高三英语一轮复习 人教版(2019)必修三 unit1 Festivals and Celebrations复习课件(22张ppt+听写)


名称 高三英语一轮复习 人教版(2019)必修三 unit1 Festivals and Celebrations复习课件(22张ppt+听写)
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文件大小 585.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-10-26 14:56:32


1.lantern 2. carnival 3. costume 4. march 5. congratulation
6. riddle 7. ceremony 8. samba 9. make-up 10. range
11. origin 12. religion 13. figure 14. charm 15. joy
16. gratitude 17. harvest 18. agriculture 19. crop 20. feature
21.church 22. firecracker 23. evil mercialisation
25. medium 26. the media 27. belief 28. faith 29. occasion
30. atmosphere 31. eve 32. envelope 33. Christmas carol
34. pumpkin 35. pudding 36. mashed potatoes 37. turkey
38. roast turkey 39. firework 40. region 41. wrestling
42. wrestler 43. archery 44. robe 45. eagle 46. grace
47. moment 48. tent 49. pot 50. branch 52. wedding 53. clap
54. respect
1. march 2. congratulate 3. range 4. figure
5. harvest 6. gather 7. feature 8. decorate
9. fade mercialize/se 11. reflect
12. roast 13. represent 14. wrestle 15. fancy
16. clap
1. religious 2. joyful 3. agricultural 4. grateful
5. significant 6. typical 7. commercial 8. medium
9. lunar 10. merry 11. roast 12. pleased 13. frank
14. inner 15. autonomous 16. fancy 17. horrible
18. evil 19. brief
1. absolutely
1. dress up 2. dress sb up 3. after all
4. range from..to... (vary) 5. fade away
6. in spite of 7. take advantage of
8. have ...in common 9. to be frank
10. except for 11. set off
1. 基教徒的教堂,礼拜堂 2. 信仰,信心,信任 3. 宗教信仰,信任,
相信 4. 特别的事情、仪式或庆典; 适当的机会 5. 气氛,氛围,地
球的大气层 6. 前夕,前一天 7. 灯笼,提灯 8. 某地或历史时期的服
装,戏装 9. 谜语,神秘事件 10. 起源,起因,出身 11. 人物,数字,
身材 12. 庄稼,作物,一季的收成 13. 农业, 农艺 14. 信封,塑料
封套 15. 地区,区域,地带 16. 雕 17. 片刻,瞬间 18. 树枝,分支,
支流 19. 尊敬,尊重 20. 土豆泥
动词:1. 行进,前进,示威游行 2. 包括,在...范围内变化 3. 认为,
认定4. 显示,反映,反射 5. 鼓掌 6. 象征,代表,相当于 7. 想要,
形容词、副词:1. 绝对地,完全地 2. 坦率的,直率的 3. 自治的,
有自治权的 4. 简洁的,简短的,简单的 5. 令人震惊的,恐怖的,
极坏的 6. 典型的,有代表性的,平常的 7. 有重大意义的,显著的
Learn by practicing
Book 3 Unit 1
Festivals and celebrations
Phoenix (凤凰) flutes (笛子) make music,
The moonlight flashs,
Fish and dragon lanterns
Whirl (回旋) the whole night long.
---Xin Qiji
Which festival is the poem about
How des the poem go in Chinese
Here are two more lines of the poem, and try to
figure out how it goes in Chinese
A thousand times I search for her in the crowd
And,suddenly turning my head,
Discover her where the lantern lights are dim(黯淡).
Reading and thinking
主题: Discover the reasons for festivals and
标题:Why do we celebrate festivals
Why do people celebrate festivals in your opinion
Writing type of the passage:
argumentation (议论文、论说文)
Read the text and find out the word chunks or sentences about why people celebrate festivals, the word chunks about activities and customs of some festivals mentioned in the text as well as the importance of festivals.
Read the text and find out the word chunks or sentence about why people cebrate festivals :
have a wide range of origins,such as the seasons of the
year ,religions, famous figures, and important events;
spirit of sharing joy, gratitude, love or peace;
to show they are grateful for the year's supply of food;
Customs play an important role in festivals;
Online shopping websites and social media apps made
it much easier for the public to spend more on gifts
for their loved ones;
Festivals are an important part of society---reflecting
people's wishes, beliefs, faiths and attitudes towards
The word chunks about the activities of some festivals.
featured a parade and a great feast with music,
dancing, and sports;
decorate churches and town halls with flowers and
fruit and get together to celebrate over a meal;
gather together to admire the shinning moon and
enjoy delicious mooncakes;
The word chunks about the customs of some festivals:
light firecrackers to drive away the evil spirits and
celebrate the new year;
become an exciting festival for children, in spite of
its religious origins;
The word chunks about the importance of festivals:
allow us to relax and enjoy life, and forget about our
work for a little while;
help us understand where we came from, who we are
and what to appreciate;
Reading for writing
主题:write about your festival expeirence
标题: My Amazing Naadam Experience
Writing type: diary entry (narration)
What should be included in a diary entry about describing a festival experience
when; where; activities: personal feelings...
Read the text and find out the topic sentence of the whole passage, decide the structure as well as find out the sentences of introudcing the activities.
Naadam means games in Mongolian, and it is
represented by three activities:horse racing,
wrestling, and archery, which are all so
exciting to watch.
After the opening ceremony and some amazing performances, the wrestling competition began.
I absolutely enjoyed the archery, too, but the horse races were my favorite part.
Burin told me that Mongolians travel every year near and far to attend the festival, just as their ancestors had done for centuries;
I was quite moved by their show of strength and grace.
That was the moment I started to understand why people say horses are at the heart of Mongolian culture.
Where do the sentences appear in our text
What do they show and why do the write write them
泛读 P64 66
64: 标题 The Chinese Spring Festival
1. Find the key word/words of each para.
2. Guess the meaning of ‘surplus’ in para 2;
3. Find the word chunks about the customs and activities and remember them.
4. understand the cultural traits(文化因素) behind the customs and activities.
cleaning the house for the Lunar New Year
(saying goodbye to the old things and welcoming new things.)
decorate their homes with red couplets(express hopes for a prosperous new year;)
the big family dinner on the eve of the Lunar New Year(Reflects how important family is to Chinese people around the world)
eat certain types of lucky food at the family reunion dinner (wish for more wealth and prosperity)
give children lucky money in red envelops;
greet families and friends with ...;
pay visits to relatives and bring them gifts;
go out to enjoy loud and colorful fireworks;
spend time at temple fairs;
watch exciting dragon and lion dances;
66. Wintet Carnival in Quebec
1. guess the meaning of agloo in para 6.
2. writing order 3. activities 4. appreciate sentences
para 1: Snow covers the streets and is piled up along the sidewalks.
The tourists’ feet are freezing and their noses are red.
para 3: Competitors speed down the track and through the air as though they could fly.
para 4: If you were to fail in, you would freeze to death in under two minutes.
para 5; The sound of dogs barking,the calls of the drivers,and the shouts of the crowd create an exciting northern exprience.
1. 从孩子们到老年人 2. 逐渐消失,身体变得虚弱 3. 利用他的善良
4. 兴趣想法等方面相同 5. 坦白地说,坦白地讲 6. 除了拼写错误之外
7. 出发,动身,启程
1. 各种各样的由来 2. 认为记英语单词很重要 3. 倒映在湖里
4. 穿着红裙子 5. 代替Tom
1. 给孩子们红包 2. 给亲朋好友拜年 3. 逛庙会 4. 观看舞龙舞狮
5. 用红色对联装饰家 6. 为阴历新年扫房子 7. 在家庭团圆饭上吃幸运
食物 8. 让我们放松心情、享受生活、暂时忘却工作 9. 燃放鞭炮以驱
鬼神、贺新年 10. 分享快乐,感激、友爱或和平的精神 11. 为至亲至
爱花更多钱购买礼物 12. 欢聚一堂,观赏明月,品尝月饼
一:range 1. a wide range of
2. Range from…to …
It is significant that sb
should do sth
2. Attach great significance to sth
3. Attach great significance to doing sth
Be reflected in sth
Reflect on/upon
四:dress (sb) up
Dress up
Dress sb up
Be dressed in
五:take place
Take place (不及物)
Take the place of
In place
Out of placeBook 3 unit 1第一节听写(课词表,除短语外)
基教徒的教堂,礼拜堂 2. 信仰,信心,信任 3. 宗教信仰,信任,相信 4. 特别的事情、仪式或庆典; 适当的机会 5. 气氛,氛围,地球的大气层 6. 前夕,前一天 7. 灯笼,提灯
8. 某地或历史时期的服装,戏装 9. 谜语,神秘事件 10. 起源,起因,出身 11. 人物,数字,身材 12. 庄稼,作物,一季的收成 13. 农业, 农艺 14. 信封,塑料封套 15. 地区,区域,地带 16. 雕 17. 片刻,瞬间 18. 树枝,分支,支流
尊敬,尊重 20. 土豆泥
动词:1. 行进,前进,示威游行 2. 包括,在...范围内变化 3. 认为,认定4. 显示,反映,反射 5. 鼓掌 6. 象征,代表,相当于 7. 想要,倾慕,自以为是
形容词、副词:1. 绝对地,完全地 2. 坦率的,直率的 3. 自治的,有自治权的 4. 简洁的,简短的,简单的 5. 令人震惊的,恐怖的,极坏的 6. 典型的,有代表性的,平常的 7. 有重大意义的,显著的
1. 从孩子们到老年人 2. 逐渐消失,身体变得虚弱 3. 利用他的善良4. 兴趣想法等方面相同 5. 坦白地说,坦白地讲 6. 除了拼写错误之外7. 出发,动身,启程
各种各样的由来 2. 认为记英语单词很重要 3. 倒映在湖里4. 穿着红裙子 5. 代替Tom
1. 给孩子们红包 2. 给亲朋好友拜年 3. 逛庙会 4. 观看舞龙舞狮 5. 用红色对联装饰家 6. 为阴历新年扫房子 7. 在家庭团圆饭上吃幸运食物 8. 让我们放松心情、享受生活、暂时忘却工作 9. 燃放鞭炮以驱鬼神、贺新年 10. 分享快乐,感激、友爱或和平的精神 11. 为至亲至爱花更多钱购买礼物 12. 欢聚一堂,观赏明月,品尝月饼