人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 2 Looking into the Future 单元测试(含答案无听力题)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 2 Looking into the Future 单元测试(含答案无听力题)
格式 docx
文件大小 32.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-10-05 07:27:05



Unit 2 Looking into the Future 单元测试
Many leading AI researchers think that in a matter of decades, artificial intelligence will be able to do not merely some of our jobs, but all of our jobs, forever transforming life on the earth.
The reason why many people regard this as science fiction is that we've traditionally thought of intelligence as something mysterious that can only exist in biological organisms, especially humans. But such an idea is unscientific.
From my point of view as a physicist and AI researcher, intelligence is simply a certain kind of information processing performed by elementary particles (基本粒子) moving around, and there is no law of physics that says one can't build more intelligent machines than us in all ways. This suggests that we've only seen the tip of the iceberg and that there is the amazing potential to unlock the full intelligence that exists in nature and use it to help humanity.
If we get it right, the upside is huge. Since everything we love about civilization is the product of intelligence, amplifying our own intelligence with AI has the potential to solve tomorrow's toughest problems. For example, why risk our loved ones dying in traffic accidents that self-driving cars could prevent or dying of cancers that AI might help us find cures for Why not increase productivity through automation and use AI to accelerate our research and development of affordable sustainable(可持续的) energy
I'm optimistic that we can develop rapidly with advanced AI as long as we win the race between the growing power of our technology and the knowledge with which we manage it. But this requires giving up our outdated concept of learning from mistakes. That helped us win the race with less powerful technology. We met with fire and then invented fire extinguishers (灭火器), and we met with cars and then invented seat belts. However, it's an awful idea for more powerful technologies, such as nuclear weapons or super intelligent AI—where even a single mistake is unacceptable and we need to get things right from the first.
1.How do many people feel about leading AI researchers' predictions
A.Worried. B.Curious. C.Doubtful. D.Disappointed.
2.What does the author think of intelligence
A.We know little about it. B.It belongs to human beings.
C.It is too difficult to understand. D.We have a good command of it.
3.What does the underlined word "upside" in Paragraph 4 probably mean
A.Cost. B.Potential. C.Quantity. D.Advantage.
4.What's important for us in the race between people and technology
A.Learning from failure. B.Increasing our intelligence.
C.Avoiding making mistakes. D.Making accurate predictions.
Dogs are our best friends. That's especially true after a disaster, such as an earthquake. When buildings fall down, search-and-rescue dogs help find trapped people. Dogs' amazing noses can pick up the smell of survivors. Now scientists have developed an electronic tool that does the same thing. It's taking smell detection(探测) to a whole new level.
The new invention is a sort of electronic nose, which can detect extremely low levels of many compounds(化合物) from people's skin. This isn't the first time engineers have developed such an object. Earlier models, however, have been bulky and expensive. They could not detect low levels of target compounds either. The new one is inexpensive and small enough to fit inside hand-held equipment.
The electronic nose can detect extremely slight smell of more than one compound at the same time. "Being able to do this, in such a small object, is the significant discovery," says Sotiris E. Pratsinis, Professor of Process Engineering and Materials Science at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. His team tested it in special spaces. They were like the small spaces where people might be trapped. Chemicals given off by the volunteers built up inside. The electronic equipment detected those compounds at unbelievably low levels.
The results were good news for the research team. But they may be not for our four-legged friends, who could soon be out of a job. "Ideally, this technology could replace search-and-rescue dogs," Pratsinis says.
Stephen Taylor, an electrical engineer, agrees that the new technology has some benefits over dogs. Still, he thinks it may be too soon to have our trusty friends retire. He suspects, "I foresee that such an object could add to the fine work done by the dogs." Taylor also points out some potential limitations of the new invention. "E-noses are useful, but can be very likely to be affected by unstable readings and interruption," he says.
1.Why does the author talk about dogs at the beginning
A.To catch the readers' attention. B.To introduce the topic about e-noses.
C.To show what search-and-rescue dogs do. D.To add background information for discussion.
2.Which of the following best explains "bulky" underlined in Paragraph 2
A.Complex. B.Fragile. C.Handy. D.Large.
3.What is Paragraph 3 mainly about
A.What e-noses' working principle is.
B.How e-noses are made.
C.What differences between dogs and e-noses are.
D.How powerful e-noses are.
4.What does Stephen Taylor mean
A.Dogs and e-noses could work together. B.Search-and-rescue dogs will retire soon.
C.E-noses are more reliable than noses of dogs. D.Dogs are better at finding out trapped people.
Twenty-five years ago, most young Britons wanted a career in law, to be a doctor, or, if they were creative enough, to take up singing. But today, things stand different.
According to a survey by Tesco Mobile, a UK company, the "dream job" of young people aged between 16 and 25 in the UK is a video blogger, or "vlogger". The survey, carried out among 1,002 people, found that as many as 40 percent of them put vloggers as their number one choice on a list of ideal careers.
This change is undoubtedly as a result of the Internet and social media. They have made it so much easier to reach the audience of the world, without having to enter a career in show business in the traditional way.
In the past, the biggest stars were trained by the Hollywood studios; now, anyone with a computer camera can become a star. Vloggers are the big stars of today because they are normal people interacting(交流) with their fans about everyday life.
However, what people see is only the bright side of being a vlogger and they fail to notice the fact that only those who are successful earn fame(名声) and fortunes. For every success there are hundreds of others who never get off the starting line. There are the dreams that come true and the dreams that remain dreams forever.
Although being vloggers is popular, some young people choose to follow careers that don't necessarily earn them fame, but that allow them to make good use of the Internet to share their hobbies. Young Israeli David Leshaw, for example, runs a business called the Finishers Club. It's an online platform for runners to keep a record of their races. His job allows him to express his enthusiasm, and is always a learning experience. And that's enough for him.
1. Why do more and more young Britons choose to be vloggers
A. Vloggers can earn greater fame and more money on the Internet.
B. There is too much competition in the traditional show business.
C. The Internet makes it convenient to enter show business.
D. Anyone with a computer will surely become a star.
2. What can we infer from the fifth paragraph
A. Only a few vloggers can be successful.
B. A vlogger cannot earn fame or fortunes.
C. Being a vlogger is not a good career.
D. Dreams will come true one day.
3. What do some young people like David do on the Internet
A. Learn from others. B. Become an online hit.
C. Hold running races. D. Mix jobs with hobbies.
4. What is the passage mainly about
A. Most young Britons choose to be vloggers as their jobs.
B. The Internet is influencing young Britons' career choice.
C. The Internet is taking the place of traditional studios.
D. Young Britons cannot find jobs without the Internet.
Four teenage girls from Minnesota, US. 120 hours of non-stop togetherness. No cellphones. This is not a reality show, but an adventure journey.
"It was really perfect," said Julia Ruelle of her recent adventure to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness with three of her childhood friends. "By unplugging, we had an amazing time."
Last year, the 16-year-old took part in an essay contest and carried off a prize. The award was a 5-day canoe and camping adventure with up to three friends. No parents or guides would be there. So Julia invited her friends Anna Wander, Madeline Wilson and Julianna Torelli.
The four Minnetonka High School juniors arrived in Ely for training the day before they began the journey. They set out the next day at 7 a. m., quickly developing a routine.
"We were done paddling by noon," Julia said. "We ate lunch at the campsite and then it was time for hammocks (吊床), reading, making friendship bracelets (手镯)and talking."
The girls all had some experience in the outdoors before.
Anna had been to the Boundary Waters with her family. "I love how you are separated from everything in your life, especially technology," Anna said. Without her phone, she said, "I'm less worried about things." Madeline, too, had been to the Boundary Waters a few years back. "But this time, I had to paddle right and set up camp," she said. The girls made fire and cooked meal together. No one was ever hungry or homesick, but they were nervous the final night as they waited out a thunderstorm. They left wet sleeping bags in one tent, and squeezed into another for the night. "Every thunderstorm in the Boundary Waters feels huge," Julia said.
On the car ride home, they were all on their phones catching up with friends. "It was a little at a loss turning my phone on, said Anna. "Mental health can be improved so much in the Boundary Waters. It really helps to get away and reconnect with yourself."
1.How did Julia Ruelle get the chance to camp
A.She won an essay contest. B.She was invited by her friends.
C.She performed well in her school. D.She asked her parents for support.
2.Why was the 5-day adventure unique to the girls
A.They needed to complete many tasks. B.They needed to find a guide on their own.
C.They had to live on a boat for several days. D.They had to live without their smartphones.
3.What can we know about the girls from the story
A.They had not got any camping experience before.
B.They all felt refreshed after the adventure journey.
C.They enriched their learning experience by exploring.
D.They used to keep in close touch with their friends by phone.
4.What did the girls do when they were going home
A.They played games on the phone. B.They phoned their friends.
C.They reflected on their experiences. D.They didn't know what to tell their friends.
With the development of science and technology, our daily life is becoming more varied and more convenient. At the same time, life in the late 21st century will be different from that nowadays, because many changes will take place then, but what will the changes be
①_____ There will be more and more people in the world and most of them will live longer than today.
Computers will be much smaller and more useful, and there will be at least one in every home. ②_____
People will work fewer hours than they do now. They will have more free time for sports, watching TV and traveling. Traveling will be much cheaper and easier. ③_____
④_____ More land will be used to build new towns and houses. Then there will be less room for cows and sheep, so meat will be more expensive. Maybe no one will eat it every day. Instead they eat more vegetables and fruit. Maybe people will be healthier thanks to that.
Work in the future will be different, too. ⑤_____ Because of this, many people will not have enough work to do. This will be a problem.
A. The population is growing fast.
B. Robots are most useful in the future.
C. There will be changes in our food, too.
D. Dangerous and hard work will be done by robots.
E. The population is becoming smaller and smaller.
F. And more people will go to other countries for travel.
G. And computer study will be one of the important subjects at school.
Modern inventions have speeded up people's lives amazingly. Motor cars 1 a hundred miles in more than an hour, aircraft cross the world within a day, while computers operate at lightning speed. Indeed, this love of 2 seems never-ending. Every year motor cars are produced which go even faster and each new computer boasts (吹嘘) of 3 precious seconds in handling tasks.
All these save time, but at a cost. When we lose or 4 half a day in speeding across the world in an airplane, our bodies tell us so. We get the uncomfortable feeling known as jet-lag (时差). Our bodies feel that they have been 5 behind in another time zone. Again, spending too long at 6 results in painful wrists and fingers. Mobile phones also have their dangers: too much use may transmit harmful 7 into our brains.
However, how do we 8 the time we have saved Certainly not relax, or so it seems. We are so used to constant activity that we find it 9 to sit down and do nothing or even just one thing at a 10 . Perhaps the days are long gone when we might listen 11 to a story on the radio, letting imagination take us into another world.
There was a time when some people's lives were devoted simply to the cultivation (耕作) of the 12 or the care of cattle. No multi-tasking there; their lives went on at a much gentler pace. There is much that we might envy about a 13 of life like this. Yet before we do so, we must think of the hard tasks our ancestors 14 . Modern machines have 15 people from that primitive existence.
1.A. explore B. get C. cover D. fly
2.A. speed B. time C. product D. distance
3.A. wasting B. losing C. saving D. spending
4.A. earn B. drop C. miss D. gain
5.A. left B. come C. forgotten D. felt
6.A. ships B. airplanes C. computers D. cars
7.A. prevention B. radiation C. combination D. damage
8.A. control B. handle C. do D. deal
9.A. uncomfortable B. easy C. difficult D. good
10.A. second B. day C. year D. time
11.A. actively B. quietly C. quickly D. curiously
12.A. surface B. water C. land D. island
13.A. way B. view C. pathway D. point
14.A. expressed B. charged C. inspired D. faced
15.A. freed B. remained C. kept D. cleared
Zwick could not hide her emotions when a kind-hearted stranger gave up his first-class plane seat for her and her sick daughter. Though she did not get to thank him properly on the plane, she ①_____ (final) got her chance on social media after her post spread quickly online. Zwick was flying from Orlando to Philadelphia with her 11-month-old daughter Lucy ②_____ (early) this week. Since the baby suffered from lung disease, the two of them were travelling to a children's hospital in Philadelphia for ③_____ (treat).
She was pushing a stroller (婴儿手推车), had ④_____ big bag on her arm and carried an oxygen machine for her daughter. As they ⑤_____ (settle) into their seats, however, Zwick was surprised to be approached by a flight attendant, ⑥_____ said that a man in first class wanted to switch seats with her.
"Not able to hold back ⑦_____ (tear), I cried on the seat while my daughter Lucy laughed," wrote Zwick. "I smiled and thanked you as we switched seats but didn't get to thank you properly. Thank you for ⑧_____ (care) about us and realizing that maybe things are not always easy. Thanks for intending ⑨_____ (show) a random act of kindness to us. ⑩_____ reminded me how much good there is in this world."
阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写词数应为150左右。
It was raining pretty hard on Halloween, but that wasn't going to stop my little sister Kate and me from trick or treating. We decided to start at Miss Parson's house. Miss Parson was loved by us kids who lived nearby because she often shared her self-made cookies with us. We usually finished them in a second, especially when we were hungry after class. Sometimes, when we visited her or did something for her, she always gave us surprise.
Kate and I wondered what kinds of treats she'd offer. As we walked down the street, I held an umbrella, a bag for candy, and my sister's hand. Jack-o'-lanterns gave soft light along the street. Spider webs hung in all the windows. Parents who were dressed up like monsters(怪物) stood in doorways. After we had walked a few blocks, we were wet from head to toes, and I felt Kate was trembling with cold.
There was a light on at Miss Parson's house, but there were no ghosts, goblins(小妖精), or jack-o'-lanterns. We climbed up the steps and saw Miss Parson through a window. She was drinking a cup of hot tea.
"Maybe she doesn't celebrate Halloween," Kate said with a sigh, disappointedly.
"Well, even if she doesn't, she usually likes it when we visit her," I said and knocked on the door.
Miss Parson seemed surprised when she opened it and saw our dressing. "Is today Halloween " she asked. "I completely forgot. I am so sorry!"
Miss Parson rushed us into her house.
The next morning, a hot and sweet discussion about Miss Parson and Halloween spread among us kids.
解析:1.推理判断题。根据第二段中的"many people regard this as science fiction"可以推知,很多人不相信AI研究者的预言,认为那更像是科幻小说。故选C。
2.细节理解题。根据第三段中的"we've only seen the tip of the iceberg"可知,作者认为,人类对智能的认识还只是冰山一角。故选A。
4.细节理解题。根据最后一段中的"...we can develop rapidly with advanced AI... giving up our outdated concept of learning from mistakes."可知,作者认为,赢得这场比赛的关键在于抛弃“从错误中学习”的过时理念。故选C。
2.答案:1-4 BDDA
解析:1.推理判断题。第一段中, 作者先介绍了狗的鼻子有很多用途, 然后介绍科学家现在发明了可以做同样事情的电子鼻。由此可以推断, 先提及狗是为了引出电子鼻的话题, 故选B项。
2.词义猜测题。根据第二段中的Earlier models, however, have been bulky and expensive...The new one is inexpensive and small enough to fit inside hand-held equipment.可知, 早期的电子鼻比较昂贵且"bulky", 新型的电子鼻则体积小巧, 可放入手持设备内, 新旧形成对比, 由此猜测bulky是"庞大"的意思, 故选D项。complex意为"复杂的", fragile意为"易碎的", handy意为"方便的"。
3.主旨大意题。第三段主要介绍了电子鼻可以同时检测到多种化合物极其轻微的气味, 故选D项。
4.推理判断题。根据最后一段中的"I foresee that such an object could add to the fine work done by the dogs."可知, 斯蒂芬 泰勒认为电子鼻可以配合狗进行工作, 故选A项。
3.答案:1.C; 2.A; 3.D; 4.B
解析:1.考查细节理解。根据第三段中的"They have made it so much easier to reach audience of the world, without having to enter a career in show business in the traditional way"和第四段内容可知,互联网使进入演艺界更方便。
2.考查推理判断。根据第五段中的"For every success there are hundreds of others who never get off the starting line. There are the dreams that come true and the dreams that remain dreams forever"可知,一个成功的博主之外还有数以百计的博主的事业毫无起色, 故可推知只有极少数的视频博主可以成功。
3.考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的"Young Israeli David Leshaw, for example, runs a business called the Finishers Club…His job allows him to express his enthusiasm, and is always a learning experience"可知,像David这样的年轻人通过网络把工作和业余爱好结合在一起。
4.考查主旨大意。根据第二段最后一句"The survey, carried out among 1,002 people, found that as many as 40 percent of them put vloggers as their number one choice on a list of ideal careers"和第三段第一句"This change is undoubtedly as a result of the Internet and social media"可知,文章主要介绍了互联网正在影响着英国的年轻人的职业选择。
1.细节理解题。根据文章第三段第一、二句"Last year, the 16-year-old took part in an essay contest and carried off a prize. The award was a 5-day canoe and camping adventure with up to three friends."可知,Julia Ruelle在去年参加了一场作文比赛并获奖。奖项就是和三个朋友一起参加为期五天的独木舟和露营探险。
2.推理判断题。根据第一段的"No cellphones. This is not a reality show, but an adventure journey."和第七段的"Without her phone, she said, 'I'm less worried about things.'"可知,这次探险之旅的独特之处在于四个女孩在探险之旅中不能使用手机。
3.细节理解题。根据最后一段的"'Mental health can be improved so much in the Boundary Waters. It really helps to get away and reconnect with yourself.'"可知,这次没有手机的探险之旅让她们振奋了精神,也帮助她们重新找回了自我,所以选B项。
4.细节理解题。根据最后一段的第一句"On the car ride home, they were all on their phones catching up with friends."可知,在她们回家的路上她们都在用电话和朋友联系。
完型答案:1-5 CACDA 6-10 CBBCD 11-15 BCADA
解析:1.根据空后的 a hundred miles in more than an hour, aircraft cross the world within a day 可知,此处是说汽车在一个多小时内就能行驶一百英里,飞机在一天内就能飞越世界.故选C项.
2.根据上文的 Modern inventions have speeded up people's lives amazingly. 及列举的一些有关速度的例子可知此处是说,这种对速度的热爱似乎永无止境.故选A项.
3.根据下文的 All these save time, but at a cost. 可知,此处是指每年都会生产出速度更快的汽车, (商家) 每生产一台新电脑都会吹嘘它在处理任务时能节省宝贵的时间.故选C项.
4.根据空前的 lose or 可知,当我们乘坐飞机在世界各地加速飞行时,无论是损失还是获得了半天的时间,我们的身体会告诉我们.故选D项.
5.根据上文的 We get the uncomfortable feeling known as jet-lag. 和常识可知,此处是说我们的身体感觉它们被留在了另一个时区.故选A项.
6.根据空后的 painful wrists and fingers 并结合四个选项可知,此处是说长时间使用电脑会导致手腕和手指疼痛.故选C项.
7.根据上文的 Mobile phones also have their dangers 可知,本句在说有关手机的害处,四个选项中B项与之相关.这里是说过多使用手机可能会向我们的大脑传递有害的辐射.故选B项.
8.根据下文的 Certainly not relax, or so it seems. 可知,此处是提出问题:我们如何处理节省下来的时间呢 故选B项.
9.根据下文的 Perhaps the days are long gone when we might listen ___ to a story on the radio, letting imagination take us into another world. 可知这里意思是我们已经习惯了持续性的活动,以至于我们很难坐下来什么都不做,甚至一次只做一件事.故选C项.
10.根据语境,我们已经习惯了持续的活动,以至于我们很难坐下来什么都不做,甚至一次只做一件事. at a time 意为 "一次", 故选D项.
12.根据空前的 the cultivation 可知,曾经有那样一个年代,有些人的生活仅仅是耕种土地或照料牛群.故选C项.
13.根据上文的 No multi-tasking there; their lives went on at a much gentler pace. 可知,此处是指这样的生活方式有许多值得我们羡慕的地方.故选A项.
14.根据语境,此处是说,在我们这样做之前,我们必须想想我们的祖先面对的艰巨任务. express 意为 "表达"; charge 意为 "控告"; inspire 意为 "鼓舞"; face 意为 "面对". 故选D项.
15.根据空前的 Modern machines 以及空后的 people from that primitive existence 可知,是现代机器把人们从那种原始的生活中解放出来.free 意为 "解放"; remain 意为 "保持"; keep 意为 "维持"; clear 意为 "清除". 故选A项.
语法答案:①finally②earlier③treatment④a⑤settled⑥who⑦tears⑧caring⑨to show⑩It
②考查比较级。句意: 本周早些时候, Zwick和11个月大的女儿露西从奥兰多飞往费城。根据句意可知, 此处意为"在本周早些时候", 比现在提到的时间要早, 故填earlier。
③考查词性转换。句意: 由于婴儿患有肺病, 她们两人前往费城一家儿童医院接受治疗。介词for后应用名词, 故填treatment。
④考查冠词。句意: 她推着一辆婴儿车, 胳膊上挎着一个大袋子, 给女儿背着氧气机。分析句子结构可知, 此处填冠词, 表示泛指, 且big首字母的发音为辅音音素, 故用不定冠词a, 表示"一个", 故填a。
⑤考查时态。句意: 然而, 当她们坐到座位上时, 一名空乘人员走了过来, Zwick感到很惊讶……。根据主句中的was surprised可知此处用一般过去时, 故填settled。
⑥考查定语从句。句意: ……空乘人员说在头等舱的一位男性想要与她换位置。分析句子结构可知, 此处引导非限制性定语从句, 且在从句中作主语, 又因为先行词是a flight attendant, 故填who。
⑦考查名词复数形式。句意: Zwick写道: "我抑制不住眼泪, 在座位上哭了起来, 而我的女儿露西笑了。"tear是可数名词, hold back tears忍住泪水, 故填tears。
⑧考查非谓语动词。句意: 谢谢你关心我们, 谢谢你意识到可能事情并不总是容易的……。介词for后应用v.-ing形式, 故填caring。
⑨考查非谓语动词。intend to do是固定用法,意为"想要做……"。
⑩考查代词。分析句子结构可知,空处作主语,指代上文中的"a random act of kindness",故填It。
Dear Mr Principal,
Our class has studied some knowledge about first aid. We are all interested in it and feel that being able to give first aid when needed can make a difference before proper medical treatment is given.
Therefore, we suggest that courses on first aid should be offered in our school. Posters about the treatment for different injuries can be put up in every corner of our campus. What's more, our school can organize the rescue drills to provide a stage for students to practice and gain experience in first aid.
I believe having a knowledge of first aid is of vital importance. I would appreciate it if you could take our suggestions into consideration.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
Miss Parson rushed us into her house. "It's cold out here," she said. My sister's face was shining from the rain and Miss Parson dried her cheeks. "Thank you," Kate said. "Trick or treat " "Oh, right! Treats," said Miss Parson in surprise. Then she disappeared for a moment and came back with a big smile on her face. "Open those bags wide," she said. She dropped two boxes of cocoa into our bags. "Winter is just around the corner," she said. "Some hot cocoa will keep you warm." "Thank you," we both said. "Happy Halloween!"
The next morning, a hot and sweet discussion about Miss Parson and Halloween spread among us kids. We told Mom about how Miss Parson had forgotten Halloween and about what she had given to us and the other kids, "It sounds as if nobody was very upset, even though she forgot Halloween," said Mom. "No, we were happy," I said. "Although she didn't give us candy, it was kind of fun for us all to get something different for a change. I hope it will become a Halloween tradition to give out unusual treats."