人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 1 Teenage life学案(4份)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 1 Teenage life学案(4份)
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文件大小 1.1MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-09-30 09:56:14


Section Ⅳ Reading for Writing
每/日/金/句:All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只学习不玩耍再聪明的孩子也变傻。
精读课文 疏通理解障碍
①behaviour [b 'he vj (r)] n.行为;举止
②teenager ['ti ne d (r)] n.(13至19岁之间的)青少年
③generation [ d en 're n] n.一代(人)
④be attracted to 喜爱(to为介词)
attract [ 'tr kt] vt.吸引;引起……的注意(或兴趣)
⑤focus on 集中;特别关注
focus ['f k s] vi.& vt.集中(精力、注意力等);(使)调节焦距 n.中心;重点;焦点
focus one's attention/mind on集中某人的注意力/心思于
⑥addicted to 对……很入迷
addicted [ 'd kt d] adj.有瘾的;上瘾的;入迷的
addict [' d kt] n.对……入迷的人;吸毒成瘾的人
⑦concentrate on集中精力于;全神贯注于
⑧encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事
⑨all the best为书信结尾语或告别用语
10 September 2018
Dear Worried Friend,
You wrote that you are very worried about your friend, Chen Lei. I understand quite well that you are anxious and feel terrible [1]. You think that your friend plays computer games too often and spends too much time online.
[1]quite well是副词短语作状语;that you are anxious and feel terrible是that引导的宾语从句。
I recommend that you talk to your friend about his behaviour ①.It is not unusual for teenagers② of your generation③ to be attracted to④ computer games and the online world [2]. But spending too much time online is unhealthy and makes it very difficult to focus on⑤ other things in life [3]. Some students even become addicted to⑥ the Internet and cannot concentrate on⑦ school and family life. I think you should encourage your friend to try⑧ new hobbies. Why not discuss the problem together [4] I am sure he will listen to you, since you are his good friend [5].
[2]“It is+adj.+for sb. to do sth.”意为“对某人来说做某事是……的”。It是形式主语,不定式短语作真正的主语,sb.是不定式的逻辑主语。
[3]此处是“make+it+adj./n.+(for sb.)to do sth.”结构,it作形式宾语,“to focus on...”是真正的宾语。
[4]“Why not do sth.?”是“Why don't you do sth.?”的省略形式,为固定句式。此句式不表示询问原因,而是委婉地表达建议。
All the best⑨,
Susan Luo
对接写作 体现学以致用
目标一 宏观理解 构建模板
1.Read the text and put the following parts of a letter of advice in order.
①Tell the reader what you think he/she should do.
②Explain your reasons.
③Tell the reader what you think will happen.
④Close and sign the letter.
⑤Write the date and greeting.
⑥Tell the reader you know/understand how he/she feels.
⑦Tell the reader you know what the problem is.
2.Read the text and find out the sentences with which the author begins an advice letter.(读文章并找出作者开始建议信的句子)
3.Read the text and find out the sentences with which the author gives advice.(读文章并找出作者给出建议的句子)
4.According to the letter of advice,when we write a letter of advice,we can learn to use the following outline.(写作模板)
(Greeting)Dear Mr Worried,
(Tell the reader you know what the problem is.) I have received your letter asking me for advice about _________________. (Tell the reader you know/understand how he/she feels.) I can well understand that you are feeling _________________.
(Tell the reader what you think he/she should do.) I recommend that you should_________________.Besides,it is a good idea to _________________.Why not         ?(Tell the reader what you think will happen.) I am sure that _________________
(Close and sign the letter.) All the best.
目标二 写作要领 技法指导
①make friends with sb.   与某人交朋友
②in my opinion 依我看
③have a talk with sb. 与某人谈心
④join in 参加
⑤share happiness 分享快乐
⑥go out for a walk 出去散步
⑦get along with 与……相处; 进展
⑧get tired of 厌烦
(1)From your last letter, I know you are now having trouble communicating with others, and you may often feel lonely.
(2)Here are some tips/a few suggestions to help you.
第二段:对所提问题进行分析, 提出建议与改进措施并说明理由。
(1)First(ly), why not join a club If you do this, you can make friends.
(2)Second(ly), you should/can try to talk with others. Then, you will feel better.其次,你应该尽力与他人交谈。那样,你会感觉更好。
(3)Third(ly), it would be a good idea if you read a book or listen to music. By doing this, you will calm yourself down.第三,看书或听音乐将会是个不错的主意。通过这样做,你会使自己平静下来。
(4)Last but not least, you should talk with her first.最后但同等重要的是,你应该先和她谈一谈。
(1)I believe that if you follow my advice, you'll get along well with your classmates.我相信, 如果你听从我的建议, 你将会和同学们相处得很好。
(2)I think you can make it if you follow the above advice.如果你听从以上建议, 我认为你会成功的。
(3)I hope you can take my advice into consideration.我希望你能考虑一下我的建议。
目标三 写作实践 分步演练
假定你是李华, 你的好友Peter进入高中后不适应高中生活, 情绪低落, 丧失信心, 请你根据提示给他写一封电子邮件, 鼓励他努力学习。内容要点如下:
要求: 词数80左右。
第一步 布局谋篇
第二步 遣词造句
第三步 句式升级
第四步 完美成篇
自查语基 落实基本知能
1.a round paper      一个圆的纸盘
2.     camp 探险营
3.international      camp 国际青年营
4.learn      skills 学习生存技能
5.from some      从一些专家那里
6.     of your      你们这一代的青少年
7.they are      他们是成年人
1.①    many customers 吸引很多顾客
②a very      (adj.) woman
③a tourist      (n.) 一个旅游景点
2.①     well 表现好
②mind your      (n.) 注意你的行为
3.①a work      一位工作狂
②be      (adj.)to smoking
1.         喜爱
2.         集中; 特别关注
3.         对……很入迷
4.be worried about         
5.         玩得开心
6.         落后
7.         集中注意力
8.be similar to         
9.the same as         
10.be grateful for         
1.[句型]It+be+adj./n.+(for/of sb.) to do sth.
[教材]It is not unusual for teenagers of your generation______________ and the online world.
2.[句型]make+it+adj./n.+(for sb.) to do sth.
[教材]But spending too much time online is unhealthy and_______________________other things in life.
3.[句型]It's because ....原因是……。
[教材]I guess                and can't understand me.
探究新知 发展语言知识
1(教材P18) I recommend that you talk to your friend about his behaviour.
◎behaviour n.行为;举止
(1)good/bad behaviour 良好/恶劣行为
(2)behave v. (以某种方式)表现;(使)守规矩;(使)举止……
behave oneself 举止规矩有礼;检点
behave well/badly 举止良好/差
[佳句] The child behaved so well in class that the teacher praised his good behaviour in front of others.这个孩子在课堂上表现得很好,老师在别人面前表扬了他的好行为。
①As an adult,you should be responsible for your     (behave).
②You'd better behave     (you) when taking exams.
________________________________________________________________________in a Chinese family.
2(教材P18)It is not unusual for teenagers of your generation to be attracted to computer games and the online world.你们这一代的青少年被电脑游戏和网络世界吸引,这并不罕见。
◎attract vt. 吸引;引起……的注意(或兴趣)
(1)attract one's attention 吸引某人的注意
be attracted to 被吸引到;迷上了
(2)attraction n. 有趣的东西;吸引人之物
tourist attraction 旅游景点
(3)attractive adj. 有吸引力的;引人注目的
[佳句] It is usual that some students addict themselves to playing phones every day.
一些学生沉溺于玩手机, 这很常见。
①As a popular tourist city, it is developing very fast,     (attract) hundreds of thousands of visitors every day.
②What do you think attracted those graduates      our company
③Some tourists think it is so     (attract) that they want to visit it a second time.
The little girl _______________________________________________________________, so she decided to stay another two days.
3(教材P18)But spending too much time online is unhealthy and makes it very difficult to focus on other things in life.但在网上花太多时间是有害健康的,也让人很难关注生活中的其他事情。
◎句型公式:动词+形式宾语 it +宾语补足语+真正的宾语
(2)常用动词:think, believe, make, find, consider, feel等。
[佳句] I must make it clear that I'll always support you.我必须说清楚,我会一直支持你。
①We felt it impossible      (find) a solution to the problem within two days.
②I have been learning English since I was 5,which makes      easy for me to talk with foreigners.
③The professor considers it no good      (read) without understanding.
④I find it is hard to remember these words in a short time.
→I                   these words in a short time.
◎focus vi.& vt. 集中(精力、注意力等);(使)调节焦距  n.中心;重点;焦点
(1)focus on 集中;特别关注
focus one's attention on... 把注意力集中到……
(2)the focus of attention 关注的焦点
[佳句] As is known to us, health and environmental problems have become the focus of attention.众所周知,健康和环境问题已成为人们关注的焦点。
⑤All eyes       (focus) on the expert when he came in.
⑥With his attention    (focus) on his homework, he forgot all about what I had told him.
As a student, you should                 your study.
4(教材P18)Some students even become addicted to the Internet and cannot concentrate on school and family life.有些学生甚至上网成瘾,无法把精力集中在学校和家庭生活上。
◎addicted adj. 有瘾的;上瘾的;入迷的
(1)be addicted to 对……很入迷
(2)addict vt. 使沉溺;使上瘾
n. 对……入迷的人;吸毒成瘾的人
addict oneself to sth. 沉溺于某事/某物
(3)addictive adj. 令人上瘾的
[佳句] My husband used to be a work addict and had no time to care about us.
①Learning that you      (addict) to table tennis, I am writing to invite you to join the table tennis team in our school.
②It is believed that smoking is     (addict).
③Many kids                          surfing the Net, so they have lost interest in study.(addicted)
④Many kids                            surfing the Net, so they have lost interest in study.(addict)
⑤                    surfing the Net, many kids have lost interest in study.(addicted,形容词短语作状语)
5(教材P19)I guess it's because they're adults and can't understand me.
◎句型公式: This/That/It is because...这/那是因为……
This/That/It is because... 这/那是因为……
This/That is why... 这/那就是……的原因
The reason why...is that... ……的原因是……
[佳句] I know that it is because I don't spend much time going over my lessons.我知道那是因为我在课后没有花大量时间复习功课。
①He wouldn't like to go out,____________________________________ he doesn't feel well.
②He doesn't feel well, __________________________________ he wouldn't like to go out.
③________________________________________________________ he doesn't feel well.
Section Ⅳ Reading for Writing
对接写作 体现学以致用
2.(1)You wrote that you are very worried about your friend,Chen Lei.
(2)I understand quite well that you are anxious and feel terrible.
3.(1)I recommend that you talk to your friend about his behaviour.
(2)I think you should encourage your friend to try new hobbies.
(3)Why not discuss the problem together
1.You'd better set a study goal.
2.You will know what to do for the goal.
3.I advise you to take an active part in after-school activities at school.
4.This will give you good chances to make friends and challenge yourself.
5.Only in this way can you build up your confidence in study.
6.You'd better set a study goal so that you will know what to do for the goal.
7.I advise you to take an active part in after-school activities at school, which will give you good chances to make friends and challenge yourself.
Dear Peter,
Sorry to hear that you can't get used to life in senior high school. The following are my suggestions.
Firstly, you'd better set a study goal so that you will know what to do for the goal. Only in this way can you build up your confidence in study. Besides, it is wise for you to develop a pleasant relationship with your classmates. Last but not least, I advise you to take an active part in after-school activities at school, which will give you good chances to make friends and challenge yourself.
I hope you can take my advice into consideration.
Best wishes!
Yours truly,
Li Hua
自查语基 落实基本知能
1.plate 2.adventure 3.youth 4.survival 5.experts
6.teenagers generation 7.adults
1.①attract ②attractive ③attraction 2.①behave
②behaviour 3.①addict ②addicted
1.be attracted to 2.focus on 3.addicted to 4.担忧 
5.have fun 6.fall behind 7.concentrate on 8.与……相似
9.与……一样 10.因……而感激
1.to be attracted to computer games 2.makes it very difficult to focus on 3. it's because they're adults
探究新知 发展语言知识
1.①behaviour ②yourselves ③Here are my suggestions about your behaviour
2.①attracting ②to ③attractive ④was attracted by the beauty of nature
3.①to find ②it ③reading ④find it hard to remember ⑤were focused ⑥focused ⑦focus your attention on
4.①are addicted ②addictive ③are addicted to ④addict themselves to ⑤Addicted to
5.①that is because ②that's why ③The reason why he wouldn't like to go out is that
背景导入:作为一名中国学生, 你是否曾经梦想过将来有一天能够走进英国学校的课堂,去体验那里不同的学校环境和教学模式呢?让我们随着作者的思绪,和他一起重温那一段异国学习的美好的日子吧!
School Life in the UK
Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable①and exciting experience② for me. I was very happy with the school hours in Britain because school starts around 9 a.m.and ends about 3:30 p.m..This means I could get up an hour later than usual, as schools in China begin before 8 a.m..
On the first day, all of the new students attended an assembly③in the school hall. During the assembly, the headmaster told us about the rules of the school. He also told us that the best way to earn④ respect⑤was to devote ourselves to studying and achieving high grades.This sounded like my school in China.
In our class there were 28 students. This is about the average size for British schools.We had to move to different classrooms for different classes.We also had different students in some classes, so it was a struggle⑥for me to remember all the faces and names.
I found that the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school. However, it was a challenge for me at first, because all the homework was in English. I felt lucky, as all my teachers gave me much encouragement and I enjoyed all my subjects.
I was very lucky to experience this different way of life. I look back on my time in the UK with satisfaction, and I really hope to go back and study in Manchester again.
①enjoyable adj.  有乐趣的;令人愉快的
②experience n.& vt. 经历,体验
③assembly n. 集会,会议
④earn vt. 获得;赚,挣得
⑤respect n.& vt. 尊敬,敬重
earn respect 赢得尊敬
⑥struggle n. 难事;斗争;努力vi. 奋斗,努力;挣扎
1.Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me.
2.I felt lucky, as all my teachers gave me much encouragement and I enjoyed all my subjects.
Section Ⅰ Listening and Speaking & Listening and Talking
每/日/金/句:Good habits formed at youth make all the difference.——Aristotle
目标一 同步听力 多维训练
Conversation 1(Listen and fill in the blanks)
Teacher: Shh! Listen carefully!
Teacher: Did you hear that No How about this
Teacher: If you couldn't hear the first one, it means you're ①    ! [Laugh]. Dogs can hear very high frequency ②    , but people can't. And if you could hear the second one, you're ③     than 25.
Student: Wow! Why is that
Teacher: Our ears change when we ④    . Children and young people can hear the second one, but most people older than 25 can't.
Conversation 2(Listen and choose the best sentences)
Teacher: ⑤     Team A, please begin.
Team A: We say no, they shouldn't. ⑥     They should think about schoolwork and spend more time studying.
Team B: We don't agree with Team A. ⑦     Teenagers can date if they want. It is quite natural for a teenager at that age to feel he or she likes somebody. ⑧    
Teacher: Team A
A.Our answer is “Yes”.
B.We think it's possible for teenagers to date and study at the same time.
C.One reason is that teenagers are too young.
D.Today's topic is “Should teenagers date?”
听下面一段对话, 回答以下小题。
1.Why won't the man join the basketball team this year
A.He wants to have more time to relax.
B.He wants to try something new.
C.He didn't do well in the team.
2.What does the woman want to do
A.Join a dancing club.
B.Play a sport.
C.Have more time to rest.
3.What does the woman think of music
A.It's good for us.
B.It's not interesting.
C.It's useful.
4.Which club will the man probably join
A.The music club.
B.The dance club.
C.The cooking club.
目标二 场景模拟 体验感悟
A: Hi, Max. What are you going to do this summer vacation
B: I'm going to 1._______________________________________________(参加冒险野营).
A: Adventure camp What are you going to do there
B: I'll learn survival skills. For example, I'll learn 2. ___________________________(如何生火).There will be some experts who are willing to show us how to live in the wild. I think it's going to be fun.
A: Cool. I'm going to an international youth camp. There will be lots of students from different countries. 3. ________________________________(我希望交一些好朋友).
B: Wow! What will you do there
A: I'm not sure yet, but the topic is about teenagers and teenager life. 4.__________________ (我打算作演讲) about students' life in China.
B: Sounds interesting. I hope you will have lots of fun there.
目标三 技巧点拨 精准发音
a字母组合 al [ ][ ][ɑ ] o字母组合 or [ ][ ]
ay [eI] oa [ ]
ai [eI] ow [ ][a ]
are [e ] ou [a ][ ]
ar [ɑ ] ore [ ]
e字母组合 er [ ][ ] i字母组合 ir [ ]
ee [i ]
ea [i ][e] u字母组合 ur [ ]
ear [I ][ ]
1.字母组合“al”在字母l,k前常发 / /如tall, talk或/ /如fallow;在f,m前常发/ɑ /,如half, calm等。
2.字母组合“er”在词尾常发短元音/ /,如worker, reporter等;在重读音节中常发长元音/ /,如prefer, her等。
(1) A.actually      B.challenge
C.personality D.ballet
(2) A.teenager B.volunteer
C.register D.prefer
(3) A.formal B.word
C.short D.story
(4) A.near B.earth
C.fear D.year
(5) A.easy B.leave
C.ready D.meat
(1)[ ]It is never too old to learn.
(2)[i ]A friend in need is a friend indeed.
(3)[I ]A man has two ears and one mouth that he may hear much and speak little.
(4)[eI]When the cat is away, the mice will play.
(5)[ ]A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
探究新知 发展语言知识
1(教材P12) Volunteer Club志愿者社团
◎volunteer n.志愿者;志愿兵 vt. & vi. 自愿
(1)a volunteer for/of ……的志愿者
volunteer to do sth. 自愿做某事
(2)voluntary adj. 自愿的; 志愿的; 主动的
[佳句]I'd like to join the Volunteer Club, where many volunteers volunteer to help those in need.
①The couple often volunteer     (take) part in activities that help those in trouble.
②I really hope to be a volunteer      the International Tourism Festival in our city.
③五一劳动节那天, 我们班去阳光疗养院, 并做了一些志愿工作。
On May Day, our class went to Sunshine Nursing Home and_________________________.
(教材P12)Debate Club辩论俱乐部
◎debate n.辩论;争论 vt. & vi.辩论;争论
(1)debate with sb.about/on... 就……与某人辩论
(2)under debate 在讨论中;在辩论中
a debate on/about/over... 就……进行讨论
[佳句] Our class held a hot debate on whether students should take cell phones to school.
①They debated with each other      the environmental protection.
②As far as I know, the plan is      debate and hasn't been passed yet.
                      whether women should spend more time in the home.
3(教材P12)I prefer helping others.
◎ prefer vt. (preferred; preferred; preferring )较喜欢;更喜欢;选择某事物(而不选择其他事物)
(1)prefer sth. 更喜欢某物
prefer to do/doing sth. 更喜欢做某事
prefer (doing) sth. to (doing) sth.
prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.
(2)preference n. 偏爱;优先
have a preference for 偏爱;喜爱
[佳句] I prefer to join a debate club rather than join an art club.
我宁愿参加辩论俱乐部, 也不愿参加艺术俱乐部。
①Many people prefer living in the country      living in the city.
②Actually,I prefer my son     (take) part in the debate.
③A teacher should not have a      (prefer) for any one of his pupils.
④She preferred to go shopping with us rather than stay at home.
→She preferred      shopping with us to      at home.
4(教材P12)Predict content 预测内容
◎content n.内容; [pl.]目录;(书、讲话、节目等的)主题 adj. 满足的;满意的 vt. (使)满足
(1)feel/be content with... 对……满足/满意
be content to do sth. 满足于做某事
(2)content oneself with 满足于
(3)with content 满意地
[佳句]They are content with what they have and prefer a peaceful life.他们对于他们所拥有的东西很满意, 并且更喜欢一种平静的生活。
①That rich man is tired of city life, so he is content      (live) in the country.
②She dropped her handbag, and the      (content) fell out on the floor.
We should never                       book knowledge.
5(教材P12)Which club do you think is suitable for Adam?你认为哪个社团适合亚当?
◎suitable adj. 合适的;适用的
(1)be suitable for sb./sth. 适合于某人/某物
be suitable to do sth. 适合做某事
(2)suit vt. 适合;使适宜
[佳句] There is no doubt that he is suitable for the challenging job.
①It is difficult to find a place      (suit) for a picnic.
②If you want to go by bus, that      (suitable) me fine.
③I do believe I               this voluntary work, because I have a good knowledge of English.
④I do believe this voluntary work             , because I have a good knowledge of English.
Section Ⅰ Listening and Speaking & Listening and Talking
Part 1 听说·强化交际技能
①Science ②Basketball ③Photography ④Ballet
⑤Chess ⑥Nature ⑦Volunteer ⑧Debate
①not a dog ②sounds ③younger ④get older ⑤D
⑥C ⑦A ⑧B
1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C
W: Which school club do you want to join this year
M: I haven't decided yet. I was in the basketball team last year. And I want to try something different this year.
W: You played basketball a lot last year. Are you interested in another sport
M: I'm not sure. What about you Which club do you prefer
W: Well,you know I'm not very sporty. I want to stay in the dance club but they practice twice a week. I want to have more time to relax.
M: How about the music club They only practice once a week so you'll have more time to relax.
W: It's a good idea. Music is good for our mental health. Why don't you join the music club with me
M: I'm not interested in that. Perhaps I'm going to join the cooking club. After all, cooking is a useful skill.
1. take part in an adventure camp 2.how to make a fire
3.I hope to make some good friends 4.I am going to give a lecture 
1.(1)A (2)D (3)B (4)B (5)C
2.(1)learn (2)need indeed (3)ears hear (4)away play (5)bird worth
Part 2 语言基础集释
探究新知 发展语言知识
1.①to take ②for ③did some voluntary work
2.①on/about ②under ③There is a heated debate on/over/about
3.①to ②to take ③preference ④going staying
4.①to live ②contents ③content ourselves with 
5.①suitable ②suits ③am suitable for ④suits me
1Section Ⅲ Discovering Useful Structures
每/日/金/句:It's never too old to learn. 活到老, 学到老。
(教材P17)We'll learn survival skills.
◎survival n.生存;幸存;幸存事物
(1)survive vi. 生存;存活
vt. 幸存;艰难度过
survive sth. 幸免于;从……中挺过来/活下来
survive on 依靠……生存下来
A survive B (by...) A比B活得长(……)
(2)survivor n. 幸存者;生还者
[佳句] Much to our joy, all of the 20 people were able to survive the fire.使我们非常高兴的是,20个人全部在火灾中幸免于难。
①How does the family survive      such a small monthly wage
②As far as I know, the old lady survived her husband      5 years.
③If he couldn't find his way out of the forest, there would be little chance of      (survive).
④After she had survived that night, she was confident that everything else would be all right.
→            , she was confident that everything else would be all right.(分词作状语)
[点津] survive 表示“幸免于难”时,是及物动词,其后不需要加介词in或from。
①Going from junior high school to senior high school is a really big challenge.
②The first week was a little confusing.
③First, I had to think very carefully about which courses I wanted to take.
④My adviser recommended that I should sign up for advanced literature because I like English and I'm good at it.
⑤The main purpose of the course is to help improve each student's reading ability.
(1)句①中    短语a really big challenge在句中作    ;
(2)句②中    短语a little confusing在句中作    ;
(3)句③中    短语very carefully在句中作    ;
(4)句④中    短语advanced literature在句中作    ;
(5)句⑤中    短语the main purpose of the course在句中作    。
在高中阶段,常见的短语形式有:名词短语(Noun Phrases)、形容词短语(Adjective Phrases)、副词短语(Adverb Phrases)、介词短语(Prepositional Phrases)及动词短语(Verb Phrases)等。本单元只讲解前面三种形式。
一、名词短语(Noun Phrase)?
名词短语指名词与它的修饰语构成的短语。名词短语通常由(限定词)+ (形容词、形容词短语、 描述性名词)+名词+(介词短语)等组成。
① This school club 限定词+名词+名词 has attracted many students形容词+名词 to sign up.
②I am sure he will listen to you, since you are   his good friend.  限定词+形容词+名词
③Obviously, it's  a beautiful campus of my school 限定词+形容词+名词+介词短语.
[提醒] 在名词短语的组成中,限定词包括冠词(a/an/the)、指示代词(this, that, these, those等)、 物主代词(my, your, his, her, our, their等)和不定代词(some, no, neither, both等)。
①The interesting title 主语 of the article attracted a lot of readers.
②I'm a bit worried about keeping up with the other students宾语 in my advanced course宾语.
③I know that Chinese is a very difficult language表语.
④I found him a very patient teacher宾语补足语.
①[2021·浙江高考]Researchers have a good way to deal with this problem. 作________
②These ideas may seem strange to you.作____________
③The man wearing a black coat is our teacher.作____________
④Those beautiful flowers come from Yunnan.作____________
⑤We made him capital of our team.作____________
⑥He got three gold medals at the 23rd Olympic Games.作____________
⑦The tall building was built last year.作____________
二、形容词短语(Adjective Phrase)?
The weather is fairly warm副词+形容词, so I'd like to have a walk.
天气相当暖和, 因此我想出去走走。
②两个或多个形容词由and, but等连接构成形容词短语。
Your room is large and beautiful形容词+and+形容词.
That's good enough for me形容词+enough+介词短语.
①We had a very difficult前置定语 test in chemistry.
②I am quite interested表语 in modern Chinese literature.
③What he said just now made me a little annoyed宾语补足语.
①Confidence is very important for people. 作______________
②He found the film very interesting.作______________
③I spent seven days in the wind and snow, cold and hungry.作______________
④You have a small but beautiful room.作______________
⑤I found it very hard to get along with foreigners.作______________
三、副词短语(Adverb Phrase)?
You know perfectly well副词+副词 that he was right.
I wish you'd write  clearly enough for us 副词+enough+介词短语 to read it.
[温馨提示] 副词enough在修饰形容词或者副词构成形容词短语或者副词短语时,一般放在所修饰的形容词或者副词后面。
I tried again and again副词+and+副词.
He ran fast on his way home副词+介词短语.
①Don't worry. He will do the job well enough修饰动词作状语.
②He ran far too fast修饰动词作状语, so I could hardly keep up with him.
③Strangely enough修饰全句作状语, he managed to finish the job by himself.
①He ran very quickly yesterday.修饰________作________
②I am much too pleased to see you.修饰________作________
③She plays well enough as a beginner.修饰________作________
④He worked much more carefully on the new design.修饰________作________
Section Ⅲ Discovering Useful Structures
Part 1 语言基础集释
①on ②by ③survival ④Having survived that night
Part 2 语法专项突破
(1)名词 表语 (2)形容词 表语 (3)副词 状语
(4)名词 宾语 (5)名词 主语
①宾语 ②主语 ③表语 ④主语 ⑤宾补 ⑥宾语
①表语 ②宾语补足语 ③伴随状语 ④定语 ⑤宾语补足语
①动词 状语 ②形容词 状语 ③动词 状语 ④副词 状语
1Section Ⅱ Reading and Thinking
每/日/金/句:Habit is the leader of one's thought and behavior. 习惯是一个人思想与行为的领导者。
自读课文 疏通文脉大意
Task 1 文本整体理解:理清文章架构
1.What's the main idea of the text
A.The importance of taking courses.
B.Why Adam joined a volunteer club.
C.How Adam dealt with the freshman challenge.
D.Adam is worried about his advanced course.
2.Match the main idea with each paragraph.
Para. 1      A.Choosing suitable courses carefully is necessary.
Para. 2      B.Study harder and take responsibility.
Para. 3      C.Joining in extra-curricular activities is necessary.
Para. 4      D.Senior high school is a challenge.
Task 2 文本细节理解:探寻语篇细节理解
Read the text on Page 14 carefully and then choose the best answer.
1.According to the passage,what are the author's challenges
A.Choose suitable courses.
B.Choose extra-curricular activities.
C.Study harder than before.
D.All of the above.
2.Why was the author refused to join the football team
A.Because he was short.
B.Because he had too many things to do.
C.Because he didn't play well enough.
D.Because he didn't play hard.
3.What does the phrase “advanced course” refer to in the last paragraph
A.Advanced maths.
B.Advanced literature.
C.Advanced physics.
D.Advanced chemistry.
4.Which words can be used to describe the author
A.Hard-working and responsible.
B.Clever and careful.
C.Kind and warm-hearted.
D.Cool and helpful.
Task 3 文本理解:续写佳句
1.Read the passage carefully and find out the sentences to describe the mood.(细读短文并找出心理描写的句子)
2.Read the passage carefully and find out the sentences to describe the author's opinions about going to senior high school,courses,extra-curricular activities and study.(细读短文并找出作者对于上高中、高中课程、课外活动以及学习的看法的句子)
精读课文 疏通理解障碍
①freshman ['fre m n] n.(大学或高中)一年级新生
②confusing [k n'fju z ] adj.难以理解的;不清楚的
confuse [k n'fju z] vt.使糊涂;使迷惑
confused [k n'fju zd] adj.糊涂的;迷惑的
③take courses上课
④a school adviser学校的指导老师
⑤fluent ['flu nt] adj.(尤指外语)流利的;熟练的
⑥graduate ['ɡr d ue t] vi. & vt.毕业;获得学位
['ɡr d u t] n.毕业生
⑦recommend [ rek 'mend] vt.建议;推荐;介绍
⑧sign up (for sth.)报名(参加课程)
⑨advanced [ d'vɑ nst] adj.高级的;高等的;先进的
advance [ d'vɑ ns] n.前进;发展vi.前进;发展 vt.发展;促进
⑩literature ['l tr t (r)] n.文学;文学作品
be good at擅长
have to不得不
extra-curricular [ ekstr k 'r kj l ] adj.课外的;课程以外的
extra ['ekstr ] adj.额外的;附加的
obviously [' bvi sli] adv.显然;明显地
quit [kw t] vi. & vt.(quit,quit)停止;戒掉;离开(工作职位、学校等)
improve vi. & vt.改进;改善
on one's own靠某人自己;独自地
make the team组建队伍;加入队伍
instead adv.代替;反而;相反
a soup kitchen施食处
hand out 分发,施舍
homeless adj.无家可归的
in the community在社区里
get used to doing sth.习惯于做某事
be responsible for 对……负责
responsible [r 'sp ns bl] adj.负责的;有责任的
responsibility [r sp ns 'b l ti] n.责任;义务
keep up with赶上
be well prepared for 为……做好充分准备
in the future 在将来
Hi! My name is Adam and I'm a freshman① at senior high school. Going from junior high school to senior high school is a really big challenge [1]. The first week was a little confusing②.
First, I had to think very carefully about which courses I wanted to take③[2]. The school adviser④ helped me choose the suitable ones: maths, English, chemistry, world history, and Chinese. I know that Chinese is a very difficult language, but I hope to be fluent⑤ when I graduate⑥. My adviser recommended⑦ that I should sign up⑧ for advanced⑨ literature⑩ because I like English and I'm good at it [3].
I had to choose extra-curricular activities, too. I tried to join the school football team, but the coach told me that I didn't play well enough. Obviously , I was unhappy, but I won't quit . I'll find a way to improve on my own so that I can make the team next year [4]. I joined a volunteer club instead . Every Wednesday, we work at a soup kitchen and hand outB21 food to homelessB22 people in the communityB23.
[4]so that I can make the team next year是so that引导的目的状语从句。a way to do sth.意为“一种做某事的方法”。
I know I'll have to study harder as a senior high school student and get used toB24 being responsible forB25 a lot more. I'm a bit worried about keeping up withB26 the other students in my advanced course, and it'll be quite difficult to get used to all the homework. Still, I'm happy to be here. Studying hard isn't always fun, but I'll be well prepared forB27 university or whatever else comes in the futureB28[5].
[5]本句中动词-ing形式作主语,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式;whatever else意为“无论别的什么”,else跟在不定代词或疑问代词后作定语,whatever引导宾语从句,作介词for的宾语。
自查语基 落实基本知能
1.a      singer 一名少年歌手
2.my      partner 我的芭蕾舞伴
3.a heated      一场激烈的辩论
4.a story      故事内容
5.the      effect 温室效应
6.a hot     一个热门话题
7.high school      高中新生
8.become an      成为一名编辑
9.the classic works of     经典文学作品
10.at no      charge 不额外收费
11.     smoking 戒烟
12.a tight      一个紧凑的日程安排
1.①face a     (n). 面对一个挑战
②a      (adj.) job 一份具有挑战性的工作
2.① a Yale      一名耶鲁大学的毕业生
②hand in      (n.) paper 上交毕业论文
3.①a little      有点令人困惑
②     (vt.) all of us 使我们都很困惑
③a      (adj.) expression 一个困惑的表情
4.①to be      in Chinese 说中文流利
②speak Chinese      (adv.) 流利地说中文
5.①a great      (n.) in science
②     (adj.) courses 高级课程
6.①highly      强烈推荐
②    (n.) letter 推荐信
1.         喜欢……多于……
2.         对……适合的
3.         报名参加(某项课程)
4.         打扫(或清除)干净
5.         对……负责
6.get used to doing sth.         
7.on one's own         
8.hand out         
9.keep up with         
10.be prepared for...         
1.副词后缀-ly, 例如:
entire→entirely  完全地
calm→calmly 平静地
exact→exactly 确切地
direct→directly 直接地
wide→widely 广泛地
2.“v.+ up”构成的短语
clean up  打扫(或清除)干净
go up 升高;上涨;增长
build up 逐渐增强;建立
pick up (不费力地)学会;捡起
[教材]                  is a really big challenge.
2.[句型]so that引导目的状语从句
[教材]I'll find a way to improve on my own               next year.
3.[句型]It is+形容词/名词+to do sth.
[教材]I'm a bit worried about keeping up with the other students in my advanced course, and_______________________________all the homework.
1.[教材]I know that Chinese is a very difficult language, but I hope to be fluent when I graduate.
[翻译] _________________________________________________________________
2.[教材]My adviser recommended that I should sign up for advanced literature because I like English and I'm good at it.
[翻译] _________________________________________________________________
3.[教材]I tried to join the school football team, but the coach told me that I didn't play well enough.
[翻译] _________________________________________________________________
探究新知 发展语言知识
1(教材P14)Going from junior high school to senior high school is a really big challenge.
本句中的动名词短语“Going from junior... school”在句中作主语。
(2)动名词作主语时, 谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。
[佳句] Working with our own hands is the most beautiful.用我们的双手劳动是最光荣的。
①    (travel) to other places can always bring me something different.
②Going to bed early and getting up early      (be) a good habit.
                      gives us the chance to make friends.
◎challenge n. 挑战;艰巨任务 vt. 怀疑;向……挑战
(1)face the challenge 面对挑战
accept/take up a challenge 接受挑战
(2)challenge sb. to do sth. 向某人挑战做某事
(3)challenging adj. 挑战性的
[佳句] Taking part in after-school activities will give you chances to make friends and challenge yourself.参加课后活动将会给予你结交朋友, 挑战自我的机会。
④I kept practising until I became confident enough      (challenge) the good players.
⑤It was surprising that the girl should accept such a     (challenge) job.
This is a time when we Chinese have                    .
2(教材P14)The first week was a little confusing.
◎confusing adj. 难以理解的;不清楚的
(1)confuse vt. 使糊涂;使迷惑
confuse A with/and B 把A与B混淆
be confused by/about... 对……感到困惑
(2)confused adj. 糊涂的;迷惑的
confusion n. 混乱;困惑
[佳句] The confused look on her face suggested she was confused about the confusing question.
①His answer to the question is      (confuse).
②You should not confuse your career      your life.
③If you try to learn too many things at a time, you may get     (confuse).
④The volunteer looked at me in     (confuse) and did not answer the question.
You mentioned that you                     your senior high school.
3(教材P14)I know that Chinese is a very difficult language, but I hope to be fluent when I graduate.
◎ graduate vi. & vt. 毕业;获得学位 n.毕业生
(1)graduate from 毕业于
graduate in 毕业于(……专业)
(2)graduation n. 毕业;毕业典礼
after graduation from... 从……毕业之后
[佳句] As a new graduate, he doesn't know how to start a business here.
①It is three years since he     (graduate) from Peking University.
②As far as I know, he graduated      physics from Cambridge University.
③After his      (graduate) from college, Mr Li has been teaching in our school.
We haven't got a chance to have a face-to-face talk ever since we        .
4(教材P14)My adviser recommended that I should sign up for advanced literature because I like English and I'm good at it.我的指导老师建议我选修高级文学,因为我喜欢英语,而且我擅长英语。
◎recommend vt. 建议;推荐;介绍
(1)recommend doing sth. 建议做某事
recommend sb. to do sth. 议某人做某事
recommend that sb.(should) do sth.
(2)recommend sb. sth. 向某人推荐某物
recommend sth. to sb. 把某物推荐给某人
recommend sb. as... 推荐某人为……
[佳句] I recommend you to think very carefully before you do something.我劝你三思而后行。
①I recommended     (put) off the meeting because of the bad weather.
②I hope our teachers can recommend more interesting books      us and give us more free time to read them.
③The teacher recommended that everyone             the English party.
④The teacher recommended everyone              the English party.
◎sign up (for sth) 报名(参加课程)
sign in 签到
sign out 签退
[佳句] Do remember to come to the student union office to sign up anytime between Apr. 10 and Apr. 15.一定记得在4月10号到15号期间来学生会办公室报名。
⑤这是一个展示你音乐才华的好机会, 因此, 我鼓励你报名参加。
It is a good chance to show your talent for music, so I             it.
All visitors                  the moment they arrive.
◎advance n.前进;发展 vi.前进;发展 vt. 发展;促进
(1) advance on/towards 朝……前进
(2)make great advances in... 在……取得很大的进步
in advance 预先;提前(指事先)
in advance of 在……前面;超过
(3)advanced adj. 高级的;高等的;先进的
[佳句] Learning English will advance our knowledge of Western culture.
⑦We are working hard       (advance) the cause of world peace.
⑧Without excellent education, there would be no      (advance) science and technology.
⑨Please tell me as soon as possible so that I can book the tickets ahead of time.
→Please tell me as soon as possible so that I can book the tickets      W.
5(教材P14)Obviously, I was unhappy, but I won't quit.很显然,我并不高兴,但我不会放弃。
◎obviously adv. 显然;明显地
obvious adj. 显然的;明显的;易理解的
It is obvious that... 很明显……
be obvious to 对……很好理解
[佳句] Obviously, diet and exercise are of great importance to us all.
①    (obvious), reading aloud is of great help to our study, especially to our English learning.
→         reading aloud is of great help to our study, especially to our English learning.
◎quit vi. & vt. (quit/quitted; quit/quitted )停止;戒掉;离开(工作职位、学校等)
quit school/one's job/office 退学/离职/辞职
quit a place 离开某地
quit doing sth. 停止做某事
[佳句] I don't think it a good idea to quit school to support your family at present.
②The doctor recommends him to quit      (smoke) as soon as possible.
③Susan had                 (辞掉她高薪的工作)and was working as a volunteer in the neighborhood then.
6(教材P14)I'll find a way to improve on my own so that I can make the team next year.我会找到一个自我提升的方法,这样明年我就能加入球队了。
◎句型公式:so that 引导目的状语从句 , 意为 “ 以便、为了 ”
句中so that引导目的状语从句,从句中含有情态动词can。
(1)so that引导目的状语从句,意为“以便,为了”,可用in order that 替换,从句中常有may,can,could等情态动词。
(2)表示目的还可以用so as to/in order to+动词原形表示。
[佳句] We should read more books so that we may get more knowledge.
I read English loudly every day in order that I can speak English fluently.
→①I read English loudly every day       I can speak English fluently.
→②         English fluently, I read English loudly every day.
→③I read English loudly every day                  speak English fluently.
7(教材P14)I know I'll have to study harder as a senior high school student and get used to being responsible for a lot more.
◎responsible adj.负责的;有责任的
(1)be responsible for... 对……负责
(2)responsibility n. 责任;义务
take responsibility for... 对……负责
It is one's responsibility to do...
[佳句] I realized that I should be responsible for not only myself, but also for the society.我意识到我不仅应该对自己负责, 也要对社会负责。
①As an adult,you should be responsible     your own decision.
②Our school is trying to teach young people to develop a sense of      (responsible).
③As an adult, you need to           what you have done.(responsible)
④As an adult, you need to           what you have done.(responsibility)
8(教材P14)I'm a bit worried about keeping up with the other students in my advanced course, and it'll be quite difficult to get used to all the homework.我有点担心在高级课程上无法跟上其他同学,而且要适应所有的家庭作业也相当困难。
◎句型:It be+adj./n. (+for/of sb.)+to do sth.
(1)It+is/was+形容词/名词+to do sth.,这一句型中不定式作真正的主语;
(2)It+is/was+形容词/名词+doing sth.,这一句型中动名词作真正的主语。
[佳句] It is a good idea to have a face-to-face talk with your parents in your spare time.在你的空闲时间和你的父母面对面交谈是一个好主意。
①It's very kind of you       (help) me with the homework.
②It is important for us        (master) the computer skills.
③In my opinion, it's no use     (debate) with him.
In my opinion,                          if you study hard.
9(教材P15)Solution n.解决办法;答案
(1)a/the solution to sth. ……的解决方法
(2)solve vt. 解决;解答
solve a problem 解决一个问题
[佳句] It may take a long time to find a solution to the problem.
①The government should find a suitable      (solve) to the problem.
②I hope the problems            (solve) in the near future and our home will become better and better. 
                            , I'd like to write some suggestions to our school.
(教材P15)Finding time for both studies and extra-curricular activities is a big challenge, so I need to make a workable schedule.
◎schedule n. 工作计划;日程安排 vt.安排;预定
(1)ahead of schedule 提前
on schedule 按时
(2)be scheduled for... 预定在……
be scheduled to do sth. 计划做某事
as scheduled 按照计划
[佳句] There may be some minor changes to the schedule.
①The sports meet is scheduled       (hold) in our school's playground next weekend.
②His official visit to Beijing       (schedule) for June 24th to 27th.
③As     (schedule), the music festival will be held on the playground from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. next Sunday.
Teenagers                                every day and do not have enough sleep.
Section Ⅱ Reading and Thinking
Part 1 课前预习设计
自读课文 疏通文脉大意
Task 1
1.C 2.D A C B
Task 2
1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A
Task 3
1.(1)Obviously,I was unhappy,but I won't quit.
(2) I'm a bit worried about keeping up with the other students in my advanced course...
(3)Still,I'm happy to be here.
(4)...but I'll be well prepared for university or whatever else comes in the future.
2.(1)Going from junior high school to senior high school is a really big challenge.The first week was a little confusing.
(2)I know that Chinese is a very difficult language...
(3)...it'll be quite difficult to get used to all the homework.
(4)Studying hard isn't always fun...
自查语基 落实基本知能
1.teenager 2.ballet 3.debate 4.content 5.greenhouse 6.topic 7.freshmen 8.editor 9.literature 10.extra 11.quit 12.schedule
1.①challenge ②challenging
2.①graduate ②graduation
3.①confusing ②confuse ③confused
4.①fluent ②fluently
5.①advance ②advanced
6.①recommend ②recommendation
1.prefer... to... 2.suitable for... 3.sign up (for sth.) 4.clean up 5.be responsible for 6.习惯做某事 7.靠自己;独自一人 8.分发 9.跟上;并驾齐驱 10.为……做准备
1.Going from junior high school to senior high school
2.so that I can make the team
3.it'll be quite difficult to get used to
Part 2 课堂提升素养
探究新知 发展语言知识
1.①Traveling ②is ③Taking an active part in activities ④to challenge ⑤challenging ⑥both a great many challenges and chances
2.①confusing ②with ③confused ④confusion ⑤were confused about how to study well in
3.①graduated ②in ③graduation ④graduated from university
4.①putting ②to ③(should) take an active part in ④to take an active part in ⑤encourage you to sign up for ⑥must sign in ⑦to advance ⑧advanced ⑨in advance
5.①Obviously It is obvious that ②smoking ③quit her well-paid job
6.①so that ②In order to speak ③so as to / in order to
7.①for ②responsibility ③be responsible for ④take responsibility for
8.①to help ②to master ③debating ④it is easy to learn English well
9.①solution ②will be solved ③In order to find a solution to the problem
10.①to be held ②is scheduled ③scheduled ④have a busy schedule