

名称 人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit4NaturalDisasters学案(4份)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-09-30 17:08:16


Section Ⅳ Reading for Writing
每/日/金/句:It is always calm before a storm. 暴风雨前总是风平浪静。
精读课文 疏通理解障碍
①crash [kr ] vt. & vi.碰撞;撞击n.撞车;碰撞
crash into撞倒……;冲入
②sweep away消灭;彻底消除
sweep[swi p] vt. & vi.(swept, swept)打扫;清扫
③wave [we v] n.海浪;波浪vi. & vt.挥手;招手
huge waves巨浪
④strike[stra k] vi.& vt. (struck, struck/stricken)侵袭;突击;击打 n.罢工;罢课;袭击
⑤off prep.离,距离
⑥some adv.(=about)大约;约莫
⑦stand at达到特定水平(或数量、高度等)
⑧affect vt.影响;(疾病侵袭);深深打动
⑨official n.官员 adj.官方的;正式的
government officials政府官员
⑩missing adj.(=lost)失踪的
local adj.当地的 n.当地人
safety n.安全处所
expect vt.预计,预料
even adv.更(程度副词)
常用的修饰比较级的程度副词、短语还有still, far, any, much, a lot等。
deliver[d 'l v (r)] vt. & vi.递送;传达 vt.发表
The Daily News
By Robert Woodhouse Monday, 27 December 2004
The most powerful earthquake in the past 40 years caused a tsunami that crashed① into coastlines across Asia[1] yesterday, killing more than 6, 500 people in Indonesia, India, Thailand, Malaysia, and at least four other countries[2]. Fishermen, tourists, hotels, homes, and cars were swept away② by huge waves③ caused by the strong earthquake that reached a magnitude of 9.0[3]. The undersea quake struck④ around 7:00 a.m., Sunday off⑤ the west coast of Indonesia's Sumatra Island. In that area alone, at least 1,870 people were killed.
In Sri Lanka, some⑥ 1,600 kilometres west of the quake centre, the number of deaths stood at⑦ 2,498, and one million more were affected⑧ by the tsunami, government officials⑨ said. Indian officials said as many as 1,900 had been killed along the southern coast. Another 254 were found dead in Thailand and 54 in three other countries[4]. In southern Thailand, 1,900 people were hurt and many more were missing⑩, local officials said. “I was having breakfast with my three children when water started filling my home[5]. We had to leave everything and run to safety ,” said Chandra Theeravit, a local Thai woman.
[4]此处dead in Thailand为主语Another 254的补足语;54 in three other countries为省略句,补全为54 were found dead in three other countries。
[5]本句运用了“sb. be doing sth. when...”结构,意为“某人正在做某事,这时(突然)……”
Thousands of people are still missing, and the number of deaths is expected to grow even higher over the next few days. Foreign aid is being organised[6] for the tsunami hit countries. However, dangerous conditions and damaged roads will make it difficult to deliver food and supplies[7].
[6]此处是现在进行时的被动语态,其构成是be being done。
[7]在此结构中,it是形式宾语,形容词difficult作宾补,后面的不定式短语to deliver food and supplies是真正的宾语。
6 500余人丧生
昨日,40年来最强烈的地震引发的海啸重创了亚洲沿海地带,造成印度尼西亚、印度、泰国、马来西亚和至少其他四个国家的6 500多人丧生。渔民、游客、酒店、住房和汽车都被9.0级强震引发的巨浪卷走了。这场海底地震发生在周日早上7点钟左右,地点在印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛西海岸。仅该地区就有至少1 870人丧生。
政府官员称,在斯里兰卡,震中以西约1 600千米处,死亡人数高达2 498人,另有100多万人受到海啸的影响。印度官员称,南部海岸地区有多达1 900人丧生。泰国另有254人丧生,其他三个国家有54人丧生。当地官员表示,泰国南部有1 900人受伤,失踪人数则更多。泰国当地的一位妇女钱德拉·特拉维说:“当时我和我的三个孩子正在吃早餐,海水开始灌入我的家里。我们只好扔下一切,跑到安全地带。”
对接写作 体现学以致用
目标一 宏观理解 构建模板
1.Read the news report and find out the key points of it.(①time ②place ③events ④cause ⑤effect ⑥following events)
2.Read the report again and write down the main idea of each paragraph.
3.Read the summary of the news report on P55 and find out what is cut out in the summary.
4.According to the news report and its summary,we can write a summary of a news report like this.(写作模板)
On (时间)...,(事件)...
happened in (地点)...
It caused (后果)...
And...is expected to happen(后续).
目标二 写作要领 技法指导
体裁 结构
记叙文 记叙文:人物、时间、地点、事件(起因—发展—结果)夹叙夹议文:六要素+寓意/启示
说明文 事物的性质功能类:对象+性质功能问题/现象+解决方法类: 现象+原因+结果
议论文 论点+论据+结论
要牢记各段落要点之间的逻辑关系和自然衔接,用恰当的关联词连贯全文。 常用的关联词有: however,besides,in addition,therefore,instead 等等。
①extreme weather 极端天气
②natural disasters 自然灾害
③make a difference 有影响, 有关系
④and so on 等等; 诸如此类
⑤millions of 数百万的
⑥countless 无数的; 数不尽的
⑦damage 毁坏
⑧cut down 削减; 砍倒
⑨plenty of 足够的; 大量的
⑩protect 保护
1.描写某事物的性质功能。即“对象+性质功能+利弊”: (In the passage )The writer introduces... to us, especially its... , from which we know...
2.针对某个问题提出解决方法或措施。即“问题+解决方法”: The passage tells us... So the author tells us how to... including...
3.介绍某现象及其原因、结果。即“现象+原因+结果”: The author talks about... It is caused by... As a result(Consequently)...
目标三 写作实践 分步演练
The earthquake that hit San Francisco on April 18, 1906 shook down hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of walls and chimneys (烟囱). But the fire that followed burned up hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of buildings and homes. Never before in history has a city been so completely destroyed. San Francisco is gone. The factories, the great stores and newspaper buildings, the hotels, and the great houses of the rich are all gone.
On Wednesday morning at a quarter past five came the earthquake. A moment later, the disaster was a fact. South of Market Street, in the working class neighborhoods and in the factories, fires started. Within an hour after the earthquake, the smoke of San Francisco's fires could be seen 100 miles away. The sun was red in the dark sky. There was no stopping the fires. The firefighters to whom the task was given did their best but there was no way to organize or communicate. The railway tracks were now useless. And the great pipes for carrying water under the streets had burst. All of the ways man had made to keep the city safe were gone in the thirty seconds the earth moved.
By Wednesday afternoon, half of the heart of the city was gone. At that time, I watched the disaster from a ship on the bay (海湾). Out at sea it was calm. No wind came up. Yet from every direction—east, west, north, and south—strong winds blew upon the unlucky city and those whose homes had once stood in its green hills.
Wednesday night saw the destruction of the very heart of the city. Man himself had to make ruins of some of the city's best buildings so that they would not be a danger to those in the streets. Tens of thousands who had lost their homes left the city to look for shelter from the fire. Some were dressed only in blankets and carried the things that they had been able to rescue from the fires. But there were no fights and no pushing or shoving. Somehow this worst of disasters brought out the best in the survivors. Never in all of San Francisco's history were her people so kind as on that terrible night.
第一步 布局谋篇
第二步 遣词造句
3.当夜晚降临的时候, 无家可归的人们看到了可怕的破坏。(destruction)
第三步 句式升级
第四步 完美成篇
自查语基 落实基本知能
1. have enough         有足够的供给
2. be destroyed by the     被台风破坏
3. be damaged by the     被飓风损坏
4. tap on a     敲打管道
5. stay     保持冷静
6.air      飞机失事
7. huge     巨浪
8. take strike      采取罢工行动
9.     food 运送食物
1.①      at any time 随时可能爆发
②a sudden      (n.) 一起突然的爆发
2.①      the earthquake 在地震中幸存下来
②the only      (n.) 唯一的幸存者
③have a chance of      (n.) 有一个存活的机会
3.①      lines 电线
②a      (adj.) country 一个强大国家
4.①an      number 紧急电话号码
②some      (adj.) events 一些突发事件
1.         露天; 在户外
2.         急救箱
3.         现有(尤指帮助)
4.         消灭; 彻底消除
5.          多达
6. stay away from         
7. make sure         
8. in danger         
1.[句型]be doing sth. when...正在做某事这时……
[教材]I          with my three children      water started filling my home.
当时我和我的三个孩子正在吃早餐, 海水开始灌入我的家里。
2.[句型]make it +adj. to do sth.
[教材]However, dangerous conditions and damaged roads will________________________ food and supplies.
[教材]Fishermen, tourists, hotels, homes and cars were swept away by huge waves____________________that reached a magnitude of 9.0.
探究新知 发展语言知识
1(教材P53)Go to an open space away from buildings, trees, or power lines.
◎power n.电力供应;能量;力量;控制力
(1)come to power 上台;执政(动作)
be in power 执政;掌权(状态)
beyond one's power 超出某人的能力范围
do everything in/within one's power to do sth.
(2)powerful adj. 强有力的
[佳句] As is known to us, knowledge is power.
① As your closest friend, I will do everything in my power     (help) you.
②We use words every day but not all of us realize their    (power) influence.
③It has been five years since he_____________________________________________.
④He _____________________________ for five years.
2(教材P53)Stay calm.保持冷静。
◎calm adj.镇静的;沉着的 vt. 使平静;使镇静
(1)calm down 平静下来
calm sb. down 使某人镇定下来
(2)keep calm 保持镇静
(3)calmly 冷静地;平静地
[佳句] The deep, gentle voice helped calm the nervous girl. 深沉而又温柔的嗓音使这个紧张的女孩冷静下来。
①To solve the problem, parents should learn to calm     .
②The last thing I saw was Don's face, looking      (calm) back at me.
③我们应该保持冷静, 尽力拯救我们自己, 并帮助别人。
                         and try to save ourselves and help others.
3(教材P53)first aid kit急救药箱
◎aid n.援助;帮助;救援物资 vi. & vt.帮助;援助
(1)give first aid to sb. 对某人急救
with the aid of... 在……的帮助下
come to one's aid 帮助某人
[佳句] With the aid of our teachers, we learned how to do first aid.
①I'd be very grateful if you could aid me     my English.
②He is so kind a boy that he often aids his mother    (clean) the house.
③I couldn't speak French but a kind man      (帮助了我).
                         , I have made great progress this term.
4(教材P54)The most powerful earthquake in the past 40 years caused a tsunami that crashed into coastlines across Asia yesterday...昨日,40年来最强烈的地震引发的海啸袭击了亚洲沿海地带……
◎crash vi.& vt.碰撞;撞击 n.(汽车的)撞车事故;(飞机的)失事;撞击声;碰撞
(1)crash into/onto     撞到……里/上
(2)with a crash  轰隆一声
[佳句] His car crashed into a tree while he was driving in the snowstorm.
当他在暴风雪中开车时, 他的车撞到了树上。
①She fell heavily and     (crash) her head against the side of the boat.
②The tree fell      a great crash all of a sudden.
③It was reported that a lot of passengers _________________________________________.
5(教材P54)Fishermen, tourists, hotels, homes, and cars were swept away by huge waves caused by the strong earthquake that reached a magnitude of 9.0.渔民、游客、酒店、住房和汽车都被9.0级强震引发的巨浪卷走了。
◎wave n.海浪;波浪 v.挥手;招手;波动;起伏
wave goodbye to sb. 向某人挥手告别
[佳句] She refused the offer with a wave of her hand.她摆摆手拒绝了这一提议。
①The policeman waved the driver      (stop).
②I           , but he ignored me.
③He ____________________________________________as the bus drove off.(wave v.)
④He ____________________________________________as the bus drove off.(wave n.)
6(教材P54)The undersea quake struck around 7:00 a.m., Sunday off the west coast of Indonesia's Sumatra Island.这场海底地震发生在周日早上7点钟左右,地点在印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛西海岸。
◎strike vi.& vt.(struck;struck/stricken)侵袭;突击;击打;打;撞(击);罢工;突然想到;打动,迷住;敲(钟) n.罢工;罢课;袭击
(1)It strikes/struck sb. that... 某人突然想到……
be struck by 被……打动/迷住了
strike sb. +介词+the+身体部位
(2)be on strike 在罢工
go on strike 举行罢工
[佳句] I was deeply struck by the natural beauty of the Three Gorges.
①The boy fell,     (strike)his head on the edge of the table.(撞)
②A terrible earthquake    (strike) the northern part of Peru on May 26, 2019.(侵袭)
③I'm sorry to learn from the Internet that your hometown      (strike) by the tornado yesterday.
④Fortunately, a stone struck him on      back, but didn't cause much injury to him.
                      I should pay a visit to my teacher.
7(教材P54)I was having breakfast with my three children when water started filling my home.
◎句型公式:be doing sth. when...正在做某事,这时……
be about to do...when... 正要做……,这时(突然)……
had just done...when... 刚做过……,这时(突然)……
[佳句] One morning he was walking along the street when a stranger stopped him.有一天早晨, 他正沿着街道散步, 突然一个陌生人拦住了他。
①The young man      (deliver)those goods when it began to rain.
②The teenager was about to go to school      he heard someone crying for help.
I                             someone knocked at the door.
8(教材P54)However, dangerous conditions and damaged roads will make it difficult to deliver food and supplies.然而,险恶的条件和受损的道路将使运送食品和物资变得困难。
◎句型公式:make+it+adj./n.(宾补)+to do/that从句
(1)在“make+it+adj./n.(宾补)+(for sb.+)to do sth./that从句”结构中,it作形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的不定式或that从句;
(2)可用于此结构的动词还有think, believe, find, consider, feel等。
[佳句] The sun gives off light and heat, which makes it possible for plants to grow.
①To make it easy      (get) in touch with us, you'd better keep this card at hand.
②The new medicine makes     possible to treat this terrible disease.
③You will find that it is very nice to take a walk in the early morning.
→You will       in the early morning.
◎deliver vt.& vi.递送;传达 vt.发表(演说等);接生
(1)deliver a speech 发表演讲/致辞
deliver a baby 接生
(2)delivery n. 投递;送货; 分娩,生孩子
express delivery 快递
[佳句] The organization made every effort to deliver the medicines to the disaster area in time. 该组织尽一切努力及时将药品送到灾区。
④The express company will get all these goods      (deliver) to the customers today.
⑤It's a common sight to see food     (deliver) workers riding electric bikes through big cities in China.
⑥大家早上好, 我很荣幸在这里发表演讲与你们分享我的梦想。
Good morning, everyone,           here sharing my dream with you.
9(教材P55)◎effect n.影响;结果;效果
(1)have an effect on/upon 对……产生影响
come into effect 生效
(2)effective adj. 有效的;有影响的
effectively adv. 有效地;实际上
[佳句] The new traffic law will come into effect next month, which will have a great effect on our life. 新的交通规则将于下个月实施, 这将对我们的生活有巨大的影响。
①There is no doubt that reading books can have a good effect     the children.
②Many poor families have got      (effect) help from local government and have improved their life greatly.
③Smoking is bad for your health, so you'd better give it up.
→Smoking         your health, so you'd better give it up.
Section Ⅳ Reading for Writing
对接写作 体现学以致用
1.①On 26 December 2004 ②Asia—Indonesia,Malaysia,Sri Lanka,India and Thailand ③A tsunami hit Asia. ④An undersea earthquake. ⑤More than 6,500 deaths—1,870;2,498;1,900;254;54. ⑥Thousands of people are missing; the number of deaths is growing./Rescue work is hard.
2.Para.1 The tsunami caused by an earthquake and its damage to Asia.
Para.2 Detailed information of the damage in different countries.
Para.3 Following events and the rescue work.
3.(1)detailed information (2)examples
1.A great earthquake struck San Francisco on April 18th, 1906.
2.The earthquake left the city completely destroyed.
3.When night fell, homeless people saw the awful destruction.
4.Homeless people escaped the city to find shelter.
5.A great earthquake struck San Francisco on April 18th, 1906, leaving the city completely destroyed.
6.When night fell, seeing the awful destruction, homeless people escaped the city to find shelter.
A great earthquake struck San Francisco on April 18th, 1906, leaving the city completely destroyed. It was at 5: 15 am that the quake began, and later fires started in South of Market Street and the city was left without means of communication or transportation. By the afternoon, half of the heart of the city had disappeared. When night fell, seeing the awful destruction, homeless people escaped the city to find shelter. Although in disaster, people had shown their greatest kindness.
自查语基 落实基本知能
1.supplies 2.typhoon 3.hurricane 4.pipe 5.calm
6.crash 7.waves 8.action 9.deliver
1.①erupt ②eruption
2.①survive ②survivor ③survival
3.①power ②powerful
4.①emergency ②emergent
1.in the open air 2.first aid kit 3.on hand 4.sweep away
5.as many as 6.远离 7.确保 8.处于危险中
1.was having breakfast when 2.make it difficult to deliver
3.caused by the strong earthquake
探究新知 发展语言知识
1.①to help ②powerful ③came into power ④has been in power
2.①down ②calmly ③We should keep calm
3.①with ②to clean ③came to my aid ④With the aid/help of my English teacher
4.①crashed ②with ③were killed in the air crash
5.①to stop ②waved goodbye to him ③waved to/at us ④gave us a wave
6.①striking ②struck ③was struck ④the ⑤It suddenly struck/hit me that
7.①was delivering ②when ③had just come out of the kitchen when
8.①to get ②it ③find it very nice to take a walk ④delivered ⑤delivery ⑥I feel honored to deliver a speech
9.①on/upon ②effective ③has a bad effect on
1Section Ⅲ Discovering Useful Structures
每/日/金/句:There is no love in disaster, but we have love in humans hearts. 灾难无情,人有情。
1(教材P52)The supplies which were provided to the disaster area were collected from around the country.向灾区提供的物资是从全国各地收集来的。
◎supply n.供应(量);补给;[pl.]补给品 vt.供应;供给
(1)in short supply 供应短缺/供应不足
have a good supply of... 备有许多……
school/medical supplies 学校用品/医疗用品
(2) 为某人提供某物
[佳句] It is believed that there is a good supply of fresh water.人们认为淡水供应很充足。
①I'd like to know the reason why the milk is      short supply in this area now.
②We should eat fresh vegetables and fruit every day, which supply rich and necessary vitamins      us.
③The book will                          (that/which) you need.
④The book will                         .
2(教材P52)She's feeding the baby who survived the earthquake.她正在喂那个从地震中幸存的婴儿。
◎survive  vi.生存;存活 vt.幸存;艰难度过
(1)A survive B (by...) A比B活得长……
survive on 依靠……生存下来
survive from 从……存活下来,流传下来
(2)survivor n. 幸存者
survival n. [U]幸存;[C]残存物
[佳句] He survived the difficulties at the beginning of his life, and finally achieved success through his own efforts.
他挺过了早期生活中的困难, 最终, 通过自己的努力获得成功。
① I don't know how you can survive      so little money.
②He died in 1940, but his wife survived him      another 20 years.
③Later all the      (survive)were rescued including Tom's wife.
Some traditional customs                   .
1.Eleven kilometres directly below the city, one of the most deadly earthquakes of the 20th century had begun, a quake that/which even caused damage more than 150 kilometres away in Beijing.
2.The number of people who/that were killed or badly injured in the quake was more than 400,000.
3.Soon after the quakes, the army sent 150,000 soldiers to Tangshan to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead.
4.Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.
5.The man (whom/who/that) I have to phone lives in Canada.
1.以上定语从句由关系代词          引导,修饰名词或代词,置于被修饰词的后面。
2.关系代词which,that,who在定语从句中可以作      ;关系代词whose在定语从句中作    。
The children who were injured in a car accident are being treated in the hospital now.在车祸中受伤的孩子们现在正在医院接受治疗。(作主语)
Danny was a man who we rescued from the ruins.
The boy (whom/who/that) the teacher often praises is their monitor.老师经常表扬的那个男孩是他们的班长。(作宾语)
Any student whose family is too poor to go to school can get help from the government.
Please pass me the book whose cover is green.
①[2021·天津3月卷]As a Chinese      is particularly interested in travelling, I would like to introduce my favorite city—Beijing.
②Those      want to see the film set down your names, please.
③I like those books      topics are about history.
④My favorite one is my Chinese teacher      I met when I was in junior school.
⑤The story began with a young mother      had three sons in a big city.
China is a country which has a long history.
The radio (which) he bought yesterday doesn't work.他昨天买的收音机坏了。(作宾语)
This is the house in which I once lived.
This is the novel that interests me.
The magazine (that) I bought yesterday is lost.
The number of people that/who come to visit this city each year reaches one million.每年来参观这座城市的人数达100万。(that指人,作主语)
[点津] 关系代词指代先行词在定语从句中充当主语、宾语、定语或表语,因此定语从句中不能再出现关系代词所替代的名词或代词。
[误]The film (that/which) we saw it last night is very frightening.
[正]The film (that/which) we saw last night is very frightening.
①Look, here are some people          I want you to meet.
②Do you still remember the chicken farm          we visited three months ago
③The picture      was about the accident was terrible.
④I will send you a Chinese English book      contains some knowledge about Chinese calligraphy.
1.当先行词为all, everything, nothing, anything, much等不定代词时。
She listens carefully and tries to understand everything that the teacher says in class. 她听得很仔细, 努力学会老师在课上讲授的所有内容。
All that can be done has been done.
It is the first Winter Olympics that will be held in China. 这是第一届将在中国举办的冬季奥运会。
This is the most delicious food (that) I have ever had.这是我吃过的最美味可口的食物。
3.当先行词被all、 every、 no、 the only、 the very、 the last等修饰时。
①I've read all the books that are not mine.
②The only thing (that) she could do was to go to the police for help.
③Dad and Mom, my dream is the very one that you always have.
爸爸, 妈妈, 我的梦想就是你们的梦想。
We often talk about the persons and things (that) we remember.
This is the most beautiful park____________________________________________.
②She took photographs of the things and people _________________________________.
③Chatting was the only thing _______________________________________________.
Section Ⅲ Discovering Useful Structures
Part 1 语言基础集释
1.①in ②to ③supply you with the information ④supply the information (that/which) you need to you
2.①on ②by ③survivors ④have survived from earlier times
Part 2 语法专项突破
1.who, which, that, whose,whom
2.主语或宾语 定语
①who ②who ③whose ④whom/who/that ⑤who
①who/whom/that ②that/which ③which/that
①(that) I have visited ②(that) she was impressed with ③that interested her most
As we know, earthquakes can bring people much fear. There are some places that have few or no earthquakes. Most places in the world, however, have them regularly①. Countries that have a lot of earthquakes are usually quite mountainous②.
The most talked about earthquake in the United States was in San Francisco in 1906. Over 700 people died in it. The strongest one in North America was in 1964. It happened in Alaska.
Strong earthquakes are not always the ones that kill the most people. In 1755, one of the strongest earthquakes ever recorded was felt in Portugal. Around 2,000 people died.
In 1923, a very strong earthquake hit Tokyo, Yokohama area of Japan. A hundred and forty thousand people died. Most of them died in fires which followed the earthquake.
One of the worst earthquakes ever was in China in 2008. It killed a large number of people.The worst earthquake ever reported was also in China, in which 830,000 people were killed or injured. This earthquake happened in 1556.
Earthquakes worry③ people a lot. The reason is that we often do not know when they are coming. People cannot prepare for④ earthquakes.
①regularly adv.有规律地,定期地
②mountainous adj.多山的
③worry vt.使……担心
④prepare for为……准备
1.Strong earthquakes are not always the ones that kill the most people.
2.The worst earthquake ever reported was also in China, in which 830,000 people were killed or injured.
Section Ⅰ Listening and Speaking & Listening and Talking
每/日/金/句:A fearless heart can often help a person avoid disaster. 一颗无畏的心往往能帮助一个人避免灾难。
目标一 同步听力 多维训练
①_________ ②________③________ ④    
⑤    ⑥     ⑦     ⑧    
Good morning, it's ①    W. A strong earthquake hit Ecuador yesterday. The 7.8 magnitude earthquake damaged many buildings, and early reports said that about ②     people were killed and more than 1, 500 were injured. Volunteers and rescue workers are helping the survivors.
Good evening. Today is 27 March. More news about the floods in ③    W. The government is helping more than 12, 000 people in Hunan and Jiangxi get away from the rising water. Homes and land have been destroyed, but ④     has been killed. Rescue workers and soldiers are working day and night to make sure that people are safe. They are also bringing food and water to those whose homes were lost in the disaster.
Breaking news, Saturday 12 August. A tornado was just seen in southern Memphis. Eyewitnesses said that at 9: 25 am, the tornado destroyed ⑤    . A police officer tells us that at least one person ⑥    . More tornados are possible, and the police advise avoiding the area.
And in Seoul, a landslide damaged ⑦     and a supermarket in a southern neighbourhood. The landslide was caused by the heavy rain that has fallen in Seoul over the past week. According to the police, no one was injured in the landslide, but ⑧     were damaged. Those are the top news for today, Wednesday 21 July.
听下面一段长对话, 回答以下小题。
1.Who is the woman talking with
A. Her teacher.   B. Her uncle.
C. Her classmate.
2.Where did the earthquake take place according to the woman
A. In New Zealand. B. In America.
C. In Canada.
3.Why did the woman come back to Canada
A. She got hurt in the earthquake.
B. She wanted to take a break.
C. She took an exchange program.
4.What does the man think of studying in Australia
A. Wonderful. B. Terrible.
C. Funny.
目标二 场景模拟 体验感悟
Good morning/evening.Today is 13 May.A 8.0 magnitude earthquake hit 1.       ,China 2.          (昨天下午2∶28).The earthquake has caused at least 8,500 deaths by now and the number of the people 3.         (受伤的) is still increasing.Rescue workers and soldiers are working day and night to search for those 4.__________________(依然还活着的).Medical teams were sent to the disaster area to offer necessary treatment.Shelters have been set up for those 5.        (失去家园的).Food and other supplies 6.               (提供给了幸存者).
目标三 技巧点拨 精准发音
辅音类别 示例
清辅音 /p/ pay, peach, supply, speed, spend
/t/ foot, sit, team, table, student, stop
/k/ kiss, class, clock, cat, sky, skirt
/f/ life, first, fast, father, far, photo
/s/ face, stop, study, star, sad, nice
/ / fish, wish, wash, shirt, short
/θ/ three, thank, mouth, tooth, think
/h/ home, horse, house, he, his, him
/tr/ tree, try, train, trip, true, street
/t / cheap, chair, che ck, child, watch
浊辅音 /b/ bee, buy, but, black, blue, basket
/d/ dog, do, sad, bad, dad
/g/ big, get, good, guest, glass
/v/ very, never, five, fever
/z/ busy, easy, nose, zero
/ / usual, pleasure, decision
/ / that, these, there, father, brother
/r/ red, room, run, right, rat, rose
/dr/ driver, dress, draw, dry
/d / large, cage, bridge, change, job
注意 (1)在/s/后/p/要读成相应的浊辅音/b/(2)在/s/后/t/要读成相应的浊辅音/d/(3)在/s/后/k/要读成相应的浊辅音/ɡ/
二、以 ed结尾的单词的发音规律
(1)在清辅音/p//t//k//f//s//h/等后读/t/, 如: watched, marked, finished, stopped, cooked等。
(2)在浊辅音/ɡ//v//z//r//m//n/等后或元音后读/d/, 如: cleaned, played, prepared等。
(3)在/t//d/后读/id/, 如: painted, started, visited, minded等。
(1)A. breathe  B. length  C. death  D. thank
(2)A. sport B. percent C. pipe D. tap
(3)A. affect B. erupt C. whistle D. effect
(4)A. cheap B. ache C. watch D. child
(5)A. cleaned B. worked C. washed D. helped
(1)/p/ Peter was sleeping on the pillow.
(2)/f/ It's very difficult for us to finish it before five.
(3)/b/ Bob will be back before six o'clock.
(4)/d/ Every dog has his day.
(5)/t/ Time and tide wait for no man.
(6)/id/ We visited the museum where there are some painted pictures.
探究新知 发展语言知识
1(教材P48)What are the rescue workers and soldiers doing in the flood hit area
◎rescue n.& vt.营救;救援
(1)come to one's rescue 来援救某人
a rescue team 救援队
rescue workers 救援人员
(2)rescue...from... 把……从……营救出来
[佳句] Some of the rescue workers and doctors were trapped under the ruins.
①The firefighters rescued five children      the burning house yesterday.
②It was with the help of the local guide that the mountain climber     (rescue).
③When we were trapped in the ruins, the soldiers saved us.
→When we were trapped in the ruins, the soldiers        .
2(教材P48)Which buildings were damaged in Seoul
◎damage vt.损害;破坏 n.损坏;损失
(1)damage one's health 损害某人的健康
(2)cause/do damage to... 对……造成损害
pay the damage 赔偿损失
[佳句]  It is you rather than he that are responsible for the accident.As a result, I insist on your paying for the damage.
是你而不是他对这次事故负责。 因此, 我坚持要你赔偿损失。
①As we all know, smoking can______________________________________.(damage n.)
②It is well known that smoking can __________________________________.(damage vt.)
3(教材P49)82 killed, 500,000 affected
◎affect vt.影响;(疾病)侵袭;深深打动
(1) affect sb./sth. 影响某人/某事
be (deeply) affected by 被(深深)打动了
(2) effect n.  作用;影响
have an effect on... 对……产生影响
[佳句] According to research, using a mobile phone before going to bed can affect your health.
根据研究, 睡前使用手机会影响你的健康。
① Affected by the moving story, he burst into tears.      
② Diseases affect almost everyone at some time during their lives.      
③The disease is beginning to affect his eyesight.      
④In my opinion, staying up late every day is certain to affect your health greatly.
→In my view, staying up late every day is certain to              .
4(教材P49)Shelters set up by the government
◎shelter n.避难处;居所;庇护 vt.保护;掩蔽 vi.躲避(风雨或危险)
(1)take shelter from... 躲避……
(2)shelter...from... 保护/遮蔽……不/免受……的伤害
shelter from... 躲避……
[佳句] After the terrible earthquake, the homeless need not only food and water but also proper shelter.
①Trees were planted to shelter this area      strong sand storms.
②It is very dangerous to take shelter      rain under a tree especially during a summer rainstorm.
It's too hot, so we'd better find a tree_____________________________________________.
Section Ⅰ Listening and Speaking & Listening and Talking
Part 1 听说·强化交际技能
①flood ②volcanic eruption ③landslide ④tornado
⑤drought ⑥earthquake ⑦tsunami ⑧wildfire
①17 April ②230
③central China ④no one
⑤four homes ⑥has died
⑦a library ⑧several cars
答案:1~4 BABA
M: Hi, Sally. I haven't seen you in years! What are you up to these days
W: Good to see you, Uncle Jimmy. I'm planning to go back to university.
M: Aren't you studying in New Zealand
W: That's right. But there was a big earthquake during my third year, so I took a break and came back to Canada.
M: Oh, no. Did you get hurt
W: No, I was fine. But I just decided to come back for a couple of months.
M: Okay. So when are you going back to school
W: In two weeks. I'm actually finishing my last year in Australia through an exchange program.
M: That's cool.
W: What about you When are you going back to America
M: In a month.
2.at twenty eight past two yesterday afternoon
3.(who were) injured
4.(who are) still alive
5.who lost their homes
6.have been offered to the survivors
1.(1)A (2)A (3)C (4)B (5)A
2.(1)/p/ Peter was sleeping on the pillow.
(2)/f/ It's very difficult for us to finish it before five.
(3)/b/  Bob will be back before six o'clock.
(4)/d/ Every dog has his day.
(5)/t/ Time and tide wait for no man.
(6)/id/ We visited the museum where there are some painted pictures.
Part 2 语言基础集释
探究新知 发展语言知识
1.①from ②was rescued ③came to our rescue
2.①do/cause damage to our health ②damage our health
3.①vt. 深深打动 ②vt.(疾病) 侵袭 ③vt .(疾病) 侵袭 ④have a great effect on your health
4.①from ②from ③to take shelter from the sun
1Section Ⅱ Reading and Thinking
每/日/金/句:In the face of disaster, the greatest strength is to work together, and be united as one.
自读课文 疏通文脉大意
Task 1 文本整体理解:理清文章架构
1.What's the main idea of the text
A.A terrible earthquake of Tangshan.
B.Before the earthquake of Tangshan.
C.During the earthquake of Tangshan.
D.Damages of the earthquake of Tangshan.
2.Match the main idea of each paragraph.
Para. 1      A.The earthquake caused
unbelievable destruction to Tangshan.
Para. 2      B.The earthquake happened
and caused deaths or injuries in Tangshan.
Para. 3      C.Help came soon after the
Para. 4      D.Strange things happened, but no one paid attention to them.
Para. 5      E.Tangshan came back to life again.
Task 2 文本细节理解:探寻语篇细节理解
Read the text on Page 50 carefully and then choose the best answer.
1.The title “THE NIGHT THE EARTH DIDN'T SLEEP” means    W.
A.the earth was wide awake all night long
B.people on the earth couldn't fall asleep that night
C.the earth kept on shaking like crazy that night
D.animals on the earth would not sleep that night
2.People in the city went to bed as usual that night because    W.
A.they thought it was not strange for water pipes to crack and burst
B.they thought it was easy to experience an earthquake
C.they thought sleeping was the most important thing no matter what would happen
D.they could never imagine there would be an earthquake
3.What's the meaning of the sentence “Slowly, the city began to breathe again.”?
A.People weren't sad any more.
B.The life in Tangshan began to return to normal.
C.The earthquake finally came to an end.
D.Those who were trapped were saved.
4.What is the mood(语气)of this passage
A.Sad. B.Serious.
C.Serious and sad. D.Calm.
Task 3 文本理解:续写佳句
1.Read the passage carefully and find out the sentence with a simile.(细读短文并找出含有明喻的句子)
2.Read the passage carefully and find out the sentence modified with a metaphor.(细读短文并找出含有暗喻的句子)
3.Read the passage carefully and find out the sentences with a personification.(细读短文并找出含有拟人的句子)
精读课文 疏通理解障碍
①in the countryside在农村
②crack [kr k] n.裂纹;裂缝vi. & vt.(使)破裂
③at (the) least至少
at (the) most至多,不超过
⑤run out of从……跑出来;用光
⑥as usual像往常一样
than usual...比往常……
⑦as if似乎;好像;仿佛
⑧come to an end结束
⑨deadly adj.致命的; 死一般的
⑩cause damage造成损失/损害
cause/do damage to...对……造成损害
cut across横穿; 抄近路穿过
waterway n.水路;航道
less than少于
more than多于; 不仅仅是; 非常
ruin ['ru n] n. & vt.破坏;毁坏
in ruins严重受损;破败不堪
thousands of 成千上万的
hundreds of thousands of数十万的
be left without失去……;被遗弃
the number of...……的数量
badly adv.非常;极度地
survivor n.幸存者;生还者
nothing but只有,只,仅仅
percent [p 'sent] n.百分之……adj. & adv.每一百中
gone adj.不复存在的;一去不复返的
brick [br k] n.砖; 砖块
blow away刮走;吹走
track n.轨道;跑道
keep track of了解; 与……保持联系;跟上……的进展;掌握……的最新消息
metal ['metl] n.金属
shock [ k] n.震惊;令人震惊的事;休克vt.(使)震惊
in shock震惊;吃惊
electricity [ lek'tr s ti] n.电;电能
dig out挖出
trap [tr p] vt.使落入险境;
bury ['beri] vt.埋葬;安葬
the dead死者;逝者(“the+adj.”可表示一类人)
medical care医疗护理
breathe [bri ] vi. & vt.呼吸
revive [r 'va v] vt. & vi.复活;(使)苏醒
revival [r 'va vl] n.振兴;复苏
on one's feet恢复健康;站立着
support n.支持
effort ['ef t] n.努力;艰难的尝试;尽力
in times of在……时期
unify ['ju n fa ] vi. & vt.统一;(使)成一体
wisdom ['w zd m] n.智慧;才智
positive adj.积极的;肯定的
stay positive保持乐观
Strange things were happening in the countryside① of northeastern Hebei. For several days, the water in the village wells rose and fell, rose and fell. There were deep cracks② that appeared in the well walls[1]. At least③ one well had some smelly gas coming out of it[2]. Chickens and even pigs were too nervous to④ eat, and dogs refused to go inside buildings. Mice ran out of⑤ the fields looking for places to hide [3], and fish jumped out of the water. At about 3:00 a.m., on 28 July 1976, bright lights were seen in the sky outside the city of Tangshan and loud noises were heard. But the city's one million people were asleep as usual⑥ that night.
At 3:42 a.m., everything began to shake. It seemed as if⑦ the world were coming to an end⑧[4]! Eleven kilometres directly below the city, one of the most deadly⑨ earthquakes of the 20th century had begun, a quake that even caused damage⑩ more than 150 kilometres away in Beijing. Nearly one third of the whole nation felt it! A huge crack, eight kilometres long and 30 metres wide, cut across houses, roads, and waterways . Hard hills of rock became rivers of dirt. In less than one minute, a large city lay in ruins . Two thirds of the people who lived there[5] were dead or injured. Thousands of children were left without parents. The number of people who were killed or badly injured in the quake[5] was more than 400,000.
[4]此处是as if引导的表语从句,从句中be动词用were表虚拟语气。
[5]who lived there和who were killed or badly injured in the quake都是由关系代词who引导的定语从句,修饰people, who在从句中作主语。
Everywhere survivors looked [6], there was nothing but ruins. Nearly everything in the city was destroyed. About 75 percentB21 of the city's factories and buildings, 90 percent of its homes, and all of its hospitals were goneB22. BricksB23 covered the ground like red autumn leaves, but no wind could blow them awayB24. Most bridges had fallen or were not safe to cross. The railway tracksB25 were now useless pieces of metalB26. Tens of thousands of cows, hundreds of thousands of pigs, and millions of chickens were dead. Sand now filled the wells instead of water. People were in shockB27—and then, later that afternoon, another big quake shook Tangshan again. Even more buildings fell down. Water, food, and electricityB28 were hard to get. People began to wonder how long the disaster would last[7].
[7]此句是how long引导的宾语从句,作wonder的宾语。单个的how引导宾语从句时,表方式;由how结合形容词或副词引导宾语从句时,how表程度。
But hope was not lost. Soon after the quakes, the army sent 150,000 soldiers to Tangshan to dig outB29 those who were trappedB30 and to buryB31 the deadB32. More than 10,000 doctors and nurses came to provide medical careB33. Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed[8]. Hundreds of thousands of people were helped. Water and food were brought into the city by train, truck, and plane. Slowly, the city began to breatheB34again.
Tangshan started to reviveB35 itself and get back up on its feetB36. With strong supportB37 from the government and the tireless effortsB38 of the city's people, a new Tangshan was built upon the earthquake ruins. The new city has become a home to more than seven million people, with great improvements in transportation, industry, and environment. Tangshan city has proved to China and the rest of the world that in times ofB39 disaster, people must unifyB40 and show the wisdomB41 to stay positiveB42 and rebuild for a brighter future [9].
[9]此处是that引导的宾语从句,作has proved的宾语。
自查语基 落实基本知能
1. a natural          一场自然灾害
2. the     workers 救援人员
3. brain     脑部损伤
4.     the old world 破坏旧世界
5. set up more      建立更多的避难所
6. lay in     成为废墟
7. about 75     of the city's factories and buildings 城市大约75%的工厂和建筑物
8.a pile of      一摞砖
9. useless pieces of     无用的金属碎片
10.a way of making_________ 一种发电的方法
11. be      in the valley 被困在山谷中
12.     the dead 掩埋死去的人
13.spare no      to help you 不遗余力地帮助你
14. show the     展示出智慧
15.     one's hope 使某人的希望破灭
1.①     one's decision 影响某人的决定
②have an/no      on 有/没有影响
2.①be in      人们大为震惊
②    (adj.) news 令人震惊的消息
③feel     (adj.) 感到震惊
3.①      again 再次呼吸
②take a deep      (n.) 深呼吸
③a little      (adj.) 有点喘不上气
4.①    from terrible injuries 遭受严重的伤
②cause great      (n.) 带来巨大的痛苦
1.          似乎; 好像; 仿佛
2.         严重受损; 破败不堪
3.         震惊; 吃惊
4.         建立
5.         像往常一样
6.         结束
7. in times of         
8. instead of         
9. get back up on one's feet         
10. go through         
1.名词+ less构成含否定意义的形容词, 意为“不, 无”。例如:
breath + less→breathless 喘不上气的
tire→tireless adj. 不倦的
color→colorless adj. 无色的
home→homeless adj. 无家可归的
effort→effortless adj. 不费力的
end→endless adj. 无尽的
2.“介词in + 名词”构成的短语, 在句中作状语或表语, 例如:
in shock 震惊地
in danger       处于危险中
in trouble 有麻烦
in surprise 惊讶地
in need 需要
[教材]Chickens and even pigs were                       , and dogs refused to go inside buildings.
2.[句型]as if引导表语从句
[教材]         the world were coming to an end!
3.[句型]leave sb.+宾语补足语 “使某人处于……”
[教材]Thousands of children were              .
[教材]            , there was nothing but ruins.
1.[教材]Eleven kilometres directly below the city, one of the most deadly earthquakes of the 20th century had begun, a quake that even caused damage more than 150 kilometres away in Beijing.
2.[教材]Soon after the quakes, the army sent 150,000 soldiers to Tangshan to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead.
3.[教材]Tangshan city has proved to China and the rest of the world that in times of disaster, people must unify and show the wisdom to stay positive and rebuild for a brighter future.
探究新知 发展语言知识
1(教材P50)Chickens and even pigs were too nervous to eat, and dogs refused to go inside buildings.鸡甚至猪都焦虑不安,不想进食;狗拒绝进入建筑物内。
(1)“too+adj./adv.(for sb.) to do sth.”意为“太……而不能做某事”, 表示否定意义;
(2)“too+glad/pleased/willing/delighted/anxious to do sth.” 表示肯定意义。
[佳句] I'm always too busy to carry on a conversation with her.
①The problem is too difficult for me      (settle).
②I am      pleased to help you with your homework.
③I was so young that I couldn't understand the meaning of the film.
2(教材P50)It seemed as if the world were coming to an end!仿佛世界末日即将来临!
◎句型公式:as if=as though “仿佛;好像”,可用来引导表语从句
“It seemed (to sb.) as if...”意为“(对某人来说)似乎……”。as if也可引导方式状语从句。
(1)as if从句用陈述语气:
(2)as if从句用虚拟语气:
③从句用would/could/might do形式(与将来的事实相反)
[佳句] It seems as if everything is back to life.
①He talks to them as if they    (be) children.
②He talks about Rome as if he    (be) there before.
③ He opened his mouth as if he      (say)something. 
                      he didn't care about everything around him.
3(教材P50)In less than one minute, a large city lay in ruins.
◎ruin n.& vt.破坏;毁坏
(1)be/lie in ruins 成为废墟;毁灭
fall into ruin 成为废墟;破败不堪
(2)ruin one's hope/future/health
ruin oneself 自我毁灭
[佳句]  Having gone through two world wars, the castle has fallen into ruin.
①Heavy smoking     (ruin) your health, so you should give up smoking.
②If you don't give up the computer games, you'll ruin     (you).
               after the earthquake, which made us awake all night.
4(教材P50)People were in shock—and then, later that afternoon, another big quake shook Tangshan again.人们惊恐万分——接着,临近傍晚时分,又一次强烈的地震撼动唐山。
◎shock n.震惊;令人震惊的事;休克 vt.(使)震惊
(1) a great shock to sb. 对某人来说是极大的震惊
in shock 震惊地;吃惊地
(2)shocked adj. 震惊的;惊讶的
be shocked at/by... 对……吃惊
be shocked to do sth. 做某事很吃惊
(3)shocking adj. 令人震惊的
[佳句] You must get used to the new environment to deal with culture shock.
你必须适应新的环境, 以应对文化冲击。
①The news     (shock) the public, leading to great concern about students' safety at school.
②The news of his sudden death is so      that everyone is very much      at it.(shock)
③    (shock) at the unexpected guest and gift, I was at a loss what to say.
④I looked at him      shock, waiting for him to tell me that I had misunderstood everything.
⑤然而, 当我到达山顶的时候, 我们很震惊地看到到处是垃圾。
However, when we reached the top, we               litter here and there.
5(教材P50)Soon after the quakes, the army sent 150,000 soldiers to Tangshan to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead.
◎trap vt. 使落入险境; 使陷入圈套 n. 险境; 陷阱
(1)be trapped under/in... 被困于……
trap sb. into doing sth. 诱骗某人做某事
(2)set a trap 设置陷阱/布下圈套
fall into a trap 落入圈套
[佳句] If you choose this way, you're likely to fall into a trap.
①There was a power failure, so they      (trap) in the lift.
②By clever questioning, they trapped him      telling the truth.
③When the young man was trapped in the building, he felt very helpless.
→              ,the young man felt very helpless.(改为非谓语动词作状语)
◎bury vt.埋葬;安葬;掩埋;使沉浸;使专心
(1)bury...in... 把……埋到……里
bury one's face in hands 双手掩面
[佳句] She buried her face in hands and wept when she heard the bad news.
④     (bury) in his study, he didn't know all the others had left.
⑤Apart from finishing my homework, I'd like to bury      (I) in learning something more about the robot. 
He sat at a wooden table and was buried in reading.
→⑥He sat at a wooden table,        .(过去分词短语作状语)
→⑦He sat at a wooden table,        .(现在分词短语作状语)
6(教材P50)With strong support from the government and the tireless efforts of the city's people, a new Tangshan was built upon the earthquake ruins.
◎effort n.努力;艰难的尝试;尽力
spare no effort to do sth. 不遗余力地做某事
make an/every effort to do sth. 尽(全)力做某事
with effort 费力地
[佳句] The good news is that it's simple to learn and can be worth the effort.
好消息是它简单易学, 值得你付出努力。
①We'll          you, but you must get prepared to meet all kinds of difficulties.(try)
②We'll          you, but you must get prepared to meet all kinds of difficulties.(effort)
③We'll          you, but you must get prepared to meet all kinds of difficulties.(effort)
7(教材P51)What kind of help do you think people who have suffered an earthquake need?你认为遭遇地震的人需要什么样的帮助?
◎suffer vt.遭受;蒙受 vi.(因疾病、痛苦、悲伤等)受苦
(1)suffer from... 患……病;因……而受苦
suffer from cold and hunger 忍饥挨冻
(2)suffer losses/pains 遭受损失/痛苦
(3)suffering n.  苦难,痛苦
sufferer n. 受难者
[佳句]  We all will suffer hardship in our life, but we should stick to our dream and work hard to realise it.
人生中, 我们都会遭受艰难, 但是我们应该坚持梦想, 并努力实现我们的梦想。
①A lot of money has been collected to help those     (suffer) from the floods.
②She received many letters of support from some cancer     (suffer).
③The survivor never talked about his     (suffer) in the disaster.
It is obvious that our earth is                    .
Section Ⅱ Reading and Thinking
Part 1 课前预习设计
自读课文 疏通文脉大意
Task 1
Task 2
1.B 2.D 3.B 4.C
Task 3
1.Bricks covered the ground like red autumn leaves.
2.Hard hills of rock became rivers of dirt.
3.(1)The night the earth didn't sleep.
(2)Slowly,the city began to breathe again.
自查语基 落实基本知能
1.disaster 2.rescue 3.damage 4.destroy 5.shelters
6.ruins 7.percent 8.bricks 9.metal 10.electricity
11.trapped 12.bury 13.effort 14.wisdom 15.ruin
1.①affect ②effect
2.①shock ②shocking ③shocked
3.①breathe ②breath ③breathless
4.①suffer ②suffering
1.as if 2.in ruins 3.in shock 4.set up 5.as usual
6.come to an end 7.在 …… 时期 8.而不是 ……; 代替 9.东山再起 ; 重新开始 10.经历
1.too nervous to eat
2.It seemed as if
3.left without parents
4.Everywhere survivors looked
1.在城市正下方的 11 千米处, 20 世纪伤亡最严重之一的一场地震发生了,这场地震甚至对150多千米外的北京造成了破坏。
2.地震发生后不久,军队派出了 15 万名士兵前往唐山,搜救被困人员并埋葬死者。
Part 2 课堂提升素养
探究新知 发展语言知识
1.①to settle ②too ③I was too young to understand the meaning of the film.
2.①were ②had been ③would say ④It seemed as if
3.①ruins ②yourself ③The whole city lay in ruins
4.①shocked ②shocking shocked ③Shocked ④in
⑤were shocked to see
5.①were trapped ②into ③Trapped in the building
④Buried ⑤myself ⑥buried in reading ⑦burying himself in reading
6.①try our best to help ②make every/an effort to help
③spare no efforts to help
7.①suffering ②sufferers ③suffering(s) ④suffering serious damage