人教版(2019)高中英语必修第一册Unit 3 Sports and Fitness单词语言点课件(32张ppt)


名称 人教版(2019)高中英语必修第一册Unit 3 Sports and Fitness单词语言点课件(32张ppt)
格式 pptx
文件大小 4.2MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-11-02 20:13:27



Book 1 Unit 3 Sports and Fitness
Reading language Points 语言点学习
1 fitness n. 健康;健壮;适合
be fit to do sth 适合做某事
be fit for ... 适合某人
keep fit 保持健康
unfit adj. 不适合的;不健康的
a fitness center 健身中心
fit v. 合身,合适
adj. 健康的,适合的,能胜任的
2 event
a historic event 历史性事件
the major sports events 重大体育赛事
the latest events 最新事件
in the event of 如果发生,万一
in any event 无论怎样
3 come along 跟随,到达,进步,赶快
come about (偶然地)发生;产生
come across 发现,碰见
come on 快点;进展;算了吧
come out 出现,出版,开花,结果是
come to 总计为,苏醒
come up 走近,上升,发芽
come up with... 提出,想出
when it comes to (doing) sth 一谈到,当提到
come up with“提出”,及物动词短语,人作主语;
come up“被提到”,不及物动词短语,物作主语,不用于被动语态。如:一个好主意在会上被提了出来。
A good idea came up at the meeting. (√)
Tom came up with a good idea at the meeting.(√)
When will your essay(论文) come ___________
I came_________ many new words while reading the novel.
The flood came ______ as a result of the heavy summer rain.
While we were talking,a man came _____.
He comes up___________ a view:The house prices will go down in three years.
When _________ comes to speaking in public,no one can match him.
4 ski adj. 滑雪的 vi. 滑雪 go skiing 去滑雪
go skating 去滑冰
5 work out 锻炼;计算出;解决
Tom works out in the gym two or three times a week.汤姆每周在健身房锻炼两三次。
turn out 结果是 break out 爆发
carry out 执行;实施 make out 理解;弄清楚
give out 分发 run out 用完,耗尽
5 master 高手,大师 n. 精通 掌握vt.
Be one’s own master 独立,自主
make oneself master of 使自己精通
a master's degree硕士学位
a master of English 英语大师
6 set an example 树立榜样
set down 写下 记下
set up 竖起,开设,建立
set off 使爆炸,引起
set out to do sth =set about doing sth 着手做某事
7 track n. 跑道;足迹;铁路轨道
track and field 田径
keep track of 与……保持联系,记录
lose track of 与……失去联系,忘记
be on the right/wrong track 思路正确 / 错误
vt. & vi. 追踪;跟踪
track down 追踪到,追查到
8 make it 获得成功;准时到达
You can make it !你会成功的!
make one’s way(to)(费力地)前往,发迹
make up for 补偿,弥补
make use of 利用
make the most of 充分利用
9 honour n.荣誉,尊敬,荣幸
feel it an honour to do sth很荣幸做某事
=It is one's/ an honour to do sth
=have the honour of (doing) sth
in honour of sb / in sb's honour为向某人表示敬意
feel honoured to do sth 做某事很荣幸
honourable adj.可敬的;光荣的
10 glory n.荣誉,光荣,赞美
win glory for 为...赢得荣誉
for the glory of 为了...的荣誉
glorious adj.光荣的;荣耀的;壮丽的
11 determination n.决定;决心;果断
the determination to do sth做某事的决心
with determination 坚决地
determine v.决定,决心
determine to do sth 决心做某事
determine on sth 决定某事
determined adj. 坚决的;有决心的
12 fall apart 破裂;破碎;崩溃
take apart 拆开
tell...apart 把...区别开来
apart from 除了...
fall asleep 入睡
fall behind 落后
fall off 掉下
fall down 倒下
13 injure vt. (意外)使受伤,损害(名誉,自尊)
injured adj. 受伤的;委屈的
be/get (badly/seriously) injured 受(重)伤
injury n.(身体)损伤,(情感)伤害
do sb an injury / do an injury to sb伤害某人
14 strength n. [U]力量,体力;[C]优点,长处
have the strength to do sth. 有力量/意志做某事
mental strength 精神力量
strong adj. 强壮的;强大的
strongly adv. 强烈地
strengthen vt. 加强;巩固
15 failure n. [U]失败,[C]失败的人/事物
Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母。
end in failure以失败告终
a failure 一个失败者
fail v.失败,不及格,破产
fail to do sth未能做某事
fail a test 考试不及格
16 give up 放弃;投降
give up sth to sb把某物让给某人
give up on sth对...不抱希望
give away 捐赠,泄露
give back(归)还;使返回;恢复
give in 屈服,让步;交上(考卷等= hand in)
give in to sb ...向某人屈服
give off发出(气味、光、热等)
give out 分发(=hand out)
17 compete vi.竞争,对抗,参加比赛
compete for sth 为...而比赛/竞争
compete with /against sb 与某人比赛/竞争
The player is competing for his country. 这个运动员在为他的国家比赛。
compete in sth 参加...比赛
competition n.比赛,竞赛
18 make sense 有道理,讲得通
makes no sense没有意义
make sense of...弄懂...的意思
sense n. 感觉,意识
vt. 感觉到,
a sense of responsibility 责任感
19 pretend v. 假装;装作
pretend to do sth 假装做某事
pretend to be doing sth 假装正在做某事
pretend to have done sth 装做已经做了某
pretend that 假装...
A soccer player should not pretend to fall down even if it helps his/her team 一个足球运动员不应该假摔,即使这对他/她的队伍有所帮助
20 even if/even though conj.尽管;即使
as if/as though 仿佛,好像
I will never give up even if I fail thousand times.
21 get cheated 被骗
cheat sb (out) of sth 骗取某人某物
cheat sb.into (doing) sth. 哄骗/欺骗某人(做)某事
n.[C] 欺骗手段,骗子
take in 欺骗 ;领会;记住;收留
She took me in completely with her story.
22 positive adj积极的,正面的,乐观的,肯
positively adv.乐观地,积极地,肯定地
negative adj. 消极的,否定的
be positive about... 对...有信心/ 乐观/有把握
be positive that ... 对...有把握
23 diet n规定饮食,日常饮食 vi节食进行规定进食
have a balanced/healthy diet 有均衡/健康的日常饮食
be / go on a diet 节食
24 make a difference有(积极)作用/影响
make a (big/great) difference to sb 对某人有影响
make no difference 没有影响,不起作用
I had no idea (that) a letter could make such a difference! 我没想到一词之差,区别竟如此之大!
25 rather than而不是(句中连接并列结构,)
I would like a tea rather than coffee. 我想要一杯茶而不是一杯咖啡。
would do... rather than do...
宁愿做某事 (而不愿做某事)
I would fail rather than give up
26 cut… out 停止做(使用,食用),剪下,删除
cut back 缩减;削减
cut down 砍倒,削减
cut in 插嘴,插队,(强行)超车
cut off 切掉;切断;[常用于被动语态]使隔绝
cut up 切碎;使心碎
cut across 抄近路
27 now and then 有时,偶尔
sometimes 有时 at a time 一次
at times 有时 at one time 一度,曾经
once in a while 偶尔
from time to time 一次又一次
28 compare…with/to… 把A与B比较
compare A to B 把A比作B
compare notes (with sb) (与某人)交换意见
You can’t compare apples and oranges.
comparison n[C]&[U]比校;对比
by/in comparison with...与....相比
make a comparison (with) ... 与... 进行对比
29 stress n. 压力,紧张,重音
reduce stress缓解压力
(be)under stress处于压力下,有压力
stress sb out[非正式用语]使某人极度焦虑/压力大
stressed adj[不用于名词前]焦虑的;无法放松的
be stressed out筋疲力竭
stressful adj充满压力的;紧张的
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