What’sthe date today It is ______.Whatdayis it today It is ______.todayyesterdayHow manydays are there in November There are __________.30 daysGame:看谁眼明口快明信片(可直接投寄载有信息的卡片)明信片是一种不用信封就可以直接投寄的载有信息的卡片,投寄时必须贴有邮票。其正面为信封的格式,反面具有信笺的作用。优点是不用信封,缺点是篇幅小而无隐密性,亦称为“邮片”。明信片所写的内容公开,可被他人所看见,内容通常不涉及隐私权之虞,故称为明信。在某些地方明信片邮资较普通信函资费便宜。依据中国邮政业务说明,一般民众可自行印制明信片但不得标志“中国邮政”,因此许多人会称邮局发行之明信片为“邮政明信片”(postal card,带邮资符),而民间印制者则以泛称之“明信片”(postcard)指称。True or False( )1.Tony, Jenny and Gogo are on a big island.( )2.Jenny wants to draw.第一遍:解决以下问题。FFsmallGogoTrue or False( )3.Gogo doesn’t have any crayons.( )4.Gogo has some paper.( )5.Gogo doesn’t have any crayons or paper.第二遍:解决以下问题。TFdoesn’t haveTTrue or False( ) 6.Tony has some crayons and paper.( )7. Tony has a pen.第三遍:解决以下问题。FTdoesn’t haveislandThis isanisland. Diaoyu IslandThis isDiaoyuisland. big or small This isasmallisland. some, any一些(数量不确切时用)some用于肯定句。She has some crayons.I have some crayons.any用于疑问句和否定句。I don’t have any paper.She doesn’t have any paper.Do you have any paper Does she have any paper Where are Tony, Jenny and Gogo Theyareon a small island.Who wants to draw Gogowants to draw.Gogo wants to draw.colored pencilswater color pensI don’t have any crayons.Tony doesn’t have any crayons.paperred paperyellow paperblue paperblack papergreen paperwhite paperorange paperbrown papergrey papera paper bagTony doesn’t have any paper.=Good!=Cool!doesn’tdon’tDoesdoesDodon’tTony, Jenny and Gogo are on _____ small island. Gogo wants to _______.But he _____ have any crayons or paper. He wants to borrow some from Tony. But Tony doesn’t ______ any crayons or paper. So Gogo uses a stick(棍子). He ______ a picture on the sand(沙子). That’s a good ____.adoesn’thaveswimdrawsdrawidea本课重点:School things(学习用具):…有……have……has…没有…don’t have……doesn’t have……有…吗?Do…have… Does…have…