人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit 3 Sports and Fitness Workbook Using Words and Expressions课件(24张ppt)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit 3 Sports and Fitness Workbook Using Words and Expressions课件(24张ppt)
格式 pptx
文件大小 1.1MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-10-30 16:51:17



Unit 3
Sports and Fitness
Page83-86 in Workbook
Using Words and Expressions
1. Match the two parts to make definitions
An athlete is a large sports area with rows
of seats all round it
An event is a large room with things for
doing physical exercise
A stadium is someone who competes in a
A gym is a thing that happens, especially
something important
2. Which sports record is atated in each sentnece Fill in the
blanks to find out
skiiing marathon track boxing badminton soccer
1 The first ever FIFA World Cup goal was scored by Lucien
Laurent,a French ________ player, at the 1930 World Cup.
2 The great number of rounds in a _______match was 276 when
Jack Jones beat Patsy Tunney in Cheshire, England , 1825.
3 The lognest time spent _______ non-stop is 202hr 1 min
by Nick Willey in Australia in 2005. He skied over 1,150
km in the process.
Which sports record is atated in each sentnece Fill in the
blanks to find out
skiiing marathon track boxing badminton soccer
4 The first Chinese Olympic gold medals in _________ were
won by Ge Fei and Gu Jub in Atlanta in 1996.
5 Xu Yongjiu won the gold medal in a 10-km walking race
in the Norway World Cup in 1983. She became the first
Chinese world champion in _______ and field.
6 The ___________ became a modern Olympic event in 1896,
though the distance was not standardised until 1921.
3. complete the sentences with thr correct forms of the
phrases below.
at home and abroad work out come along give up
even though fall apart learn from one’s failures lose heart
1 Do not ____________________ .You should work harder to
solve the problem.
2 It is a shame that their friendship finally ____________ and
they became enemies.
3 ______________ we will certainly fail at times, learning from
the mistakes we make will be invaluable.
4. Even in the middle of his busiest schedule, he __________
three times a week to keep fit.
lose heart / give up
fell apart
Even though
works out
complete the sentences with thr correct forms of the
phrases below.
at home and abroad work out come along give up
even though fall apart learn from one’s failures lose heart
5 As much as we value our successes, we need to __________
6 Ping-pong has now become an international sport , it is
played ____________________.
7 I nope you can come to our party after the final game, and
please feel free to invite a friend _____________ if you like.
8 If you could choose to remember only zix words in yu life ,
remember these, “Never , ever __________________ .Keep
learn from
our failures
at home and abroad
to come along
lose heart / give up
4. Write down as many phrases as you can using
make or out. Then make sentences with them
a difference
a living
5. Read the passage and answer the questions. Do you
agree with the writer
1. What do all great ahtletes have in common
2. How do all great athletes feel about themselves and
their abilities
Great athletes love competitions and have good self- confidence. They weal well with stress and have the mental strength to focus on what they want to achieve.
Great athletes feel positive about themselves and their abilities
3. What are all great athletes able to do to help handle
4. What makes it possible for all great athletes to focus
on what is most important
They are able to cut out bad things froom their lives that might cause stress.
They have the mental strength to focus on what is the most important .
6. Translate the sentencdes into English using the words and
phrases in bracketsw.
1. 有些女孩进行不健康的节食,因为她们想保持苗条的身材。(go on
unhealthy diet, slim)
2. 足球运动员在比赛中不应该假装摔倒,这是一种作弊行为。(pretend, cheat)
3. 美式足球与英式足球没有可比性,因为它们是两种截然不同的运动。
(compare... with /to)
4. 安娜喜欢打网球,而不是羽毛球。 (prefer, rather than) )
5. 吉姆偶尔会买几本体育杂志。(now and then)
Some girls go on unhealthy diets , because they want to keep /stay slim.
A soccer player shouldn’t pretend to fall down in a match. It is cheating.
American football can’t be compared with British football , because they are two completely different sports.
Anna prfers (to play )tennis rather than (play )badminton.
Jim buys some sports magazines now and then.
Using structures
1 Read the conversation aloud and pay attention to
the tones of the tag questions.
A: We’re all so busy, but we can’t just sit around and study all the time, can
B: No,we can’t.Sometimes I just have to get up and do a few jumping jacks.
A: Jumping jacks Those are a kind of exercises, aren’t they
B: Yes, they are! You jump and bring your hands together above your head
and move your feet apart. Then you jump again, bringing your hands to
your side and your feet together. I’m sure you’ve done them before,
haven’t you
A: I know what you mean now . They are also called star jumps, aren’t
they Why don’t we do a few now
B: Sure.
2. Add tag questions to the statements.
1. Let’s go and work out in the gym, ____________
2. You don’t take part in a marathon when you’re ill,
3. Turn off the TV, ____________
4. She’s doing all she can for us in times of stress, so we
must back her up, ________________
5. Henry thinks you are cheating your friends, __________
shall we
do you
will you
mustn’t we
doesn’t he
6. Andy’s never been anything but a friendly guy, _____________
7. Emily had to cut out sugar from her diet as her doctor
suggested, _____________
8. There’s going to be a talk on wellness and fitness next week,
He’d bought two gifts. He’d better help us with this task.
He’d like to come , but he is too busy.
He’s sitting at a table . He’s gone home already.
has he
didn’t she
isn’t there
3. Complete the converstion with appropriate tag questions.
Tom: Mum, I can have one more burger , ______________
Mum: No, you can’t. You’ve already had two! But you can
have some yoghurt. Oh what’s that noise
Dad: It isn’t a storm coming, _____________
Tom: Yes, it is! But it’s on TV! Dad, come and see, ________
Dad: What movie are you watching
Tom: The day after Tomorrow.
Mum: Let’s watch it together , ___________ Family time !
Dad: Good idea!
can’t I
is it
will you
shall we
A: Hi Chris! My name is Steve. I’m a trainer here at the gym. So
you’ve just filled out our questionnaire,_____________
B: Yes. It’s nice to meet you, Steve.
A: It’s good to meet you,too! Ok, let me take a look at your answers.
Hmm... So you’ve never worked out in a gym before, __________
B: No, I haven’t, Steve. Embarrassing, but true.
A: Oh, don’t be embarrassed! It’s never too late to start. But I have
to ask... You think working out for... hours a week is
enough, ___________
haven’t you
have you
don’t you
4. Complete the questionnaire for Chris. Then fill in the blanks blow and write
an ending to the coversation , using tag questions where necessary.
Sample ending
B: You don’t think that’s enough , do you
A: Well, I guess the main point is what you want to achieve
here. ...You want to be fitter and stronger, don’t you
B; Yes , I do!
A: Well, you should spend at least six hours at the gym each
week. Let’s get started this Friday night, shall we
B: Yes, let’s do this!
1 What do you know about the sports below Match
them with thier descriptions
1 Skiing
2 Skating
3 The skeleton
was originally a sport on ly ub cold northern countries.
is named after the shape of the sleds used in the 1890s
can involve speed and graceful figures.
3 Read the text again and answer the questions.
1 What is the “summer sibling” of the Winter Olympics
Why do you think the writer uses that phrase
2 How does the writer describe figure-skaters
The Summer Olympic Games. The writer uses that phrase because the two competitions are closely related, like members of a family. “ Sibling” means a brother or sister.
The writer describes tham as graceful but highly skilled athletes.
3 Which of these three Winter Olympics event do you find
the most interesting Why
Skiing is the most interesting, because there are lots of different events to choose to watch.
Skating is the most interesting, because you can watch the different moves the skaters do to different music.
The skeleton is the most interesting because it is very fast and exciting.
26 April 2019
Dear Mr Chairman,
My name is Li Hua, and I am a student in Beijing, China. I’m writing to you to ask whether you will consider surfing as a new sport for the Olympic programme.
This sport comes from the countries of the south Pacific Ocean and is very popular around the world. It first started hundreds of years ago, but no one is sure when the first person surfed.
I think surfing should be included as an Olympic sport because it is exciting to watch, but also because it brings attention to our relationship with the sea and nature. Some countries in the Pacific do not have many people , but they are good at surfing and can win more medals.
I hope you will consider surfing as a new sport for the next Olympic Games!
Yours faithfully
Li Hua