人教版(2019) 选择性必修第一册 Unit 4 Body Language Vocabulary 课件(52张)


名称 人教版(2019) 选择性必修第一册 Unit 4 Body Language Vocabulary 课件(52张)
格式 pptx
文件大小 12.1MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-09-20 14:59:43



Period 1: Vocabulary
Unit 4 Body Language
Just like spoken language , body language varies from culture to culture .
vary: vi. change or be different from each other (根据情况)变化; 改变
various: adj. 不同的; 各种各样的; 多姿多彩的
variety: n. 变化; 种类; 多样化
There are various/a variety of/varieties of patterns to choose from.
My weight varied from 50kg to 70kg three years ago.
vary with...: 随...变化/改变
vary in...: 在...方面不同/有差异
vary from...to...: 从...到...变化; 在...与...之间变化; 从...到...不等
1)The students’ homework varies considerably in quality.
2)The prices of some goods vary with the season.
3)Old people don’t like to vary/change their habits.
4)The menu varies with the season .
When we discuss something about class activities,
opinions often vary from person to person
1)She almost failed the exam, but her brother, by contrast, did more than well.
2)In contrast to last year's profits, the company is not doing very well this year.
As for the quality, no products can be in contrast with ours.
by contrast 相比之下
in contrast to/with 和…形成对比
approve vi./vt. think sth. acceptable or agree
赞成; 同意; 批准; 通过
approve of…: 赞成; 同意; 批准
approval: n. 赞成; 同意; 批准
approve sth 批准某事
approve of (sb/sb's doing) sth 批准(某人做)某事
meet with/earn/win/obtain one's approval 得到某人的批准
give one’s approval to sth. 某人同意/批准某事
The local government ________ (approve) the new annual financial plan up to now.
I would appreciate it if you could give your _______ (approve) to my application.
We have made adjustments to our plan so that it can meet with your approval.
I don’t approve of wasting time to do such a matter.
demonstrate: vt. to show clearly
表现; 表达; 说明; 证明
demonstration n. 证明,示范
These results demonstrate convincingly that this medicine is effective.
Let me demonstrate to you some of the difficulties we are facing.
The teacher demonstrated how we should do the experiment.
In Japan, it may demonstrate respect to look down when talking to an older person.
demonstrate against sb / sth示威反对某人/某事
witness: n. a person at site目击者; 证人
vt. to see 当场看到; 目击; 见证
Our city witnesses four different seasons, plenty of sunshine and good rainfall, but in winter you may feel a little cold.
Last Sunday witnessedan extraordinary cross-country running race, which nearly drew the attention of every student and teacher of our school.
Anyone who witnessed the accident should call the police.
Witnesses to the crash say they saw an explosion just before the disaster.
employ: vt. to use, or give sb. a job 使用; 应用; 雇用
employ sb to do... 雇用某人做什么
employ sb as...雇用某人当什么
be employed in doing sth从事于; 忙于做...(be busy)
For the past three years he has been employed as a firefighter.
Every possible means has been employed to solve the problem but in vain.
In Japan, someone who witnesses another person employing the gesture might think it means money.
employer n 雇主---employee 雇员---employment n 工作;雇用;就业
1.Anger seems simple when we are feeling it, but the causes of anger are____________(vary)
2.It was a challenging and demanding job, but somehow he managed it____________(appropriate)
3.It shows that many youngsters(少年) now measure their status by how much public______(approve) they get online, often through “likes”.
4.The year 2021__________(见证) the great achievements that China’s space industry made.
5.At work, it is IQ that gets you______(雇用), but it is EQ that gets you promoted.
6.My new school life is very exciting and it differs_____many ways _____my previous one.
In France, a person encountering an identical gesture may interpret it as meaning zero. However, you should avoid making this gesture in Brazil and Germany, as it is not considered polite.
I didn't know whether to interpret her silence __ acceptance
interpretation.n 口译
interpret 口译;解释;翻译
differ: vi. be different 相异; 不同于
differ from…: 不同于
British English differs from American English in many ways.
Dogs differ from wolves in shape.
I beg to differ. 我不同意
differ in = be different in 在…方面不同
differ from= be different from 和…不同
differ with sb. on/about/over sth. 与某人(在某事上)意见不同
differently adv. 不同地
difference n. [C&U]不同
make a difference to sth. (对...)造成影响
favour/favor: n. help or approval 帮助; 恩惠; 赞同
vt. to prefer 较喜欢; 选择; 有利于
in favour of: 支持; 赞成
in one’s favour: 有利于某人; 有助于某人
do sb a favour: 帮助某人
Most students favour the plan, while their teachers are not in favour of it.
Could you do me a favour and pick me up for the pinic
The old blind man asked me to do him a ____and find his _____book.
The president bowed to the people after finishing his lecture.
bow vi. 鞠躬; 点头 vt. 低(头)
n.[C] 弓; 蝴蝶结
bow to… 向…鞠躬;屈服
bow and arrow
bow from the waist
She bowed her head in shame.
Fill in the table with different forms of the words.
Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
tion/ ation/ sion/ al/
ment/ ance/ ence
Please give me your answer.
Please answer this question.
John is sparing no efforts to achieve his aims.
John aims to get the first prize is the match.
Hand in your homework right now!
Show me your hands.
Who will chair the meeting held tomorrow
Is this chair taken
If you sleep now, you will dream, but if you study hard now, you
will achieve your dream.
I didn’t notice what he said.
A notice at the end of the road warns people not to go any further.
1)Their car broke down so that they had to go back home on foot.
2)Talks with business leaders broke down last night.
3)Sugar can be broken down in the stomach.
4)Because he was so kind and concerned about me, I broke down and burst into tears.
break down
①(机器/车辆等) 出故障/抛锚
②(讨论/障碍) 失败/打破/消除
The interaction can break down the invisible barrier between people.
The authorities have advocated stocking up on fuel in case the war _________ .
There was no one nearby who saw him trying to _________the house.
The two countries are going to meet to _________ some barriers to trade between them.
My girlfriend intends to ________ with me, which makes me anxious.
break in打断;插嘴 break into闯入
break out (战争、火灾等)爆发
break up分散;拆散;驱散;(关系等)破裂
on trial在试验中
trial and error反复试验;不断摸索
He was on trial for theft.
assessment [ sesm nt] n. 评价;评定
对...做出评估: make an assessment of
assess: vt. to jugde, evaluate or estimate评估; 评价
to calculate the value or cost of sth (estimate)
1)We are trying to assess how well the system works.
2)It’s difficult to assess the effects of the reform.
3)Damage to the building was assessed at $80,000.
4)They assess his house at 1,000 pounds.
1)Please straighten up and imagine that your head is touching the sky.
2)We'd better straighten up the house before they get back.
3)Never give up. Dry your tears and straighten up.
straighten up ①直起身来;
②整理; 收拾整齐
straighten vt. & vi. (使)变直;整理;
straight adj. 直接的
Slump Ahead
slump vi.垂头弯腰地走或坐;耷拉着/瘫坐着; 猛跌
1)He slumped, exhausted, onto the sofa.
2)the global economic slump
3)He slumped in the street, worrying that he wasn't able to finish the work on time.
pose [p z] n. 故作姿态;(为画像、拍照等摆的)姿势
He adopted a relaxed pose for the camera.
pose a threat/challenge/danger/risk构成威胁 / 挑战 / 危险 / 风险
Robots may pose a threat to humans.
bend [bend] vt.&v.(bent, bent)(使)弯曲;倾斜;偏向
bend/lower one's head
He bent and kissed her.
She was bent over her desk writing a letter.
bend oneself to......专心于......; 致力于....
bend to one’s will 屈服于某人的意志
a sharp/tight bend 急转弯
reveal: vt. to make sth. known 揭示; 显示; 露出
revelation n.揭示;揭露
1)She laughed, revealing her white teeth.
2)He will never reveal his friends’ secrets.
3)The findings of the research reveals that appropriate exercise benefits sleeping.
4)Blood tests reveal that the old woman is in good health.
clarify [ kl r fa ] vt. 使更清晰易懂;阐明;澄清 clarify a situation/problem/issue 澄清情况 / 问题
clarification n.阐明;澄清
使役动词后缀 -(i)fy
使役动词后缀 -(i)fy 通常加在形容词和名词后构成动词,意为“使得…… (make)”“使……变成 (make into)” 。
将所给名词或形容词加上后缀 -(i)fy,变为动词,并说出其汉语释义。
1. class __________ ____________ 2. beauty _________ __________
3. clear __________ __________ 4. sign _________ ___________
5. quality __________ __________ 6. simple __________ __________
7. identity __________ __________
(使)分类 / 归类
表示 / 表达(使变成标志)
确认 / 找出 / 认出( 使找到身份 / 特征)
in other words 换句话说;也就是说 that is,
that is to say
in a word 总之
break one’s word 食言
keep one’s word 信守诺言
In a word,practice is far more important than knowledge.
He promised that he would keep his word,and so he did.
Joe always keeps his word; in other words, he never breaks his word. When free, he'd like to have a word with people face to face, and never has words with others. In a word, all of his friends like him as he can get on well with everyone around him.
what makes sb tick
If you agree, put a tick in the box marked ‘yes’.
If you know what makes him tick, you understand why he left school.
lower [ l (r) , la (r)]
vt. 把…放低;降低;减少
They lowered him down the cliff on a rope.
Lowering his head, he felt ashamed.
He belongs to the lower middle class.
The meat will scorch if you don't lower the gas.
low adj. 低的,浅的;粗俗的;卑贱的;消沉的
adv. 谦卑地,低下地;低声地
imply [ m pla ] vt. 意味着;暗示
implication n.暗示,言外之意
Are you implying (that) I have failed the test The news implied that the pilot was responsible for the accident.What is implied in the researcher’s words
occupy [ kjupa ] vt. 占据;占用
occupation:n. 职业;占领;占用全职工作
occupied adj 已占用的,忙于的
occupy oneself in doing sth/ occupy oneself with sth/
be occupied in doing sth/
be occupied with sth
1)During the war their lands were occupied by the enemy.
2)The large bed occupies most of the room.
3)The teaching work occupies half of my time.
4) With their chins on their hands, they occupy themselves by staring out of the window or up at the ceiling.
①She__________________________________ housework all day,so she was tired out.
doing housework all day,so she was tired out.
③____________________________ housework all day,she was tired out.
④___________________________________ housework all day made her tired out.
occupied herself with/was occupied with  
occupied herself in/was occupied in  
Occupying herself/Being occupied with
Occupying herself/Occupied with
stare [ste (r)] vi. 盯着看;凝视
stare (at sb/sth) 盯着看;凝视;注视I stared blankly at the paper in front of me.
glare at...: 怒视; 瞪眼
glance at…: 看一眼
distract [d str kt] vt.分散(注意力);使分心
distract sb/sth (from sth) 转移(注意力);使分心
The children are driving me to distraction today.
Playing his phone in class distracts him from his study.
a distracting noise
You're distracting me from my work.
perceive [p si v] vt. 察觉;看待;理解
I perceived a change in his behaviour.
She did not perceive herself as disabled.
distinguish: vi./vt. 区分; 辨别
distinguish A from B/ between A and B: 辨别/区分出A和B
Sometimes reality and fantasy are hard to distinguish.
Sometimes it is hard to distinguish reality from fantasy.
Sometimes it is hard to distinguish between reality and fantasy.
distinguished adj. 卓越的, 著名的, 杰出的
be distinguished as = be famous/known as
Liu Xiang has already distinguished himself as an athlete.
Tu Youyou is known as a distinguished scientist.
bother v
vi & vt [常用于否定句和疑问句] 费心;麻烦 to spend time and / or energy doing sth:
He didn’t bother to answer the question.
— I need to advertise for a roommate for next term.
— Why bother Mary is interested.
vt 使烦恼;使苦恼 (worry);使疼痛 to annoy, worry or upset sb; to cause sb trouble or pain:
You needn’t bother yourself about / with small things.
bothered adj.担忧的
can’t be bothered to do sth 懒得做某事,嫌麻烦不做某事
I can't be bothered to cook tonight.
You needn’t bother yourself about/with small things.
Don’t bother me while I am sleeping.
conflict [ k nfl kt , k n fl kt]
armed/military conflict武装 / 军事冲突
in conflict with sb 和...有冲突
There's always a conflict between good and evil in his plays.
His opinions conflicted with mine.
inquire [ n'kwa (r)] vi.&vt.(or:enquire)询问;打听
inquire into sth 调查... ...
inquire sth. of sb. 向某人打听[或询问/了解]某事
inquire about sb./sth. 询问/打听…
adjust: vt. to change to be suitable or get used to
调整; 调节; 适应; (使)习惯
adjust/adapt (oneself) to (介词)…: 适应
He has adjusted his schedule/plan because of the weather.
You’ll quickly adjust (yourself) to college life.
It took her a long time to adjust to living alone.
make an adjustment to…对…作调整/调节
She has made a few adjustments to the design/machine.
adjust to的同义词词组:
resize to(调整);adapt to(适应)
Thank you !