人教版(2019)必修第一册 Welcome Unit知识清单


名称 人教版(2019)必修第一册 Welcome Unit知识清单
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文件大小 36.9KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-10-24 15:42:45



英语必修一Welcome Unit
n. 交换;交流;互换
an international exchange student (国际交换生)
vt. 交换;交流;交易;兑换
exchange sth with sb和某人交换某物
Before graduation, students exchange presents with each other.
exchange A for B 用A换
exchange dollars for pounds
in exchange for... 作为对...的交换
What would you give me in exchange for my recorder
n. 讲座;讲课;教训
give/deliver a lecture 发表演讲,作讲座
vi. (开)讲座;讲课
lecture on/in 讲授...
vt. 训斥
The teacher lectured those students for not finishing their homework.
registration. 登记;注册;挂号
register vt. & vi.登记;注册 register for....
nationality n . 国籍
nation n. 国家;民族;国民 national 国家的
by design 故意地=on purpose
vt. 设计;筹划;计划;构思
be designed for... 为···而设计
be designed to do...目的是
be designed as 打算当作...
designer n.设计者;设计师
campus n.校园;校区
on campus 在校内
off campus 在校外;不住校
formal adj. 正式的; 正规的 = official
formal education
formally 正式地;形式上
informal 不正式的
be/feel anxious for sb. 担心某人=be worried about sb.
be/feel anxious about sth. 为某事担忧=be worried about sth.
The bad news made us more anxious about the matter.
She is very anxious for her dear old mother.
be anxious to do sth 渴望做某事
be anxious for sth 渴望...
be anxious for sb to do sth 渴望某人做某事
anxiously adv.焦虑地;不安地
anxiety n.担心;焦虑;渴望
with anxiety=anxiously
annoyed adj.恼怒的;生气的;烦恼的
be annoyed at/with sb生某人的气
be annoyed by/at sth 因为某事而生气
He was beginning to get annoyed with me about my carelessness.
annoy vt.使恼怒;打扰
It really annoys me when people keep .
annoying adj.使人烦恼的;令人讨厌的(一般修饰事物)
I was quite annoyed at the annoying noise he was making.
annoyance n.[U]烦恼;气恼[C]令人烦恼的事物
to one’s annoyance 让某人烦恼的是...
frightened adj.惊吓的;害怕的
be frightened of(doing)sth 害怕某物/(做)某事
be frightened to do sth 害怕做某事
frightening adj.令人害怕的;可怕的
The frightened look on her face told us the girl was frightened by the frightening look of the stone figure in the temple.
frighten vt.使害怕;使惊吓
frighten me to death 把我吓得要死
frighten sb into doing sth 把某人吓得做某事;恐吓某人做某事
v-ing形式形容词多表示主语或被修饰词所具有的特征, 通常译为“令人..的
embarrassed 尴尬的-embarrassing令人尴尬的
disappointed 失望的-disappointing令人失望的
bored 厌倦的-boring令人生厌的
confused 困惑的-confusing令人困惑的
satisfied 满意的-satisfying令人满意的
interested 感兴趣的-interesting有趣的
surprised 感到惊讶的-surprising 令人惊讶的
amazed 感到惊讶的-amazing 令人惊讶的
excited 感到兴奋的-exciting令人兴奋的
senior adj. 高级的;年长的;地位较高的 n. 上司;较年长者;毕业生
be senior to 比...年长
He is 4 years junior to me. =He is junior to me by 4 years.
Junior adj. 年轻人的;下级的n. 年少者;地位较低者
be junior to 比……年幼
leave/make a(n)...impression on sb 给某人留下一个…印象
have/get a good/bad impression of sb 对某人有一个好/坏的印象
impress vt.使钦佩;给·····留下深刻印象 vi.留下印象;引人注目
impress sb with sth =impress sth on/upon sb某事给某人留下深刻印象;
be impressed with/by...对···印象深刻
She impressed me with her big smile.
I was impressed by/with her big smile.
The boss was impressed with the speech by the graduate.
13.impressive adj.给人深刻印象的
Her big smile was impressive.
14. what if 要是....会怎么样呢?If是连词,后面+从句(句子)
15. concentrate vi.& vt.集中(注意力);聚精会神
concentrate on 集中精力于;全神贯注于
concentrate sth/one's efforts/one's attention on/upon (doing) sth
We must concentrate our efforts on studying English.
concentration n.集中;专注;专心 lose concentration 走神
leave...alone 不打扰;不惊动;不理
I really wanted to tell him to please be quiet and leave me alone!
leave...behind 遗留;忘记带走;把···抛在后面
leave off 停止;中断
leave out删掉;遗漏;
leave for...动身去....
17. awkwardadj. 令人尴尬的;难对付的
be/feel awkward about 对于……感到不自在
18. explorevt./vi. 探索;探测;探险
exploration 探测;探究;踏勘
explorer 探险家;探测者,探测器
confident adj.自信的;有把握的;肯定的
be confident about sb/sth 对某人/某事有信心
be confident of (doing)...确信···;对···有把握
be confident that...确信…I feel confident about the examination.
He was confident of passing the examination.
We are confident that the environment will be improve by our efforts.
confidence n. 信心;信任;
have/lose confidence in...对···有/失去信心
with confidence 自信地
confidently adv有把握地,自信地
20. forward adv.向前地;前进 adj.向前的;前进的;迅速的
look forward to(doing) sth 盼望;期待
Tom is looking forward to meeting the new exchange student.
We look forward to seeing him tomorrow.
be used to (doing)...习惯于(做)…
object to 反对...
stick to坚持...
get down to...开始认真做....
pay attention to 注意…
be addicted to 沉迷于…
21. flash
flash card 教学卡片;识字卡
in a flash 瞬间;立刻
a flash in the pan昙花一现
flash sth around 炫耀某物
flash back (to sth)回想
flash sb a smile/look 向某人微微一笑/瞥一眼
organize v. 组织;安排;组建
organizer n. 组织者;承办单位
organization n. 组织;机构
strategy n.策略;策划
learning strategy 学习策略
strategic adj. 战略上的,战略的
improve vi.& vt. 改进;改善
improvement n.改善;提高
25.curious adj.好奇的;求知欲强的
be curious about 对···好奇
He was curious about the world outside his home town.
be curious to know/see/hear/...很想知道/看看/听听/…
curiosity n.好奇心;求知欲 -ity名词后缀
out of curiosity 出于好奇
with curiosity 好奇地=curiously
satisfy one's curiosity 满足某人的好奇心
pany n.公司;商行;陪伴
in company with sb 与某人一起
keep sb company 陪伴某人
I will stay here and keep you company.
personality n.性格;个性复数形式:personalities
personal adj.个人的
style n.方式;作风;风格
in style 时髦 out of style过时
revise vt.&vi.修改;修订;
revise for v. 复习功课(迎考)
I spent the weekend revising for my exam.
revision n.修正;修改;复
What if no one talks to me (P4)
= (What will happen, if ... / What would happen, if ...)
用法:用于提出假设,其后句子可用陈述语气(谓语动词用一般现在时), 也可用虚拟语气(谓语动词用一般过去时或should + 动词原形)。
What if the train is late
What if someone says something negative about me
What if I should fail
I found most of my classmates and teachers friendly and helpful. (P4)
find + 宾语 + 宾补结构
(find sb / sth + done / adj / adv / prep / doing )
We found the place much changed
You’ll find it interesting.
We seldom found him out.
When she woke up, she found herself in hospital.
I found him standing at the door.
find + it (形式宾语) + adj / n (to do sth)
I find it challenging to find the solution to this problem.
I find it a big challenge to solve this problem.
If I am not in class, I’m either in the library or in the computer lab. (P8)
either ... or ...意为“或者……或者……”“不是……就是……”,表示两者之一,连接句子中两个并列成分。
When the girl is happy, she either sings or dances.
either ... or ...连接两个主语时,其谓语动词应与最近的一个主语在人称和数上保持一致。这就是我们说的“就近原则”, 类似的还有or , neither ... nor, not only … but also,there be句型等。
Either you or I am going there tomorrow.
Either he or you are wrong.