人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit3 Food and Culture词汇讲解课件22张


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit3 Food and Culture词汇讲解课件22张
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-11-04 19:30:05



Unit 3
cuisine [kwi( ) zi n] n 菜肴;风味;烹饪
prior [ pra ] adj 先前的;优先的
prior to 在……之前的
→priority n.优先权
consist [k n s st] vi 由……组成
consist of 由……组成(或构成)
→ consistent adj.一致的,连续的
pepper [ p p ] n 甜椒;灯笼椒;胡椒粉
recipe [ r s pi] n 烹饪法;食谱
bold [b ld] adj 大胆自信的;敢于冒险的
chef [ f] n 大厨;主厨
peppercorn [ p p k n] n 胡椒粒
vinegar [ v n g ] n 醋
stuff [st f] vt 填满;把……塞进。
n. 东西;物品
→stuff ....with ....用....将....填满
slice [sla s] n (切下的食物)薄片。 vt. 把……切成薄片
slice...off 切下
onion [ nj n] n 洋葱;葱头
lamb [l m] n 羊羔肉;羔羊
lamb kebab [l m k b b] n 烤羊肉串
elegant [ l g nt] adj 精美的;讲究的;文雅的
→elegance n.优雅→elegantly adv.优雅地
dim sum [d m s m] n 点心(中国食品)
exceptional [ k s p nl] adj 特别的;罕见的
→exception n.除外→except v.除外
minimum [ m n m m] n 最小值;最少量。adj. 最低(限度)的;最小的
→minimize v.最小化
consume [k n sju m] vt 吃;喝;饮;消耗
→consumer n.消费者→consumption n.消费
temper [ t mp ] n 脾气;火气
vegetarian [ v te r n] n 素食者
junk [ k] n 无用的东西
junk food n 垃圾食品
garlic [ gɑ l k] n 蒜
bacon [ be k n] n 熏猪肉;咸肉
ham [h m] n 火腿
sausage [ s s ] n 香肠;腊肠
cabbage [ k b ] n 甘蓝;卷心菜;洋白菜
bean curd [bi n k d] n (=tofu)豆腐
brand [br nd] n 品牌
olive [ l v] n 油橄榄;橄榄树
fig [f g] n 无花果
ingredient [ n gri di nt] n (尤指烹饪)材料;成分
dessert [d z t] n (饭后)甜点
dough [d ] n 生面团
stable [ ste bl] adj 稳定的;稳重的
→ stably adv.稳定地
→ stability n.稳定
haggis [ h g s] n (苏格兰)羊杂碎肚
canteen [k n ti n] n 食堂;餐厅
cafeteria [ k f t r ] n 自助餐厅;自助食堂
bun [b n] n 圆面包;小圆甜饼
chilli [ li] n (pl. -es)辣椒
pork [p k] n 猪肉
red braised pork bre zd ] n 红烧肉
pearl [p l] n 珍珠
somewhat [ s mw t] adv 有点;稍微
madam [ m d m] n 夫人;女士
calorie [ k l ri] n 卡路里(热量单位)
association [ s s e ( )n] n 协会;关联
→ associate v. 联系
regardless [r gɑ dl s] adv 不顾;不加理会
regardless of 不管;不顾
= despite = in spite of
→ regard v.认为
category [ k t g ri] n 类别;种类
vitamin [ v t m n] n 维生素
fibre/fiber [ fa b /fa b ] n 纤维;纤维制品
quantity [ kw nt ti] n 数量;数额
dairy [ de ri] adj 奶制的;乳品(业)的。n. 乳制品;乳品店;牛奶厂
moderation [ m d re n] n 适度;合理
→ moderate adj.适度的,合理的
ideal [a d l] adj 完美的;理想的;想象的n. 理想;完美的人(或事物)
fundamental [ f nd m ntl] adj 根本的;基础的;基本的。n. 基本规律;基本法则
chew [ u ] vi&vt 咀嚼;嚼碎。n. 咀嚼
consistent [k n s st nt] adj 一致的;连续

modest [ m d st] adj 些许的;谦虚的 ;朴素的
trick [tr k] n 诀窍;计谋;把戏
→play tricks on sb.戏弄某人
→ trick sb. into (doing) sth. 欺骗某人某事
overall [ v r l] adv总体上;大致上。adj 全面的;综合的
Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
让.安泰而姆. 布里亚 萨瓦兰(法国美食家)
Kazak adj 哈萨克族的。n. 哈萨克族人
St Andrews 圣安德鲁斯(英国城市)
1. association n. 协会; 关联
Journal of the American Medical Association, 2014 (P32)
in association with … 与……联合/有关联
associated adj. 有关联的, 相关的
associate vt. 联想; 联系 n. 同伴; 伙伴
associate … with … 使……与……联系起来
associate with sb. 与某人交往/联系
be associated with 与……有关联
【语境应用】 完成句子
1) I always ________________________________ (把夏季和休假联系在一起).
2) She became famous through ________________________
3) _______________________________ (那位小偷和他的同伙们) were caught by the police yesterday morning.
The thief and his associates
associate summer with holidays
associating / association
with these poets
2. quantity n. 数量; 数额
Processed foods often contain less nutrition, and have higher quantities of sugar, salt, and fat than fresh ingredients. (P32)
1. a large/small quantity of 大/少量的
quantities of 大量的
2. a quantity of 后接不可数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数;后接可数名词复数作主语时,谓语动词用复数。
3. quantities of无论后接可数名词复数还是不可数名词作主语,谓语动词都用复数。
1) ________ ________ ________ _______ _______ (大量的肉) is bought by the hotel every day.
2) He was very glad to see that quantities of food _______ ______ ______ ________ (在桌子上).
3) There are only _______ _______ ________ ________ ________ (少量的花) left in the garden.
a small quantity of
A large quantity of meat
on the table
3. trick n. 诀窍; 计谋; 把戏 vt. 欺骗
There is no one trick to healthy eating. (P32)
play tricks / a trick on sb. 捉弄某人, 开某人的玩笑
trick sb. into (doing) sth. 用计诱使某人做某事
trick sb. out of sth. 骗走某人某物
Trick or Treat 不给糖就捣乱
1) 不要骗我!
2) 这个男孩喜欢捉弄他的弟弟。
3) 他骗我借给了他1000元。
He tricked me into lending him 1,000 yuan.
Don’t try to trick me!
The boy likes playing tricks on his brother.
1. consist of 由……组成(或构成)
…, America’s most popular Chinese dish is General Tso’s chicken, which consists of fried chicken covered in a sweet sauce… (P26)
consist of不可用于被动语态和进行时态。
consist in 主要是, 主要在于
make up “组成,构成”, 其主语通常为组成整体的各个部分;
be made up of “由……组成, 由……构成”, 常指一个整体由几个部分组成,其主语通常为该整体。
1) 一年由365天组成。
One year ________ ________ 365 days.
2) 汽车由许多不同部件组成。
A car ________ ________ ________ ________ many different parts.
3) 他的工作包括帮助独居的老人。
His job ________ ________ helping old people who live alone.
consists of
is made up of
consists of
2. regardless of 不管; 不顾
This is true regardless of how healthy the rest of their diet might be. (P32)
1. 后跟名词或从句
2. despite = in spite of
尽管; 不管; 虽然(后常接名词, 不接从句)
3. with regard to 关于; 至于
1) 这份工作对所有人开放,不考虑经验。
2) 不管天气如何,我们将继续比赛。
This job is open to all, regardless of experience.
We will continue the race, regardless of the weather.
3. cut down 削减; 砍倒; 缩短
In other words, if you want to be healthy, you have to cut down on desserts, and cut out sweet drinks altogether. (P32)
cut across 抄近路穿过
cut in 插嘴; 夹塞; 干预
cut up 切碎; 齐根切掉
cut out 删除
cut through 走捷径; 开辟; 刺穿
cut off 砍下; 切断; 停掉; 打断; 使分离
1) We were ______________ in the middle of our telephone conversation.
2) The company was trying to _____________ the cost of production.
3) We can gain some time if we ______________ this field.
4) She always ____________ when other people are talking.
5) Many big trees along the road have been ____________ for building houses.
6) The vegetables should be ____________ into small pieces and dropped into the boiling water.
cut up
cut off
cut down
cut across
cuts in
cut down
consume, quantity, chew, prior to, consist of, regardless of
1. His breakfast usually __________ dry bread and a cup of tea.2. This job is open to all, ___________ previous experience.3. Add 50 grams of butter, and the same _____________ of sugar.4. He was ____________ on his meat as if he found it hard to swallow.5. All the arrangements should be completed ___________ your departure.6. Many people have dramatically reduced the amount of red meat they ___________.
consists of
prior to
regardless of
II. 将下列句子翻译成英语。1. 我昨天在附近一个餐馆吃的咸肉是我吃过最好吃的咸肉。2.今天上午我到超市的时候,豆腐已经被卖光了。3.据说这种植物在小麦被广泛种植以前是这个地区人们的主要食物之一。4. 这栋建筑在1932年重建之前曾被大火烧毁。
The bacon I ate in a nearby cafe yesterday
was the best I had ever had.
The bean curd had already been sold out
when I got to the supermarket this morning.
It's said that this plant had been one of the people's main foods
before wheat was widely planted in the area.
This building had ever been destroyed by fire
before it was rebuilt in 1932.
When you grow up in a unique culture, it's bound to influence your lifestyle, your belief system — and perhaps most enjoyably, your diet. You might have a(n) 1. __________ (prefer) for mama's marinara, an aunt's curry, dad's barbecue ribs or grandmother's holiday tamales. Some foods are more healthful 2. __________ others, so you might want to modify some family favorites to fit them into a healthy lifestyle while keeping the taste of home.
Enjoy your culture and the foods 3. __________ make it special, but look for waysto change diet traditions 4. __________ (make) them more healthful. 5. __________ (differ) cultures can produce people with varying health risks, though the role of diet is not always clear. Menus stressing lower-fat foods and lots of vegetables, like those of many Asian cultures, 6. __________ (usual) result in more healthful diets, even reducing the risks for diseases such as diabetes 7. __________ cancer.
that / which
to make
The American Academy of Family Physicians and American Cancer Society suggest you reduce your risks for chronic disease by eating more fruits and vegetables, 8. __________ (limit) alcohol consumption, avoiding high-fat and sugary foods, and cutting back on 9. __________ (process) foods and red meat. And make sure exercise10. __________ (include) in your family routines, aiming for 30 to 60 minutes of exercise on most days.
is included
针对你校学生中普遍存在的不吃早餐、爱吃零食、偏食以及饮食过量等不良现象,请你代表英语俱乐部给全校学生用英语写一份倡议书,号召大家养成健康的饮食习惯。内容包括:1. 不良饮食习惯及其后果;
2. 何为健康的饮食习惯;
3. 发出倡议。
1. 词数100左右(标题、称呼及落款已给出, 但不计入总词数);
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
You are what you eat
Dear fellow students,
The English Club
正文:1. 引入话题;
2. 说明不良饮食习惯及其后果;
3. 表明何为健康的饮食习惯。
★As we all know, we are what we eat.
★It’s very important for us to form healthy eating habits.
★Many students in our school fall into bad eating habits.
★Some of us often skip breakfast; some have a great love for snacks; others are particular about food; and still others lack control over the food they eat.
★All these bad habits will surely damage (损害) our health.
★To keep fit, having healthy diets, such as proper amounts of fish, meat, vegetables, fruit as well as rice or bread, would be a perfect choice.
★We’d better have meals at a regular time and eat food in proper amounts.
Let’s take action now and adopt good eating habits.
You are what you eat
Dear fellow students,
As we all know, we are what we eat. Therefore, it's very important for us to form healthy eating habits.
However, many students in our school fall into bad eating habits. Some of us often skip breakfast; some have a great love for snacks; others are particular about food; and still others lack control over the food they eat. All these bad habits will surely damage our health.
To keep fit, having healthy diets, such as proper amounts of fish, meat, vegetables, fruit as well as rice or bread, would be a perfect choice. Besides, we'd better have meals at a regular time and eat food in proper amounts.
Let's take action now and adopt good eating habits.
The English Club