Unit1 know yourself Reading (1) 教学设计
1、 教材与学情分析
本课时教学内容为译林版教材九上Uint 1 Know yourself 的阅读部分第一课时,是在welcome to the unit已有用形容词描述一个人个性的基础上的进一步提高,同时为后面的integrated skills , study skills 和task部分做好铺垫在单元教学内容中起着承上启下的作用。本校九年级学生虽然有了一定的英语基础但他们学习英语以死记硬背为主,部分学生失去了学习英语的兴趣,学习积极性不高,所以,本节课力图通过游戏或其它活动形式来重新激发他们英语学习的热情,通过活动来感知英语知识的形成。体现新《课程标准》提出的“做中学”原则。
2、 目标预设
1 To learn some new words and expressions about personalities and some different jobs .
2 To obtain information from the article quickly by using different reading skills ,such as prediction, skimming, scanning etc.
3 To know and learn from the four main characters(Wu Wei/Su Ning/Liu Hao and Fang Yuan) and develop personal qualities.
重点 使用不同的阅读技巧解决不同的阅读问题。
难点 关于性格描述的形容词或短语的正确读音及使用
4、 教具准备
test paper CAI
5、 设计理念及思路
基于《中学英语课程标准》(2011 北京师范大学出版社)对初中学生英语学习行为及能力的要求,结合初中学生的年龄特征和认知特点及他们现有的英语认知水平以及目前国际上流行的英语阅读教学模式jigsaw reading的处理方法,本课时设计了小组合作等许多科学高效的课堂活动以及丰富多彩的益智游戏,让学生在活动中感知英语知识的形成,在获取知识的同时不断提高自己英语听、说、读、写的能力。整个设计过程均体现学生为主体教师为主导的原则。
6、 教学过程
Step 1Pre-reading
1. Check the preview work
Ask ss to read new words and expressions in this period .
2. Game
Play a game called “BINGGO”
[设计意图]BINGGO游戏是单词教学的一种重要途径,既能训练学生的听力还能 提升学生英语汉语语码转换速度与能力。
3. CAI shows different pictures in SB P7 for ss to identify and ask “Who is this ” “ How is he\she ” “What is a\an ___________ person like ”
[设计意图]通过复习第一部分内容用形容词描述一个人的个性引出并完成P10 Ex B1,有意渗透引入主题
Step2 While-reading
Ma Yun is active and also a successful CEO not only in China but in the world. We can say he is outstanding, he is happy with his job. Now in Sunshine Town there are four other outstanding persons. Do you want to know who they are
Task1 Skimming
Skim the passage and answer questions
1. What’s the title of this passage
2. What can you predicate according to the title
3. How many people are there mentioned in this passage Who are they What are they
Task2 Gigsaw
Divide the passage into 4 parts and each group choose one person’s article to read . The exercise behind each picture is different . The more difficult the exercise is , the higher mark it will be . Discuss the problem in groups and recite the sentence one by one .
Task3 Game
Play a game called “ Running dictation”
[设计意图] 通过适龄游戏加强学生对所学知识的巩固,培养学生团队合作精神
Task4 Communication
Members of each group go to new groups arranged and tell others what he/she learned.
Task5 Scanning
Do the exercise behind each picture they chose . Ask ss to look through the questions quickly and then find out which paragraph and which line is the question in .
Task 6 Listening
Play the tape for ss to listen and correct the errors in both pronunciation and intonation then do True or False.
Task 7 Ask some students to talk about their personalities and the jobs they want to go in for .
Step4 Summary
What did you learn during this period
[设计意图] 让学生参与课堂小结既是对学生学习个体差异性的尊重又有利于老师了解学生重难点的把握情况。
Step5 Assignment
1 Find set phrases and sentence patterns in this period and write them down in your notebooks.
2. Finish off a paper
3 Preview Grammar A&B
Designing for Bb and teaching reflections