北师大版九年级全册 Unit 9 Communication workshop (period 2) 教案(表格式)


名称 北师大版九年级全册 Unit 9 Communication workshop (period 2) 教案(表格式)
格式 doc
文件大小 62.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 北师大版
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-10-07 09:25:48



Basic Information(基本信息)
Teaching material(教材) 北师大2011版 Period(课时) 1 class
Teaching Model (教学设计)
Contents of teaching(教学内容) Unit 9 Save the munication workshop (period 2)
Analysis of the teaching material(教材分析) 本单元是九年级最后一个单元,没有新的语法项目。本单元的话题是保护地球。这节课是语言输出课,通过前三节课的学习,学生通过听力,能够获取对当地河流污染的解决办法;通过阅读,能够获得有关如何回收重新利用旧物、如何节电节水、如何减少污染、如何植树造林保护环境的信息和方法;以及在阅读中关注作者的写作对象和写作意图。在本课,学生要综合使用本单元所获取的有关保护地球的信息和词汇,描述自己是如何保护我们的星球的,以后还将如何为之付出努力,并号召更多的人参与到保护地球的行动中来。 本课的教学设计分为两课时,第一课时主要是学习范文。通过泛读和精读掌握文章大意及细节,学习环保信息及语言表达。第二课时在获取范文信息的基础上,引导学生关注文章的结构,关注保护地球的语言表达方式和文章中用于表达逻辑关系的连接词。并根据自己保护地球的经历,结合范文的启示,描述如何从小事做起保护地球,并完成评价。通过小组合作的方式,学生经过讨论选出优秀文章,并通过演讲的方式进行展示。
Aims of teaching(教学目标) 1. To get more information from reading material about its frame and good expressions.2. To learn how to write a composition about saving the planet.3. To feel the responsibility of saving the planet.
Emphasis on teaching(教学重点) 1. Reading ability: read for main ideas.2. Writing: Learn to how to write a composition effectively.3. Speaking: Try to encourage more people to take part.
Difficulty on teaching(教学难点) 1. Master the frame of the reading material.2. How to write a composition correctly and effectively.
Ideas of design(设计思路) Encourage the students 1. To get the main frame of the reading material.2. To use the frame that they’ve learnt in the reading in their own writing. 3. To find out how to write a composition correctly and effectively.
Teaching process(教学流程)
Activities of teachers(教师活动) Activities of students(学生活动) Purpose of design(设计意图) Time(时间)
Warming up(情景导入) Step 1 GreetingsGreet the students as usual. Talk about volunteers wanted. Environmental volunteers wanted. Take part in the competition. 交代本节课的任务招募学校的环保志愿者。 1分钟
Watching(背景输入) Step 2 Let’s watchWatch a short video about saving the planet. Talk about their feelings. 通过观看视频导入本节课的背景,并引发学生思考与表达。 3分钟
Reading(语言输入) Step 3 Let’s read1. Ask the students to read and get the main idea of each paragraph.2. Require them read in groups to remember the good sentences, phrases, words and useful conjunctions as many as they can. Students read the text again to get the main idea of each paragraph.Group work:Read in groups and try to find out the good sentences, phrases, words and useful conjunctions and recite them as many as they.can. 语言输入:从整体结构入手再读范文,学习好的句子、词组和词汇,为后面的写作积累语言材料。 6分钟
Writing(语言输出) Step 4 Let’s drawAsk the students work in groups to draw a mind map about saving the planet.Step 5 Let’s writeAsk the students how to write a composition. Help them get the main steps.1.Go over the requirement.2.Build the frame3.List the key points and write the details.4.Add some good sentences, phrases, words and proper conjunctions .5.Check and polish the composition .Step 6 Let’s appreciateGive them some tips and ask them work in groups to have a discussion to choose the best one to prepare for the speech. Group workPre-writing:Work in groups to draw a mind map to prepare for the writing.While-writing:1.Write down key sentences of each paragraph. 2.Write more sentences to support their key sentenes. 3.Add some proper conjunctions to make it smooth; make some sentences, phrases and words better.4.Check their writing.After-writingWork in groups to have a discussion to choose the best one to prepare for the speech. 语言输出:通过从范文中的学习和积累,开始写作。通过“审—立—列—加—查”五个环节,一步步写出文章。并通过小组合作探究,学会欣赏和评价作文,同时明确自己作文的目标及方向。 18分钟
Speaking(语言输出) Step 7 SpeakingEncourage some students to come to the front to give their speech to the class. Each group choose the best students to compete for the e to the front to give their speech bravely. 小组选出最优秀的选手代表本组参加学校环保志愿者的竞争选拔,通过演讲完成语言的第二次输出。将优秀作文转换为演讲稿,锻炼学生的口语表达能力。 8分钟
Summary(总结升华) Ask them “What can you do for the planet ”in your daily life. Tell them small things can make a big difference. Encourage them try their best to save the planet. Write down what they can do for the planet on a piece of paper. And then put them up on the blackboard. 通过回顾本节课所学内容,深入思考保护地球的问题。培养学生的思维及情感。鼓励大家为拯救我们的地球贡献自己的一份力量。保护地球从我做起,从小事做起。 3分钟
Board design(板书设计) Unit 9 Save the planetHow to write a composition For the planet, I can······ Search(审) requirements Build(立) frame reduce pollution List(列) details recycle things Add(加) conjunctions save energy(gas, electricity, water) Check(查) grammar and spelling