高中英语人教版选择性必修一Unit2 Look into the Future 单元综合测试题(含答案)


名称 高中英语人教版选择性必修一Unit2 Look into the Future 单元综合测试题(含答案)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-10-06 21:18:27



高中英语人教版选择性必修一Unit2 Look into the Future 单元综合测试题
Part I 基础知识巩固
We should train our students to speak English fluently and _______(accurate).
The most important thing is to keep yourself ________(occupy).
We guessed that our plan would meet with ________(resist).
In _________(advocate) to low carbon living today, energy saving and environmental
protection are increasingly important.
I don't know how I will react the next time I meet a ________(potential) dangerous situation.
The engines shut off ___________(automatic) in an emergency.
Without a reasonable education all kinds of strange and_______( fantasy) ideas will take root.
We must____(constant) adapt and innovate to ensure success in a growing market.
One of the victims of the fire remains in a __________(critic) condition.
Tastes and __________(prefer) vary from individual to individual.
Part II 能力拓展提升
Ellis Island is located in New York Harbor.Ellis Island is open daily year-round
from9:30a.m.to 5:00p.m,with extended hours during summer.It is closed on
December 25.
There is no admission(入场)charge to Ellis Island;donations(捐款)are gratefully
At Your Fingertips
Park information (212)363~7620
Emergencies (212)363~3260
Ferryboat information (212)269~5755
Lost and found (212)363~7620
Dining,gift,&audio tour (212)344~0996
Stature of Liberty and Ellis Island Ferry:Boats leave from Battery Park,Manhattan,
and from Liberty State Park,New Jersey.They run about every 30 to 45 minutes
beginning at 9:15a.m.(ferry schedule subject to change)
Hours:May vary;call the number above
Closed:December 25
Ferry fees:(Includes Liberty and Ellis Island)adults,$7;senior citizens
$6;children(age 3 to 17)$3.(group rates are available for 25 or more adults)
Tickets&schedule information:(211)269—5775
1. In summer.visitors will have ______to visit Ellis Island.
A.no enough time B.longer time
C.shorter time D.a wonderful time
2. Which number would you call if your friends were suddenly ill
A.(212)344—0996 B.(212)363—7620
C.(212)363—3260 D.(212)269—5755
3. Which of the following is NOT true
A.People call visit Ellis Island free of charge.
B.The boat departure time from bakery Park is at 9:15a.m.all the year round.
C.Ferry fees for children are cheaper than for adults.
D.Ferry fees for group visitors can be discounted(折扣).
4. We may infer from the passage that__________.
A.visitors prefer to go to Ellis Island by boat
B.there are more visitors in winter
C.Ellis Island is open every day
D.boat is the only transportation to Ellis Island
You don’t need to travel far away to write a travel diary.Your writing can start with a family vacation or a weekend get away.All you need is a destination or a place of departure (出发).
___1___Your trip journal can begin before your trip has started.Use your journal to start planning the things you want to do.It can be a cool restaurant where you want to eat,a hike you want to go on or different sights you want to see.
Write about what you imagine it will be.Sometimes when you travel, your destination is wildly different from what you expected.Maybe you expected the local food to be bad but it turned out to be delicious.___2____ Maybe you thought you would not be comfortable with the climate while you adapted to it.Whatever, try to write it down before you arrive.It will be interesting to compare these predictions to what you have actually experienced.
____3____ It is always easier to remember things when they are fresh in your brain, but it may be diluted (淡化) with time going by. So try to write as much as you can during traveling every day if you can.Your journals don’t have to be long, but letting them express your feelings is the most important or exciting.
Add pictures to your journal.____4____ Combining pictures with your first-hand accounts of what they represent, or what happened when they were taken, will make for (有助于)a better travel journal.
Write about your trip after you leave.It is important to reflect on your travels,so you can have a new understanding.____5_____
A.Ask a parent for help.
B.Get prepared for your travel journal.
C.Write as much as you can during your trip.
D.Use your journal to plan your trip properly.
E.Maybe you imagined the town to be smaller than it actually is.
F.Even though your journal is meant for writing, pictures are still worth a thousand
G.This is also a great way to learn about yourself and other people who you have
travelled with.
In the United,States the most popular form of folk dancing since the early days has been square dancing.In early times,when men and women worked in groups to ____1____a barn(谷仓)for harvest crops,they danced when the work was done.The music ____2____from a violin for the most part.But if there was no one to play all instrument,clapping was used to ____3____ the rhythm(节奏)by which to dance.The early settlers danced in a store,in a barn,or in a farm kitchen.
After some years ____4____,square dancing became ___5_____ popular in cities and towns,but it ____6____popular in the country.Then it became popular in the cities once again·Today in ____7____ Darts of the United States you will find some school,club,or other group that is square dancing for fl in.
A square is formed by four.couples who stand ____8____ the center of the square. Each couple stands on one ____9____ 0f the square,the boy on the left and the girl on the right.
The“caller”is an important part of the ____10____ since he tells the dancers which steps to do. If the dancers do not know the steps,he teaches them.It ____11____ time to learn to be a good caller,and good callers are always in demand.
Large or small groups of people can dance at one time.Sometimes 800 or 1,000 people may be dancing at the ___12_____ time.Or there may be only one square of _____13___ people.
Costumes are worn by some who square dance.This ____14____ the dancing more colorful to watch.The costumes vary from place to place.Women often wear full skirts of various colors with pretty blouse. Men may have colored skirts and western trousers which they wear____15____ when square dancing.
1.A.make B.set up C.build D.form
2.A.sounded B.came C.went D.made
3.A.produce. B.play C.make D.get
4.A.went B.1eft C.passed D.past
5.A.very B.most C.more D.1ess
6.A.was B.remained C.kept D.went on
7.A.every B.each C.all D.different
8.A.watching B.looking C.facing D.forming
9.A.side B.direction C.angle D.way
10.A.rhythm B.square C.dance D.couple
11.A.spends B.pays C.takes D.saves
12.A.one B.same C.different D.single
13.A.four B.eight C.two D.many
14.A.causes B.makes C.does D.lets
15.A.only B.simply C.seldom D.often
One dad on the South of Chicago is trying to make a ___1____(different) in his neighborhood,one book at a time.
Several years ago,Joe Williams volunteered in the lunchroom at his daughter's primary school.One day,his daughter's teacher needed someone to watch her students for a few___2_____ (minute )while she was grading papers,so she called Williams into the classroom to watch the students.
That____3_____(be) the beginning of the“Mr.Dad's Father's Club.”
I picked up a book___4_____read it to the class,Williams said.“The class enjoyed the book so much that the teachers wanted___5____(I)to start coming every week to read books for kids.As I started to do that,other fathers started to come in .they were very____6_____(interest).They were like,‘Hey,can we be a part of this ’ I was like,‘Of course.’”
Up to now,more than150 fathers_____7____(join) the Mr.Dad's Father's Club.The organization works to enrich the lives of young people in Chicago's South Side.
My goal is to encourage fathers____8_____(stay) active in their Kids 'lives and in their community.Hopefully,one day,we would like to build____9____community centre,where there is a library and we can offer more resources,Williams explained.
For now,the organization focuses heavily___10____monthly reading events.It also runs a weekly fatherhood support group for dads in their community.
Part I
accurately 2. occupied 3.resistance 4.advocation 5.potentially 6. automatically 7. fantastic 8.constantly 9. critical 10. preferences
Part II
一、1. B 2. D 3. A 4. A
二、1.D 2. E 3.C 4.F 5.G
三、1----5. CBACD 6----10. BCCAC 11---15. CBBBA
四、1. difference 2. minutes 3. is 4. and 5. me 6. interested 7. have joined
8. to stay 9. a 10. on
Dear Xiao Hua,
I have just come back,from a trip to the United States—had a very good time there.
I first went to New York.It is really a very big, city.I saw quite many skyscrapers there.
But the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center are no more to be seen.
Two days later l went to Los Angeles.I visited Hollywood on the day I got there.After
that I spent a whole day in Disneyland.It is really a wonderful place you shouldn’t miss.
I also went to Ren0.Nevada.There is a beautiful lake named Dahu.The scenery there is
I hope you will take a trip to the United States some day.
Li Na