人教版(2019)必修第一册 Unit 3 Sports and fitness Assessing your progress课件 (22张)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第一册 Unit 3 Sports and fitness Assessing your progress课件 (22张)
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文件大小 44.6MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-11-05 07:31:06



Unit 3 Sports and fitness
Assessing your progress
All sports for all people.
—Pierre de Coubertin
1.play a ... role in
2. deal with
3. even though
4. there is no use doing sth.
5. in the end
6. see through
7. take part in sports events
8. play against
9. in sports
10.How about doing......
11.head to
12.act out
13.in one’s opinion
Quiz on phrases
Quiz on phrases
14.spoken English
15. written English
16.make a survey on/of sth.
17. write up/down
18.be sure to do
19.based on
20. find out
21.the results of
22.set up
24.southwestern China
成千上万的......; 无数的...
25.challenge oneself
27.millions of
28.have a go at doing sth.
29.interact with
30.offer up
31. push ourselves mentally and physically
32. talk about sth.
33.extreme sports
34. It’s worthwhile to do/doing sth.
Quiz on phrases
1. Read the passage and find suitable words for the blanks.
compete cheating master pretending events failure audience stress
Sports play a very valuable role in children's lives. Children who _________in a sport will learn how to deal with______ , because even though they work hard to _______the skills needed for a sport, it does not mean they will always win. Sports also help children see that __________is foolish. In sports, there is no use__________to fall down or be hurt, because in the end, the________ will see through it. Taking part in sports
______ is fun but not always easy, so it helps children learn how to deal with_______, something that everyone must learn to face in life.
Prep for project
2. Complete the conversation with appropriate tag questions or answers.
A: There's a basketball game at our school this Saturday,__________
B: Yeah, our school is playing against No. 2 Senior High School.
A: Oh, good! I really want to see our team play. I missed the last game. You went, didn't you
B: Oh, yes, ! It was a great game. So you're planning to go this Saturday, _________ Do you want to go together
A: Sure! I'd love to. What time shall we meet
B: Well, the game starts at 1:00 p.m., so I can come to your home at 12:30 and we can walk to school together. You'll be coming from home, won't you
A: No, ________. I'll be at the library all morning studying for that big test on Monday.
B: Oh, then why don't we meet outside the library at 12:15
A: I'll need to stop at the noodle restaurant and get something to eat before the game. You wouldn't mind, ___________
Prep for project
isn’t there
aren’t you
I won’t
would you
B: Not at all. I've never said no to food, _________ How about meeting at 12:00, going there for lunch together, and then heading to the game
A: Sounds great!
Make a survey on sports interests and needs
1. Work in groups of five. Read the questions below and then add one more that you would like to ask your classmates.
1) What is your favourite sport
2) At what time of day do you like to do sports
3) How often do you _________ every week
4) How long ______________________
5) _______________________________
2. Use the data to write up the survey results. Be sure to include the following points.
The questions you asked
The results of the survey
Your suggestions to the school, based on the survey results
Write up a survey
have I
Video Time
The Karsts of China: A Vertical Journey
Karsts are found in many places in southwestern China. Rock climbers like to go there to enjoy climbing and challenge themselves.
Karsts are rock
formations made of
limestone. They have
been sculpted by wind and water and millions of years of erosion into these beautiful natural sculptures. One of the most famous places in the world for karsts is Guilin. The karsts there provide a lot of exciting opportunities to rock climbers.
Video Time
The Karsts of China: A Vertical Journey
Karsts are found in many places in southwestern China. Rock climbers like to go there to enjoy climbing and challenge themselves.
Complete the sentences below with the adjectives in the box.
amazing natural adventurous spectacular unexplored gymnastic
1. For me, it’s important not just to go and see these___________ landscapes but to interact with them, too.
2.The stone here offers up__________, athletic movement, but it can also be very__________ , sometimes dangerous, but always beautiful.
3. This is what we love to do—to come to these beautiful __________areas and climb and explore and push ourselves mentally and physically.
4. China is relatively ___________and new to climbers and to adventurers who want to go out and see something new and_______________.
1.(教材44页)Taking part in sports events is fun but not always easy, so it helps children learn how to deal with stress, something that everyone must learn to face in life.
2.(教材44页)There is a basketball game at our school this Saturday.
at+地点(一般指小地方)eg: at home在家; at the station在车站
in+地方 (一般指大地方)eg: in the sun 在阳光下;in the middle of 在......的中央
3.(教材44页)I’ll need to stop at the noodle restaurant and get something to eat before the game.
“need”既是实意动词,又是情态动词。情态动词时,后面加do(动词原形),实意动词时,后面加 to do(不定式结构)。
4.(教材44页)Sounds good. 此处省略掉“That”,完整表达为“That sounds good.”
5.(教材44页)Overall, I though this unit was useful.
6.(教材45页)This week, our group of five students did a survey of our classmates to find out what sports interests and needs our students have.
此句为复合句 “what”引导的宾语从句,
从句的主语是“sports interests and needs our students ”,
谓语是“have”。 “have”是“有”的意思。
7.(教材45页)We hope that the results of our survey will be useful to the school in deciding what new sports clubs should be set up.
从句的主语为“the results of our survey”;
从句主语为“new sports clubs”,
谓语为“should be set up”。
1.compete vi. 竞争;对抗
for 为......竞争
固定搭配:compete against/with 跟.......竞争
in 在......方面竞争
to do sth. 竞相做某事
拓展: competitor n. 比赛者;竞争者
competitive adj.竞争的;比赛的;求胜心切的
competition n. 比赛;竞争
in competition with 与.....竞争
助记:In this competitive world, we are all competitors and everybody competes with each other. We should make a good atmosphere of competition.
练习:(1)They invited us to local events and let us know of an interesting ___________(compete) to watch
(2) Both team train for two hours a day and participate in
_____________(compete) regularly.
2.cheat v.& n.
(1)vi. 作弊;舞弊 vt. 欺骗;蒙骗
sb. (out) of sth. 骗取某人某物
固定搭配:cheat sb. into (doing) sth. 哄骗/欺骗某人做某事
sb. into the belief that 哄骗某人相信.......
catch sb. cheating 抓住某人正在作弊
eg:Anyone caught cheating will be immediately disqualified from the exam.
(2)n. 欺骗手段;骗子
To my disappointment, he turned out a cheat.
(1)If you are caught ________(cheat)in the exam, you can hardly get
away with it.
(2)They _______________________(骗了那个老太太)her money.
(3)He ________________________(骗她相信)him a responsible man.
(4)He is ___________________________(只不过是个骗子).
cheated the old woman of
cheated her into believing
nothing but a cheat/con/liar
3.pretend vi.& vt.假装;假扮
(not)to do sth. 假装不做某事
to be doing sth. 假装在做某事
固定搭配:pretend to have done 假装做过某事
to be sb./sth. 假装是某人/某物
that...... 假装..............
eg: Were you just pretending to be interested
I don't want to pretend to be an expert on the subject.
When I came in, he pretended to be reading.
He pretended that nothing had happened.
练习3: (1)When I came in, he pretended ___________(type).
(2)Jim pretended _____________(solve)the difficult problem already.
to be typing
to have solved
4. survey n.& vt.
(1)n. [C] (复数为surveys) 调查
固定搭配: make/ conduct/ carry out a survey
a recent survey shows/ showed that....
eg: The reporter made a survey of river pollution.
A recent survey shows that success is not simply the result of a high IQ.
(2)vt. 调查(一般用于被动语态)。
固定搭配: It is surveyed that.. 据调查....
eg: It is surveyed that 50 percent of the patients do not take medicine as directed.
练习4:(1) Half of those__________( survey) in 16countries say they go first to
their closest friends to share their deepest wishes and darkest fears.
(2) Recently we made survey and asked a large number of people to tell us
about their teachers (单句改错)
survey前加a 或者改为surveys
5.play a role in 意为“.起作用: ...扮演角色”,相当于play a part in.
名词 role/part 之前可加上形容词,如great, key, small, major, important, valuable 等
eg: By focusing on saving oil, water, paper, food, and clothing, we are playing a role/
part in cutting down on waste.
Parents play an important role /part in their children's learning.
注意: play a role/part in 是“动词+名词+介词”构成的动词短语,其中的名词 role/part作主语时,句子要用被动语态; role/part作先行词时,其后接定语从句
eg: The role/part doctors play in society is great
eg: My sister plays the leading role in this film
练习:(1) We should realize the important part that women play______ building our
(2)The media played ______ important part in his winning the election.
(3)Every farmer knows that weather _____________________(在.....中起着重 要的作用) farming.
(4)_______________________________(那位教授所起的作用) in the research was very important.
play an important role
The part/role the professor played
6. deal with
(1)deal with sth. 意为“处理解决/应付某事;涉及/论及/关于某事”。
eg:The lifeguards are being trained to deal with any possible emergency.
His latest book deals with the problem of children's safety at school.
(2)deal with sb . 意为“对付应付/对待某人; 与某人做生意”
eg: She is used to dealing with all kinds of people in her job.
拓展: 与deal(n.) 相关的其他常用短语:
a great/good deal of大量;很多(修饰不可数名词)
make/sign a deal (with sb. )(与某人)达成一项协议/一笔交易
练习: (1 ) Nowadays, many people walk or cycle to work in response to the
government's calling for living a low -carbon lifestyle to deal___________
global warming.
(2) Jim isn't a man who knows________ to deal with people properly, but he
does know ______to do with all kinds of papers in front of him.
(3) 老实说,如果你坚持这个价格,我们是不会成交的。
To be honest, if you insist on the price,we won't be able to_____________.
(4) 他们很多时间都在看电视。
They spend______________________________.
make a deal
a great deal of time watching TV
7.even if/though 引导条件状语从句
even if/though意为“尽管,虽然",引导让步状语从句。主句若用一般将来时,从句则用一般现在时表将来。
eg: Anyhow one should have a dream, even if the dream seems impossible to come true.
【学法点拨】 as if/ though 意为“好像,仿佛”,
eg: She looks so frightened as if she met devil .
练习: 选词填空:even if/as if
(1)I won't give up,_______ I fail a hundred times.
(2)It looks_______ it is going to rain, so I prefer to stay indoors.
(3)____________he suffered from a lot of difficulties, he never gave in.
(4)(完成句子)Native English speakers can understand each other
even if
as if
Even if
even if they don’t speak the same kind of English