gave his support for lifelong learning and attracted 60. ________ wide circle of followers, who knew him as Kongfuzi (Master Kong). Those pupils recorded his 61. ________ (word) in The Analects, a collection of sayings and ideas.
As stated in The Analects, Confucius believed that social harmony would 62. ________ (natural) follow from the proper ordering of individuals in relation to one another, with the family unit as the basic building block of society.
Confucius 63. ________ (ignore) largely in his own day. When he died in 479 BCE, he left behind perhaps 3, 000 students, who devoted ( 献身) themselves to preserving and spreading 64. ________ (they) master's ideas. The Analects has guided governments and individuals for thousands of years, influencing Chinese history 65. ________ civilization in the process.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
1. 人物简介;
2. 钦佩的原因。
“I don't want to go to school today. I feel a bit sick,” Ollie told his mom at breakfast.
Mom frowned. “Have you got a math test ” “No, of course not.”
Ollie pushed his milk away. “I just feel sick.”
Ollie often felt sick before school. Mom wondered why.
“If you have a school problem, just tell me about it. Maybe I can help you.” His mother hugged him real tight. “When I was a little girl, sometimes the other children called me horrible names. I felt very sad at that time.”
Ollie looked up. “Why did they do that ”
“Some children can be mean, especially if they don't feel so good about themselves.” Mom looked at Ollie. “Is that your problem, maybe ”
Ollie took a long time to answer. “Yes, it is. How did you guess ” A tear ran down his cheek. “Because you often feel sick before school, so, I guessed right,” his mom said.
“They call me Itsy-Bitsy (非常小的) Ollie, Mini-Me, mean things like that. Now all the other kids call me those names, too. Just because I'm a bit small. And the first two bullies now often shove (推) me as well, and it hurts.”
Mom was quiet, but then asked, “Did you tell your teacher ”
“No, of course not. That would make the situation worse. I know it,” Ollie replied.
“Bullying is wrong, Ollie. Maybe we can talk to your teacher together. Would that be OK ”
Ollie had to think for a long time. He didn't like the idea at all.
“It will make things worse.” He frowned. But then he thought it was worth a try. Ollie and his mom met up with Ollie's teacher after school, with nobody around. Ollie's teacher was happy that Ollie told her all about the nasty (恶意的) bullying.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
“I guess that something bad is going on, but I can't figure it out if none tells me the truth,”
Ollie's teacher said. _______________________________________________________________
With all the students' help, Ollie's teacher started a project in Art Class: Speak Up — Stand Up!
21-25 CACAB 26-30 CDBBC 31-35 DABBD
36-40 DGCFE 41-45 DCACB 46-50 BDDAC 51-55 ABBDC
56. in 57. learning 58. found 59. belief 60. a
61. words 62. naturally 63. was ignored 64. their 65. and
One possible version:
Chen Yiran, my classmate, is the person I admire most. Chen Yiran shows friendliness, kindness, and consideration towards others. Since she is good at English, many students would like to ask her questions and she always helps them patiently. Chen is also a hard-working student. Her homework, classwork, and projects are always on time and completed thoughtfully. Last but not least, she is always joyful and so full of life. Her positive attitude and cheerful spirit have influenced those around her. Chen Yiran is a role model to me and I will learn from her.
One possible version:
“I guess that something bad is going on, but I can't figure it out if none tells me the truth,” Ollie's teacher said. “So the important thing is, Ollie, that you should tell me or a grown-up, like your mom, when you are in trouble. Today you did a good job.” The next day at school, Ollie's teacher told the class: “A lot of schools have No Bullying Projects, and with your help, I'd like to start one in our school. What do you think Will all you children help me ”
With all the students' help, Ollie's teacher started a project in Art Class: Speak Up — Stand Up! All the children agreed that the rules were good: Tell a grown-up if you see bullying and stand up for others. They did paintings of the rules, and gave them away at school. “It's really quite easy,” all the children agreed. Nobody ever knew that it was because Ollie and his mom talked to the teacher. But now their school is a much nicer place for all the children: the name-calling has stopped, and, that's how it should be!
21. C。细节理解题。根据About Global Student Challenge介绍内容中的Started in 2014, Global Student Challenge is a yearly competition run by the Chartered Institute of Building可知,这项一年一度的赛事到2021年已经是第八届了。
22. A。细节理解题。根据Phase One: Registration介绍内容中的Entry for the competition is open now and will close on 7 April 2021可知,想要参加比赛的学生必须在2021年4月7日前完成注册。
23. C。细节理解题。根据Phase Three: Competition的标题和介绍内容中的After each round you'll get a score and you'll be graded against other teams based on this. We call this stage “The Early Years” as you begin to get your virtual construction company off the ground以及In total, you'll do this six times over six rounds of competition可知,在第三阶段参赛者将与其他队伍展开竞赛。
24. A。细节理解题。由第一段中的While in medical school, Gerty met Carl Cori, a classmate who shared both her love of skiing and mountain climbing and her interest in laboratory research可知,格蒂的丈夫卡尔跟她有着一样的兴趣爱好。
25. B。细节理解题。通读全文可知,格蒂在德国布拉格大学医学院学习时认识了她的丈夫,两人于1920年获得医学学位,之后他们夫妇二人于1922年移民到美国,1931年格蒂跟随丈夫任职于华盛顿医学院,1947年他们共同获得诺贝尔奖。
26. C。词义猜测题。由第三段中的Gerty Cori was made an associate professor of Research Biological Chemistry and Pharmacology in 1943. She was elevated to the rank of professor of Biological Chemistry in July 1947可知,1943年格蒂为副教授,1947年7月为教授。故此处elevated有“晋升”之意。
27. D。推理判断题。由最后一段中的She fought the disease for ten years, refusing to give up her research until the last few months of her life可知,即便与病魔作斗争,格蒂也没有放弃自己的研究事业,直至生命结束。由此可见,她有十分坚强的意志力。
本文是说明文。计算机科学家Chieko Asakawa发明高科技行李箱帮助盲人出行。
28. B。细节理解题。根据第一段中的If traveling alone she has to be helped at both ends of the flight, which sometimes includes endless waiting. Searching for a better replacement led Asakawa to invent a high - tech suitcase that helps get her to the place she wants to go safely可知,视力受损的Asakawa在旅途中不得不依赖于别人的帮助。为了摆脱这一局面,她决定发明这一行李箱。
29. B。推理判断题。根据第三段中的Asakawa says there are hopes to commercialize the suitcase and a pilot scheme is planned to use it in an airport, a shopping mall and other public spaces. Though the suitcase is too full of tech to hold any clothes, that could change in the future, she says可知,该行李箱还没有得到大规模的应用。
30. C。推理判断题。根据最后一段中的It will open up many doors for blind people, because we'd be able to go anywhere by ourselves以及A smart suitcase is a great showcase for how AI and technology can change the lives of the blind可知,Asakawa认为这款行李箱将会为盲人提供独立出行的机会,改变他们的生活。
31. D。标题归纳题。视力受损的计算机科学家Asakawa发明了有利于盲人出行的行李箱。这一高科技行李箱将大大地方便盲人的出行,改善盲人群体依靠手杖或导盲犬出行的状况。因此D项适合作本文的标题。
32. A。细节理解题。根据第一段中的Ada was forced by her mother to learn science and mathematics which was unusual for women at the time可知,阿达的母亲强迫她学习科学知识。
33. B。推理判断题。阿达的父亲是英国诗人拜伦。她的父母分开之后,她的母亲不愿阿达继承拜伦身上感性、多变的特质,于是她强迫阿达学习数学和科学,并对她严格要求。对于母亲的想法,阿达了然于心。划线处与上文中的keeping the creative side of her from germinating为顺承关系,目的是为了引出阿达说的话“如果不让我学习诗歌,那么至少让我学习富有诗意的科学”。结合上文中提到的阿达对数学表现出了浓厚的兴趣,我们可以推断,阿达将poetry和science进行比较,说明她认为科学如诗歌般具有创造性。
34. B。细节理解题。根据第三段中的Attracted by this idea, Ada began a period of letter - writing with him that would come to decide her professional life可知,阿达与查尔斯·巴贝奇针对科学知识展开的交流一定程度上决定了阿达以后的职业生涯。
35. D。细节理解题。根据最后一段中的She not only translated the article but added pages and pages of notes, calculations and innovations可知,她不仅翻译了学术文章,并加注了很多自己原创的见解。
36. D。D项中的all of this time指代上文中的It has been 150 years since Charles Dickens died, 184 years since his first work was released to the public and 156 years since his last completed book came out,指出查尔斯·狄更斯的作品在100多年的时间里一直很受欢迎。out of print绝版,不再印行。
37. G。G项与下文中的Year after year his awaiting fans were not left disappointed as their minds were fed with stories of love, crime, and hope存在语义上的顺承关系,指出自查尔斯·狄更斯20多岁开始写作以来,他的作品就从未让读者们失望过。
38. C。下文中的That指代C项He underlined the good and bad qualities of characters,解释了查尔斯·狄更斯如何让读者理解他所创造的人物的一些不寻常的举动。
39. F。F项与上文中的This novelist's ability to imagine these characters' stories comes from his own experience. He knew what it was like to be seen in different lights存在语义上的顺承关系,指出查尔斯·狄更斯的作品都是根据自身的经历而创作的,他对人物的深刻理解使得他的作品令人信服。
40. E。E项中的this quality指代上文中的everyone can relate to the love, hardship and family that pours from the stories,指出查尔斯·狄更斯在21世纪仍然受欢迎的原因。
41. D。由上文中的Armed with ... a face mask, I entered the COVID-19 quarantine ward和下文中的from head to toe in full personal protective equipment可知,本文描述的事情发生在疫情期间。由常识及该空后的going around attending to patients可知,此处描述的应是病区内护士忙忙碌碌的情景。故选busily,符合语境。
42. C。由上文中的A quick look in any direction和patients, who were separated from me by a partition with clear glass windows可知,从玻璃窗往里看,“我”可以看到病区内的人。故选look through。
43. A。由上文内容可知,疫情期间,“我”不被允许打开隔离门,因为这是出于对“我”的“安全(safety)”考虑。
44. C。由上文中的Armed with my camera和本句中的focusing my camera可知,“我”应该是用相机拍摄病区内的护士和病人。故此处应填一个与“拍摄,拍照”意思相同或相近的词,故选photograph。此处photograph作动词,意为“拍照”。
45. B。由下文中的Some of them waved at me and gave me the “thumbs up” sign可知,病区内的患者看上去精神状态不错。in good spirits 精神好。
46. B。由上文中的patients, who were separated from me by a partition with clear glass windows可知,这里是说隔着玻璃窗有一些患者向“我”竖起大拇指。故选glass,与上文中的glass是原词复现关系。
47. D。48. D。由下文着重对护士的描述可知,在拍摄过程中,最吸引“我”“注意力(attention)”的是那些“穿着(dressed)”防护服的护士。
49. A。由本句中的the PPE, which they called a “sauna suit”可知,把防护服称为“桑拿服”,这是乐观的护士与“我”分享的“玩笑(joke)”。
50. C。由本句中的these staff must wear their heavy protective equipment for four full hours可推测,因为防护服不多,所以医护人员才必须整整四个小时都穿着厚重的防护装备。故选limited(有限的),符合语境。
51. A。结合本句中的these staff must wear their heavy protective equipment for four full hours和they are usually wet with sweat可知,当医护人员被允许“换(change)”衣服的时候,他们通常都被汗水湿透了。
52. B。结合上文中的they are usually wet with sweat和常识可知,身着厚重防护服的医护人员,因为大量出汗,导致体重减少。故选lost,符合语境。
53. B。疫情期间,护士在隔离病区照顾的是病人。the sick病人,患者。
54. D。这里是说冒着生命危险照顾病患的护士们奋战在抗疫第一线,他们不畏艰难、救死扶伤。故设空处需要填一个与tiredness在语义上属同一范畴的词,故选difficulties,符合语境。get in one's way挡某人的路,妨碍某人。
55. C。由文中描述的“吸引‘我'最多注意力的是护士、护士们穿着防护服照顾病人的不易、他们冒着生命危险照顾病患”可知,拍摄完毕,“我”是怀着对这些医务工作者的“敬佩之情(respect)”离开的。
56. in。考查介词。show (an) interest in sth. 对某事有兴趣。
57. learning。考查动词-ing形式作宾语的用法。设空处作介词on的宾语,故填learning。set one's heart on ... 渴望……,一心想要……。
58. found。考查一般过去时。由He once worked可知,本句描述的是发生在过去的事情,用一般过去时,故填found。
59. belief。考查名词。in the belief that 相信。
60. a。考查固定搭配。a wide / large circle of ... 一群……。此处的circle意为“(相同兴趣、职业等的人形成的)圈子,阶层,界”。
61. words。考查可数名词的复数。由该空后的The Analects, a collection of sayings and ideas可知,这里是说《论语》是孔子的弟子记录的他所说的话。word表示“说的话,话语,言语”时,是可数名词,故填其复数形式words。
62. naturally。考查副词。设空处作状语,修饰动词follow,用副词,故填naturally。
63. was ignored。考查一般过去时被动语态。由本句中的in his own day可知,此处描述的是发生在过去的事情;主语Confucius与动词ignore之间是被动关系,故填was ignored。
64. their。考查代词。由语境可知,设空处修饰master,表示“他们的”,故填形容词性物主代词their。
65. and。考查连词。由语境可知,history和civilization之间是并列关系,故填and。