课题: Book 3 Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia
科目: 英语 教学对象: 高一年级 课时: 1课时Extensive Writing
本模块以Sandstorms为话题,通过本模块的几篇阅读材料使学生对Sandstorms有所了解,并通过文章中提出的一些深刻的问题,比如,The desert is only 250 kilometers away to the west of Beijing使学生更好地了解我们的地球和我们的生活环境正遭受的破坏,并引发对“我们应该如何保护环境”的热烈讨论,通过这些讨论会激发学生对环境保护的了解和实施的自觉性。通过讨论Sandstorms,让学生表达对沙尘暴的看法,以及我们应采取何种措施来提高环境质量。并能就此设计海报来呼吁人们保护环境。
1.语言目标a重点词汇和短语 environmental, summarize, protectionb重点句子Finally, write two or three sentences that summarize what you have said.Then design a poster that encourages people to protect the environment.2 Enable the Ss to design a poster that encourages people to look after the environment. Learn to express personal opinions about environmental problems.3 Help the Ss to learn to design a poster and write a short passage to the Internet environment discussion group.
Teaching important& difficult points教学重点和教学难点Teach the Ss how to design a poster and write a short passage to the Internet environment discussion group.
教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
Step I RevisionThe materials about environment protection are put in the Appendix. 学生回答问题,引导学生进入本课话题。 激发学生的兴趣,并讨论相关内容。
Step II Writing (Page38)The purpose of this writing is for students to describe one environmental problem and say what we should do about it. It’s a good opportunity for a discussion about the problems and the solutions. T: Last class we have read some materials about environmental protection. Do you know some major environmental problems Students have a discussion and write down the problems and the way to solve them. 引导学生学会讨论,思考并尝试表达自己。
Step III TaskThe purpose of this writing task is for the students to design a poster that encourages people to look after the environment.T: Read through the passages that we have read in this module and find out seven things you can do in your everyday life for environmental protection.T: Have you found them Students read the passage and answer the questions. 初步让学生阅读并获取信息。
Step IV WritingAsk students to read the message on an Internet environment discussion group and find out the detailed information. Then write a message to the Internet environment discussion group to show your opinions about an environmental problem.T: Now read the message and answer the three questions on top of Page90, Activity17.(After read the passage)T: Have you found the answers Now we’ll check the answers. Now we’ll come to Activity18.First you should choose a topic and then follow the instructions to write a message.Suggested message:I’m very concerned about global climate change. It’s a very serious global problem today.From what I understand, there are many factors for global warming. The doubling atmospheric carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, would cause rising ocean temperatures, which will cause an increase in evaporation. The added water vapor, also a greenhouse gas, will enhance the greenhouse effect, which would further increase global warming.There is evidence that for nearly two hundred years our planet has been warming. This is seen not only in climate observations, but also in some physical and biological indicators of environmental change. Some scientists, supported by concerned environmental organizations such as Greenpeace and the World Wild Life Fund, have concluded that many of the patterns associated with this warming can be attributed to the growing impact of human activity on the planet. They have forecast that over the next hundred years we will create a climate on earth that will be warmer than any so far experienced by the human species. They believe that this rate of change may be unprecedented in the history of our planet and will be so great that many of our ecosystems and wildlife species will fail to adapt.In recent years, more and more people are paying attention to this problem. But few of them take the measures. We need to stop people from doing it. We should do all that we can to reduce such pollution. Students read it and answer questions. 让学生阅读并回答问题。
Step V HomeworkSum up the whole unit. Students try to finish homework. 引导学生自主完成作业和复习。