Unit1 How can I get there B talk同步学历案(含反思)


名称 Unit1 How can I get there B talk同步学历案(含反思)
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-10-26 12:48:54



Unit1 How can I get there 英语学历案设计
课 题 Unit One How can I get there 课时 4
课标要求 语言技能目标 能够在感知,体验,积累和运用等语言实践活动中,认识英语与汉语的异同,逐步形成语言意识,积累语言经验,进行有意义的沟通和交流;语言知识目标 能够领悟基本语调表达的意义,理解常见词语的意思,理解基本句式以及意义。情感态度目标 能够树立国际视野,坚定文化自信;学习策略目标 能够通过看图捕捉重要信息,并根据提示做出预测;
学习目标 ·Be able to listen, speak, read and write the words “BDS, gave, feature, follow, far, tell” correctly.·Be able to discuss which tools in your vehicle will help you find the place you want to go.·Be able to capture different types of information in the text by reading questions and train the ability to guess the meaning of the new words according to the context.·Be able to obtain the reading comprehension questions through reasoning, and write an outline of the passage based on the information obtained from the reading.·Get to know that English sentences have the rising and falling tones. Find the regulations with the teacher’s help and learn to read the sentences correctly.
资源建议学法指导 Use the PPT and some video.
环 节 过程设计 意 图
Step 1: Warm up& Review Greeting & Group dividing Hello everyone, so happy today. Before our class, I will divide you into four groups. If you can act bravely and actively, you will gets star!Lead-in T:What will you do if you get lost S:I will ask the police for help. T: If you are in the outside and you get lost. What will you do S: I will look at star to find the right way.(PPTshow the picture of star) T:That’s very great.And also you can use map and compass. Do you know compass (PPT show the picture of compass.) The PPT show the information about compass, and introduce it to students. T:If you are in the car, what can you use S: GPS! T: You are so smart! 以主情景图的街景导入,通过school, library, post office三个建筑物的位置关系,出示新授单词left和right,为对话中即将要学习的turn left和turn right做铺垫。
Step2: While-reading Fast reading. Students read the dialogue and listen to the tape,and then answer the question. T: Our friend Wu Binbin has a special GPS. Let’ s go and see! You have three minutes to read it.After reading, you need to answer the question: Q1: Who are they Q2: What are they talking about Q3: Where are they Carefully reading. Watch the cartoon of “Let’s talk” .And answer the questions. Q1:Where will Wu Binbin and Mike go Q2:What do they want to do Read and find 4. Read and find.(1)Watch the first part of “Let’s talk”. (课件出示:教材P6 Let’s talk板块的视频及问题) Answer the question: Do you know any Italian food Present the pictures of an Italian restaurant and some Italian special food: spaghetti, pizza, toasted bread, sausage. (课件出示:意大利餐厅及意大利美食图片) Lead students to learn the new words “Italian, restaurant, pizza”. (课件出示:restaurant和pizza的相关内容)Write down “Italian, restaurant, pizza” on the blackboard.Talk about the Italian food with students.T:OK. Let’s see how we can get to the Italian restaurant.Present and teach the key sentence “How can we get there ”(2)Students watch the second part of “Let’s talk”. (课件出示:教材P6 Let’s talk板块的视频及问题) Then answer the questions: Where is the restaurant How can we get there T:Where is the restaurant Ss:It’s next to the park on Dongfang Street. Teach the new word “street”. (课件出示:street的相关内容)Write down “street” on the blackboard.T:How can we get there Ss:Turn left at the bookstore. Then turn right at the hospital. 观看Let’s talk板块的动画视频,验证刚才的预测是否正确。学习生词Italian, restaurant和pizza,拓展意大利的四种特色美食,激发学生的学习兴趣和好奇心,引出下文对restaurant的问路和路线描述。让学生带着问题看视频,获取关键信息,帮助学生逐步理解对话内容,学习如何问路并描述路线。
Step 3: Practice 1. Read and act.(1) Let students watch the cartoon of “Let’s talk” for the third time. Then let them read after it and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation. (课件出示:教材P6 Let’s talk板块的视频)(2) Work in pairs. Students read the dialogue in roles.(3) Let students read the dialogue together. Boys play the role of Mike, and girls play the role of Wu Binbin.(请学生展示时,可利用教师用书配套光盘中的角色扮演功能,请学生给对话配音。)2. Order the sentences.Make the sentences in the dialogue in disorder. Ask students to number the sentences. Then check the answer with them. (课件出示:打乱顺序的排序练习及答案)3. Make a comparison.T:Compare the following phrases. What’s in common What’s the difference Lead students to observe the forms and summarize the regulations. 通过视频跟读,引导学生用正确的意群及语音、语调朗读对话,熟悉对话内容,加深理解。通过打乱对话顺序让学生给句子重新排序的文本重构活动,引导学生关注语篇中句子与句子之间的逻辑关系,根据上下文的语言情境判断,提高学生的语言理解能力。
Step 4: Consolidation & Extension 1.Ask for directions.Present the main scene of this unit. (课件出示:Unit 1主情景图)Let students work in pairs and ask for directions according to the scene. (引导学生把一块橡皮放置在地图上代表自己所在的位置,根据主情景图上的建筑物和方位开展问路和描述路线的对话。)Make a model with a student:T:Excuse me. Where is the hospital S1: It’s near the park.T:How can I get there S1: Turn left at the bookstore. It’s on your right.2.Share your favourite place.T:Talk about a cinema or restaurant you like. Draw a map to show how you can get there. Work in groups and then act out. You can make a dialogue with the structure. (课件出示:对话练习的框架) 让学生在主情景图和对话创设的情景中进行问路并描述路线,由于学生选取的出发点和目的地不同,使得对话内容多样,能有效地巩固本课核心句型。
Wrap up学后反思 1.歌曲导入,活跃课堂气氛,快速吸引了学生注意力,能有效帮助复习上一节课的旧知,巩固核心句型。2.充分利用主情景图和对话所创设的情景,让学生在语境中创设接近于真实的对话,开展有效的问答和交流。3.教学目标明确,重难点突破巧妙。各环节之间层层深入,过渡自然。每一个教学环节都在为下一步即将学习的内容做好铺垫或扫清学习障碍,帮助学生理解和更好地掌握新知。4.教学活动注重对学生思维品质的培养,注重观察能力和逻辑推理能力,在预测等活动中也激发了学生的想象力,提升了语言运用能力。基于课本基础,适时拓展,丰富学生语言输入和表达,提高语言综合运用能力。5.板书设计中的生词和重点句型清晰明了,起到了很好的归纳总结作用。
Homework课后作业 1.Practice the dialogue.2.Write down your new dialogue.
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