Life in the future
Do you think time travel is possible
The Grandfather Paradox
Let's say time travel is possible. What will the cities look like in 3008
People have always imagined life in the future, for example...
Li Qiang is lucky enough to experience future life
look at the pictures, predict what will be talked about in the passage
First Impressions
First let's look at the title and predict the content
What he saw
How he felt
His comments
Skim the passage and answer the question:
1. What is the type of the passage
a. How I get to the future.
b. My impressions of life in one thousand years into the future.
c. How I came to take a time travel journey.
d. Staying in Wang Ping’s home.
Skim the passage and then put the following sentences into correct order:
Read the first paragraph and answer the following questions
1. Why did Li Qiang go into the future
2. How did he feel before the trip
How I came to take a time travel journey
Read the first and second paragraphs. Find out how Li Qiang got to the future and how he felt during the travel.
How I get to the future
My impressions of life in the future
After travelling in the time capsule, Li Qiang got to the future. How did he feel at first
He found it hard to stand.
What's the possible reason for it
My impressions of life in the future
How did he feel better
My impressions of life in the future
What did Li Qiang experience next
What does it mean to have a “time lag”
Stay in Wang Ping's home
What's Li Qiang's impression of the house
How did he feel after the first day's travel
Life in the future
future surroundings
future transportation
future houses
future surroundings:
lack of oxygen
environmental problems remain unsolved
future transportation:
hovering carriage driven by computer
move swiftly
future houses:
moving wall made of trees
a table and chairs rose from under the floor
high-tech life style
Will these ever become reality
We don't know.
But we know the best way to predict future is to create it.