人教版(2019) 选择性必修第一册 Unit 5 Working the Land 单词用法课件-30张


名称 人教版(2019) 选择性必修第一册 Unit 5 Working the Land 单词用法课件-30张
格式 pptx
文件大小 2.2MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-10-06 18:40:27



devote vt. 把…献(给);把…专用于; 专心于
①devote A to B     把A用于/献身B;为B付出A
②devote oneself to (doing) sth. 致力/献身/专心于
③be devoted to (doing) sth. 致力/献身/专心于
devoted adj.深爱的;忠诚的
devotion n. 奉献; 忠诚; 专心
1)The band's latest album is very poor, although _______ (devote) fans might enjoy it.
2)Her _________ (devote) to the job left her with very little free time.
3)He continued to work there for almost 50 years, _________________________
4)The scientist devoted himself to ___________(observe) the behavior of the chimps.
5)_________ (devote) to scientific research wholeheartedly, he spends little time with his family.
Devoted to studying the hybrid rice, Yuan Longping earned the respect and love of all humans.
Devoting himself to studying the hybrid rice, Yuan Longping earned the respect and love of all humans.
devoting his whole life to his country
1)粮食/资金短缺 the food/fund shortage
2)A shortage of water poses a serious threat to the farmers.
Due to the lack/ shortage of cheap housing, numerous people have to leave the city.
shortage n. [C&U]不足; 缺少; 短缺
①a shortage of 缺乏.......
short adj. 短的; 矮的;缺乏的
②be short of 缺乏
shorten vt. 缩短;减少
tackle vt.解决(难题)/应付(局面)/处理
1)She has spent a lot of time scratching her head about how to tackle the difficult math problem.
crisis [ kra s s] n.[C] 危机;危急关头
crises [ kra si:z] 复数
1)解决政治/经济危机 tackle a political/economic crisis
2)The financial crisis left many people unemployed, which couldn't be tackled by economic experts.
yield n. [C]产量; 产出
vt. 出产(作物); 产生(收益、效益等)
vi. 屈服; 让步
1)His investments yielded good returns.
2)The soldiers had to yield.
3)提高产量boost yields
4)结出硕果yield fruits
同义词:give way to... 让步/屈服; 让路
give in 让步/屈服
boost vt. 使增长; 使兴旺 & n. [C]增长; 提高; 激励
同义词:increase/rise v.增加
improve/promote v.促进
1)增加出口/提高利润/增长自信 boost exports/profits/confidence
2)Winning the competition was a wonderful boost for his confidence.
convince vt. 使相信; 使确信; 说服
①convince sb to do... 说服某人做什么
②convince sb of sth./that... 使某人相信某事
③be convinced of sth./that… 相信某事
convinced adj. 坚信; 深信; 确信
convincing adj. 令人信服的; 有说服力的
1)Influenced by advertisement, it's very easy for customers ___________ (convince) to buy what they don't want.
2)This is the most ________ (convince) evidence that I can find to prove my point.
3)Her arguments __________________________________
(没有说服每个人立即行动起来), but changes were made.
4)He tried to convince me _____ his innocence.
5)_________(convince) of the truth of the report, he told his colleagues about it .
6)Only by presenting the fact and reasoning things out, ____________________(才能让人信服).
to be convinced
can we convince people
didn't convince everyone to act immediately
characteristic n.[C]特征; & adj. 典型的; 独特的
character n.[C]角色;品质;文字
The former president is always speaking with a characteristic way.
attain vt. (通常经过努力)获得; 得到; 达到(某年龄/水平/状况)
attainable adj. 可到达的;可得到的;可实现的
attainment n. 达到;成就;才能; 达到
同义词:get /gain/obtain/acquire/achieve
1)He set himself a high goal that he would earn 100 million yuan and spared no effort ______ it. Do you think it is an ________ goal (attain)
No matter what others say, you can attain your goal as long as you never give up.
to attain
pollinate vt. 授粉; 传粉
1)flowers pollinated by bees
2)self-pollinating plants
convention n.习俗,惯例; (艺术等)传统风格
conventional adj. 传统的; 守旧的; 习惯的
conventionally adv. 按照惯例,照常套,照老例
同义词: traditional adj. 传统的; 习俗的; 守旧的
assumption n.[C]假定/设定; (责任的)承担;
①make an assumption 作假设;认为
②on the assumption that... 假设
assume v.假设; 获得; 承担
assume A to be B 假设/认为A是B
It is assumed that... 人们认为……
assuming conj.假设
1)承担责任assume responsibility
2)装出关心的样子/表情assume an air/expression of concern
3)People tend to make ___________ (assume) about you based on your appearance at your first meeting.
4)His views are grounded on the assumption that all people are equal. 他的观点建立在所有人平等的基础上。
5)No one assumed her to be innocent.
6)It __________(assume) that stress is caused by too much work.
7)_________ (assume) (that) the work will be finished ahead of time, what should we do next?
is assumed
intense adj. 热切的;十分强烈的; 激烈的
be intense about 对…热心/情/衷
intensely adv.强烈地; 极度; 剧烈地
intensity n.强烈,剧烈;强度,烈度
1)酷热/剧痛intense heat/pain
2)竞争激烈intense competition
3)He's very intense about everything about nature.
overcome vt. 克服; 解决; 战胜;受到极大影响
①be overcome with/by ... 为……所压倒/制服
1)克服焦虑overcome anxiety
2)She was overcome with great sadness. As a consequence, she could not say a single word.
overcome a barrier
同义词:get over
expand v.扩大; 增加; 扩展; 发展(业务)
expansion n.扩张; 扩展; 扩大; 膨胀
1)开阔视野expand/broaden one’s view
2)扩宽...的知识面expand/broaden knowldge of...
output n. 产量; 输出; 输出量&vt. 输出
扩大产量expand the output
input n. 输入; 投入& v. 输入
(inputted/input--inputted/input;inputting )
export n.&v.出口
import n.&v.进口
estimate vt./n. 估计; 估价; 估算
It is estimated that... 据估计……
estimate sth. at .... 估价为...
estimate sth. to be...估计
underestimate vt.低估;看轻
overestimate vt.对…估计过高
1)准确/官方的估计an accurate/official estimate
2)It is estimated that 100 celebrities will participate in the party tomorrow.
domestic adj. 本国的;国内的; 家用的; 家庭的
domestically adv. 家庭式地,合乎国内地
1)gross(总的) domestic product 国内生产总值
2)扩大内需expand domestic demand
3)国内事务domestic affairs
4)家用器具domestic appliances
consumption n. 消耗; 消耗量; 消费
consume v. 消耗; 吃; 饮; 喝; 烧毁
consumer n. 消费者
1)刺激国内消费boost domestic consumption
2)time-consuming adj.耗时的
3)能源消耗 energy/fuel consumption
comprise vt. 包括/含; 由…组成
同义词:include v. 包含; 包括
contain v.含有; 包含; 容纳; 控制
consist of 由…组成/构成 (常用)
be made up of 由…组成/构成 (常用)
be composed of 由…组成/构成
be comprised of 由…组成/构成
The class comprises/is comprised of 55 students.
= includes/contains/consists of/is made up of
1)The course _______________________________________.
2)The medical team ________(comprise) of experts and medical staff arrived at the scene shortly after the earthquake.
comprises/is comprised of listening, speaking, readings and writing.
generate vt. 产生; 引起
generator n. 发电机; 电力公司; 生产者;创始者
generation n. 产生,一代
general n. 将军 & adj. 大体的/普遍的
1)Wind can generate electricity
2)产生收益 / 利润generate income/profits
strain n. (动、植物的)系/品种[C]; 拉伤; 压力
肌肉拉伤muscle strain
同义词:pressure n. 压力; 压强
species n. 物种(单复数同形)
leisure n . 闲暇; 休闲; 空闲
1)过着休闲的生活live/lead a life of leisure
2)闲暇时/空闲时in one’s leisure time
3)at one’s leisure 有空时,空闲时
deep down
=as a matter of fact = in fact/reality=actually
He seemed confident but deep down he was overcome by/with fear.
Though accompanied by many people, deep down, I have a fear of loneliness.
soil n.泥士; 土壤; 国土; 领土
一个土生土长的人a man of the soil
sb’s native soil 某人的故土
celebrity n. 名望; 名誉; 名人; 名流
celebrities 复数
相近词:celebrate v. 庆祝;
1)网红internet celebrities
2)不在乎名利care little for celebrity or money
envision vt. 展望; 想象
envision (doing) sth 想象(做)......
同义词:imagine v. 想象
I can't envision doing anything else with my life except for work.
grain n. [C]谷物; 谷粒/颗粒
①a grain of rice/wheat/sand
grains of rice 稻粒
vision n. [C]想象; [C]展望/构想; 视力/视野;
同义词:imagination n. 想象力; 想象
prospect n.展望
sight/view n. 视力
salty adj. 含盐的; 咸的 盐碱地salty land
salt n. 盐
urban adj. 城市的;都市的; 城镇的
rural adj. 乡村的; 农村的
城市建设/交通urban construction/transportation
reality n.现实; 实际情况; 事实
①in reality 事实上
②turn...into a reality 使...成为现实
③bring...back to reality 使...面对现实/不再有幻想
real adj.真的; 真正的; 真实的; 实在的
really adv.真实地; 真正地; 事实上
realize vt.实现
1)virtual reality 虚拟现实
2)a reality show
3)Exploring the Moon used to be a fantasy but _______ reality now.
4)In ______(real), many women are forced to make a choice between family and career.
5)It's time for us to bring him _______ to reality. Stop daydreaming.
6)As a result of the soliders' endless efforts, they turned the victory of the campaign ______ a reality.
bomb n. [C]炸弹& v. 轰炸; 对…投炸弹
相近词:boom [bu m] v. & n.迅速发展/繁荣;轰鸣/轰响;
1)bomb shelter 防空洞
2)定时炸弹a time bomb
3)炸弹爆炸。The bomb goes off /explodes.
tunnel n. [C]地下通道; 地道; 隧道
1)tunnel vision 视野狭隘
2)开凿隧道dig/drive a tunnel
extension n.延伸;扩建部分;电话分机
extend vt.& vi.延长;拓展 ;扩及
同义词:stretch v.&n.延伸
chemical adj. 与化学有关的; 化学的&n.[C]化学制品; 化学品
chemistry n. 化学
chemist n. 化学家; 药剂师
1)化工材料chemical materials
2)产生化学反应create a chemical reaction
The chemist is doing the chemical experiment
flavor/flavour n.[C&U]味道; 调味料;特点/色
1)The fish has a wonderful flavour.这条鱼的味道很好。
2)The stories have a strong regional flavour.这些故事带有浓郁的地方特色。
nutrition n. 营养; 滋养
nutritional adj. 营养(物)的
nutritious adj.有营养的;营养丰富的
1)营养价值nutritional value
poverty n. 贫穷; 贫困
poor adj. 贫穷的; 贫瘠的;可怜的; 粗劣的
1)过着贫困的生活live in poverty
2)脱贫overcome/get rid of poverty
They envision an equal society, free from poverty and disease.
organic adj. 有机的; 不使用化肥的; 器官的
1)有机农业 organic agriculture
pesticide n. [C]杀虫剂; 除害药物
pest n. 害虫; 害兽; 害鸟
1)有机农药 organic pesticides
①in turn ①反过来/转而;② 依次/轮流
②take turns to do sth. 轮流做某事
③It's one's turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事
④by turns 更替地;轮流
1)We clean our dormitory in turn. In other words, we take turns
_________ (clean) the room. It's my turn ________(do) the cleaning today.
2)Prices are fixed through the relationship of the demand and in turn affect supply and demand.
3)Day and night change by turns.昼夜轮流变化。
to turn
to do
digest [da d est] vt./vi. 消化; 领会/悟
[ da d est] n. [C]摘要/文摘
digestion n.[C]摘要;文摘
1)Human can not digest plants such as grass.
2)He stopped talking, waiting for her to digest the information.
Occupied in writing a news digest, he has no time to do exercise.
mineral n.[C] 矿物; 矿物质 & adj. (与)矿物(有关)的
mine n. 矿/矿井 & v.采(煤等矿物);
miner n.矿工
1)矿泉水 mineral water
2)矿物资源 mineral resources
essential adj. 完全必要的; 极其重要的
essence n. 本质/要素;精华;香精
同义词:necessary/vital/ crucial/very important
①A be essential to B A对B不可缺少的
②It is essential for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说做某事是必要的
③It is essential that sb (should) do sth. 某人做某事是必要的
1)Money is not essential _______ happiness.
2)When we learn a language, it is essential for us ________(write) compositions.
3)It is essential that technology advance _____________(combine)
with moral.
It is essential for students to have a balance between work and rest.
(should )be combined
to write
instance n. 例子; 实例; 事例
for instance 例如; 比如
such as 例如; 比如
like prep.诸如; 比如像
take … as an example 以…为例
1)There are many things we can do. _________________________
share our positive attitude with those who are negative or upset.
For instance, we can
depth n.[C&U]向下(或向里)的距离; 深(度)
deep adj.深的; 纵深的
deeply adv.非常; 深深地
deepen v. (使)变深; 加深
in depth 全面地,深入的,仔细的
adj. high wide long strong broad
n. height width length strength
v. heighten widen lenghthen strengthen broaden
1.He did not get a chance to _______(deep) his knowledge of Poland.
2.His film, over two hours in ______(long), is a subtle study of family life.
3.The ______(high) of the mountain did not discourage them.
4.The move is clearly intended to _________(strength) the President’s position as head of state.
5.__________________________(在我记忆深处), many things I did with my father still live on.
In the depths of my memory
root n.[C]根部;根源 v.(使)生根,(使)扎根
grass root 基层/草根
be rooted in 根源在于
alternative n.[C]可供选择的事物&adj.可供替代的; 非传统的
①have no alternative but to do sth. 别无选择只好做某事
②an alternative to... ....的替代品
alternatively adv.要不然;或者
1)另类的生活方式/价值观alternative lifestyles/values
2)You can be paid in cash weekly or by check monthly; those are the two__________. (alternative)
3)Allow about 8 hours for the drive from here. _________(alternative),
you can take a plane.
4)We have no alternative but _______(tolerate) his rudeness.
5)New ways to treat the diease may provide ___ alternative to painkillers.
to tolerate
entirely adv. 全部地; 完整地; 完全地
entire adj. 全部的; 整个的; 完全的
aspect n.[C]方面/层面
in all aspects 各个方面
Climate and weather affect our lives in all aspects.
nowhere near 远不及/远远不能/完全没有;
1)1.电影院远没有坐满。The hall was nowhere near full.
She is nowhere near as clever as her sister.