Book 1 Unit 4 Looking good, feeling good
Extended reading
Don’t judge a book by its cover
By the end of this section, students will be able to:
1. summarize the argument, outline and information of the magazine article;
2. think rationally about physical appearance and strengthen one’s self-esteem;
3. compare English and Chinese idioms of physical appearance.
1. To establish a healthy attitude towards physical appearance;
2. To promote understandings of Western and Chinese cultures.
步 骤 教学活动 设计意图 互动时间&模式
Step 1 1. The teacher has students guess the name of a famous person according to the teacher’s descriptions and share what they think of this figure. (1) Who is he (2) What do you think of Stephen Hawking 2. Teacher has students read the title and discuss the following questions. (1) How do you judge a book (2) How do you understand the title (3) How do you judge your physical appearance Are you satisfied with your appearance 通过猜谜活动激发学生的学习兴趣,导入话题;引导学生分析文章标题中的隐喻含义,并联系自身的经历,为理解该杂志文章反映的价值观做好铺垫。 7’ Individual Work
Step 2 1. The teacher has students read the article to analyze the structure and summarize the main idea of each part. Could you analyze the structure and summarize the main idea of each part 2. The teacher has students read the article again and finish Part A on Page 54. Could you complete the chart with information from the magazine article 训练学生概括文章中的主要观点和事实性信息,掌握议论文的基本语篇结构。 10’ Individual Work
Step 3 1. The teacher has students discuss in groups about other causes of teenagers’ negative thoughts on their physical appearance as well as other effective ways to deal with them and finish Part B on Page 54. Can you think of other causes of teenagers’ negative thoughts on their physical appearance and other effective ways to deal with them Make a list and explain briefly. 2. The teacher has students discuss in pairs the real meaning of beauty. (1) In Paragraph.2, the media put forward some standards of beauty. Can you think of some other standards (2) Are you in favour of these standards Why (3) What are your standards of beauty 3. The teacher has students discuss in pairs about the writing techniques of Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 7. What writing techniques are used in Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 7 通过探讨青少年对外在形象持有某些消极观点的原因,发展学生的发散性及批判性思维;赏析该杂志文章中包含的对“美”这一主题的探讨,启发学生从多个角度表达对于“美”的真谛的见解;分析文本中的写作手法及达到的效果,探讨文本的写作技巧。 18’ Pair Work Group Work
Step 4 The teacher has students relate English idioms to Chinese ones, talk about their understandings of these idioms based on Chinese cultural background and finish Part C on Page 54. “Don’t judge a book by its cover” is an English saying. What are some Chinese sayings about one’s physical appearance Choose one that you agree with and explain why. 鼓励学生比较赏析中外关于外表的谚语,有效进行跨文化学习。 8’ Class Work
Homework Read and appreciate the poem on Page 80. 2’
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