人教版(2019)必修 第三册 Unit 5 The Value of Money 基础知识巩固(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第三册 Unit 5 The Value of Money 基础知识巩固(含答案)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-09-23 22:29:41



人教高二必修5 Unit 5 基础知识巩固2022-2023学年高中英语人教新课标
与急救有关:aid, injury, poison, scissors, bandage, symptom, ambulance
与人体有关:ankle, skin, organ, tissue, wrist, throat
厨房用品:cupboard, pan, stove, basin, kettle
其它:barrier, ray, variety, liquid, radiation, sleeve, blouse, ceremony, bravery, pressure
bleed, choke, swell, squeeze, pour, treat, apply
temporary, vital, damp, tight, complex, mild, swollen, unbearable, firm
mildly, tightly, firmly
first aid, fall ill, electric shock, squeeze out, over and over again, in place, a number of, put one’s hands on, make a difference
act as, sense of touch, in the treatment of, a variety of, for a moment, stick to, be honoured for, run from the scene, cut off, take part in
e.g. Remove clothing using scissors if necessary unless it is stuck to the burn.
... be doing ... when ...
e.g. John was studying in his room when he heard screaming.
1. _____________ n. & vt. 帮助; 援助; 资助
2. _____________ adj. 暂时的; 临时的
3. _____________ vi. & vt. 流血
4. _____________ vi. & vt. (使)康复; (使)化解
5. _____________ vi. & vt.(使)噎住; (使)窒息
6. _____________ n. 屏障; 障碍(物)
7. _____________ adj. 复杂的
8. _____________ n. 液体
9. _____________ n. (pl.) 剪刀
10. ____________ n. 盆; 盆地
11. ____________ vt. & vi. 榨; 挤; 压榨
12. ____________ n. 绷带
13. ____________ adj. 至关重要的; 生死攸关的
14. ____________ n. 症状; 征兆
15. ____________ vt.& vi. 倒; 灌; 注; 涌
16. ____________ n. 手腕
17. ____________ adj. 潮湿的
18. ____________ n. 袖子
19. ____________ n. 女衬衫
20. ____________ n. 典礼; 仪式; 礼节
21. ____________ n. 咽喉; 喉咙
22. ____________ n. 救护车
23. __________ v. 损害;伤害
→____________ n. 损伤;伤害
24. ___________adj. 各种各样的
→___________ n. 变化; 多样(化); 多变(性)
25. ____________ adj. 轻微的; 温和的; 温柔的
→__________ adv. 轻微地; 温和地
26. ____________ vi. & vt. (使)膨胀; 隆起
→__________ adj. 肿胀的
27. ____________v. 忍受; 容忍
→______________ adj. 难以忍受的; 不能容忍的
28. ______________ adj. 牢的; 紧的; 紧密的
→____________ adv. 紧地; 牢牢地
29. ______________ adj. (动作)稳定有力的; 坚定的
→ ____________adv. 坚固地; 稳定地
30. ______________ vt.& vi. 治疗; 对待; 款待 n. 款待; 招待
→____________ n.治疗; 疗法; 对待; 待遇
31. ____________ adj. 勇敢的 v. 勇敢面对
→______________ n. 勇敢;勇气
32. ______________ vt. 涂; 敷; 搽; 应用; 运用 vi. 申请; 请求; 使用; 有效
→____________ n.申请人
→____________ n.申请(书)
33. ____________ v. 挤压; 压迫
→______________ n. 压力; 挤压; 压迫(感)
1. 生病 _____________
2. 急救 _____________
3. 榨出; 挤出 _____________
4. 触电;电休克 _____________
5. 品种繁多的; 种种的 _____________
6. 反复; 多次 _____________
7. 在适当的位置; 适当 _____________
8. 许多……; 若干 _____________
9. 找到 _____________
10. 区别对待; 有影响; 起作用 _____________
11. 应用于; 适用于 _____________
1. Remove clothing using scissors if necessary unless it is stuck to the burn.
unless为从属连词, 引导条件状语从句, 意为“除非……否则的话…..”, 相当于if ... not ...。
2. John was studying in his room when he heard screaming.
be doing...when... 正在做……这时……, when在此句中意为“这时, 突然”, 相当于at this/that time。
I. 用括号内单词的正确形式填空。
1. In the crash he suffered severe ________ (injure) to the head and arms.
2. Those figures are ________ (mild) encouraging, but we need faster progress.
3. War has made life almost ________ (bear) for the people remaining in the capital.
4. His ankle was sprained in the football match this morning and now is quite badly ________ (swell).
5. Can you tell the difference between ________ (poison) mushrooms and the varieties that are safe to eat
II. 写出下面句子中画线单词的中文释义。
1. treat
① Don’t worry about the cost — I’ll treat you. ________
② Penny doesn’t think her co-workers treat her as an equal. ________
③ Western medicine tends to treat the symptoms and not the cause. ________
2. apply
① If you apply pressure to a cut it’s meant to stop the bleeding. ________
② By the time I saw the job advertised it was already too late to apply. ________
③ Apply this kind of cream to your ankle regularly, which should reduce swelling within 24 hours. ________
III. 选用括号内合适的内容补全下面句子或对话。
1. The driver wanted to park his car near the roadside but was asked by the police ________ (not to, not to do).
2. —I’m not sure whether the Joneses eat meat.
—We can cook fish if they ________ (aren’t, don’t).
3. —You look tired. Why don’t you go to bed
—Once I finish this report, I ________ (do, will).
4. —Don’t talk to strangers when you’re there.
—Don’t worry, we ________ (aren’t, won’t).
5. —It rained heavily this morning. I’m glad we took an umbrella.
—Yeah, we would have got wet all over if we ________ (didn’t, hadn’t).
IV. 根据括号内的汉语提示补全下面句子(每空一词)。
1. If budgets are cut, vital research may ________ ________ ________ (被挤出).
2. She likes everything to be ________ ________ (在适当的位置) before she starts work.
3. They keep asking the same questions ________ ________ ________ ________ (反复).
4. It won’t ________ ________ ________ (有影响) whether you go today or tomorrow.
Before considering 1. ________ first aid course for swimmers, it’s important to note that swimming injuries and drownings can 2. ________ (prevent) by following some simple safety rules. The first thing to do is look for 3. ________ (warn) signs that have been put up, such as for strong currents, etc. Although going swimming is often exciting, it’s also important to remember 4. ________ (walk) and not to run as areas around water can be very slippery, especially around pools. Take care when getting in and 5. ________, using handrails (扶手) where possible and avoid slippery areas. Look before leaping or diving in: the water might be 6. ________ (shallow) than it seems and logs and rocks at the bottom of lakes and rivers can cause serious head injuries. 7. ________ (check) the water by slowly entering feet first and in pools look out for underwater swimmers and toys, etc. Never swim alone: swim with a strong adult swimmer if possible and always watch out for each other, even 8. ________ there is a lifeguard. When choosing a first aid course be sure that it includes artificial respiration ( 人工呼吸) and cardiopulmonary resuscitation ( 心肺复苏) for children as well as 9. ________ (adult) and the necessary skills for rescuing others. Lastly never leave a child alone near water: drowning can happen very quickly, even in very shallow water, and is often 10. ________ (complete) silent.
1. aid 2. temporary 3. bleed 4. heal 5. choke
6. barrier 7. complex 8. liquid 9. scissors 10. basin
11. squeeze 12. bandage 13. vital 14. symptom 15. pour
16. wrist 17. damp 18. sleeve 19. blouse 20. ceremony
21. throat 22. ambulance
23. injure injury 24. various variety 25. mild mildly
26. swell swollen 27. bear unbearable 28. tight tightly
29. firm firmly 30. treat treatment 31. brave bravery
32. apply applicant application 33. press pressure
1. fall ill 2. first aid 3. squeeze out 4. electric shock
5. a variety of 6. over and over again 7. in place 8. a number of
9. put one’s hands on 10. make a difference 11. apply to
I. 1. injuries 2. mildly 3. unbearable 4. swollen 5. poisonous
II. 1. ①款待 ②对待 ③治疗
2. ①运用,实施 ②申请 ③涂,搽
III. 1. not to 2. don’t 3. will 4. won’t 5. hadn’t
IV. 1. be squeezed out 2. in place 3. over and over again 4. make a difference
1. a 2. be prevented 3. warning 4. to walk 5. out
6. shallower 7. Check 8. if / though 9. adults pletely