课题 Module5
Unit1 Can I have an ice cream ?
单词:can/can’t/have/drink/ice cream/biscuit
句型:Can I have ……? Yes, you can. No, you can’t.
认读功能句Can I have …, please?及其答句Yes, you can. / No, you can’t. 认读新单词ill,shop, biscuit.
通过操练,会运用功能句Can I have …, please?询问别人自己是否可以吃某物,并用Yes, you can. / No, you can’t.对别人的询问给予回答。
Can I have …, please? Yes, you can. / No, you can’t.
及新单词ill, shop, biscuit.
教 学 过 程
1.??? Warming up:
Can I begin our class?? 引导学生说出:Yes, you can.
Can I know your name, please?
Can I have a drink, please?
Can I play football in the classroom?
But can I play football on the playground, please?
Can I jump on the desk?
引导学生说出: Yes, you can.?? No, you can’t.
2. Presentation: (with the help of the computer)
(1) I’ve got some biscuits for you.
卡片:biscuit 教读
What are these?? They are biscuits.
Would you like some biscuits? You can ask me like this:
Can I have some biscuits, please??? (板书)
学生在问时,教师:Yes, you can. Here you are.
问到最后一个时:No, you can’t. I’m sorry. No biscuits.
在学生有点失望时:But you can have a sweet. 从口袋中掏出糖果。
(2)Where is Amy? Is she at school? What’s the matter with Amy?
Watch the video with the question.
卡片:ill 教读
Who is ill?
(3)What does Amy want to do at home?
Watch again and choose the right answers:
A:? Can I have some biscuits, please?
B:? Can I have a drink, please?
C:? Can I have a hamburger, please?
D:? Can I have an ice cream, please?
E:? Can I play basketball, please?
F:? Can I watch TV, please?
认识drink: What is a drink? Do you know?
Why is an ice cream?? Can you make some examples?
How does Mum answer: read and choose.
1. Can I have a drink, please?
?Yes. Here you are.??? B.? No, you can’t.
2. Can I watch TV, please?
?Yes, you can.????? B.? No, you can’t.
3. Can I have an ice cream, please?
?Yes, you can.????? B.? No, you can’t.
(4)Why can’t Amy eat an ice cream?
Talk about it: Is it good to eat an ice cream for Amy? Why?
?????????????? Can Amy go to the shop for an ice cream?
卡片:shop 教读
Look! What are the shops?
Practice: Food shop. / Book shop. / Shoes shop. / Ice cream shop.
Do you know other shops?
(5)What can Amy eat?
Fill in the blanks.
No, you _______ go out! You are _____. But you can have these __________!
(6) Listen and repeat, try to imitate.
(7) Act the story.
Practise in pairs, then together.
3. Consolidation:
(1) Activity book. Page 18-19.
(2) Play a game:
Can I?…, please?
Yes, you can.
No, you can’t.
T: What can you do in these places?
(1) Listen and repeat the story at least 5 times, and try to recite it.
(2) Make a dialogue with your partner.
导入直切主题,学生能够尽快学习本课重点,并在师生之间的趣味性交流中首先学会了回答;通过游戏吸引学生参与教学活动,提高了课堂教学效率;而通过课文情境和再创的教学语境,则能够帮助学生很好地理解和掌握功能句Can I have …, please? 及其答句Yes, you can. / No, you can’t.并能恰当灵活地应用。biscuit的读音较难,发现有少部分学生仍然没有掌握,在第二课时中需进一步操练和巩固。
?Module 5 Unit 1? Can I have an ice cream, please?
???????????????Can I have? an ice cream, please?
?????????????????????????? some biscuits, please?
?????????????? Can I watch TV, please?
?????? ????????Yes, you can.
?????????????? No, you can’t.