Unit 6 How do you feel ? Part C Story time教案


名称 Unit 6 How do you feel ? Part C Story time教案
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-10-01 19:48:39



课 题 Unit 6 How do you feel Part C Story time
教 学设 计 课 型 故事课 课 时 安 排 40分钟
二、学情分析:本节课的授课对象是六年级的学生,他们思维活跃,有很强的求知欲望,愿意和同伴们一起交流合作。喜欢有一定挑战和竞争性的课堂。通过对学生的学习能力、学情和本课内容的分析,我对教学内容做了如下调整:在文本阅读的过程中,根据本单元的单元知识目标,加入了“How does Zip feel?”“Why?”“What should Zip do?”这几个句型的反复操练,通过操练,再次复习了本单元的重点句型。在课本故事中图4Zip去寻找Zoom在哪里,为了让学生更好的感知Zip担心的心情,我进行了文本重构,加入了Zip到客厅、卧室、书房和浴室四个地点去寻找Zoom的场景。在文章图6中,Zoom安慰Zip不要生气,我引导学生进行头脑风暴,让学生尽量说出生气时可以做什么。复习了本单元的核心句型“You should......”
知识目标: 学生可以正确朗读单词 “favourite”, “popcorn, plant, grow”。学生可以正确朗读句型“I’m so happy.” ,“I’m a little worried now.”, “Don’t be angry!”“I’ll go and make some.”
能力目标:学生能够理解故事。学生能够演绎故事并感受角色的情绪。能够使用本单元的核心句型“How does Zip feel?”“Zip is ......”来谈论情绪并给出建议。学生能够使用一些猜测新词含义,观察图片感受角色情绪,预测等阅读技巧来阅读故事。学生能够制作思维导图并使用思维导图来讲述本故事。
四、教学重点:1. 会读并且理解本文本2. 通过观察绘本感受角色情绪。使用句型“He/She is ......”谈论情绪,并使用“You should .......”给出建议。
五、教学难点:1. 使用预测,略读,精读等技巧来理解文本。2. 制作思维导图并借助思维导图的帮助来复述故事。
教学步骤: Step 1. Greeting and Warm-upGreet the Ss as usual.Warm-up (Let’s play)Say the wordsShowing word and action on the PPT, Ss say “happy, angry, sad, surprised” with action.Act outShowing actions on the PPT, Ss say the words and act it out2.3 Act and guess Boys and girls are in two groups. Each group will have 20 seconds. One student act the word and another student try to guess the word. (设计意图:1、让学生通过紧张的游戏快速进入英语课堂的学习。2、通过游戏快速回顾本单元的重点句型“How do you feel ” “I am ……”,本单元表示情绪的单词“happy, sad, surprised, angry”,为接下来的文本学习做准备。)Step2. Pre-readingObserve Zip’s picture, ask Ss to find out “How do they feel ”Q: “How does Zip feel ” “How does Zoom feel ”T: look at the picture. Who is she “How does Zip feel ” Ss: ……PredictionPresent the first picture of this story. Ask Ss to find out the characters, place and location of this story.Q: Who are they Where are they What are they doing (设计意图:学生通过观察故事第一页图片,找出本故事的人物、地点和事件。通过观察不完整的图片,引发学生的好奇心。预测故事情节,学生不仅练习了观察和预测的能力,在接下来的学习中也能够更好的理解这个故事)Step 3. While readingFun time 1: What’s missingPresent the 1st picture and cover the words and picture of popcorn, Ask Ss to guess, “What’s missing in this picture.” Watch a short video of the 1st picture.Ss try to find out “What’s missing in this picture ”T: What’s missing in this picture Ss: ……T: Read after me, please. “favourite, favourite” Ss: ……T: What’s your favourite TV show How do you feel when you watch your favourite TV show Ss: ……Making popcornT: What is this picture Ss: ……T: This is popcorn. Do you know how to make popcorn First, we get some popcorn seeds, then we put it into a microwave, then after maybe 2 minutes, we will have popcorn. (T make the popcorn in the classroom)Practice of “I will go and make some.”T helps the Ss to understand this sentence better by using actions. Ss will also make more sentences with this sentence structure. (设计意图:1、学生通过观看第一幅图的视频,找出图片中缺失的部分,练习单词favourite。教师引导学生思考自己最喜欢的电视节目是什么,以及当自己看最喜欢的电视节目时是什么感受,复习本单元重点句型“How do you feel ” “I am……”2、教师讲授到popcorn这个单词时,直接在现场做爆米花,加深了学生对于本故事的核心点“popcorn”的印象。通过现场制作爆米花,学生也能够在接下来故事中“Zoom在花园里做爆米”这个情节有了更强的对比和感受。3、通过语言配合动作的方式,加深学生对“I will go and make some.”这句话的理解,引导学生使用这个句型造句。)Fun time 2: Read and fill in the blanksSs read first 4 pictures of this story; T asks them to pay attention to the change of the time. Ss will also finish task 1 on their work sheet. Ss will have 2 minutes to finish this task.(设计意图:学生自主阅读故事前四幅图,关注时间、地点和Zip情绪的变化,可以帮助他们更好的理解这个故事)3. Fun time 3: Read and think3.1 Read the sentenceSs read Zip’s words and think, “Where will Zip go ”3.2 Find ZoomOne student act as Zip and try to find Zoom in different places inside of the house.(设计意图:学生通过这个活动,复习了四年级词汇“living room, kitchen, bedroom, study”。学生身临其境的在寻找Zoom的过程中感受Zip担心的情绪,可以更好的帮助他们融入这个故事中。)3.3 Picture 5 (1) Q1: Where is Zoom Ss watch the video of picture 5-6, and then answer the question.(2) Q2: How does Zip feel now Why (3) Q3: How does Zip feel now What should Zip do (4) Mini-playSs Act as Zip and Zoom, act out picture 4.(设计意图:1、学生观察图片并讨论出Zip的情绪变化和原因,使用本单元的重点句型,还训练了学生探究原因的思维品质。2、本幅图是本故事矛盾冲突的爆发点,学生通过小剧场的形式体验了这个矛盾冲突。除此之外,也避免了学生因为长时间学习而疲惫,可以帮助他们集中注意力继续接下来的学习。)4. Fun time 4:Let’s read4.1 Q1: How does Zip feel now What will Zoom say 4.2 Drill of “planted” and “grow”(设计意图:学生通过动作和语言相结合的方式练习了“planted” 和 “grow”。)5. Fun time 5:Think and discussDiscuss: Zip is very angry, what should Zip do (设计意图:1、学生通过思考和讨论,展开头脑风暴,为生气的人提出建议,练习了本单元的核心句型“You should......”2、学生通过头脑风暴的形式思考并讨论生气时的建议,他们也了解了当自己生气时可以做那些事情让自己冷静下来。)Fun time 6: Role-play4.1 Ss read the story together; boys read as Zoom, girls read as Zip.4.2 Ss work in groups of 4 and practice. They will have 2 minutes to prepare.(设计意图:通过角色扮演,学生进一步感知文本)Step 4: Post readingFun time 7: Make a mind mapSs make the mind map.Fun time 8: Tell the storySs tell the story with help of the mind map.(设计意图:通过思维导图的方式和用思维导图讲故事的方式,让学生能够更有逻辑性的感知文本并尝试对文本进行再创造。)2. Fun time 9: Let's thinkHow do you think of this story How do you think of Zoom How can Zoom to help Zip better (设计意图:让学生学会赏析故事,对学生进行情感教育“我们要乐于助人,但是要注意方式方法。”)Step 5:Homework1. Tell the story with the help of the mind map. (使用思维导图来讲述这个故事)2. Write down 5 suggestions for someone is angry. Use the sentence “You should……”(为一个正在生气的人写下你的5条建议。使用句型“You should......”)(设计意图:对课文教学的进一步扩展,学生通过家庭作业练习英语故事梳理和写作的能力。)
Step 1. Greeting and Warm-up
Step2. Pre-reading
Step 3. While reading
Fun time 1: What’s missing
Fun time 2: Read and fill in the blanks
Fun time 3: Read and think
Fun time 4:Let’s read
Fun time 5:Think and discuss
Fun time 6: Role-play
Step 4: Post reading
Fun time 7: Make a mind map
Fun time 8: Tell the story
Fun time 8: Let's think
Step 5:Homework
附. 板书设计
附. 课本图片
课题:Unit 6 How do you feel Part C Story time
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