人教版(2019) 选择性必修第二册 Unit 2 Bridging Cultures 中国和美国的思维差异 课件(38张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019) 选择性必修第二册 Unit 2 Bridging Cultures 中国和美国的思维差异 课件(38张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 233.2KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-11-02 18:31:26



To localize the theory of intercultural communication is a common voice among scholars all over the world. Localizing theories of intercultural communication between Chinese and Americans should be an important topic for Chinese researchers. The author of the paper believes that differences of thinking patterns just like religion and values should be a key aspect in the Sino-American intercultural communication.
The differences of thinking patterns between Chinese and Americans and its impact on IC are not paid enough attention by scholars.
There is very little description about the differences of thinking patterns and its influence on the IC in the popular textbooks in US.
Authors Name of textbook Pub. year Pages on thinking patterns
L. A. Samovar, R. E. Porter & E.R. McDaniel, Communication between cultures, 6th edition 2007 2.5
Judith N. Martin & Thomas K. Nakayama Intercultural Communication in Contexts, 4th edition 2007 0
Carley H. Dodd Dynamics of Intercultural Communication, Fifth edition 2007 0
Fred E. Jandt An Introduction to Intercultural Communication 2007 0
Donald W. Klopf & James C. McCroskey Intercultural Communication Encounters 2007 0
William B. Gudykunst and Young Yun Kim Communicating with strangers: An Approach to Intercultural Communication , Third editon 1997 5 pages on logic and reasoning
Authors Name of textbook Pub. year Pages on thinking patterns
Stella Ting-Toomey & Leeva C. Chung Understanding Intercultural Communication 2005 2.5
Guo-Ming Chen & William J. Starosta Ferment in the Intercultural Field 2003 0
Ting-Toomey Communicating Across Cultures 1999 0
William J. Starosta & Guo-Ming Chen Foundations of Intercultural Communication 1998 2.5
Ge Gao and Stella Ting-Toomey Communicating Effectively with Chinese, 1998 0
Authors Name of textbook Pub. year Pages on thinking patterns
William B. Gudykunst Understanding Intercultural Communication 2005 0
Dan Landis, J. M. Bennett & M. J. Bennett Handbook of Intercultural Training 2004 0
Milton J. Bennett Basic Concepts of Intercultural Communication 1998 0
There is no IC theory dealing with the relations between thinking patterns and communication.
Why the differences of thinking patterns are ignored by IC researchers One of the reasons is that people believe human beings all over the world have the same perceptive process.
The differences of Sino-US thinking patterns are one gene of making two cultures different
Thinking pattern is an important part of perceptional process
常用感知 → 情感 → 行为 来分析交流过程。
perception → feeling → behavior

信息选择 → 信息处理(思维方式) →价值判断
Electing information →organizing information →valuating information
(thinking patterns)

There are differences in thinking patterns
between Chinese and Americans
Thinking pattern is an important aspect among the differences between Sino-US cultures
Some people have been aware of the differences of thinking patterns between Chinese and Americans since 1890’s
来华美国传教士明恩溥在《中国人的特性》 (1890)中,谈到了中美思维方式差异:中国人“思维紊乱”、“缺乏精确的习惯”。
Smith, Arthur Henderson mentioned in his book Chinese Charateristic(1890) the differences Chinese and American, who held that Chinese people were lack of logical thinking and the habit of being precise.
Wang Guowei said in his article “On importing of new words”(1905) that “the characteristic of our nation is being practical and popular; while that of the westerners is being logical and scientific. They are good at conceptualizing and categorizing, using the two methods of generalization and specification to explain all the things in the world, whether it’s tangible or not. Therefore, it is natural the westerners have a large vocabulary. Our Chinese people are good at doing practice, and are inclined to accept specific knowledge in terms of theory. As for the categorization, the Chinese people would not bother to do that unless to meet the demand of the practice.”
The differences of thinking patterns have been testified by psychologists in recent years
理查德 尼斯贝特、彭凯平侯玉波理查德、 90年代以来的研究表明:“亚洲人和欧洲人的思维过程在本质上确实存在巨大差异”
The data suggested that European American organization of the world is based, to a substantial degree, on taxonomic categories, whereas Chinese organization is based more on relationships. These findings are consistent with the view that Westerners reasoning is relatively analytic (including a tendency to focus on categories) and that Chinese reasoning is relatively holistic (including a tendency to focus on relationships).
For example, if people are given the triplet cow-cock-grass and asked which two go together, the choice cow-cock indicates a taxonomic categorization, whereas cow-grass suggests a thematic categorization.
It has been found that American college students sort out objects primarily on the basis of taxonomic categories, whereas Chinese college students sort out objects primarily on the basis of thematic categories,
The degree of thinking patterns’ differences and its influence on IC are different
Comparing two cultures’ thinking patterns, we can see 4 kinds of possibility: no difference, a little difference, to middle degree difference, to substantial degree difference.
If there is a difference, as the degree is different, the difference’s influence on IC has 3 situations: neglectable, slightly important, very important.
The differences of thinking patterns between the Han nationality and Manchu in China are neglectable.
The differences of thinking patterns between the French and Americans are slightly important.
The differences of thinking patterns between the French and Americans are very important.
Professor Ji Xianlin (a very famous Chinese scholar) believes that the differences of thinking patterns are the fundamental cause breeding the differences between Chinese culture and American one.
Chinese thinking pattern is like a gene of the culture
For Example,
中医:Chinese traditional medicine
京剧:Beijing opera,
国画:traditional Chinese painting
For example: if you feel sleepless, you can treat it by massaging two points according to Chinese traditional medicine. It is a kind of reflection of holistic thinking pattern.
Among the cultural differences, the values are a very important dimension. Chinese collectivism and American individualism are key dimensions influencing the Sino-US IC. The Question is as follows:
思维方式与价值观之间的关系如何呢?谁决定谁?是综合思维和分析思维影响了集体主义和个人主义的价值观念?还是集体主义的价值观和个人主义的价值观影响了综合思维和分析思维 还是两者互相影响的?
What is the relationship between thinking patterns and the values Which influence which
Some scholars believe the thinking patterns influence the values. I believe they influence each other at least.
Thinking patterns influence the IC
The thinking patterns’ influence on the IC by language
1.选词(choosing the word)
Chinese prefer adjectives, while Americans prefer nouns
As Chinese get used to visual thinking pattern, they prefer to use adjectives, whereas American get used to conceptive thinking pattern and they prefer to use nouns.
Big concept and small concept
As Chinese get used to the holistic thinking pattern and they prefer to use big concept; American get used to the analytic thinking pattern and they prefer to use small concept.
2. 联词 making new word
Organizing two Chinese characters as a new word according to the thinking patterns. The big concept comes before the smaller concept.
When many words are linked, Chinese prefer the order from big concepts to small ones, while Americans the other way round, such as time, space and name.(see table 1)
Table 1: Arrangement of words
中国方式 Chinese style 美国方式 American style
空间space 中国 北京 北京大学 新闻与传播学院 传播系 China Beijing, Peking University, Journalism & Communication Department Department of Communication, School of Journalism and Communication, Peking University, Beijing, China
时间 time 现在是2008年12月27日上午9点2分。 It is 2008,December,27, a.m. 9 o’clock 2minites. It is 2 minutes past 9 o’clock a.m.27 December,2008.
姓名 name 关世杰 Guan Shijie Shijie Guan
3. 造句 making the sentence
(1)比喻句的多少 prefer figurative sentence
Chinese like figurative sentences, while Americans dislike redundant figurative sentences.
段连城在《对外传播学初探》中,曾举了一个充满比喻句的介绍龙舟会的例子,其中文是:“中华大地,江河纵横;华夏文化,源远流长…… [然后才讲到本地,再讲到龙舟节] 轻快的龙舟如银河流星,瑰丽的彩船似海市蜃楼,两岸那金碧辉煌的彩楼连成一片水晶宫,是仙境?是梦境?仰视彩鸽翩飞,低眸漂灯流霓,焰火怒放火树银花,灯舞回旋千姿百态,气垫船腾起一江春潮,射击手点破满天彩球,跳伞健儿绽空中花蕾,抢鸭勇士谱水上凯歌……啊,××城是不夜城,龙舟会是群英会!”
“The divine land of China had its rivers flowing across; the brilliant culture of China has its root tracing back long…
The lightsome dragon-boats appear on the river as though the stars twinkle in the Milky Way. The richly decorated pleasure boats look like a scene of mirage. The splendid awnings in green and gold chain into a palace of crystal. Is this a fairyland or a mere dream Looking above, you can see the doves flying about; looking below, you can see the sailing lamps glittering. Crackling are the fireworks, which present you a picture of fiery trees and silver flowers. Circling are the lantern-dancers, who present you with a variation of exquisite manner. Over there, the motorboats are plowing the water, thus a tide stirs up. Over there, the marksmen are shooting to their targets, thus colourful beads whirl around. ... all claim a strong appeal to you. Therefore, we should say: xx city is a city of no night; its Dragon-Boat Festival a gathering of heroes.”
段连城先生从事中英文翻译工作近40年,他认为英文翻译还是符合中文原意的,并无大的问题。但是“一位美国新闻工作者看后,坦率写出它的评语。他说: 充满了极度夸张,不仅不知所云,而且令人发笑。”
“Full of hyperbole”, “I do not know what it means”, “It is ridiculous”, an American Journalist made a comment on it.
(2)流水句与逻辑句 relative relations and logic relations in making sentence
As Chinese prefer relative reasoning and make sentences by using relative relations.
As Americans prefer logic reasoning and make sentences by using logic relations.
爱德华·霍尔提出把不同的语言分成高度依靠上下文关系的高语境(high context)语言语言,和低度依靠上下文关系的低语境(low context)语言。
E. Hall put forward the concept of “high context” language and “low context” language in 1959. The causality between thinking pattern and high/low context language is that thinking pattern is the cause while the high/low context is the outcome.
5.新闻报道 News reporting
Although Chinese journalists had been learning skills of writing and reporting news since the beginning of 20 century, the Chinese thinking patterns still have a influence on news writing today.
中国新闻报道的写作喜欢从大→小、从整体到部分、从宏观到微观、常从“广角镜头”到“特写镜头”描述新闻。这与美国新闻报道从小事→大事。小中见大,从部分到整体,从微观到宏观。 常从“特写镜头”到“广角镜头”来描述新闻形成对照。这集中表现在导语和整体行文方面。
The Chinese news writing prefers the process from
“wide-angle lens” to observe and writing the news, While American news writing prefers the process from “telephoto lens” to observe and write the news. It is reflected in lead and composition of the news.
My study shows that: the leads of Chinese news have 70 Chinese characters on average; the leads of American news have 50 Chinese characters(29 English words) on average.
在新闻的整体报道方面,冯澍在《从财经新闻比较看中美文化差异》一文中,以《中国日报》(China Daily)与《亚洲华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal Asia)2007年部分中国财经新闻报道为例,用文本分析法分析了两报财经新闻报道的文体特点时指出,中国人写新闻是广角镜头优先,美国人是长焦镜头优先。
On the composition of the news, Feng Shu’s comparative study about finance and economics news of China Daily and The Wall Street Journal Asia of 2007 shows that : Chinese news writers prefer to report the news from “wide-angle lens” , while American news writers prefer to report the news from “telephoto lens” .
“中国记者将新闻事件作为一个整体,从全局进行客观的报道和记录、并建立新闻事件中各因素的联系;但在确保对新闻的总体把握的情况下,却缺乏对某一个方面‘特别的’提炼和关注……” 强调新闻事件的完整性,习惯用“广角镜头”将新闻作为一个整体,纳入镜头之内。美国《华尔街日报》的财经新闻报道“本身就折射出了新闻的‘实证与分析’的精神,文章并不旨在全面地、整体的展现新闻事件的方方面面,而是对准事件的某一个方面,用逻辑思维和实证的手段,对其进行详细的分析,使报道具有深度性,而不一定要面面俱到。
“ Chinese writers treat the news event as a whole one, reporting and recording the news from comprehensive approach, establishing the relations among varies factors, while lacking the special analysis and description on a special aspect. Chinese writers stress the integrality of the news, getting used to treat news event through the ‘wide-angle lens’” .
The report of The Wall Street Journal Asia reflects the characteristics of analysis and positivism. The news reporters do not want to show every aspect of the news event comprehensively, but focus on one aspect of the event, through the logic and positive means , making an in-depth analysis. Therefore the report is profound and it does not report every aspect of the event.”
四.总结 summing-up
The differences of thinking patterns are one “gene” of making Sino-US cultures different. The differences influence the whole process of communication. It is a new way to understand the Sino-US IC through the approach of thinking pattern.
I believe that thinking pattern will be a key dimension just as values in Sino-Us IC study in near future.