

名称 人教版(2019)必修一unit3知识点归纳(含练习和答案)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-10-24 12:50:10



honour n.荣誉;尊敬;荣幸vt.尊重;以……为荣用法
①He considered it an honour.
②I feel greatly honoured to invite you to the music festival. 邀请你参加这个音乐节我感到非常荣幸。
③Madame Curie named it polonium in honour of her native country.居里夫人将它命名为钋,以纪念她的祖国。
in honour of 为了纪念;为了庆祝
have the honour of doing/to do sth.有幸做某事
It is sb.'s/an honour to do sth. 做某事是某人的荣幸/一件荣幸的事
honoured adj. 受尊敬的;感到荣幸的
be/feel honoured to do sth.荣幸做某事
determination n.决心;决定
① Our teacher has been instructing that we are supposed to be a man with courage, insight and determination.
②They have a right to determine their own future他们有权决定自己的未来。
③I'm determined to do it better this time.我决心这次要做得更好。
determined adj. 坚决的;有决心的
be determined to do sth. 决心做某事 决定;确定;下定决心
determine vt.
determine to do sth.决定做某事
determine on/upon(doing)sth.决定……
injure vt.使受伤;损害
①She injured herself while skating, which made her parents very worried.
②By mile 17. I became out of breath and the once injured ankle hurt badly.
③When at school, wed better mind our behavior and don't do an injury to others.
injured adj. 受伤的;有伤的
the injured 伤员(集合名词)
injury n. 伤;伤口;伤害;损伤
do an injury to sb. 伤害某人
injure hurt wound
give up放弃;投降
①Although the epidemic is terrible, the Chinese people will never give in and give up until we defeat it.
②We must decide what to keep and what to give away.我们必须决定哪些该留、哪些该扔
③I know that there is absolutely no need to give out
definitions of a true friend.
give in 屈服;投降;让步;上交
give in to sb. 向某人投降/屈服/让步
give out 分配;分发;用光;筋疲力尽; 发出(声音、信号等)
give off 放出;发出(光、热、气味等)
give away 泄露;赠送
compete vi.竞争;对抗
①He will compete with other athletes and compete for the honor of the country.
②The team must try their best if they want to put on a good show in the competition.
③Students are going to compete in the school sports meeting
(1)compete in... 在某方面竞争;参加……比赛
compete for ... 为……而竞争
compete with/against... 与……竞争
(2)competitor n. 比赛者;对手
competition n. 比赛
competitive adj. 有竞争力的
6. make sense有道理;合乎情理;表述清楚
①She doesn’t talk much, but what she says makes sense.她讲话不多,但她所说的都有道理。②Can you make sense of the poem 你能理解这首诗吗
③In no sense should you give in to any difficulty on your way ahead.
make no sense 没道理;没意义
make sense of 理解;弄懂
in a sense 从某种意义上来说
in no sense 决不;绝非(位于句首时,句子用部分倒装)
pretend vi.&vt.假装;装扮
①(2019·天津高考)So I carried around a book,and each night, just to be like her, I would pretend to be reading因此,我随身带着一本书,每天晚上仅仅像她一样,我假装正在阅读。
②She closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep.她闭上眼睛,假装睡着了。
③Anne pretended not to have heard about the news, but as a matter of fact, she knew it last week.
④He is pretending to be a cool rocker
that ... 假装……
to be 假装是……
pretend+ to do sth. 假装做某事
to be doing sth. 假装正在做某事
to have done sth. 假装做了某事
make a difference有作用或影响
①We can all make a difference to this world. 我们都可以影响这个世界。
②Whether he is here or not will make no difference to our work.
make some/no difference (to...)
tell the difference (between... and...)
rather than而不是;与其说……倒不如说……
①She enjoys singing rather than dancing.她喜欢唱歌,而不喜欢跳舞。
②You rather than I are to make a speech at the meeting.你,而不是我要在会上发言。
(1)rather than 连接两个并列成分,意为“而不是”
(2)rather than连接两个主语时,谓语动词应与rather than前面的主语在人称和数上保持一致。
His right arm was cut out because of the serious wound. 切去
I cut this article out of the newspaper. 剪下
He has decided to cut out smoking and drinking. 停止做
As for the article. you can cut out what you dislike.省略
cut off 切断;割掉;剪掉;砍掉;停止;中断
cut up 切碎;伤心的
cut down 降低;减少;砍倒
cut in 插嘴;打断;干预;插队
compare... with/to... 与……比较
①He compared the little girl to a kitten.他把这个小姑娘比作小猫。
②Compared with many other women she was really lucky.与许多其他女人相比,她真的很幸运。归纳:
(1)compare v. 比较;对比
compare ...to ... 把……比作……
compare notes(with sb.)(与某人)交换看法/意见
(2)comparison n. 比较
in comparison with 与……相比
make a comparison 做比较
1.It's _____honour to dine with you.
2.He says he would be____________(honour) to be invited.
3.The dinner was given_____________________the new president of the company.
4.Could I have____ __________________ chess with you 能否有幸和你下盘象棋
5.There was an expression of fierce ______________(determine) on her face.
6.The young man is _____________(determine) to achieve his goal.
7.Often the illness or___________ (injure) is not so serious.
8.He'll need an operation on the___________ (injure)leg.
9.Believe it or not, what you said just now __________________________.
10.Ambulances___________________ a nearby hospital.救护车把伤员送到了附近的医院
11.The enemy had no choice but to __________ us.敌人除了向我们投降别无选择。
12.These wild flowers_____________a nice smell.这些野花散发出一股香味。
13.The couple______________ most of their fortunes to the poor in their small town.
14.He has competed____two Olympics and will retire after next.
15.Only by competing _____________each other can we make great progress in our study.
16.The two players competed with each other_______ a gold medal.
17.We have to cut our costs and remain_______________(compete).
18.Most of the ____________(compete) in the games had already arrived.
19.This sentence he has made doesn’t make sense.
=This sentence he has made _________________.
20.I read the saying again and again, but couldn't understand it.
=I read the saying again and again, but couldn't_________________ it.
21.In no sense______________ lose heart; keep trying and you will succeed sooner or later
You are right____________, but you do not know all the facts.在某种意义上你是对的,但你不知道所有的事实。
23.I hope my behaviour will_____________________________我希望我的行为能起到作用。
24.What you have said will_______________________o the naughty boy.
25.I, rather than you,______ (be) going to suffer all that on the way.
26.The sweater she bought was beautiful________________.与其说她买的这件羊毛衫便宜不如说它漂亮。
27.We will have the meeting in the classroom_______________ in the great hall.
28.With the electricity___________,all the machines had to stop working.
29.It is bad manners for you to always cut in when other people are talking.
30.She was really_________when all her friends refused to help her当她所有的朋友都拒绝帮她时,她真的很伤心。
31.____________________, and you`ll see which is better
32.People always____________________to the rising sun.人们总是把青少年比作初升的太阳。
33.___________________ what he has already got, the new stamps are not very interesting.
34.In_________________other students,Mike is more diligent.和其他学生相比,迈克更加勤勉。
35.His son pretended_______________(read) when he came in.
36.Jim pretended____________________(solve)the difficult problem and left the company.
37.If you pretend____________ (know) what you don't know, you'll only make a fool of yourself.
38.We can't just go on pretending_________________________我们不能继续假装一切正常。
1. an 2. honoured 3. in honour of 4.the honour of playing 5.determination 6. determined 7.injury 8.injured
9. injured his feelings. 10.took the injured to 11.give in to 12. give off
13. gave away 14. in 15. with/against 16. for
petitive petitors 19.makes no sense. 20.make sense of
21. should you 22.in a sense 23.make a difference 24.make no difference
25.am 26.rather than cheap 27. rather than 28. cut off
29.cut in 30.cut up 31.Compare this with that
32.compare the teenagers pared with parison with
35. to be reading 36. to have solved 37.to know 38. that everything is OK