高三英语一轮复习 人教版(2019)必修三 unit4 Space Exploration复习课件(29张ppt)


名称 高三英语一轮复习 人教版(2019)必修三 unit4 Space Exploration复习课件(29张ppt)
格式 ppt
文件大小 1.0MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-10-26 14:58:46



astronaut 2. procedure 3. centimetre 4. rocket 5. gravity
6. frontier 7. vehicle 8. universe 9. satellite 10. launch
11. orbit 12. giant 13. leap 14. mankind 15. agency
16. data 17. desire 18. spacecraft 19. spacewalk 20. jade
21. dock 22. signal 23. muscle 24. lack 25. solar system
26. current 27. soap 28. towel 29. microwave 30. microwave
oven 31. tissue 32. facility 33. globe 34. argument 35. pattern
36. analysis 37. monitor 38. foam 39. pillow 40. smartphone
41. resource 42. closing 43. mystery 44. oxygen
1. determine 2. launch 3.orbit 4. leap 5. desire
6. dock 7. signal 8. recycle 9. lack 10. float
11. argue 12. monitor 13. attach
1.mental 2. intelligent 3. determined 4. giant
5. disappointed 6. ongoing 7. independent 8. solar
9. current 10. sufficient 11. keen 12.fatal 13.shallow
14.hign-end 15. regular 16. limited 17.closing
1. independently 2. otherwise 3. regularly
1. beyond
1. carry on 2. on board 3. in the hope of doing sth
4. so as to 5. result in 6. as a result 7. provide for sb
8. in closing 9. run out /run out of
资源,财力,物力 2. 氧,氧气 3. 肌肉,实力,影响力4. 水流,
电流,思潮 5. 毛巾,抹布 6. 样式,图案,模范7. 地球,世界,地
球仪 8. 监视器,监测仪 9. 设施,设备 10. 缺乏,短缺11. 人类 12.
政府的专门机构,服务机构,代理处 13.宇航员,太空人 14. 程序
步骤,手续 15. 火箭,火箭弹 16. 重力,引力 17. 边境,国界,边远
地区 18. 交通工具,车辆 19. 人造卫星,卫星20. 资料,数据 21. 纸
巾,人/动植物细胞的组织 22. 宇宙,天地万物
动词:1. 发射,发布,上市 2. 渴望,期望 3. 标志着,标明,发信
号 4.论证,争辩,争论 5. 系,绑,贴 6. 回收利用,再利用
形容词、副词:1. 有限的 2. 肤浅的,浅的 3. 定期的,经常的,正
常的 4. 当前的,现在的 5. 独立的,自立的 6. 有智慧的,聪明的,
有智力的 7. 精神的,思想的 8. 否则,要不然 9. 足够的,充足的
Book 3 Unit 4
Space exploration
Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis
of man's desire to understand.
---Neil Armstrong
What drives people's space exploration in your
2. What does the quote mean
3. What is the significance of space exploration
That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.
Reading and thinking
主题: learn about the development of space exploration
标题:Space: the Final Frontier
Is space the final frontier Why or why not
Why does the author use this word “final”
They also really wish to discover other planets to discover other planets that are suitable enough to support life.
Despite the difficulties, scientists hope future discoveries will not only enable us to understand how the universe began, but also help us survive
well into the future.
achievements difficulties
1. Read the text and find out the word chunks about development in space exploration of the USSR, America and China as well as the word chunks about the contributions of scientists.
2. What is the writing type of the text
Title; beginning of the text; language feautes;
A scientific article or a popular science article
1. (satellite) was launched and successfully orbited
around the Earth;
2. focused on sending people into space;
3. (Gagarin) became the first person in the world to go
into space;
1. (Armstrong) stepped onto the moon;
2. (NASA)launched Voyager 1 to study deep space;
Became the third country in the world to independently send humans in 2003
2. (Shenzhou 6 and 7) completed a second manned orbit and the first Chinese spacewalk;
3. (the vehicle Jade Rabbit) was sent to the moon to study its surface;
4. (China) launched the Tiangong 2 space lab into space and Tianzhou 1 to dock with it.
5. (China) has sent Chang’e 4 to explore the surface of the far side of the moon to make measurements and observations.
Contributions of scientists:
Make vehicles to carry brave people into space to find out the secrets of the universe.
Succeeded in making rockets that could escape Earth’s gravity
China’s space program started later than
_______ of Russia and the US, but it has made
great progress in a short time.
Before the mid-20th century
On 4 October 1957
On 12 April 1961
On 20 July 1969
On 5 September 1977
In 2003
Reading for writing
主题:Present an argument about space exploration
标题: Is Exploration Space a Waste of time and Money
Writing type: argumentation(议论文)
Do you think it a waste of time and money to explore space
What is the author’s point of view Find out the sentence.
What arguments does the author present to support his point of view
3. How does the author support his arguments
4. Figure out the structure of a piece of an argument.
Point of view:
However, others feel this is a shallow view which fails to realize how exploring space helps us.
Firstly, exploring space has already made a difference in the fight against world hunger.
Secondly, space exploration has already promoted technological improvements that benefit us all.
Finally, sending astronauts into space has helped people to think about the world’s problems and even to find ways to solve them.
Argument 1:
Has direcltly resulted in the many satellites that
now orbit Earth.
Record data on land and weather patterns;
Can provide useful recommendations and advice
for farmers;
As a result,…
Argument 2:
High-end products…
For example,
Have helped the research and development of
different types of new material;
Have also helped companies make better heart
monitors and other machines that doctors regularly
Are widely used in all kinds of industries;
GPS; memory foam pillows, smart phone cameras
Argument 3:
Are trying to find other planets that could one day be
our new home;
introduce author’s point of view
Present arguments to support the point of view
Restate the point of view
泛读 P82 84
82: 标题:Homes on Mars
What is the main topic in your opinion
Which sentence is the topic sentence of the text
Find out the challenges and solutions to live on Mars for mankind.
What is the structure of the text
Guess the meaning of “terraform” in para 2 and “crew” in para 4.
Some of the world's most important scientists
think the idea of people living on Mars will
come true one day.
1. need to terraform Mars for people to be able to live;
2. move to Mars and still stay healthy in mind and body;
1.to build factories there that produce greenhouse gases;
2. to keep busy with various activities and to get along and work together;
para 1: ideas of scientists
para 2-para 3:challenges and solutions
para 4: projects to send people to Mars
84. What are they used for
The big bang theory 宇宙大爆炸理论
The Hubble Space Telescope
Fast(Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope)
Quantum Satellite 量子卫星
继续探索太空 2. 在穿上,2在飞机上,在宇宙飞船上 3. 抱着发现
其他能够维持生命的行星的希望4. 导致她的失败 5. 弄清楚宇宙的起
源 6. 为困在洪水中的人们提供生活所需 7. 最后 8. 用完,用劲
决定接下来的太空探索项目 2. 说服他放弃愚蠢的计划 3. 令我
失望的是4. 高度重视野生动植物保护 5. 把一张支票附在一封信里
6. 缺少先进的技术
1. 高端产品 2. 被广泛应用于各行各业 3. 制造更好的心脏监测仪
4. 在应对世界饥饿上产生影响 5. 未能意识到探索太空是如何帮助
我们的6. 踏上月球 7. 尽管困难重重,科学家们希望未来的发现不仅
determine on/upon (doing sth/sth)
be determined to do sth
1. argue with sb about/over sth
2. argue sb into doing sth/sth
3. have an argument with sb (about sth)
1. be disappointed at sth
2. be disappointed in sb
3. to one’s
1. attach sth to sth
2. attach importance/significane to ...(doing sth/sth)
3. be attached to
1. for lack of
2. a lack of
3. be lacking in
六:result in
1. result in
2. result from
3. as a result of ... (介