人教版(2019) 必修第一册 Unit 1 Teenage Life Discovering usefulstructures(第16-17课时)教学设计


名称 人教版(2019) 必修第一册 Unit 1 Teenage Life Discovering usefulstructures(第16-17课时)教学设计
格式 docx
文件大小 197.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-10-24 21:29:02



课题名称 Unit 1.Teenage life Discovering useful structures 授课教师
授课时间 10.11-10.12 授课班级
课型 语法课 课时数 2
课程标准要求 通过在语境中学习和运用语法知识,认识英语语法在哪些主要方面不同于汉语语法。 运用所学的语法知识,恰当地描述真实和想象实践中的人和物、情景和事件。
教材内容分析 The thematic context of this unit is about “ human and self”. The grammar mainly deals with the Phrases, including Noun Phrases, Adjective Phrases and Adverb Phrases. It is expected that students could enrich their oral or written expressions when talking about their teenage life. Henceforth, the grammar carries a considerable significance to the cultivation of students’ language competence and lays a solid foundation for the basic appreciation of language beauty. Students are expected to master the grammar thoroughly and consolidate the knowledge by doing some exercise of good quality.
学情分析 The school is located in a county. Students are in the first year of their senior high school. Everything is new to them, so they have a lot of difficulties in life and study. Henceforth, talking about students’ problems will surely arouse their interests. However, students are relatively weak in speaking and writing.
教学目标设计 At the end of the class, students should be able to 1.identify and tell the structure and function of NP, AdjP and AdvP through induction method 2.improve a draft by using NP, AdjP and AdvP 3.realize that they are not alone in facing difficulties and it is difficulties that help them grow stronger
教学重难点及处理 Teaching important points 1.Students could conclude the structure and function of NP, AdjP and AdvP through induction method 2.Students could improve a draft by using NP, AdjP and AdvP. Teaching difficult points Students could improve a draft by using NP, AdjP and AdvP.
教学资源选择 ppt
教学过程设计 Period 1 Activity One: Lead-in Ask ss to talk about their problems in senior high school (What problems have you met since you came to senior high school ) T: You guys have been to senior high school for a couple of weeks. Do you enjoy your life in senior high school However, I think being a freshman also brings you a lot of problems. What problems have you met since you came to senior high school S: share their problems Design purpose:The lead-in part is dedicated to arousing ss’ interest and relating to them. Ss answers may vary. T writes down important key phrases on the blackboard. Activity Two: Discovery T: Adam is no exception. He also met some challenges in senior high school. Let’s read and find how he expressed his challenges by using phrases. Task1:Find and mark the noun/adjective/adverb phrases in the passage Task 2: State the functions of noun/adjective/adverb phrases. Task3: Conclude the structure and function of NP, AdjP, AdvP. Design purpose: SS are asked to discover the type, structure and function of NP, AdjP, AdvP step by step through induction method. Activity Three: Practice T: Guys, now can you polish your original version by using NP, AdjP, AdvP. Task 1: Ask ss to polish their expressions in the Lead-in part by using NP/ AdjP/AdvP. Task2: Finish the sentences by using NP/ AdjP/AdvP. T: Actually, almost all students will inevitably come across various problems in new school. Let’s finish the following exercise and see what other problems students may have. Task 3:Describe the pictures below by using NP/ AdjP/AdvP. Design purpose: The first task is about ss’ problems, while the second task is about the happy moments in school. By designing so, the ss will feel that problems are normal and universal among them, so there is no need to worry about their problems, because there are also many happy moments in school. And we can tell them that “ no struggle, no youth”. Task4.Homework Option 1: Finish exercise 3 on page 16 ( textbook) Option 2: Write a small paragraph to describe your school life. Use NP/AdjP/AdvP as many as possible. Design Purpose: Ss can choose different homework to finish based on their ability, which is a reflection of stratified teaching. Period 2 Activity 1:Share the homework 1.Ask ss to share different answers on how they improved Joyce’s draft “Cheerleader Try-outs” 2.Present the suggested answers of the homework 3.Compare the original one with the improved version and conclude why the improved draft better serve for the theme ( What’s the theme of the essay ) 4.Guide Ss to review how we improved the draft Design purpose:The part is dedicated to helping ss understand how to improve the written draft by using using NP, AdjP, AdvP. Activity 2: Phrases replacement 1.Ask ss to replace the underlined parts with NP, AdjP and AdvP. 2.Talk about the theme of the conversation 3. Why do you think the improved version better serves for the theme than the original one (In the improved version, all the phrases are colloquial. It helps the speaker better expresses himself, because it is a conversation. In a conversation, only simple and straight phrases can help the speaker better understood) Design purpose: The part is dedicated to helping ss understand how to convey the feeling strongly in oral by using NP, AdjP, AdvP. Homework option 1: Write an essay about your senior high school life by using NP, AdjP, AdvP. option 2: Make a dialogue about senior high school life by using NP, AdjP, AdvP. Design Purpose: Ss can choose different homework to finish based on their ability, which is a reflection of stratified teaching.
板书设计 Phrases Students problems NP AdjP AdvP 1.senior high school very confusing very hard 2.math class very difficult quite lonely
教学评价与反思 本节课主要让学生掌握名词、形容词、副词短语。本节课我通过“感知-发现-总结-练习-运用”的思路。首先让学生观察句子中的名词短语、形容词短语和副词短语,分析并归纳三种短语的形式和功能。通过练习题引导学生初步掌握运用这三类短语。但大部分学生仍然对于单词分不清词性,因此听课显得比较吃力,不敢大胆参与课堂活动,今后教学中还需要研究一些富有针对性的教学策略去帮助一些学困生,调动他们学习英语的兴趣。