教学内容 Lesson24 Year Animals
教学目标 1. 知识与技能目标:(1)学生能在图片和老师的帮助下听懂故事;(2)学生能在图片和老师的帮助下读懂故事;(3)学生能正确朗读故事;(4)学生能借助图片和关键词的帮助,复述故事。2.学习策略目标:(1)略读、寻读、朗读、默读等阅读策略相结合,发展学生阅读策略;(2)增强小组合作意识,共同完成任务;3.情感态度目标:提高学习英语的故事,乐于阅读,善于表演;
教学重点 学生能运用多种阅读策略理解故事内容,并能用正确的语音、语调朗读故事。
教学难点 学生能够简单的复述故事。
教学准备 课件,光盘
教学互动 设计意图
Step1. Warming up and reviewT: Good morning, everyone. Are you ready Now,let’s begin our class.Chant. Review numbers.T:We know years have names in China. The names are animals. Let’s read together.Step 2. Storypre-readingT: But there is no cat in year animals. Why Let’s Listen. While readingT:Let’s learn the story.(1)Pic1—2Read by yourselves and find the answers quickly.Listen and follow the CD. Explain the word “earliest”(2)Pic3T:The rat wants to be the first. He meets the cat. What does the rat say Let’s underline the sentences.Let’s act out this picture. Boys are the rat. Girls are the cat.(3)Pic4—5T: On the way to the meeting, the rat meets the ox. Let’s listen and choose.T:Do you think the rat is good How would you feel if you were the ox Let’s listen and read. Act in groups and then show the dialogue.(4)Pic6—7T:The rat is the first. The ox is the second. What else Let’s listen and order.(一起说顺序)(5)Pic8—9T:Where is the cat Now let’s listen and judge .Let’s read and act in groups.ShowT: That is why the cats eat the rats. Now let’s read the whole story.After-readingRetell the story in groups.Discuss in groupsStep: 5. Homework. 简短的问候,与学生沟通,使学生尽快进入到英语学习的氛围中。通过复习序数词和属相的单词到新授,过渡自然,不会割裂知识的整体性。整体感知故事,初步领悟故事的中心意思。将整个故事分成几个片断进行教学,在一定程度上降低了学生理解的难度。同时针对图中的画面信息,教师设置疑问,诱发学生去思考,锻炼了学生用英语思维的能力,同时也注重了学生听说能力的培养。在听读故事的过程中边听、边读、边思考,使学生学会自主学习。心理学表明:在新奇刺激物的吸引下,学生注意力由不随意、不稳定、不持久而积极地转向教学过程。因此,用形式多样的教学方法来呈现新知,如Look and answer.Listen and choose,Listen and Judge.能吸引学生的注意力,提高学习效率。 根据问题完成板书内容,为后面的复述做铺垫。再次整体感知故事,领悟故事的中心意思,同时培养学生听的能力.复述故事环节,让学生们先选择自己熟悉的图片,再根据提示词来进行复述.讨论环节各自展开自己的观点。深化学生对文章的理解能力。
板书设计:Lesson 24 Year Animals
Lion rat cat
Name the years the first in the afternoon
In the morning
tiger ox
order the year the third The rat sits in the ear
Jumps in front of the ox
Also on the way eat the rats