Book 1 Unit 1 Back to school
Reading 2
Realizing your potential
By the end of this section, students will be able to:
1. summarize the outline and the theme of the speech by skimming for topic sentences and scanning for details;
2. evaluate the importance of realizing one’s potential and design personal action plans for realizing one’s potential;
3. give an inspiring speech as an alumni applying parallels structures in the text.
1. To read and understand the speech;
2. To describe your personal action plans, using several parallel structures.
步 骤 教学活动 设计意图 互动时间&模式
Step 1 Students read the text again and then in groups of four discuss the writing purpose and techniques of the speech by answering the following questions: 1. What is the principal’s purpose of giving this speech to senior high school freshmen 2. Do you think the title is good If so, why If not, can you think of a better one 3. How do you think this speech and why Students read the tip of “Understanding a speech” on Page 4 and then answer the first question of A3. How does the principal try to keep his audience interested What rhetorical devices does he use Find examples from the speech. 理解文章的写作意图与写作方法。引导学生正确运用批判性思维去评价文本价值,有深度地理性欣赏文本,并能用英语积极自信地表达观点。 10’ Individual Work Group Work
Step 2 Students discuss the use of parallel structures in the speech and finish B3 on Page 5. What are parallel structures Can you find out the parallel structures used in the speech 掌握写作技巧,感知“排比”特征,感悟语句的魅力。 5’ Group Work
Step 3 The teacher lets students review the definition and typical examples of parallel structures. Students think about the function and feature of parallel structures and then write down several sentences by using parallel structures to encourage someone who is unhappy. The teacher invites students to apply parallel structures to the following activity. 20 years after your senior high school graduation, you are invited by the principal to give a short speech to the school on the first day of term. The topic remains the same ‘Realizing your potential’. Use parallel structures to complete the speech and deliver it to the whole class. This activity can be carried out through blank-fillings or making a speech directly, which depends on the actual learning context. 提供一个贴近生活且与本课内容紧密相关的真实语境,让学生用本课所学知识解决问题,通过修改、完善与创作,旨在使学生将所学语言知识转换为实际的语言运用能力。 10’ Group Work Class Work
Step 4 Students engage in self-reflection and develop an action plan for A3 (2) based on what they have learned. After learning the principal’s speech and Maggie’s dairy in B1 on Page 5, you feel like setting up your own plan of realizing your potential. Please complete the following table. Students answer A3 (2) based on the table above and discuss the following question in groups of four. What is the relationship between realizing one’s potential at senior high school and achieving one’s life goal Different groups are invited to present their viewpoints in front of the class. Students and the teacher together provide feedback and comments. 把课堂的学习体验迁移到解决实际问题中,深化学生对主题的认识,并培养学生的语言运用能力。通过最后一个问题引导学生反思自我,有助于学生形成正确的价值观,塑造学生健全人格。 13’ Group Work Class Work
Homework 1. Retell the speech based on the outline. 2. Write a short passage to describe your action plan, using several parallel structures. 3. Finish the workbook. 2’
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