人教版(2019)高中英语必修第一册Unit 3 Sports and Fitness单元测试题(含答案无听力题)


名称 人教版(2019)高中英语必修第一册Unit 3 Sports and Fitness单元测试题(含答案无听力题)
格式 docx
文件大小 32.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-10-06 23:46:30



第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Singapore Zoo
Singapore Zoo allows animals to walk around in spacious environments that are similar to their natural habitats ( 栖息地). Kids can join in learning about the animals of Singapore Zoo in educational programs, guided tours and camps, including the Sleep with the Beasts Family Camp. .sg
Chester Zoo
Cheshire, England
The most visited zoo in the United Kingdom, Chester Zoo asks a team of experts ( 专家) who do research on six key areas around the world to develop programs that hope to prevent animals from dying out. The zoo runs a number of activities, such as Sing for Songbirds, a partnership with singer / songwriter Ashley Fayth, which tries to make people notice the danger facing songbirds in Indonesia. chesterzoo.org
Wellington Zoo
Wellington, New Zealand
Wellington Zoo is green in more ways than one. The zoo works very hard to reduce ( 减少) waste and reuse rain water. The zoo supports conservation ( 保护) programs, and its animal hospital, The Nest Te Kōhanga, has treated over 3, 400 wildlife patients since its opening in 2009.
San Diego Zoo
San Diego, USA
Over 3, 500 endangered animals call San Diego Zoo home, but the biggest achievement of this zoo is the number of endangered animals that are sent back into the wild. The zoo's breeding (饲养) programs provide valuable information on the behavior and health of endangered species in over 45 countries. San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research also asks over 200 conservation scientists to protect some animals from dying out. zoo.sandiegozoo.org
21. Where can people camp with their family
A. At Wellington Zoo.
B. At San Diego Zoo.
C. At Singapore Zoo.
D. At Chester Zoo.
22. Which of the following websites will a songbird-lover be most likely to visit
A. .sg.
B. chesterzoo.org.
C. .
D. zoo.sandiegozoo.org.
23. What do we know about the San Diego Zoo
A. It has been the most popular zoo in the USA for years.
B. It runs an animal hospital to treat wild animals.
C. It has helped some animals go back to nature.
D. It helps American endangered animals only.
I love training with my husband Chris. We do our own exercises separately, but then we really enjoy spending 30-40 minutes doing something we both like together. I also train with my family — my brother, his wife and our cousins will come to our house every now and then to train together. It's like family fun time! A little bit of competition also makes us work out harder.
Laziness, as you know, is contagious ( 有传染性的). But so is enthusiasm. If you can get your partner on board, you will be able to encourage each other on those days when the other doesn't feel like moving. If you set yourself a challenge and add competition to the mix, I promise you that the training will be much more fun. Time will fly by and you'll want to do it again.
This is why I wanted to learn Chris' favourite sport — surfing (冲浪). Not only would we have more things to do together, but it would be a great challenge for me. In turn, I have introduced Chris to two of my favourite activities: horse riding and motorbiking. Now he also loves them, which means we have even more chances to have fun together. Encouraged by our example, my brother and his wife now train together too. This is what it's all about at the end of the day: quality time with your partner.
What if you don't have a partner Well, I'm sure you have a friend who would love to train with you. Or, if you have young children, why not train in the backyard with another parent while they play You just need some music. The important thing is to have a plan and to make the time to do it. It will be much more fun than doing it on your own.
24. How does the author train with her husband
A. They train on a daily basis.
B. They start with separate training.
C. They train for half an hour each time.
D. They always try to do the same exercise.
25. What happens when the author trains with the family
A. Everyone gets more active.
B. Everyone relaxes after work.
C. Everyone is very competitive.
D. Everyone feels time is slowing down.
26. How does the author find surfing
A. It's more for men than women.
B. It makes her feel discouraged.
C. It's not so hard as she expected.
D. It requires lots of hard work to learn.
27. What is the author trying to do in the last paragraph
A. To look for help.
B. To express thanks.
C. To make a promise.
D. To give encouragement.
Tom Brady, a Californian, was an excellent quarterback (四分卫) at Junipero Serra High School. But when he arrived at the University of Michigan, he didn't see much playing time during his first three years on campus. He considered going back to a college in California, but he decided to stick it out. He didn't become a starter until the second half of his senior year. After becoming a National Football League (NFL) player, he was not allowed to play as a starter. However, he kept improving his skills and preparing each week like he was the starter.
In 2001, his second season, he only got in on the act because the starter was injured. Fans thought Tom would be just a fill-in. But Tom led his team New England Patriots to a victory in his first start, then they won four of five, and then finished the year with six victories. Each week he seemed to get a little better, and people began to recognize him as a dark horse. New England Patriots got into the Super Bowl, fighting against the defending ( 卫冕的) champions St. Louis Rams. Tom led a final-minute game-winning drive. He was no longer a nobody.
Today, Brady is considered perhaps the greatest quarterback ever. He'd become a superstar. Yet he had never lost that fire, that drive, and that sense that the world didn't believe in him. At 37, he said that he would play until fifty if his body allowed him to do so. And he even told his teammates that he wanted to play forever if possible.
His teammates had dreamed of being him. Hogan was thirteen in February of 2002 when Brady and New England Patriots beat St. Louis Rams. Lengel was eleven at the time, watching with his grandfather in Kentucky. White was ten in Florida. Mitchell was nine in Georgia. These teammates were Tom's big fans who since childhood had viewed from TV how he did the impossible. “He gave us the encouragement,” Hogan said.
He kept telling his teammates to keep going when the game wasn't over. He isn't the biggest, the fastest, and the strongest football player in the world. But he may be the most strong-minded.
28. When did Brady start to become known
A. After he took the place of an NFL player as a starter.
B. When he entered a team of a college in California.
C. After he played for the University of Michigan.
D. When he became an NFL player.
29. What can we say about Brady after he achieved fame
A. He cares less about winning or losing.
B. He has kept his strong liking for football.
C. He spends more time improving his team.
D. He has changed his style of playing football.
30. Why were Brady's teammates mentioned in Paragraph 4
A. To show his friendliness to others.
B. To show he has a very strong will.
C. To show he has the best teammates.
D. To show his big influence on others.
31. What can we learn from Brady's experiences
A. Never judge a book by its cover.
B. The secret of success is to stick it out.
C. To eat the fruit, you must climb the tree.
D. In time of danger, one's mind works fast.
A Westview High School student Kara Fan was named “America's Top Young Scientist” by 3M for creating a liquid ( 液体) bandage last October.
The prizes of the 3M Young Scientist Challenge included $25, 000 that Kara Fan can spend however she wishes — she said it would likely be saved for college — plus a family trip to New York City.
A traditional bandage is a thin piece of cloth which you tie around a wound. But Fan's new creation is liquid. She used lemon leaf, a polymer (聚合物) and silver nitrate (which is often used to treat wounds and burns on the skin). Silver nitrate also plays a key role in her invention: it creates a thin layer to protect a wound while killing harmful bacteria (细菌).
From around 1, 000 young scientists nationwide who offered videos of their work, 3M made the top 10 finalists known publicly. The finalists traveled to Minnesota for the three-day competition finals. Fan said they first paired up to compete in a few challenges that showed how well they worked with others. On the final day they gave a five-minute speech, followed by a five-minute question and answer meeting on their work that was supposed to solve a global problem — drug-resistance. This is a global antibiotics (抗生素) problem.
Fan said her attention was drawn to these drugs a few years ago, when her grandmother became very ill and was “saved by antibiotics.”
“Our communities want science to solve the world's hardest challenges. This year's finalists have truly encouraged us to solve real-world problems,” said Denise Rutherford, senior vice-president of corporate affairs at 3M. “We believe they will do more on their continued journey.”
Fan has a great interest in science, which Fan said she found to be “fun.” She is now interested in becoming a doctor because of her interest in biology.
32. When can Fan's invention be used
A. When people need clean liquid.
B. When people want to clean cloth.
C. When antibiotics need to be tested.
D. When simple medical treatment is needed.
33. What did the finalists do during the first two days in Minnesota
A. They discussed serious global problems.
B. They gave a short talk to a group of people.
C. They entered competitions through teamwork.
D. They asked and answered questions in a meeting.
34. Which of the following excited Fan's interest in antibiotics
A. Science in labs.
B. Her biology courses.
C. Her grandmother's illness.
D. A family trip to New York City.
35. What did Rutherford express in Paragraph 6
A. Her praise for the finalists' achievements.
B. Her strong will to solve real-world problems.
C. Her worry about science communities' future.
D. Her support for science leaders around the world.
A lot of teens in high school want to try out for sports. 36 While this may seem like a silly reason, there are lots of other advantages of sports that your child may fail to notice. Here are some reasons that you'll find comforting.
With T V, movies, computers, and video games becoming more and more popular, it has become so much easier for teens to be by themselves. Kids used to hang out at the mall or drive around town. 37 Getting your teen into a sport gives them a chance to go out and socialize.
One of the biggest problems in our society today is obesity (肥胖症). 38 Joining a team sport will help your teen get out and get some exercise without feeling pressured (有压力的) to lose weight.
You may think “but my teen isn't good enough to make the school team”. 39 You can always check out the YMCA or other “for-fun” leagues. You could look into more obscure (鲜为人知的) sports that you may not have thought of. If you do a little research, you're sure to find something your teen will enjoy.
Team sports are a great way for your teen to get out of the house, get moving, make friends, and even get a scholarship (奖学金) to college. 40
A. Now they just sit at home.
B. More and more kids are becoming overweight.
C. They will learn how to communicate as a team.
D. Did you know that bowling is an NCAA team sport
E. Why not talk to them about getting into sports today
F. Many try because they think it will make them popular.
G. There are many other places besides school to play team sports.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
I have played soccer and other sports since I was about 5 years old. When I was younger, I thought I would be able to 41 doing all the sports I love into my teen years. Then I 42 that once you get into high school, you have to just 43 a sport as coaches require pretty much training in the off season (比赛淡季). If you are doing three to five days of 44 a week, this leaves little 45 for other activities.
And that one 46 then turns into a year-long commitment (投入).
When I decided to play soccer year-round, we were 47 five days a week, and we had games on the weekends. After about three months of this, I experienced a knee overuse 48 . Four other players had knee injuries as well. We had worked so 49 for so long, and then we went directly into club soccer in the off season. There was never a 50 !
This injury really pushed me 51 , and I stayed at home for eight weeks. Because of this, I 52 soccer training.
I also 53 to take part in many activities while playing. 54 widening my social circle and joining some clubs, I am on the field.
But even with these 55 , I still keep playing soccer year-round. It is an enjoyable experience that really lifts my spirits.
41. A. avoid B. continue C. finish D. risk
42. A. remembered B. realized C. imagined D. regretted
43. A. change B. prepare C. stop D. choose
44. A. work B. games C. training D. tours
45. A. space B. money C. room D. surprise
46. A. sport B. club C. plan D. spirit
47. A. competing B. trying C. running D. practicing
48. A. class B. injury C. program D. treatment
49. A. well B. far C. hard D. fast
50. A. break B. test C. point D. season
51. A. around B. back C. through D. forward
52. A. looked out for B. gave way to C. took care of D. missed out on
53. A. fail B. start C. refuse D. offer
54. A. Because of B. Except for C. Instead of D. Along with
55. A. values B. rules C. disadvantages D. expectations
If you are a regular (经常做某事的) 56. ________ (run), you might want to complete one marathon each year. The London Marathon in April, or New York in the autumn, may become your main focus for part of your training year.
But once you have run your marathon and have enjoyed a good rest period afterwards, there 57. ________ (be) still plenty of time in the remaining part of the year for you 58. ________ (enjoy) your running and benefit (受益) from your fitness.
So 59. ________ can you get the most out of this period of non-marathon training
Marathoners use different 60. ________ (way) to go on with their training and competition once they have run their marathon. Some like to take advantage 61. ________ their marathon fitness in the months following, by competing in races over shorter distances. Others prefer to take a break from organized training and are happy to run, either competitively 62. ________ just for fitness, when time allows.
It is often the case that you won't know 63. ________ (exact) what you will feel like doing until your marathon is behind you. Whatever you choose to do, you may find it 64. ________ (help) to have a plan for the remaining part of the year — even if the plan consists of ( 由……构成) not 65. ________ (follow) a detailed training programme.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
1. 写邮件的目的;
2. 希望得到的帮助和支持;
3. 表示感谢。
“Class, please line up! Let's welcome Marti,” said Ms. Baroni, our tae kwon do (跆拳道) teacher.
I was excited that my best friend Marti would be taking lessons, too.
Everyone said, “Hi.” Marti went red in the face.
“You don't need to be shy here,” I said to Marti in a quiet voice. “Everyone's really nice.”
After warm-up exercises, Ms. Baroni divided everyone into groups. Even though I was a level above Marti, Ms. Baroni told us to practice together. “Jenna, why don't you show Marti some basic kicks ”
I said sure and showed her a front kick. Marti copied it. Her kick was as high as my shoulder. “Great job, Marti! Let me show you something,” said Ms. Baroni. She then spent the next five minutes working with Marti. I leaned (倚靠) against the wall and watched Marti copy everything Ms. Baroni did. The more Marti did, the more praise she received from Ms. Baroni.
I practiced my form half-heartedly. “What if Marti became better than me What if Marti became Ms. Baroni's favorite student ” I couldn't help thinking.
“Watch your form!”
“Who is Ms. Baroni speaking to ” I wondered. I turned and saw Ms. Baroni looking directly at me. Nothing could have been worse.
At the end of class, I took my bag and hurried outside to find my mom. I had planned to wait and say good-bye to Marti, but now I wanted to be alone. For the next several weeks, Marti continued to impress our teacher with her skills. Honestly, I felt a little jealous (忌妒的) of her. And as Marti turned into a star student, I became less and less excited about tae kwon do.
One day, as we walked down the hallway at school, Marti said, “Ms. Baroni thinks I'm ready to take the test for the next level.”
I was surprised. “It's harder than you think. Two judges other than Ms. Baroni will give you points,” I said.
Marti looked disappointed (失望的). “You don't think I'm good enough to take the test yet ”
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
I felt my face get hot, and I explained, “I didn't say that.” ___________________
“I haven't been a very good friend,” I thought sadly. _______________________

21-25 CBCBA 26-30 DDABD 31-35 BDCCA 36-40 FABGE
41-45 BBDCC 46-50 ADBCA 51-55 BDACC
56. runner 57. is 58. to enjoy 59. how 60. ways
61. of 62. or 63. exactly 64. helpful 65. following
One possible version:
Dear Oliver,
How is everything going
I'm writing to ask for your suggestions and help because I'm planning to start a fitness club in our school. I know you were in charge of the fitness club in your school and have rich experience in starting and running a club. Would you please tell me how to start our club What club events could we hold I hope you will help my team by giving us your valuable ideas.
Thank you so much for your time and support in advance. I'm looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
One possible version:
I felt my face get hot, and I explained, “I didn't say that.” I didn't like feeling jealous but I couldn't help it. I wasn't ready to take the test for my next level because I hadn't been practicing every day. A week later, at the level testing, I saw Marti. “You'll do fine,” I said, although I knew I'd feel better if Marti made a mistake. When Marti finished her test, everyone cheered. One of the judges asked Marti how often she practiced. “About 45 minutes every day,” Marti said. “I don't practice that much!” I thought. No wonder Marti was getting so good.
“I haven't been a very good friend,” I thought sadly. Later, I walked towards Marti to congratulate her. “You really did a great job!” I said. “You think so ” Marti asked. I nodded. “Maybe we could start practicing together.” Hearing what I said, Marti got very excited and then she said, “So I might have a chance of becoming as good as you.” I laughed. “Funnily enough, I was hoping I might become as good as you.”
21. C。细节理解题。根据Singapore Zoo介绍内容中的Kids can join in learning about the animals of Singapore Zoo in educational programs, guided tours and camps, including the Sleep with the Beasts Family Camp可知,新加坡动物园提供了家庭宿营的服务项目。
22. B。细节理解题。根据Chester Zoo介绍内容中的The zoo runs a number of activities, such as Sing for Songbirds, a partnership with singer / songwriter Ashley Fayth, which tries to make people notice the danger facing songbirds in Indonesia. chesterzoo.org可知,鸣禽爱好者最有可能浏览Chester Zoo的网站chesterzoo.org来获取相关信息。
23. C。细节理解题。根据San Diego Zoo介绍内容中的but the biggest achievement of this zoo is the number of endangered animals that are sent back into the wild可知,圣地亚哥动物园已经帮助一部分濒危动物回归自然。
24. B。细节理解题。根据第一段中的We do our own exercises separately, but then we really enjoy spending 30-40 minutes doing something we both like together可知,俩人通常都是分别先做自己的运动。
25. A。推理判断题。根据第一段中的A little bit of competition also makes us work out harder可知,大家在一起会有一点竞争性,运动量会加大。
26. D。推理判断题。根据第三段中的This is why I wanted to learn Chris' favourite sport — surfing. Not only would we have more things to do together, but it would be a great challenge for me可知,冲浪很有挑战性,作者需要付出努力学习掌握。
27. D。推理判断题。根据最后一段作者提议和朋友等一起锻炼可知,这里是鼓励大家寻找一起锻炼的伙伴。
28. A。细节理解题。由第二段中的he only got in on the act because the starter was injured ... Each week he seemed to get a little better, and people began to recognize him as a dark horse可知,布雷迪在代替那名受伤的首发队员上场之后,开始成名。get in on the act(尤指为自己得到好处而)参与某种活动。
29. B。推理判断题。由第三段中的Yet he had never lost that fire, that drive, and that sense that the world didn't believe in him ... he would play until fifty if his body allowed him to do so ... he wanted to play forever if possible可知,布雷迪成名之后,依然保持着对橄榄球运动的强烈热情。
30. D。推理判断题。由第四段中的These teammates were Tom's big fans who since childhood had viewed from TV how he did the impossible和Hogan说的He gave us the encouragement可知,布雷迪的队友们都是从小就开始观看他的比赛,因此他对队友的影响不言而喻。
31. B。主旨大意题。通读全文可知,美国橄榄球巨星布雷迪意志坚定、永不放弃,这是他的成功秘诀之一。B项中的stick it out也与第一段中的he decided to stick it out呼应。
补充说明:文中出现了a final-minute gamewinning drive (Para. 2)和that drive (Para. 3),其中drive均作名词,但含义不同。第一处用在体育运动中,意为“猛击,猛踢”;第二处意为“冲劲,干劲”。
本文是说明文。美国高中生Kara Fan发明了一种液体绷带,荣获3M“美国顶尖青年科学家”称号。
32. D。推理判断题。由第三段中的A traditional bandage is a thin piece of cloth which you tie around a wound. But Fan's new creation is liquid以及it creates a thin layer to protect a wound while killing harmful bacteria可知,Fan的发明用于人有伤口的时候,故其可用于简单的医学处理。
33. C。推理判断题。由第四段中的Fan said they first paired up to compete in a few challenges that showed how well they worked with others可知,这十名决赛选手在赛程的前两天参加通过团队合作完成的竞赛。
34. C。细节理解题。由第五段中的when her grandmother became very ill and was “saved by antibiotics.”可知,Fan祖母的疾病激发了她对抗生素的兴趣。
35. A。推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的This year's finalists have truly encouraged us to solve real-world problems以及We believe they will do more on their continued journey可知,Rutherford表达了对这些决赛选手的赞扬。
36. F。下文中的this指代F项中的it will make them popular,指出了青少年参加运动的一个原因。
37. A。A项与上文中的Kids used to hang out at the mall or drive around town对比,指出青少年目前的日常情况,同时也呼应了本段开头提到的With T V, movies, computers ... it has become so much easier for teens to be by themselves。
38. B。B项中的overweight与上文中的obesity呼应,指出越来越多的孩子面临超重的情况。
39. G。G项中的many other places besides school to play team sports与上文中的my teen isn't good enough to make the school team相照应,为上文提到的孩子们进不了校队这一问题提供了解决办法。
40. E。E项与上文是顺承关系。上文概括了运动为青少年带来的好处,目的就是希望青少年可以参加体育运动。E项表明了作者的写作目的,起到了画龙点睛的作用。
41. B。由上文中的I have played soccer and other sports since I was about 5 years old和下文中介绍“我”思想的转变可知,本空所在句描述的是“我”曾经的想法——以为自己到了青少年时期仍然会“一直(continue)”进行自己所有喜欢的运动。
42. B。本空所在句与上句在语义上是转折关系。根据语境可知,这里表达的是“我”进入到高中以后,对体育运动有了新的认识,故这里需要填一个表示“意识到,领会”的词。realized符合语境。
43. D。下文中as引导的原因状语从句coaches require pretty much training in the off season是对该空所在部分的解释,再结合上文“我”思想的转变可知,教练在休赛期要求球队大量训练会导致上高中后你只能进行一项体育运动。故choose(选择)符合语境。
44. C。上文中的require pretty much training是提示。此处是对training的原词复现。
45. C。一周要有三到五天的时间训练,其结果就是没有时间和机会参加其它的活动。room有“可能性,机会”之意,符合语境。
46. A。由上文中的you have to ... a sport及下文中的I decided to play soccer year-round可知,这里选sport。
47. D。此处的five days a week与上文中的doing three to five days of ... a week呼应,介绍“我”每周有五天的时间在训练。这里选practicing,与上文中的training是同义词复现关系。
48. B。由下文中的Four other players had knee injuries as well可知,“我”和其他四名队友都经历了因过度使用膝盖而造成的膝盖损伤。这里选injury,与下文中的injuries是原词复现关系。
49. C。由上文中的play soccer year-round ... on the weekends及“我”和其他四名队友都经历了膝盖损伤可知,这里需要填一个表示程度的副词,说明是什么程度的训练导致了膝盖过度劳损。hard(刻苦地)符合语境。
50. A。由膝盖过度使用、长时间刻苦训练和直接进入俱乐部踢球之间的关系可推测,训练期间,“我”和其他的队友一刻也没有“停歇(break)”。
51. B。由下文中的I stayed at home for eight weeks可知,push sb. back(把某人往后推)符合语境。这里是一种形象的描述,指膝盖受伤阻止了“我”前进的脚步。
52. D。本空所在句中的this指代上文中“受伤让我在家呆了八周”这件事,其结果就是让“我”错过了足球训练。miss out on sth.错失获利(或取乐等)的机会。
53. A。设空处所在句与上文中的If you are doing three to five days of ... a week, this leaves little ... for other activities照应,说明踢球让“我”失去了参加许多活动的机会,故选fail。
54. C。根据上文语境可知,“我”没有去扩大自己的社交圈,参加一些俱乐部,而是站在球场上。故Instead of符合语境。
55. C。上文提到的踢球受伤和没有机会参加社交活动都是踢球带来的不利影响。disadvantages是对这些不利影响的总结。
56. runner。考查名词。设空处作表语,根据语境可知,这里指“跑步者”,再由其前的不定冠词a可知,这里指单数意义,故填run的名词形式runner。
57. is。考查存现句。根据下文介绍马拉松跑者赛后的做法可知,此处指“跑完马拉松并休息后仍有很多时间”这一客观情况,用一般现在时;设空处所在句是存现句,其主语是plenty of time,谓语动词用单数,故填is。
58. to enjoy。考查动词不定式作定语的用法。设空处作后置定语,修饰time,故填to enjoy。
59. how。考查疑问词。根据下文介绍马拉松跑者赛后选择不同方式继续运动以保持状态可知,此处是向读者提问“如何”充分利用不参加马拉松比赛的这段时间,故填how。
60. ways。考查可数名词的复数。way意为“方式,方法”,是可数名词。设空处作宾语,根据其前的different可知,此处表示复数意义,故填way的复数形式ways。
61. of。考查介词。take advantage of ... 充分利用……。
62. or。考查连词。either ... or ...要么……要么……。
63. exactly。考查副词。设空处作状语,修饰动词know,意为“确切地”,故填exact的副词形式exactly。
64. helpful。考查形容词作补语的用法。设空处作形式宾语it的补语,表示“有用的”,故填help的形容词形式helpful。
65. following。考查动词-ing形式作宾语的用法。设空处作介词of的宾语,且逻辑主语plan与动词follow之间是主动关系,故填following。