人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit 3 Sea Exploration Using Language&Assessing Your Progress 教案


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit 3 Sea Exploration Using Language&Assessing Your Progress 教案
格式 docx
文件大小 31.7KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-10-18 21:41:41



Unit 3 Sea exploration
Using Language & Assessing Your Progress教学设计
科目:英语 课题:Reading and Thinking 课时:1课时
1. Greeting
2. Leading-in
教师活动:教师明确本节课的目标话题为"Should the Sea Be Explored ",并邀请学生讨论。
1. 学生活动:学生阅读两篇文章的首段,判断语篇类型。
2. 教师活动:教师通过提问引导学生回顾议论文的结构特点。
What is the text type of the two passages
What are the three parts in argumentative essay (argument,evidence,restatement/recommendation a call to action)
3. 学生活动:阅读两篇短文,完成活动一。
Text 1
Exploration causes pollution.
Deepwater Horizon oil spill
Plastic pollution
Mining for resources is damaging.
It hurts the Arctic.
Burning fossil fuels adds to climate change.
Overfishing is an issue.
Whales and dolphins are hunted.
Banned, but some countries still doing it.
Text 2
Sea exploration is important for our future.
Scientific research ships can help address important issues like climate change.
Understanding more about the sea will also help us manage its resources better.
New medicines, food resources and energy.
Predict events such as earthquakes.
We need new resources for future development.
Vast amounts of resources may be under the sea and ice.
4. 学生活动:阅读文章,完成活动二。
Text 1: Global trends in the state of world marine fish stocks
Text 2: Decline in oil spills
5. 教师活动:引导学生讨论活动3的问题,并邀请学生发表自己的观点。
(1) What is your opinion about sea exploration Do you agree with one argument more than the other
I think sea exploration is a wonderful idea, because even if there are no immediate rewards for it, to explore and find out more about our world is always a good thing.
(2) Has your opinion changed after reading the two texts Why or why not
Yes, my opinion has changed. Before reading Text 1, I did not know that sea exploration could add to sea pollution, via deep sea drilling for example.
(3) Are there any other aspects of sea exploration not mentioned that you think are important
We do not know what we don't know; We need to explore the ocean so that we can better understand issues such as acidification which leads to seawater to become more acidic, and how to fight these problems; Studying the ocean causes the creation of new technologies that can help us in other areas.
6. 学生活动:头脑风暴。针对“是否应该进行海洋探索”发表自己的观点。模仿阅读部分的议论文结构安排各段内容。
①Many students have been faced with the problem of...
②Recently the problem has been brought into focus.
③Recently the phenomenon has become a hot topic.
④Recently the issue has aroused a great concern among...
⑤Nowadays there is a growing concern over...
⑥Faced with..., quite a few people argue that...
⑦According to a recent survey, ....
⑧With the rapid development of the economy/society...
⑨Recently we held/have held a discussion about whether...
⑩When it comes to...
①As is known to all, ...play(s) an important part/role in our daily life/modern society. However, different people have different opinions.
② Some people/The majority of the students think it is a good idea/important/useful/convenient to do...
③Others argue/claim that the opposite is true.
④However, as every coin has two sides, ...also has its disadvantages.
①There is probably some truth in both arguments/statements, but...
②From what has been discussed above,we can draw the conclusion that...
③It is high time that we took measures to.../We'd better take effective measures to prevent...
④It is necessary that steps should be taken to...
⑤In conclusion, it is important that...
⑥To solve the above-mentioned problem(s), we must...
⑦In summary, if we continue to ignore the issue, more problems will come up.
⑧Taking all these into account, we...
Even though the oceans make up about 70% of the earth's surface, more than 80% of the oceans remain unexplored. While some people say that we should not explore the oceans, their reasoning is not very sound. Exploring is not the same as exploiting. When we explore a place, we go just to see and understand what is there.
We should explore the ocean, first and foremost, because we do not know what we do not know. We thought we knew many about the ocean, but we were wrong. There could be life forms in the ocean, for example, that fit none of the neat categories we have for life while we have no clue that they even exist.
This brings up the second point. We already know many things about the ocean, but we need to learn more. A good example is ocean acidification. We know that it is causing coral to die. We know that using less fossil fuel would cause the process to slow down. However, we need to learn more to find out how to stop it. We need more research to see what is going on, and to come up with plans and solutions.
Finally, to do this research, we have to enter an extreme environment not very friendly to humans. This requires the development of new technologies that can also benefit us in other areas. For example, in many ways, the deep ocean resembles outer space. The technologies can benefit each other. For another instance, the technology of a mechanical arm to collect samples with has been used in factories and development of artificial limbs for humans.
All in all, there are many good reasons to explore the oceans. If we care about science, about protecting our oceans, and about developing new technologies, we need to do all we can to support ocean exploration.