人教版(2019)选择性必修一UNIT 3 FASCINATING PARKS同步练习(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修一UNIT 3 FASCINATING PARKS同步练习(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 41.2KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-10-12 20:48:35



Millions of people visit Yosemite National Park every year to see the tall waterfalls and mountains. The mountains are a splendid sight when viewed from the valley floor. Lots of stores, hotels, and restaurants are needed to handle the crowds. Also, water, roads, and other service systems are part of the infrastructure(基础设施) that must be maintained.
Unfortunately, these systems are starting to break down. It's not just in Yosemite but in national parks around the nation. Yosemite is thirty years old according to Dennis Galvin, a National Park Service worker. The park is not only old but worn out. Two or three times as many visitors come every year. That is too many visitors for the park to deal with.
Four years ago a storm washed out a water pipeline in the Grand Canyon. The National Park Service had to send water trucks to provide water for the visitors. Last month pipes almost broke again and roads had to be closed for a while.
Why hasn't the National Park Service kept up the park repairs? There is a lack of money. The United States has 378monuments, parks, and wilderness areas. Between three and four billion dollars are needed for repairs.
Yosemite is one national park that does have money for repairs. It has two hundred million dollars but cannot spend it any way it chooses. When the park workers started widening the road, they were forced to stop by the Sierra Club. The club claimed that the road work was damaging the Merced River that runs through the park.
A Sierra Club lawyer, Julia Olson, feels that the infrastructure needs to be moved out of Yosemite. That way less pressure will be put on the already crowded park.
According to the text, the mountains in Yosemite look splendid when they are appreciated from ______ .
A. the bottom of the valleys B. the top of the mountains
C. the side of the mountains D. the edge of the valleys
National parks like Yosemite in the U.S. find it increasingly difficult to meet the need of visitors because ______ .
A. their transport management needs improving
B. they spend too much on their service systems
C. their service systems frequently go out of order
D. they need help from environmental organizations
The main problem of Yosemite National Park is its ______ .
A. rundown water pipes B. over crowdedness
C. lack of money D. narrow roads
According to the text, the Sierra Club is most likely to be ______ .
A. an environmental group B. an information center
C. a travel service D. a law firm
When I was a ten-year-old girl, my mother determined to lead us to the world of art. My brother and I were not very excited when we realized what our mother meant. What she meant was not that we could take drawing classes or painting classes but that we would have to spend our afternoon a week with her at the Fine Arts Museum. Before each visit to the museum, she made us read about artists and painting styles. It was almost as dreadful as being in school. Who wants to spend the summer thinking about artists when you could be with our friends at the swimming pool
First we had to read about ancient Egyptians and their strange way of painting faces and then go to look at them at the museum. My 12-year-old brother thought this was funny, but I was not interested. Later we had to learn about artists in the Middle Age who painted people wearing strange long clothing. We had to look at pictures of fat babies with wings and curly hair and with no clothes on flying around the edges of paintings. I certainly couldn't see what was so great about art.
On our last visit to the museum, things changed when I saw a painting by a woman called Mary. In it, a woman was reading to a child. The colors were soft and gentle, and you could tell by the woman's expression how happy she was just to be with the child. I couldn't stop looking at the painting! I wanted to see every painting Mary had ever made! It was really worth looking at so many paintings to find a painter who could interest me so much.
The purpose of the mother's plan for her children was to ______.
A. take them to visit the museum
B. ask them to read about artists
C. show them different painting styles
D. introduce them to the world of art
The underlined word "dreadful" is closest in meaning to ________.
A. colourful B. terrible C. reasonable D. relaxing
On the last visit to the museum, the writer ________.
A. met a woman called Mary
B. hardly enjoyed herself there
C. showed great interest in the paintings
D. learnt how to draw good pictures
What does the underlined word "it" refer to
A. The visit. B. The painting. C. The museum. D. The change.
"Morning, Mom," I call.
"Morning, baby," she says cheerfully. "Did you sleep well "
"Better than I have been."
She sighs, and her eyes look a hundred years old for a minute. "Any improvement is good," she says.
"Of course."
"I made waffles." Her offering.
"Thanks, Mom. Smells delicious." My offering.
I sit at the table and she hands me a plate. The thought of all that food turns my stomach, but I force a smile and thank my mother again. She busies herself at the sink and fills the silence with chatter. When she turns around, she takes in the waffles still on my plate, only missing a few bites. I smile apologetically.
"I'm not very hungry this morning."
"You'll need your strength for this afternoon." She bites her lip. She doesn't like to bring it up over breakfast. I eat another bite.
"I packed your lunch."
"I'm 18, Mom. I can pack my own lunch. You have more important things to do."
She reaches for the paper sack. "But now I know you'll have something to eat. And you need to eat, okay You have to keep your strength up."
Sighing, I take the bag.
"Honey, have you thought about what I said the other day " she asks.
I shrug noncommittally.
"Sweetheart, you can't hide this forever. Eventually you're going to miss school and people will start asking questions."
"Mom, I have two months left of high school. I can make it till then. I'm class president and probably will make a graduation speech. I was voted 'Most popular,' 'Most fun to be around,' 'Best smile,' and 'Most likely to succeed.' I'm the girl who's got it all together. People don't want to know that the girl who's got it all together, doesn't have it all together. People don't want to know that girl is dying!"
"Honey, don't say that. You're not dying."
"Yes, I am. You heard Dr. Morrison. I have maybe a year left. Mom, listen to me. I don't want to be the girl everyone looks at and whispers, 'Look at her. Poor thing!' I can't handle that. I want to be normal. Just for these last two months."
"Okay," she whispers. "Okay. Just remember, it's okay if you don't have it all together. Sometimes things just fall apart and there's nothing we can do."
"Thanks, Mom." I grab my bag and lunch and kiss her on the cheek. "I love you." "I love you too," my mom replies. This exchange, once taken for granted, is now a vital part of every morning, every afternoon, every night. Three little words, followed by four more, have come to mean more than an entire conversation. They bridge all gaps and disagreements, because we both know there is now a finite number left.
Keys in hand, I open the door and blink in the early morning sun. My silver car waits in the driveway and as I walk toward it, I check my reflection in the tinted Perfect.
The author doesn't eat much breakfast because she ______.
A. she is not hungry in the morning
B. she doesn't like waffles
C. she is in terrible health condition
D. she just likes a few bites
What happens if she forces herself to eat some food for lunch
A. She will throw it up later. B. It will build up her strength.
C. She will eventually miss school. D. It will make her work better.
The underlined sentence "I shrug noncommittally" most probably means ______.
A. the author is bored with her mom
B. the author gives no clear answer
C. the author has already considered it
D. the author is indifferent (冷漠的) about the issue
The exchange of greetings has become important for the author and her mom because ______.
A. she wants to be normal
B. they disagree with each other
C. she is running out of time
D. there is a generation gap between them
What adjectives can we use to describe the author
A. Polite but stupid B. Hardworking and successful
C. Popular but stubborn D. Understanding and considerate
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to complain about your amusement park. Last weekend ,my friends and I were very excited to visit your amusement park.However ,when we got there ,we saw a lot of things that disappointed us and shocked us.
My fist complaint is about the rubbish all over the ground like Styrofoam cups, cigarette butts ,used tissues and so on.I could never believe that you could have such a dirty amusement park.
My next complaint is about your rides. How could you have opened your amusement park if you were going to open one or two rides?This is ridiculous.And also,the line for the rides was so long !It was too crowded and a lot of people were really tired waiting and it took us almost an hour just to get on the rides.
Another complaint is about your food stall(摊位).The food was too expensive !How could we buy a set of meal for lunch for about 125$?
My last complaint is about the safety features for the rides. How could you not put up warning notice for children to fasten their seat belts ?They could have been in danger and you could be responsible for all of this !
As the manager of the park ,you will improve the situation.For example ,you should put more rubbish bins so that no one will throw any more rubbish on the ground.Also ,ask a technician to repair the rides that have problems so that more people will go to your amusement park and enjoy themselves.In order not keep people waiting so long ,you can add more fun rides.In terms of the food ,you have to decrease the price and sell more food and build up more food stalls.Last but no least ,put up warning signs to warn people about their safety before riding rides. Yours faithfully,
Benjamin Potts
Email: bjpotts@ymial.com
Mob :07947 433445
What do we know about the amusement park from the passage ? ______
A. Its food price is reasonable
B. Its cleanness impresses visitors
C. It lacks warning signs for people
D. It offers visitors a variety of rides
In the last paragraph, the author wants to ______ .
A. complain to the manager B. ask the manager for advice
C. give the manager a warning D. offer the manager suggestions
Why does the author write this letter? ______
A. To give some advice B. To get his money back
C. To complain about the park D. To know about the park
Kindness from a Stranger When I was a teenager, I travelled with my friends in Europe. One night when we arrived in Berlin, my friends were tired and stayed in the hotel while I chose to(1) ______ this city. However, I got lost in Berlin.
That night I visited many attractions around the city. When the tiredness began to set in, I checked the time on my watch. I was(2) ______ to see that it was two o'clock in the morning! On my way to the subway station, I walked past a bakery. (3) ______ I realized that it was my dad's birthday. This would be the first birthday I couldn't (4) ______ with him because he passed away a few months earlier. At that time, the train was about to leave. I dashed onto the train. At first, I was thankful to have(5) ______ it onto the train,(6) ______ it quickly turned to panic when I noticed that the train was headed in the wrong direction!
I looked around the nearly(7) ______ train. Only a young woman was sitting quietly by the window and I came up to her "Hi. Do you speak English? I'm lost. Can you help me?" I asked. She told me how to return to where I had first gotten on the train. I was too nervous to follow her (8) ______ . Without thinking, I blurted out. "Can you come with me? " Her face froze at my sudden request. After a second of(9) ______ , she agreed to help me.
On the journey back to my train station, we shared our life stories, our heartaches and our hopes for the future. At my stop, I (10) ______ her for accompanying me back. I gave her a hug for a stranger's kindness.
A. inspect B. search C. explore D. observe
A. surprised B. worried C. confused D. puzzled
A. Eventually B. Fortunately C. Happily D. Suddenly
A. congratulate B. celebrate C. maintain D. select
A. made B. had C. left D. got
A. so B. for C. and D. but
A. new B. empty C. dangerous D. dark
A. introductions B. explanations C. expressions D. instructions
A. doubt B. anger C. hesitation D. excitement
A. thanked B. inspired C. educated D. attracted
Do you ever throw away food at home Have you ever thought about (1) happens to the food that shops and supermarkets don't sell Well, you might be shocked (2) (find) out that nearly one third of the food (3) (produce) by food industry gets wasted. What's more, around 800 million people in the world do not have enough food to lead (4) healthy life.
Many people in the UK are trying to do something about this imbalance and make use (5) thrown-out food that is edible (可食用的). For example, there is a cafe in Leeds whose meals are created using unsold food from supermarkets, (6) (include) a lot of vegetables, fruit, fish and other items. This unwanted food is turned into delicious soups that feed the hungry people of Leeds. Customers (7) (simple) pay what they can afford, or help with the washing up.
More cafes like this are being opened in other parts of the UK such as Bristol and Manchester, and it is now becoming a worldwide tendency. This is a(n) (8) (amaze) project as food waste is one of the world's biggest (9) (problem). Also, new law should (10) (pass), so that supermarkets don't throw away so much perfectly good food!
I went to a new restaurant to have the dinner yesterday. The delicious food there left a deeply impression on me. But the services was not as good as I expected. Usual, I appreciate waiters come to check on me and see if there is something I need. Therefore, the waiters there left me alone. I had to get our attention whenever I needed something. And I hate waiting so long receive the bill. I am used for fast, efficient service, so this is the worst experience that I have ever had.
3.参考词汇:北京欢乐谷 Happy Valley of Beijing 设施 facility
1~4. A、C、B、A 5~8. D、B、C、B 9~13. C、B、B、C、D 14~16.【答案】C、D、C
17~26. C、A、D、B、A、D、B、D、C、A
27.【1】what【2】to find【3】produced【4】a【5】of【6】including【7】simply【8】amazing【9】problems【10】be passed
【解析】1. 句意:你有没有想过商店和超市卖不出去的食物会怎么样?分析句子结构可知,此处应用关联词引导宾语从句;且关联词在从句中作主语,表示“什么,……的事物”,故填 what。
2. 句意:你可能会震惊地发现,食品工业生产的食品中有近三分之一被浪费了。shock sb. to do sth.“使某人震惊从而做某事”,是固定搭配,此处是被动结构:sb. be shocked to do sth.,故填to find。
3. 句意:你可能会震惊地发现,食品工业生产的食品中有近三分之一被浪费了。分析句子结构可知,此处应用动词的分词结构,作后置定语;根据语境可知,produce与被修饰词the food之间是被动关系,所以应用动词的-ed形式。故填produced。
4. 句意:而且,世界上大约8亿人没有足够的食物来过健康的生活。lead a life“过着……的生活”,是固定搭配;形容词healthy修饰名词life,healthy是辅音音素发音开头,所以应用a修饰。故填a。
5. 句意:在英国,很多人都在试图改变这种不平衡,利用可食用的废弃食物。make use of“使用,利用”,是固定搭配。故填of。
6. 句意:例如,利兹有一家咖啡馆,用超市里卖不出去的食物制作食物,包括很多蔬菜、水果、鱼和其他物品。分析句子结构可知,此处应用动词的分词形式修饰前文的unsold food,因与被修饰词之间是主动关系,所以应用动词的-ing形式。故填including。
7. 句意:顾客只需付他们能付得起的钱,或者帮忙洗碗。此处修饰谓语动词,在句中作状语,所以应用副词形式。故填simply。
8. 句意:这是一个惊人的项目,因为食物浪费是世界上最大的问题之一。此处修饰名词project,作定语,所以应用形容词形式;因修饰事物,表示“令人惊异的”,所以应用-ing形式的形容词。故填amazing。
9. 句意:这是一个惊人的项目,因为食物浪费是世界上最大的问题之一。根据前文的one of,可知应填名词的复数形式。故填problems。
句意:此外,还应通过新的法律,这样超市就不会扔掉那么多完美的食物!根据语境可知,主语laws与谓语pass之间是被动关系,所以应用被动结构;因跟在should的后面,所以应用be动词原形。故填be passed。
28.【答案】 I went to a new restaurant to have (1)the dinner yesterday. The delicious food there left a (2)deeply impression on me. But the (3)services was not as good as I expected. (4)Usual, I appreciate waiters (5)come to check on me and see if there is something I need. (6)Therefore, the waiters there left me alone. I had to get (7)our attention whenever I needed something. And I (8)hate waiting so long (9)receive the bill. I am used (10)for fast, efficient service, so this is the worst experience that I have ever had.
【解析】 1.考查冠词的多余。表示一日三餐的名词前通常不加冠词。故将the去掉。
5.考查固定短语。appreciate sb. doing sth.为固定搭配,意为“感激某人做某事”。故将come改为coming。
10.考查介词。be used to sth.意为“习惯于某事”,为固定短语。故 将for改为to。
29.【答案】Dear friends,
Welcome to Happy Valley of Beijing — a theme park! My name is Li Hua. I feel honored that I have the opportunity to be your guide today.
Happy Valley of Beijing, open to the public in July, 2006, covers an area of one million square meters. In this park, visitors can take part in various activities. Many kinds of facilities can meet the needs of people of all ages. Besides, you can watch many wonderful performances, which will surely impress you deeply. Lastly, please keep in mind that your safety is more important than anything else. I'm convinced that you'll certainly enjoy yourselves here. Thank you very much.
北京欢乐谷主题公园占地100万平方米,于2006年7月对外开放,相关表达如:open to the public in July, 2006,one million square meters;游客可以参与多项活动,有多种设施可以满足不同年龄段人群的需要,相关表达如:many kinds of facilities,meet the needs of people of all ages;可以观看多种精彩表演,相关表达如:watch many wonderful performances;参观时需注意安全,相关表达如:safety,watch out等。
1.meet the needs of 满足……的需求
2.keep in mind that 记住……
3.be convinced that... 确信……
1.I feel honored that I have the opportunity to be your guide today.(宾语从句,动词不定式作定语)
2.Besides, you can watch many wonderful performances, which will surely impress you deeply.(非限制性定语从句)