人教版(2019) 必修第一册 Welcome unit Discovering usefulstructures(第8-9课时)教学设计


名称 人教版(2019) 必修第一册 Welcome unit Discovering usefulstructures(第8-9课时)教学设计
格式 docx
文件大小 59.6KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-10-24 21:27:33



课题名称 Welcome unit Discovering useful structures 授课教师
授课时间 9.19-9.20 授课班级
课型 语法课 课时数 2
课程标准要求 通过在语境中学习和运用语法知识,认识英语语法在哪些主要方面不同于汉语语法。 运用所学的语法知识,恰当地描述真实和想象实践中的人和物、情景和事件。
教材内容分析 This period is aimed to help Ss identify basic English sentence patterns and use correct and various sentence patterns in communication. First, an activity is arranged for students to know the function of sentence patterns in communication. Then, sentence elements and patterns will be introduced to Ss. At last, Ss will complete some controlled exercises to further learn about sentence elements and patterns. For the production part, Ss are going to talk about their first day at school using different sentence patterns.
教学目标设计 Teaching Objectives: After taking this lesson, students will be able 1.to identify English sentence elements and patterns . 2.to use different sentence patterns in their communication for accuracy and fluency.
教学重难点及处理 The teaching important and difficult points: 1.How to guide them to understand the definition and function of sentence elements and patterns. 2.How to help them use sentence patterns correctly in communication.
教学资源选择 ppt
教学过程设计 Period 1 Activity1.Lead in Get students to think about how to make themselves better understood in daily communication. Have Ss observe some sentences with different patterns and learn how sentence patterns help express more detailed information. Get Ss to learn the definition and function of sentence elements. (S ,V ,O, P, A, AD ,C ,OP) The purpose of the design: an introduction to make Ss learn about the importance of sentence patterns. Activity 2. Recognize the sentence elements Have Ss work in pairs and identify the sentence elements of the underlined part in each sentence. The students got on the school bus. He handed methe newspaper. I shall answer your question after class. What a beautilful Chinese painting! He found it importantto learn Engish. His job is to train swimmers. He noticed a man enter the room. On the desk are some books. It is my job to teach them English. 10.He sat there, reading a book. The purpose of the design:to get students to practice and learn sentence elements. Activity 3. Combine the words or expressions into a sentence in each group Get Ss to work in pairs and put the scrambled sentences into the correct order. Then, emphasize the importance of sentence patterns in effective communication. laughed; all of us.____________________________________( ) miss; my grandma; I.____________________________________( ) kind; and; the teacher; friendly; was. ______________________ ( ) told; us; he; funny; a; story._______________________________( ) found; most of; I; my classmates; and; teachers; and; friendly; helpful. _________________________________________________________( ) too much; talked; he. ____________________________________( ) my first; at; senior high school; math class; had; I. ________________________________________________________( ) There; a lot; is; at senior high school; to explore. ________________________________________________________( ) The purpose of the design:to help students learn how sentence patterns impact conveying messages. Activity4.Practice Ask students to do some related exercise on learning sheet paper. The purpose of the design:to help students to consolidate what they have learned in class. Homework Ask students to finish the exercise on learning sheet paper. Period 2 Activity 1: Revision Show some sentences and ask students to analyse their sentence elements. The purpose of the design:to help students to review what they have learned yesterday and lead to new lesson. Activity 2:Recognize the basic sentence patterns Have Ss analyse the sentences in activity 3 and discuss the sentence patterns in groups. Get Ss to learn six basic sentence patterns. Have Ss complete the exercise 2&3 in Welcome Unit on page 6. The purpose of the design:to help students further learn about sentence patterns through practice. Activity 3. Do some translation exercise Ⅰ.Get Ss to judge the sentence patterns. 1.They work hard. 2.The flower is dead. 3.Plants need water. 4.He gives me some seeds. 5. The cake tastes delicious. 6. Classes begin at eight every day. 7. They haven’t decided where to go next. 8. Jim cannot dress himself. 9. Mr. Johnson taught us German last year. 10. Shall I call you a taxi Ⅱ.Translate the following exercise. 1.我喜欢爬山。(主+谓+宾) __________________________________________________________ 2.妈妈鼓励(encourage)我尝试不同种类的食物。(主+谓+宾+宾补) __________________________________________________________ 3.那个女孩开心地笑了。(主+谓+状) __________________________________________________________ 4. 你的建议听起来很棒。(主+系+表) __________________________________________________________ 5.昨天我看了一本书。(主+谓+宾+状) __________________________________________________________ 6.教授(professor)给我们做了一个讲座。(主+谓+间宾+直宾) __________________________________________________________ 7.冰箱里有5个苹果和一块蛋糕。(There be 句型) __________________________________________________________ 8.桌子上有一本书。(There be 句型) __________________________________________________________ The purpose of the design:to help Ss know eight sentence structures. Homework: Try to use six basic sentence patterns to tell about their first day at high school.
板书设计 Discovering useful structures 1.S+V He laughed. 2.S+V+O I love you. 3.S+P She is beautiful. 4.S+V+IO+DO He gave me a book. 5.S+V+A He talked loudly. 6.S+V+O+A He bought a book in the shop. 7.S+V+O+C He found him playing basketball. 8.There be There is a book on the desk.
教学评价与反思 本节课主要复习了英语五大基本句型结构之一的主系表结构,学生对对句子成分及句型结构概念模糊,无法正确划分句子成分及句型结构。本节课的重点和难点是划分句子成分及判断并能正确写出一些简单句。对于重难点的突破,我主要采用讲练结合的方式,边讲边练,学生比较接受这种方式。 但大部分学生仍然对于句子成分辨认不清,因此听课显得比较吃力,不敢大胆参与课堂活动,今后教学中还需要研究一些富有针对性的教学策略去帮助一些学困生,调动他们学习英语的兴趣。