人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 1 Art 单元练习(word版含答案,无听力音频有文字材料)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 1 Art 单元练习(word版含答案,无听力音频有文字材料)
格式 docx
文件大小 171.7KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-10-05 21:04:56



听下面五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A, B, C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(5分)
1. What does the boy mean?
A. The professor spoke too slowly.
B. He was not able to find the classroom.
C. He didn't understand the professor's lecture.
2. What is the woman going to do?
A. Join her friend. B. Stay inside. C. Sit under the tree.
3. How does the man feel about the woman's words?
A. Disappointed. B. Surprised. C. Frightened.
4. What is the woman going to do tomorrow?
A. Visit a museum. B. Go to a bookstore. C. Go to a concert.
5. Why did the man make this phone call?
A. To pay for his travel. B. To book his flight ticket.
C. To change his departure time.
听下面两段对话,每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A, B, C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(6分)
6. How old is Jack's older brother?
A. 10. B. 16. C. 26.
7. What is Jack's mother?
A. A teacher. B. A doctor. C. An engineer.
8. Why does the man come to the store?
A. To buy a pen. B. To exchange a pen. C. To make a complaint.
9. Whom does the pen belong to?
A. The man's wife. B. The man's son. C. The man's daughter.
10. How much did the children save up for the pen?
A. 8 dollars. B. 11 dollars. C. 14 dollars.
11. Which pen does the man choose at last?
A. A purple one. B. A red one. C. A yellow one.
1. Bruce Li is such a handsome and brave man that many girls a________ him.
2. Many children s________ to death in Africa because of the lack of food.
3. The crops grow well in this area. In summer, there is usually p________ of rain here.
4. The actress was a________ the prize for a film last year.
5. The color of our n________ flag is red with five yellow stars on it.
6. On her ________ (到达), the famous singer was warmly welcomed by her fans.
7. Under the leadership of the great man, the whole nation finally got ________ (独立) from other countries.
8. At the beginning of the year, farmers usually have a lot of ________ (农业的) work to do.
9. Without the teacher's ________ (允许), you cannot play with the computer in our class.
10. If you make something ________ (明显的), it is easy to see or understand.
celebrate, admire, energy, starve, feast, memory, origin, arrive, agriculture, custom, gather, gain
Thanksgiving Day is a special holiday in the United States and Canada. Families and friends __1__ to eat and give thanks for their blessings.
Thanksgiving Day is really a harvest festival. This is why it __2__ in late fall, after the crops are harvested.
The first New England Thanksgiving did celebrate a rich __3__ harvest. Early in the 16th century, the __4__ Pilgrims landed at what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts. But in the first winter of their __5__ they had a difficult time. They suffered a lot and many of the Pilgrims even __6__ to death. It was in the next year that they __7__ a good harvest. So Governor (州長) Bradford declared a three-day __8__. The Pilgrims invited Indian friends to join them for their special feast. Everyone brought food. Such is the __9__ of Thanksgiving Day.
In time, other colonies (殖民地) began to celebrate a day of thanksgiving. But it took years before Thanksgiving Day became a national __10__. During the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln announced the last Thursday of November 1863 as a day of thanksgiving. Today, Americans celebrate this happy harvest festival on the fourth Thursday in November while Canadians, their neighbours, celebrate Thanksgiving Day on the second Monday in October.
1. 我盼望今年暑假见到你。(look forward to)
2. 近期将举办一次展览会来纪念这位伟大的科学家。(take place, in memory of)
3. 为庆祝狂欢节(carnival),人们盛装打扮,昼夜跳舞。(dress up, day and night)
4. 村民们希望能找到一条返回村里的路。(lead to)
5. 日光浴很可能对你的皮肤有害。(do harm to)
6. 我们请她吃饭,可她却不露面。(turn up)
7. 和别的孩子一样,这男孩渴望得到母爱。(starve for)
8. 她把孩子们从大火中救出来,我们都对她钦佩不已。(admire sb. for sth.)
9. 大家很清楚那小孩受了虐待。(It is obvious that...)
10. 那么吵,他不可能睡得着觉。(can't have done...)
1. The winners were ________ different prizes in the maths competition.
A. afforded B. rewarded C. awarded D. offered
2. Great changes ________ in the city since 1979.
A. have taken place B. have taken the place
C. have been taken place D. took place
3. It is quite difficult to make everyone ________.
A. satisfy B. satisfied C. satisfying D. to satisfy
4. It's the ________ in Britain for a bride to throw her bouquet (花束) to the wedding guests.
A. habit B. custom C. hobby D. law
5. It's a custom to ________ on April Fool's Day.
A. play a trick B. dress up like a witch
C. play a part D. laugh at each other
6. They decided to build a monument ________ those who died in the earthquake.
A. in memory of B. in honour of C. to honour D. A, B and C
7. There is an old saying “All roads ________ Rome”.
A. look forward to B. lead to C. lead back to D. date back to
8. Wow, the model looks beautiful in that evening ________.
A. clothing B. clothes C. cloth D. dress
9. Don't trust her. She doesn't ________.
A. break her word B. keep her word
C. waste her words D. eat her words
10. He is quite stubborn and won't believe there is the ________ that nothing is impossible.
A. trouble B. advised C. problem D. possibility
11. There was a lot of fun at yesterday's party. You ________ have come. Why didn't you?
A. must B. should C. needn't D. may
12. You know he is not going to let us leave early if we ________ get the work done.
A. can't B. may not C. shouldn't D. mustn't
13. They both look as if they ________ ten years younger after their heart-to-heart talk.
A. are B. were C. have been D. had been
14. —The street is all wet.
—It ________ have rained during the night.
A. could B. should C. need D. must
15. There ________ be any difficulty about passing the road test since you have practiced a lot in
the driving school.
A. shouldn't B. mustn't C. shan't D. needn't
It was very late that Mr and Mrs Davies took time off to do their Christmas shopping. There were only a few __1__ left before Christmas, and of course the __2__ and streets were terribly __3__, but they had to get __4__ for their family and friends. They __5__ early one morning for downtown, and spent several tiring hours buying the things they __6__ in the big shops.
__7__, Mr Davies was carrying parcels of all shapes and sizes. He could hardly __8__ where he was going __9__ he and his wife left the last shop on their way to the railway station __10__home. Outside the shops they had to cross a busy street made even __11__ than usual by the thousands of people who had come to do their __12__ Christmas shopping.
Mr and Mrs Davies had to wait for the traffic lights to turn green, __13__ as Mr Davies could not see very well in front of him, he __14__ moved forward into the street without realizing __15__. Mrs Davies saw this and became __16__. She told him to __17__ off the street several times, but __18__.
Finally she shouted in a voice louder than all the __19__, “Henry!If you want to stand in that dangerous __20__ a moment longer, give me the parcels!”
1. A. hours B. days C. weeks D. months
2. A. roads B. cities C. houses D. shops
3. A. crowded B. quiet C. beautiful D. noisy
4. A. food B. clothes C. presents D. money
5. A. started out B. set up C. put out D. took down
6. A. saw B. wanted C. bought D. used
7. A. Until noon B. In the day-time C. At dawn D. By lunch time
8. A. know B. find C. see D. realize
9. A. as B. while C. before D. to
10. A. or B. to C. for D. and
11. A. worse B. busier C. better D. noisier
12. A. pleasant B. last-day C. last D. easy
13. A. since B. so C. then D. but
14. A. slightly B. patiently C. merely D. gradually
15. A. them B. her C. it D. him
16. A. worried B. frightened C. sad D. careful
17. A. go over B. come back C. leave out D. turn away
18. A. much trouble B. no hurry C. failed D. no trouble
19. A. voices B. noises C. sounds D. shouting
20. A. position B. situation C. way D. spot
The Double-Seventh Day refers to the seventh day of the seventh month on the Chinese lunar calendar.
In ancient times, the Double-Seventh Day was a festival especially for young women. Girls, whether from rich or poor families, would put on their holiday best to celebrate the annual meeting of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl. Parents would place an incense burner (香炉) in the courtyard and lay out some fruit as offerings. Then all the girls in the family would kowtow to Niu Lang and Zhi Nu and pray for ingenuity (灵巧).
In the Tang Dynasty about 1,000 years ago, rich families in the capital city of Chang'an would set up a decorated tower in the courtyard and name it the “Tower of Praying for Ingenuity”. They prayed for various types of ingenuity. Most girls would pray for outstanding sewing or cooking skills. Girls and women would gather together in a square and look into the star-filled night sky. They would put their hands behind their backs, holding a needle and thread. At the word “start”, they would try to thread the needle. Zhi Nu, the Weaver Girl, would bless the one who succeeded first. The ladies would also show off their fried cookies made in many different shapes. They would invite the Weaver Girl to judge who was the best. In the past these were important virtues for a woman.
1. The Double-Seventh Day is usually celebrated on ________.
A. July the seventh B. New Year's Day
C. the 7th day of the 7th month on the Chinese lunar calendar
D. the meeting day of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl stars
2. The underlined word “best” can be replaced by “________”.
A. best food B. best skills C. best clothes D. best ingenuity
3. In the Tang Dynasty most girls would pray to Niu Lang and Zhi Nu for ________.
A. a good marriage B. meeting the Cowherd or the Girl Weaver
C. high officials D. outstanding sewing and cooking skills
4. Zhi Nu, the Weaver Girl, would bless the one ________.
A. who was the winner in the compition of threading the needle
B. whose family had a tower to pray in
C. who kowtowed to Niu Lang and Zhi Nu for ingenuity
D. whose family lay out most fruit as offerings
A long, long time ago, a terrible drought plagued the earth. Ten suns burned fiercely in the sky like smoldering volcanoes.
The King of Heaven sent Hou Yi down to the earth to help. When Hou Yi arrived, he took out his red bow and white arrows and shot down nine suns one after another. The weather immediately turned cooler.
One day, a charming young woman, Chang'e, makes her way home from a stream, holding a bamboo container. A young man comes forward, and asks for a drink. When she sees the red bow and white arrows hanging from his belt, Chang'e realizes that he is their saviour, Hou Yi. Inviting him to drink, Chang'e plucks a beautiful flower and gives it to him as a token of respect. Hou Yi, in turn, selects a beautiful silver fox fur as his gift for her. This meeting kindles the spark of their love, and soon after that, they get married.
Out of respect for the good deeds he has done, the Western Queen Mother rewards Hou Yi with an elixir (仙丹), saying, “If you and your wife share their elixir, you will both enjoy eternal life. But if only one of you takes it, that one will ascend to Heaven and become immortal.”
A wicked man named Feng Meng overhears this. He kills Hou Yi, runs to Hou Yi's home and tries to force Chang'e to give him the elixir. Without hesitating, Chang'e picks up the elixir and drinks it all. Soon the elixir begins to have its effect and Chang'e feels herself being lifted towards Heaven.
5. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Hou Yi was a wicked man sent down to the earth by the King of Heaven.
B. Hou Yi destroyed the earth by shooting down nine suns.
C. The King of Heaven sent Hou Yi down to the earth to kill humans.
D. Hou Yi did a good deed for the earth by shooting down nine suns.
6. Chang'e gives a beautiful flower to Hou Yi because ________.
A. he is asking for a drink
B. he is strong and handsome
C. she respects him as a saviour
D. she gives everyone she meets a flower as a custom
7. Hou Yi is rewarded with the elixir ________.
A. because he loves Chang'e dearly
B. for shooting down the nine suns
C. for killing the wicked man named Feng Meng secretly
D. because Chang'e falls in love with him
You may not be familiar with the Russian Republic of Kalmykia. This article will make you a little more familiar with it. A cultural delegation of Tibetan artists and religious figures went to Kalmykia to present “Tibetan Cultural Week”.
The opening ceremony, held in Elista, the capital of Kalmykia, was attended by high-ranking officials from both sides. The “Tibetan Cultural Week” is part of the “Year of China in Russia”, a much-hailed initiative of cultural diplomacy between the two countries.
Between September 12th and 15th, the city witnessed a series of performances, art shows and symposiums (讨论会) dedicated to the history and culture of Tibet. Given the mysterious aura (气氛) of Tibet, the event proved inspiring as well as informative.
A visitor said, “I feel that we have a lot in common. I don't think there is any barrier in terms of mutual understanding and communication.”
Another visitor said, “I like the show. The photos are very well arranged. It's a reflection of reality in Tibet. Very interesting!”
In a congratulatory letter, Kirsan Iliumzhinov, President of the Russian Republic of Kalmykia, praises the cultural week for making great efforts to deepen mutual understanding and to enhance trust. (Source: Friday 09-14-2018 09:09)
8. A cultural delegation of Tibetan artists and religious figures went to Elista ________.
A. as tourists
B. to celebrate the founding of the Russian Republic
C. for “Tibetan Cultural Week”
D. to pay a visit to Kalmykia
9. The underlined part “the two countries” refers to “________”.
A. Elista and Kalmykia B. Russia and China
C. Russia and Elista D. Russia and Kalmykia
10. The opening ceremony of “Tibetan Cultural Week” was held in Elista between ________.
A. Monday and Thursday B. Tuesday and Friday
C. Wednesday and Saturday D. Thursday and Sunday
11. “Tibetan Cultural Week” was expected to ________.
A. deepen mutual understanding and enhance trust between Russia and China
B. increase income from tourism
C. promote the tourism
D. sell more products from Tibet
Little remains of the original Potala Palace built in the seventh century, as a place of meditation by King Songtsen Gampo on the occasion of his marriage to Princess Wencheng of the Tang Court. Standing atop the Red Hill in Lhasa, the current structure dates from the 17th century; it was rebuilt by the 5th Dalai Lama and became the Winter Palace for Dalai Lamas from that time. The 13-storey building of 1,000 rooms can be seen from many miles away.
The Potala is divided into two sections—an outer section, the White Palace, and an inner section, the Red Palace, the latter containing the temples and reliquary (遗骨) tombs of the Dalai Lamas. The entire building is a structure of stone and timber. At a height of 117 metres, the Potala was the world's tallest building until 20th-century architects designed cityscapes of new buildings that far surpassed the Potala in height—but not in its architectural majesty (威严).
There are small palaces within grand palaces. The Potala stands so high that it looks like a magnificent castle in the heavens. The statues of King Songtsen Gampo and Princess Wencheng are the worship. Among the eight tomb pagodas (塔) of the Dalai Lamas, the tomb of the fifth Dalai Lama is the most extravagant (奢侈的), standing 14 metres high. Eleven thousand ounces of gold were used in the gold plating, and the designs and decorations are all inlaid with diamonds and pearls as well as turquoise (绿宝石), agate (玛瑙), and coral stones.
12. The best tile for this passage is “________”.
A. The Potala Palace—a Treasure House B. The Highest Architecture in the World
C. The Red Hill of Lhasa D. The Most Expensive Palace in the World
13. The original Potala Palace of the seventh century ________.
A. has been well protected for visitors B. can be seen by visitors nowadays
C. doesn't exist today
D. was well conserved by Princess Wencheng of the Tang Court
14. The Potala Palace is mainly built out of ________.
A. mud and stone B. concrete and timber
C. stone and timber D. steel and concrete
15. From this passage we infer that the tomb of the fifth Dalai Lama is the most extravagant because
A. King Songtsen Gampo was buried in it
B. Princess Wencheng of the Tang Court was buried in it
C. the Potala was rebuilt by him
D. he collected the most treasure during his rule
There are two types of twins: identical(相同的) and non-identical twins. Identical twins are formed from a single egg(卵细胞) in mother's body which divides to form two separate babies. Identical twins look the same, and are often dressed by the parents in clothes of the same colour. It is often difficult to tell identical twins from each other, even when they are standing side by side. Non-identical twins came into being when the mother produces two separated eggs at the same time, both of which grow to form babies. In the case the twins look like normal brothers and sisters and are easy to tell one from the other.
In the 1970s and 1980s a scientist did some research on twins. He invited many pairs of identical twins to university and asked them to take part in a week of tests. He was particularly interested in adopted(收养的) twins who had been separated, at birth. He would give the twins different kinds of tests to study their speed of thinking, their speech, their memory, the ways they saw and heard different things and so on. Time and time again he found separated twins preferred clothes of the same colour, used the same kind of shaving soap, wore the same shaped square glasses and the same coloured socks.
There is a third type of twins, but it is a very unusual one. Twins who are joined together at birth are known in western countries as Siamese (连体的) twins.
Title: 1.________
[澳大利亚知识背景 世界最大国家之一,地广人稀;首都Canberra,著名旅游城市Sydney 国庆日名称 澳大利亚日 庆祝时间 1月26日 庆祝目的 纪念1788年澳大利亚第一定居点的建立,船长Arthur Phillip 在Sydney Cove升起第一面英国国旗 庆祝活动 在悉尼举行升旗仪式;全国游行;官方演讲;海滨假日 ]
参考词汇:commemorate纪念; settlement定居点; parade游行
1. W: I am glad today's physics class is over. What did you think of the lecture?
M: I was lost. I couldn't follow a word the professor said.
2. M: It's such a nice and warm day. I think I'll go and write my report under the tree.
W: I'd like to join you but I find it hard to work outside.
3. W: There you are! I've been looking for you everywhere.
M: Everywhere? Why? We've been right here all along. At least I have.
4. M: I don't often visit museums, but I like to whenever possible.
W: I've never visited the Modern Museum, but I plan to go there tomorrow.
5. M: Hi, Linda. Yesterday I booked to fly to Poland next month, but I found out I need to leave a day later. Can I change my departure date?
W: Let me check the computer. Yes, you can change the date. But it will cost you $35.
W: Jack, do you have a big family?
M: Not really, there are four of us including my mother and father. I have an older brother. He is twenty-six, ten years older than me.
W: Uh huh. What does he do?
M: He's an engineer. He works for a company.
W: Really? And what do your parents do?
M: Well, my father works for a hospital and my mother teaches English in a middle school.
W: I see.
M: So, Linda, how about your family?
W: There are ten of us in my family.
M: Ten, wow! That's really a big one.
W: Can I help you?
M: Yes, my son and daughter bought this pen here for my wife's birthday, but it doesn't work, so I'd like to exchange it. You can see that the point is bent a little bit.
W: Yes, it is. We'd be happy to exchange it for you. But I'm afraid we don't have another purple one. We only have this pen in black and yellow now.
M: My wife doesn't care for either of those colors.
W: We have one with a red leather cover. That's three dollars more.
M: The children worked hard to save up the eleven dollars for this one. They would probably be upset if I paid for part of their present.
W: If you want, we can order another pen just like this one.
M: That sounds like a good idea.
W: It will take a week or ten days. We'll call you when it comes in.
M: Thank you very much.
There are many interesting festivals in the world, and do you hear about them?
Throwing tomatoes—Spain
Spain takes “tomatoes fights” to a whole new level. But the tomatoes are being thrown, not eaten. Trucks carry tomatoes into the square. People rush to the tomatoes and throw them into the crowd.
Rolling cheese—England
People celebrate this festival on Cooper's Hill. A large wheel of cheese is rolled down Cooper's Hill. The festival is actually a race where people run down the hill after the rolling cheese. The first person to cross the finish line at the bottom of the hill wins the cheese.
Burning man—The United States
The Burning Man's Festival lasts a week, which is from the Monday before Labor Day to Labor Day (which falls on the first Monday in September in America). The festival takes place in the Black Rock Desert. The best part of the festival is the burning of a large sculpture of a man.
一、1—5 CBBAC 6—11 CABABA 12. eat
13. celebrated 14. finish 15. days
二、1. admire 2. starved 3. plenty 4. awarded
5. national 6. arrival 7. independence 8. agricultural
9. permission 10. obvious
三、 1. gather 2. is celebrated 3. agricultural 4. energetic 5. arrival 6. starved 7. gained 8. feast 9. origin 10. custom
四、 1. I'm looking forward to seeing you this summer vacation.
2. An exhibition is to take place recently in memory of the great scientist.
3. People dressed up, and danced day and night to celebrate the carnival.
4. The villagers hoped to find a road that would lead them back to the village.
5. Sunbath might do harm to your skin.
6. We invited her to dinner but she didn't even bother to turn up.
7. Like others, the boy is starving for a mother's love.
8. We all admired her for the way she saved the children from the fire.
9. It is obvious to everyone that the child has been badly treated.
10. He can't have slept through all that noise.
五、 1—5 CABBA 6—10 DBDBD 11—15 BABDA
六、1—5 BDACA 6—10 BDCAD 11—15 BCDDC 16—20 ABCBA
七、1—5 CCDAD 6—10 CBCBC 11—15 AACCC
八、1. Twins 2. Definitions 3. Characters 4. two separated babies 5. difficult 6. same color 7. two separated eggs 8. no difference 9. Siamese twins 10. Joined together
九、One possible version:
Australia is one of the biggest countries in the world, but it has a very small population. Canberra is Australia's capital city while Sydney is the most attractive city for tourists.
The 26th of January is a national holiday in Australia. It is called Australia Day. The official purpose of the holiday is to commemorate the founding of the first settlement. On that day in 1788, Captain Arthur Phillip raised the first British flag in Sydney Cove.
To celebrate the holiday, Australian people now have a flag raising ceremony in Sydney and there are parades and official speeches throughout the country. As January is summer time in Australia, many people spend the holiday on the beach.