人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 4 Body Language Assessing Your Progress同步训练(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 4 Body Language Assessing Your Progress同步训练(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 26.7KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-09-20 22:07:39



UNIT 4 Period 4(同步训练)
1.His ________(腔调) changed dramatically when he saw the money.
2.A chemist can separate a medicine into its ________(组成成分).
3.________(最终), the war had to end; it cost too much in both lives and dollars.
4.I will ________(询问) when to begin our lessons.
5.The people ________(哭泣) openly when his death was announced.
1.These trees have a ____(tend) to grow in the dry mountains.
2.They waited with ________(anxious) for the news of her safe arrival.
3.He felt so ________(embarrass) about the mistake he had made.
4.She was deeply ashamed ________her behaviour at the dancing party.
5.________ bothers us that they haven’t been telling us the truth.
6.We think that we will be adjusted ________the new environment as soon as possible.
7.He is able to distinguish one variety of tea ________ another one.
8.You never know how she is going to react ________ the news.
9.It looked as if he ________(come) back from outer space.
10.I had forgotten all about it because I had been so occupied ________ other things.
1.The girl was uncertain what to do, or ____________.
2.The Scots get very annoyed ____________.
3.He appealed to his countrymen ____________.
4.Men ____________________ in middle age.
5.Be careful; ________________ the fire.
当心! 别挨近火站着。
6.Have you ____________ the school life
7.I want to ____________ and ask him some questions.
8.Do you mind ____________ alone at home
9.They stopped and ____________ in amazement.
10.He was waiting for his younger brother’s return ____________ .
It’s not always easy to run an energy efficient house. But there are some simple things anyone can do.
Go LED with your lighting.
There are several benefits to switching to energy efficient light bulbs. One of them is saving money—though the LED bulbs might cost more than traditional bulbs, the average saving on LED bulbs is $75 a year. 1 LED bulbs can last years or even decades.
Don’t run your air conditioner constantly.
As the weather starts to warm, you might be thinking about the right time to turn on your air conditioner. 2 Air conditioner units are among the most energy consuming appliances in your home. Using electrical fans instead of your air conditioner is much more efficient and it’s a big money saver, too.
On those days when you treat a large crowd and are low on time, don’t beat yourself up if you have to use disposable(一次性的) dishware. This method reduces your water usage and saves energy. And as a bonus, if your city offers roadside recycling, your paper plates may qualify.
Update your insulation(隔热).
All that work you’re doing to save energy in your home could go to waste if it’s not properly insulated. If you can’t insulate the whole house, pay special attention to the roof: it reduces air flow from outside. By updating your insulation, you’re saving money. 4
Take showers instead of baths.
A full bathtub requires about 70 gallons of water. 5 Showers are quite different—taking a five minute shower uses only 10 to 25 gallons!
A.But do you really have to
B.You should use your air conditioner smartly.
C.Turn off water when not using it.
D.Plus, you needn’t change them frequently.
E.Don’t feel guilty about using paper plates.
F.And it’s also easier to control your home temperature.
G.Even if you don’t fill it to the top, it still uses much more water.
Last year a group of friends and I began a project called The World Needs You. Its aim is to show how __1__ it is to make a positive difference in our community. Over the holidays, we collected hats, __2__ and other cold weather equipment for the “store” at an elementary school, where students can “buy” things with __3__ earned through good behaviour. It was a __4__ way to get these items to children whose families might not be able to __5__ them.
“Do the children need anything else?” I asked the coordinator(协调人) when we sent our __6__ to him.
“Umbrellas!” she said. “Most of our__7__ have to walk to school, and when it rains they come in very __8__. ”
Of course! I thought. It doesn’t snow much here,__9__ we do have a lot of cold rainy days. Parents who are poor might not buy __10__. My friends and I began to __11__: We sent e mails, called people and __12__ the project at social events. Everyone had the same __13__: “I’ve never thought about that before!” We collected more than 50 umbrellas for the school __14__ April showers. We were very satisfied. 15 , the kids will be singing in the rain!
1.A. lucky         B.easy
C.wealthy D.quick
2.A. glasses B.needles
C.gloves D.bowls
3.A. rewards B.pleasure
C.tips D.love
4.A. common B.scientific
C.simple D.good
5.A. own B.use
C.accept D.afford
6.A. donations B.screens
C.luggage D.staffs
7.A. customers B.kids
C.teachers D.employees
8.A. concerned B.angry
C.wet D.nervous
9.A. but B.so
C.and D.or
10.A. candles B.umbrellas
C.tickets D.houses
11.A. weep B.recover
C.work D.understand
12.A. suffered from B.made out
C.talked up D.looked into
13.A. response B.level
C.pay D.height
14.A. in need of B.in favor of
C.for lack of D.in time for
15.A. Surprisingly B.Hopefully
C.Interestingly D.Luckily
假定你是李华, 近期你市将于会展中心举办中国文化节, 届时会有外国友人参加, 主办单位现向大众招募志愿者。请写一封信申请做志愿者。 内容包括:
2.开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数;
3.可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。
参考词汇:会展中心 Exhibition Center;
中国文化节Chinese Cultural Festival
Dear Sir,
My name is Li Hua, a student from a local high school. ________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Li Hua
答案:1.tone  2.components  3.Ultimately  4.inquire  5.wept
答案:1.tendency  2.anxiety  3.embarrassed  4.of  5.It 
6.to 7.from  8.to  9.had come  10.with
答案:1.what tone of voice to adopt  2.when asked this question
3.not to lose heart  4.tend to put on weight
5.do not stand close to  6.adjusted yourself to
7.call on my teacher  8.being left
9.stared at him  10.with anxiety
1.D 第一空的前后句都说明了LED灯节能, 并且 LED灯泡可以使用几年甚至几十年。所以此空应该说的是LED节能的内容。从D项可知“另外, 你不需要经常更换灯泡。”所以D项说明LED节能。故选D项。
2.A 第二空前一句说明了当天气开始变暖的时候, 你可能正在考虑打开空调的正确时间。后面一句说明用电风扇代替空调效率更高, 也更省钱。A项意为“但你真的必须这么做吗?”, 可以起一个过渡的作用, 引出下文提供更节能高效的方法。故选A项。
3.E 本段说明了使用一次性物品可以减少水的使用, 节约能源, 该段的标题应该是有关一次性物品的使用以节省资源。所以可以使用E项“不要为使用纸盘而感到内疚”作为标题。故选E项。
4.F 本段介绍了通过隔热层来减少能量的损耗, 减少房屋与外界的热交换, 以此达到控制室温的目的。F项隔热层可以更好地控制房屋内的温度, 表达的意思放在此处语句通顺, 切合文意。故选F项。
5.G 前一句“A full bathtub requires about 70 gallons of water. ”可知,一个满的浴缸大约需要70加仑的水。G项很好地对前一句做了补充说明, 即使你不把它灌满, 它仍然会消耗更多的水, 从生活常识可知,泡澡使用的浴缸比淋浴需要消耗更多的水资源。故选G项。
1.B 根据下文内容可知,这个公益活动的目的是为了展示“做出一些积极的改变”是件容易的事。
2.C 根据后面语境 “and other cold-weather equipment”可知,所填词与抗寒有关,故“手套”恰当。
3.A 根据“’buy’ things”与 “earned through good behaviour”可以判断此空填“奖励”符合语境。
4.D 一方面能鼓励孩子们行为良好,另一方面又能解决他们所需,所以是“好方法”。
5.D 从后文看,“我们”帮助的是家庭贫困的孩子,所以把这些东西给那些家庭负担不起(afford)的孩子。
6.A 根据前面语境 “Over the holidays, we collected hats, __2__ and other cold weather equipment…”可知,此处是说,当“我们”把捐赠的物品(donations)给协调人时。
7.B 根据前面语境“Do the children need anything else?” 判断,此处是指,多数孩子(kids)步行上学。
8.C 孩子们没有伞,所以,下雨时他们都是淋湿着(wet)进来。
9.A 前后句子在逻辑上为转折关系,所以用but。
10.B 根据前面的“Umbrellas!”以及后面提到的 “50 umbrellas”都可以说明这里用umbrellas。
11.C 根据后面语境 “We sent e-mails, called people and __12__ the project at social events. ”可知,“我们”开始工作(work)。
12.C 为了筹集到雨伞,“我们”开始工作,无论是前面的 “sent e-mails”,还是 “called people”都是让人知道“我们”在干什么,所以在社交活动中宣传这个项目。talk up表示“大声地讲”。
13.A 根据后面语境“I’ve never thought about that before!”可知,这是人们共同的反应(response)。
14.D “我们”为学校及时筹集了50多把雨伞,以备四月的阵雨。in time for表示“及时赶上”。
15.B 根据前面语境 “We were very satisfied. ”判断,希望(Hopefully)孩子们将在雨中歌唱!
One possible version:
Dear Sir,
My name is Li Hua, a student from a local high school. Knowing that the city is going to host the Chinese Cultural Festival in the Exhibition Center and is recruiting volunteers, I am now writing to apply to be one.
Born and raised in a traditional Chinese family, I have a deeper understanding of the Chinese culture, which makes me qualified to introduce the Chinese culture to foreign guests. Moreover, I have a good command of the English language, thus making the process of communication easier. Last but not least, not only am I outgoing and confident, but also I’m smart enough to deal with unexpected situations.
I would appreciate it if you could take the time and consider my application. Looking forward to your early reply.
Li Hua