人教版(2019)高中英语必修三Unit 1----Unit3学业水平考试必备考点归纳与测试学案(有答案)


名称 人教版(2019)高中英语必修三Unit 1----Unit3学业水平考试必备考点归纳与测试学案(有答案)
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文件大小 88.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-11-07 17:57:02


主题语境 不同民族文化习俗与传统节日
1、congratulate vt. 向(某人)道贺; (因某事)为自己感到自豪
(1)congratulate sb. (on sth. )   祝贺; 庆贺; 道喜
congratulate oneself (on/upon doing sth. )(因做某事)为自己感到自豪
(2)congratulation n. 祝贺; 恭喜
congratulations on (doing) sth. 祝贺
offer congratulations to sb. on (doing) sth. 向某人祝贺
2、figure n. 人物; 数字; 身材vt. 认为; 认定
(1)figure sth. in 将某事物包括在内; 计算在内
(2)figure out 理解; 弄明白; 计算出
(3)keep one’s figure 保持身材
3、gather vi. 聚集; 集合vt. 聚集; 搜集; 收割
(1)gather round/around 聚集
(2)gather in 收割
4、grateful adj. 感激的; 表示感谢的
(1)be grateful to sb. for sth.   因为某事对某人感激
be grateful +that从句 感激……, 感谢……
(2)gratefully adv. 感激地
(1)I would be grateful if. . . =I would appreciate it if. . .
(2)be grateful +that从句= be thankful +that从句
(3)gratefully = thankfully
5、range n. 一系列; 范围、界限vi. 包括; (在一定范围内)变化
(1)a wide range of  大范围的, 各种各样的
(2)within range of在……范围内
(3)out of/beyond range of超出……的范围
(4)range from. . . to. . . 包括从……到……之间
6、reflect vt. 显示; 反映; 反射
(1)be reflected in sth. 倒映在; 在……中看到
reflect on/upon sth. 反思, 思考
(2)reflection n. 显示; 反映; 反射; 映像, 思考
on reflection经过深思
7、pleased adj. 高兴的; 满意的
(1)be pleased to do sth.  很高兴做某事
be pleased at /about/ with. . . 对……感到满意
be pleased +that从句 很高兴……
(2)please v. 使高兴, 喜欢interj. 请
(3)pleasure n. 高兴
(4)pleasant adj. 令人愉快的
(1)pleased主要用来说明人, 表示“感到高兴或满意”
(2)pleasant多指令人愉快的东西, 具有自然吸引力
(3)pleasing pleasing和pleasant都表示“令人愉快的”, 可以互换, 且pleasant更常用
8、represent vt. 象征; 代表; 相当于
(1)representative n. 代表
9、respect n. &vt. 尊敬; 尊重 n. 表现; 表示; 代表
(1) have/show respect for sb. =respect sb. 尊敬某人
(2)respect n. 方面
in all respects (=in every respect) 在各方面
(3)respects n. 敬意, 问候
give one’s respects to 向……致候
1、take advantage of 利用; 欺骗; 占……的便宜
(1)have the advantage over 比……有利, 占优势
(2)to sb. ’s advantage 对某人有利或有帮助
2、have sth. in common (兴趣、想法等方面)相同; 有相同的特征
(1)have nothing/little in common with. . . 和……没有/几乎没有共同点
(2)have everything/much/a lot in common with. . . 和……完全相同/有很多共同点
(3)in common with sb. /sth. 与某人/某物一样
3、dress (sb. ) up 穿上盛装; 装扮
(1)dress up as  装扮成
(2)be dressed in 穿着
(1)put on 着重于“穿”这一动作, 即由没穿到穿这一过程的完成, 意为“穿上”
(2)wear 强调“穿着”这一状态时, 相当于be dressed in, 也可表示“戴着”
(3)dress 既可表示动作, 又可表示状态, 常由人作宾语, 意为“给……穿衣服”
(4)be in 强调“穿着, 戴着”的状态, 后面多接颜色或表示衣服的词
4、to be frank 坦白说; 坦率地说
(1)frankly speaking 坦白说; 坦率地说
(2)to be honest=honestly speaking 老实说
(3)to tell the truth 说实话
to be frank, frankly speaking, to be honest, to tell the truth
用作插入语, 通常位于句首。to be frank 坦白说; 坦率地说
5、go off 爆炸; 走火; 离开
go against sb. 对某人不利, 反对某人
go after 追逐; 设法得到
go away 走开
go down (指船等)沉没; (指日﹑月)落下; (价格、温度、水平等)下降
6、set off 出发; 动身; 启程; 引起; 使爆炸
set about doing sth. =set out to do sth. 开始做某事
set sth. aside 将某物放在一边; 节省或保留(钱或时间)
set out 出发
set up 建立
(1)该句为复合句, no matter how相当于however, 引导让步状语从句。
(2)“no matter+特殊疑问词”引导让步状语从句时, 相当于“特殊疑问词+-ever”。
*However/ No matter how much we work out, however/ no matter how well we eat, we can’t be in top physical shape unless we get plenty of sleep.
无论我们锻炼多少, 无论我们吃得多好, 如果没有充足的睡眠, 我们就不会有健康的身体。
*No matter who/Whoever can answer one of my questions, he/she shall receive a prize.
无论谁能回答我的一个问题, 他/她就能获奖。
whatever, whoever, whichever不仅可以引导让步状语从句还可以引导名词性从句, 但no matter what/who/which只能引导让步状语从句。
As many as ten courses are provided, and you are free to choose whichever suits you best.
提供的课程多达10种, 你可以自由选择最适合你的。
(1)该句是简单句, 其中it作形式宾语, 动词不定式作真正的宾语。
(2)it作形式宾语时, 常用于以下结构中: make/find/think/consider + it + adj. /n. +动词不定式/动词-ing形式/从句; like/hate/depend on+it+从句; take it for granted +that从句/动词不定式。
*George made it clear what he wanted.
*I think it convenient to come at two.
*Even now I find it hard to believe her story.
*I like it when you smile.
*After leaving school, he went to Beijing to earn money.
毕业后, 他就去北京挣钱去了。
*The driver passed by, blowing the horn.
*The boy entered the classroom, singing a song as if there were nobody in it.
那个男孩唱着歌走进教室, 好像里面没人
(1)after/before+动词的-ing形式作状语, 此时after/before是介词。
(2)伴随状语常用动词的-ing形式, 与句子主语之间是逻辑上的主动关系;
但有时也用过去分词, 与句子主语之间是逻辑上的被动关系。
(3)as if表示“好像”时, 后面的从句可以用陈述语气, 也可以用虚拟语气。
用陈述语气时, 从句中的时态视具体情况而定。
如果与现在事实相反, 用一般过去时, 遇到be动词, 常用were;
如果与过去事实相反, 常用过去完成时;
如果与将来事实相反, 常用过去将来时。
1.There stand many stone sculptures of famous historical _________ (figure).
【详解】考查名词。句意:有许多著名历史人物的石雕。形容词historical 作为定语修饰名词,根据many stone sculptures可知,这里指“多个历史人物”,名词应用复数形式。故填figures。
2.She did a number of jobs, ___________ (range) from chef to swimming instructor.
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:她做过许多工作,从厨师到游泳教练都有。分析句子可知,“(range) from chef to swimming instructor”作后置定语修饰名词jobs,range“(在一定的范围内)变化”是非谓语动词,与其逻辑主语jobs之间是主动关系,应用现在分词表主动。故填ranging。
3.The astronaut________(respect)by all his followers.
【答案】is respected
【详解】考查动词时态语态和主谓一致。句意:这位宇航员被他所有的追随者尊重。respect是谓语动词,与主语astronaut是被动关系,根据句意用一般现在时,且主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词用单数,故填is respected。
4.Please send my ________ (respect) to them when you write.
5.The tiger is a ________ (represent) of the cat family.
6.His daughter ___________ him at the ceremony, which was a symbolic ___________ of power transition.(represent)
【答案】 represented representation
7.The reason why he is lost in_______ (reflect) is that he is reflecting____ the problem,which ______ (reflect) in the list.
【答案】 reflection on is reflected
【详解】考查名词、介词和被动语态。句意:他沉迷于反思的原因是他在思考这个问题,这个问题反映在清单上。根据空1前的介词in可知,此处应填reflect的名词形式reflection,作介词宾语,in reflection“反思”是固定短语;reflect on“考虑;回想”是动词固定短语;分析句子可知,空3是which引导的非限制定语从句中的谓语,which替代the problem,在从句中作主语,动词reflect与之是被动关系,应用被动语态be done,根据前文“is”可知,用一般现在时,主语which替代the problem为单数第三人称,故用is reflected。故填①reflection;②on;③is reflected。
8.The increase in crime is a sad__________(reflect)on our society today.
9.In any given office, employees can range from age 22 ________ 70 and beyond, and finding common ground in communication style can be a challenge.
【详解】考查介词。句意:在任何给定的办公室,员工的年龄范围从22岁到70岁甚至更大,找到沟通风格的共同点可能是一个挑战。range from...to为固定搭配,意为“从……到(不等)”。故填to。
10.Activities there range________ whale watching to hiking (远足) and accommodations aiming to have a low impact on the natural environment.
【详解】考查介词。句意:那里的活动包括观赏鲸鱼、徒步旅行和住宿,旨在降低对自然环境的影响。range from...to...为固定搭配,意为“(在……到……内)变动”,介词from表示“从……”。故填from。
11.You can congratulate yourself _________ having done a good job.
【详解】考查介词。句意:你可以祝贺自己/做得很好。结合前文 congratulate,此处表示在某方面祝贺,故使用介词on/upon。故填on/upon。
12.I was delighted to see you win the first prize. I’m writing to convey my sincere ______(congratulate) to you.
13.Hardly had “Jiang Xinran” won the gold medal at Tokyo Olympic Games when her parents ________ (congratulate) her.
14.Whenever the baby cried, I needed to figure________ the reason: was the little one hungry or did he need sleep
【详解】考查介词。句意:每当宝宝哭的时候,我都要找出原因:小家伙是饿了还是困了?根据the reason可知,短语figure out“想出;弄清”符合句意,设空处缺少介词。故填out。
15.It is difficult ________ (figure) out a global population of polar bears…
【答案】to figure
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:很难计算出全球北极熊的数量……。分析句子结构可知此处为it作形式主语,不定式作真正主语的结构。故填to figure。
16.“I don’t need a bag, ”I told the cashier, ________(figure)I’d put my few items into a green bag.
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:“我不需要袋子,”我对收银员说,想着我可以把我的几件东西放进一个绿色的袋子里。观察句子可知,句子的主语I与figure“认为”构成主动关系,且与told the cashier“告诉收银员”同时发生,因此,用figure的现在分词figuring作伴随状语。故填:figuring。
17.There is no doubt that we should be grateful ________ these volunteers.
【详解】考查介词。句意:毫无疑问,我们要感激这些志愿者。be grateful to sb“感激某人”。故填to。
18.I am very grateful_________ all your help.
【详解】考查固定短语和介词。句意:我非常感谢你的帮助。be grateful for为固定短语,意为“因……感激”。故填for。
19.I’m going to take advantage____________ this tour to explore the history of the castle.
【详解】考查介词。句意:我打算利用这次旅行去探索那座城堡的历史。分析句子可知,此处考查固定短语take advantage of,意为“利用”,空处应填介词of。故填of。
20.Twins as they are, they have little__________common with each other.
【详解】考查介词。句意:身为双胞胎的他们俩,彼此却几乎没有什么共同之处。分析句子可知,此处符合短语have...in common,构成have something/little/nothing in common,意为“有一些/几乎没有/没有任何共同点”。故填in。
21.The assistant who served her did not like the way she was dressed ________, he told her that the dress was sold.
【详解】本题考查介词及固定搭配。句意:接待她的售货员不喜欢她的穿着方式,他告诉她裙子已经出售了。根据句意及句子结构,此处考查短语be dressed in表示穿的状态。故答案为in。
22.________ (dress) up as a Father Christmas, he set off down the main street.
23.The mountains__________(reflect)in the water.
【答案】are reflected
【详解】考查动词时态和语态。句意:群山倒映在水中。空处为句子谓语动词,陈述客观事实,且主语mountains和reflect之间为被动关系,故用一般现在时的被动语态,主语是复数,故填are reflected。
24.If _________(dress) in a white uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor.
【详解】考查状语从句省略句和过去分词。句意:如果穿着白色制服,他看起来更像一个厨师而不是医生。此处是If引导的条件状语从句省略句,从句主语是he与从句谓语动词dress是被动关系,从句谓语用be done形式,从句主语与主句主语一致且从句含有be动词,常省略从句的主语和be动词,表被动,dress用过去分词形式,故填dressed。
25.Let them know that you are there to help in any way that is acceptable, while still________(respect)the privacy of your neighbour.
【详解】考查状语从句的省略。句意:让他们知道你在那里以任何可以接受的方式提供帮助,同时仍然尊重你邻居的隐私。在时间状语从句中主句主语与从句主语一致,且从句谓语部分含有be动词,则可以省略从句中的主语和be动词,从句的完整表达为while you are still respecting the privacy of your neighbour省略后为while still respecting the privacy of your neighbour,故填respecting。
主题语境 优秀品行 正确的人生态度 公民义务和社会责任
1、appoint vt. 任命; 委任
(1)appoint sb. as/to be. . .  任命某人
appoint sb. to do sth. 指派某人做某事
(2)appointment n. 任命; 约会
make an appointment with sb. 与某人约会
keep (break) an appointment 守约(失约)
2、complain vi. &vt. 抱怨; 发牢骚
(1)complain to sb.  向某人诉说
complain about sth. 抱怨……
(2)complaint n. 投诉, 抱怨, 怨言
make a complaint about 抱怨……
3、dilemma n. 进退两难的境地; 困境
put sb. into a dilemma 使某人陷入困境
in a dilemma 处于困境中
4、elect vt. 选举, 推选
(1)elect sb. to be/as. . .   选举某人为……
elect to do sth. 决定做某事
(2)election n. 选举; 推选; 当选
5、majority n. 大部分; 大多数
(1)the/a majority of   大多数的……
in the majority 占多数
minority n. 少数, 少部分
a minority of 少数的……
the majority of后接名词用法
“the majority of+名词”用作主语时, 谓语动词与名词保持一致。
“the majority of+复数名词”用作主语时, 谓语动词用复数;
“the majority of+不可数名词”用作主语时, 谓语动词用单数。
6、replace vt. 接替; 取代; 更换
(1) replace sth. with sth.  用某物替代某物
take the place of =take one’s place 取代
7、respond vt. 回答; 回复 vi. 做出反应; 回应
(1)respond to sb. 答复某人
respond to sth. 对……做出回应
(2)response n. 反应; 回答; 答复
in response to 为了回应
8、scare vt. 惊吓; 使害怕 vi. 受惊吓
(1)scare away/off 吓走, 吓跑……
be scared to death 吓得要死
(2)scared adj. 害怕的; 对……感到惊慌或恐惧的
be scared of sb. /sth. 害怕某人或某事
be scared to do sth. 不敢去做某事
(3)scary adj. 可怕的; 恐怖的
9、tend vt. 照顾; 照料 vi. 倾向; 趋于
(1) tend to do sth.  倾向于做某事
tend sb. /sth. 照料/照看……
(2)tendency n. 倾向, 趋势
have a tendency to do sth. 有做某事的倾向
10、assist vt. 帮助; 援助
(1)assist sb. in doing sth.   帮助某人做某事
assist sb. with sth. 帮助某人某事
(2)assistance n. 帮助; 援助
(3)assistant n. 助手; 助理
11、despair n. 绝望 vi. 绝望; 感到无望
(1)in despair   处于绝望之中
the despair of sb. 令某人毫无办法
(2)despair of sth. 对……感到绝望或丧失信心
12、disguise vt. 装扮; 假扮; 掩盖 n. 伪装; 化妆用具
(1)in disguise 化了装地; 乔装改扮地
(2)there’s no disguising the fact that ……是掩饰不了的
13、harm n. &vt. 伤害; 损害
(1)do harm to 对……有害
(2)harmful adj. 有害的
be harmful to 对……有害
(3)harmless adj. 无害的
14、memory n. 记忆力; 回忆
(1)in memory of  作为对……的纪念
(2)memorable adj. 值得纪念的; 值得回忆的
15、tear n. 眼泪; 泪水
(1)in tears    流着泪, 含着泪
burst into tears 大哭起来
(2)tear vt. 撕开, 撕裂
tear apart 撕开, 撕碎
16、whisper vi. &vt. 悄声说; 低语; 耳语
(1)whisper (sth. ) to sb.  与某人悄声说……
(2)in a whisper 低声地; 悄声地
1、carry sb. through sth. 帮助某人渡过难关
carry through 完成; 进行到底
carry out 执行, 实行; 贯彻; 实现
carry on 开展; 维持; 继续
carry forward 继承, 弘扬
2、a great deal (of) 大量
much; a (great) deal of;
a bit of;
(an)(large)amount of/amounts of
3、pass away 去世
1、比较级与否定词连用, 表示最高级。
*If you are free, nothing will be better if you can come to China to attend a traditional wedding. 如果你有空的话, 要是你能来中国参加一场传统婚礼那就最好了。
*In my opinion, nothing is more important than health in life.
在我看来, 在生活中健康是最重要的。
Nothing is more difficult than that.
没有什么比那更难了。(意译: 那最难了。)
此外, “否定词+比较级”也可表示强调
I couldn’t agree with you any more.
*The book I read is about Tu Youyou, the first Chinese woman scientist to win the Nobel Prize.
我读的这本书是关于屠呦呦的, 她是第一个获得诺贝尔奖的中国女性科学家。
*But Wang Hui, the last to run, fell down suddenly when he took the stick from another boy. 但是最后一个跑的王辉, 在从另一个男孩那里接过接力棒的时候突然摔倒了。
如果名词前面有序数词和形容词最高级, 后面就用动词不定式作后置定语, 如:
*She is the first one to arrive. 她是第一个到的。
*All of a sudden I noticed a foreign woman coming hurriedly and shouting in English, “ Help! ”
突然, 我看到一名外国女士匆忙跑过来, 并用英语大声喊着“救命! ”
*I was delighted to see you win the first prize.
感官动词的复合结构, 也就是后跟宾语+宾语补足语。
宾语补足语有三种形式: 现在分词, 省略to的不定式和过去分词。
省略to的不定式表示已经完成, 或者是经常发生;
独立主格结构由两部分组成, 前一部分是名词或者代词, 后一部分是非谓语动词(不定式、现在分词、过去分词)或形容词、副词、名词或介词短语。前后两部分具有逻辑主谓关系。
*Steven walked slowly to the bus, his head down, tears in his eyes.
史蒂文慢慢地走向公交车, 低着头, 满含泪水。
*The work done, we went home.
工作完成后, 我们就回家了。
1.You are required to have a blood test. Please eat and drink as normal before your ______ (appoint). There is no need to fast.
2.He realised that something needed to change, and, being a London media type, ________(appoint)himself “marketing director for Nature”.
【详解】考查时态。句意:他意识到有些事情需要改变,作为一名伦敦媒体类型的人,他任命自己为“自然营销总监”。本句的主干为He realised that... and appointed himself...,空格处和realised并列作谓语且appoint与主语主动关系,应填一般过去式。故填appointed。
3.She became the first woman ever __________(appoint) as director in the company.
【答案】to be appointed
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:她成为该公司有史以来第一个被任命为董事的女性。woman前有序数词first修饰,空处应填动词不定式作后置定语,且动词appoint和woman之间是被动关系,故此处用动词不定式的被动式。故填to be appointed。
4.I am now writing to make a________ (complain) against the service of your hotel.
5.There is no sense in _______________ (complain). We should take action now.
【详解】考查固定句型。句意:抱怨是没有意义的。我们现在应该采取行动。分析句子可知,句中涉及固定句型“There is no sense in doing sth.”,意为“做某事没有意义”,“complain”意为“抱怨”,动词词性,动名词形式为“complaining”。故填complaining。
6.It’s no good________(complain) to your boss about so much work.
【详解】考查固定句型。句意:向你的老板抱怨工作太多是没有用的。It’s no good doing sth做某事没有用,固定句型。故填complaining。
7.The President is clearly________a dilemma about how to deal with the crisis.
【详解】考查介词。句意:总统显然在如何应对危机的问题上陷入了两难。根据句意以及固定短语“be in a dilemma左右为难,进退两难”可知,该空应填介词in,表示在某种状态中。故填in。
8.The bad weather puts us in ________ dilemma — shall we move on or go back
【详解】考查冠词。句意:坏天气使我们进退两难,我们是继续前进还是回去?固定搭配put sb in a dilemma“使某人处于进退两难”。故填a。
9.We expressed our congratulations to him on his winning the ______________(elect).
10.Increasing numbers of people elect ________(work) at home nowadays.
【答案】to work
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:现在越来越多的人选择在家工作。此处为短语elect to do sth.表示“选择做某事”。故填to work。
11.However, the majority of people ________(be)effective speakers because they train to be.
【详解】考查动词。句意:然而,大多数人之所以能成为有效的演讲者,是因为他们受过训练。“the majority of+复数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用复数,且根据句中的train可判断用一般现在时。故填are。
12.The majority of the damage ______(be) easy to repair.
【详解】考查主谓一致。句意:大部分的损坏是容易修复的。当the majoriy作主语时,谓语动词要根据the majoriy后面的名词来决定单复数,damage为不可数名词,故谓语动词用单数is。故填is。
13.We’re thinking about how we can engineer plants _______(replace) functions of the things that we use every day..
【答案】to replace
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:我们正在考虑如何才能改变植物的基因结构,使它们代替我们每天使用的这些东西的功能……根据句意可知,此处表示为了让它们代替,应用不定式作目的状语。故填to replace。
14.The industry has also taken aim at the product that has appeared as its ________(replace): reusable shopping bags.
【详解】考查名词。句意:该行业还将矛头对准了作为它的替代产品:可重复使用购物袋。根据空格前的as its可知,空格处需填入名词做介词as的宾语,且特指这一种产品的替代品,故用单数形式。replace为动词,意为“取代,替换”,其名词变形为replacement。故填replacement。
15.A person, unlike a machine, is not _______(replace).
16.I cannot replace you ________ her assistant.
17.Like any other public servants, police must respond ______ public demand.
【详解】考查介词。句意:和其他公务员一样,警察必须响应公众的要求。respond to“响应”是固定短语,故填to。
18.People have to change their clothes in ________(respond)to the bad weather.
【详解】考查名词。句意:为了应对恶劣的天气,人们不得不换衣服。分析句子可知,介词in后面应加名词,in response to表“对...作出反应”,为固定搭配。故填response。
19.The report found that youngsters felt their friendships could be at risk if they did not respond__________ social media posts quickly, and around the clock.
【详解】考查介词。句意:报告发现,年轻人认为如果他们不快速、不间断地回复社交媒体帖子,他们的友谊可能会受到威胁。结合句意可知,短语respond to“回复,回应”符合句意,故填to。
20.I think prison is going to be a ________(scare) thing for Harry.
21.Few people are not__________(scare) of sharks.
【详解】考查形容词。句意:很少有人不怕鲨鱼。分析句子结构可知,句子为主系表结构,空处需要形容词作表语。scared“害怕的”。be scared of“对...感到害怕”。故填scared。
22.The guide managed to assist the tourists________(find)somewhere to live during the World Cup.
【答案】to find
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:导游设法帮助游客在世界杯期间找到住的地方。此处为短语assit sb. to dosth.表示“帮助某人做某事”。故填to find。
23.Once in a while you will need an efficient technical support engineer to assist you _____________your findings.
【详解】考查固定短语。句意:有时你会需要一个高效的技术支持工程师来协助你的发现。assist sb. with sth.“帮助某人做某事”,是固定短语,故填with。
24.With the rapid development of science and technology, more and more people tend ________ (choose) to work from home.
【答案】to choose
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:随着科学技术的快速发展,越来越多的人倾向于选择在家工作。tend to do sth.为固定短语,意为“倾向于做某事”,空处需填动词不定式作宾语。故填to choose。
25.There is a ________ (tend) for people to spend more and more time on their mobile phones.
主题语境 重大政治 历史事件 文化渊源
1、admit vi. &vt. 承认 vt. 准许进入(或加入)
admission n. 入场费 门票费
只接动名词, 不接不定式作宾语的动词还有:
keep, delay, enjoy, practise, finish, imagine, suggest, advise, escape, miss, consider, mind等。
admit doing sth. /having done sth. 承认做了某事
admit sth. /that. . . 承认/认可……
admit sb. into. . . =allow sb. to enter. . .
允许某人进入……; 吸收某人参加……
be admitted to/into 被(某校)录取; 允许进入
2、claim vt. &n. 夺取(生命); 宣称; 断言
(1)claim vt. 声称, 宣称; 索要, 索取
claim to do/that. . . 声称……
claim for sth. 要求某物; 索要某物
claim sth. back索回某物, 要回某物
(2)claim n. 要求; 主张; 索赔
It is claimed that. . . 有人主张……; 据说……
have a claim to/on 有要求……的权利
3、definitely adv. 肯定; 确实
definite    adj. 明确的; 确定的
definition n. 释义; 定义
4、diverse adj. 不同的; 多种多样的
diversity     n. 多样性; 差异
diversify vt. 使多样化
5、escape vi. &vt. 逃走; 逃脱; 避开
(1)escape (doing) sth.  逃脱(做)某事
escape from/out of. . . 从……逃跑, 逃走
escape one’s attention/notice
逃过某人的注意; 被某人遗忘
(2)have a narrow escape 九死一生
make one’s escape 逃脱; 逃走
6、fortune n. 机会; 运气
(1)try one’s fortune   碰运气
tell sb. ’s fortune 为某人算命
make a fortune 发财
(2)fortunate adj. 幸运的; 运气好的
be fortunate to do sth. /be fortunate in having sth. 幸运地做/拥有……
(3)fortunately adv. 幸运地
7、influence vt. 影响; 对……起作用 n. 影响; 作用
(1)influence sb. to do sth.  影响某人去做某事
have an influence on/upon. . . 对……有影响
(2)under the influence of. . . 在……的影响下
(3)influential adj. 有影响力的
be influential in (doing) sth. 对(做)某事颇有影响
8、occur vi. 发生, 出现
sth. occur(s) to sb. 某人想到…; …浮现在某人的脑海中
It occurs to sb. to do/that从句 某人想到……
(1)occur vi. 可指某事偶然发生, 可与happen互换, 但比较正式。表示“某人想到”时, 用occur, 后接介词to
(2)happen vi. 特指某事偶然发生。表示“某人发生了某事”, 用sth. happen(s) to sb. ;
happen to do sth. 表示“碰巧做某事”
(3)take place 多指有计划、有目的、有步骤地发生, 比如举办活动、发生变化等
break out 多指自然灾害、战争、疾病的突然爆发
9、select vt. 选择; 挑选; 选拔
select. . . for. . .    为……挑选……
select sb. /sth. as/to be. . .
select. . . to do. . . 挑选/选择……做……
select. . . from. . . 从……中挑选……
selection n. 选择; 挑选
selected adj. 挑选出来的; 精选的
(1)select 强调在广泛的范围内进行“精选或淘汰”, 侧重以客观标准进行选择
(2)choose 普通用词, 侧重根据个人意愿和判断从众多的对象中进行选择, 着重被选者的优点。常与from或between连用
(3)elect 指按照一定的规章或法律, 用投票等方式进行认真慎重地选择, 常译为“选举
10、contain vt. 包含; 含有; 容纳; 克制
(1)contain oneself with sth. 使自己抑制住……
contain oneself 自制; 忍耐
(2)container n. 容器
contain可指所包含或容纳的全部或某物的成分; 其主语和宾语不属同类
include指作为整体中的一部分被包括进去, 其主语和宾语属同类, 是整体和部分的关系。常使用“including+被包含部分”或“被包含部分+included”
11、fluently adv. 流利地, 流畅地
fluency  n. 流利; 流畅
with fluency流利地 (=fluently)
fluent adj. 流利的; 流畅的 adj. 流利的; 流畅的
be fluent in (某种语言)说得流利
12、offer vt. 主动提出; 提供, 供应 n. 提议, 建议; 出价, 报价
(1)offer sb. sth. =offer sth. to sb.   提供给某人某物
offer to do sth. (=make an offer to do sth. )主动提出做某事
(2)make an offer提议; 出价; 提供
accept one’s offer接受某人的提议
on offer 提供的; 可买到; 削价出售
①supply sb. with sth. = supply sth. to sb.
②provide sb. with sth. = provide sth. for sb.
13、settle vt. &vi. 定居; 结束(争论); 解决(纠纷)
settle in/into 安顿下来; 习惯于; 适应
settle down (使)安定; 安居; 习惯于某种生活或工作
settle down to doing sth. 着手认真做某事
14、suit vt. 适合; 满足……需要; 相配; 合身
(1)suit sb. (fine)   
(很)合某人的意; 对某人(很)合适
suit. . . to. . . 使……适合于……
(2)a suit of一套……
(3)suitable adj. 适当的; 相配的; 恰当的
be suitable for. . . 适合于……
be suitable to do . . . 适合做……
(1)suit多指“合乎要求、口味等”, 也可表示(衣服等)颜色、款式、花样等适合
(3)match“使相称, 使匹配”, 指事物在大小、色调、性质等方面相配
15、traditionally adv. 传统上; 习惯上
traditional adj. 传统的; 因袭的; 守旧的
tradition n. 传统; 传统的信仰(或风俗)
1、in addition另外, 此外
in addition “另外(=as well)”, 相当于连接副词
in addition to “除……之外(还)(=as well as)”, 用作介词
2、bring about导致; 引起
除bring about外, 常见的表示“引起, 导致”的词汇还有:
cause, result in, lead to, contribute to等。
bring up  养育, 抚养; 提出; 呕吐
bring back 带回; 使想起
bring down 降低; 减少
bring in 引进; 赚得, 挣得
bring out 出版; 阐明; 使表现出
3、earn a living谋生
earn one’s/a living    谋生
earn/make a living by/from 靠……谋生
earn one’s own living 自食其力
earn money/a fortune 挣钱/大钱
earn sb. praise/a reputation 赢得赞扬/名声
4、head to/for (朝……)前进; (向……)去
5、seek one’s fortune寻找成功致富之路; 闯世界
seek v. (sought, sought)寻求, 寻找; 追求; 探求, 探索; 试图
seek to do sth. (正式)试图做某事
seek one’s fortune寻找致富(或成功)的机会
seek after/for 追求, 寻求
seek out 挑选出; 找出
6、used to do过去常常做
used to有两个否定形式和两个疑问形式。
一种直接使用used; 一种借助于助动词did, 如下:
used not to do=usedn’t to do
did not use to do=didn’t use to do
Used+主语+to+动词原形. . .
Did+主语+use+to+动词原形. . .
*Used your father to drink a lot
(1)used to do sth. 表示过去惯常化动作或常存在状态, 意为“过去常常做”
(2)be used to ( doing) sth 表示“习惯于……”, 其中to为介词, 后接(动)名词
(3)be used to do sth. 为被动语态, 意为“被用来做某事”
7、depend on/upon依靠, 依赖
depend on/upon sb. to do sth.
=depend on/upon sb. doing sth. 依赖/指望某人做某事
depend on sb. for sth. 指望/依赖某人得到某物
depend on/upon it that . . . 相信/指望……
That depends. /It all depends. 视情况而定。
depend on=rely on/upon=count on依赖, 依靠
【名师点津】rely on, depend on/upon等词后用that从句作宾语时, 必须先用 it 作形式宾语。
*Can I depend on it that you are able to do it well
有此用法的词还有: like/hate/appreciate等。
8、a number of许多, 大量的
a number of与the number of
(1)a number of 相当于numbers of大量, 许多。number可用形容词large, great和good来修饰。只修饰可数名词的复数形式, 作主语时, 谓语动词用复数
(2)the number of 表示“……的数目”, 后跟可数名词复数, 不作修饰语。
a great/good many
a large/great/good number of
a good few/quite a few
many a
a great/good deal of
a great/large amount of
quite a little
a lot of/lots of
a great/large quantity of
large quantities of
plenty of
9、participate in参与, 参加
participate    v. 参加; 参与
participant n. 参与者; 参加者
participation n. 参加; 参与
10、turn into变成
turn away 走开; 转身; 把某人拒之门外; 解雇; 转过脸去
turn up 调大(音量, 强度或流量); 出现
turn off 关上; 拐弯
turn down 关小; 调低; 拒绝
turn to sb. (for help) 求助于, 转向
turn out 生产; 结果是……
turn over 翻转; 交付给
turn in 上交
11、varieties of各种各样的
(1)variety    n. 种类
a variety of=varieties of 各种各样的
(2)various adj. 各种各样的
(3)vary vi. & vt. 变化, 不同; 使不同
vary in 在……方面不同
vary from. . . to. . . 从……到……变化
vary with 随着……变化
(1)a variety of/varieties of后接可数名词作主语时, 谓语动词用复数形式。
(2)the variety of+复数名词, 意为“……的品种”, 作主语时, 谓语动词用单数形式。
1、It is likely that . . . 为固定句式, 意为“很可能……”。
be likely to do sth.   很可能做某事
not likely 绝不可能, 才不呢(表示强烈反对)
(1)possible 强调客观上有可能, 但实际上可能性很小
It is possible that . .
It is possible (for sb. ) to do sth.
(2)probable 指有根据, 合情理。表示“大概, 很可能”。语气比possible要重, 是most likely之意
It is probable that . . .
(3)likely 是常用词, 指“从表面迹象来看很有可能”
It is likely that . . .
sb. /sth. be likely to do . . .
2、 it是形式主语, 真正的主语是后面的to do不定式
  it作形式主语时, 真正的主语还可以由“动名词”或“从句”充当。
*He had an interesting attitude to correction—he said it didn’t matter whether we made mistakes.
*It’s no harm drinking running water in that area.
3、not only. . . but also . . . “不但……而且……”, 用于连接并列成分, 若连接两个句子, 且not only位于句首时, not only后面的句子要用部分倒装。
(1) not only . . . but also . . . 用于连接两个表示并列关系的成分, 着重强调后者, 其意为“不仅……而且……”; 其中的also有时可以省略。
(2)not only. . . but also. . . 连接两个并列分句时, not only位于句首前一个分句用部分倒装结构, 而后一个分句不倒装。
(3)该结构连接两个并列主语时, 谓语动词的单复数与其靠近的主语保持一致, 即遵循“就近原则”。
*You should not only listen to the teacher’s and your classmates’ pronunciation, but also to tapes and broadcasting.
你不但应听老师和同学们的发音, 而且还要听录音带和广播。
*The teacher is not only good at English but also good at Japanese.
这位老师不仅英语好, 日语也不错。
*Not only did I pay off all my debts, but also I still saved some money to build a new house.
我不仅还清了债务, 而且还攒了些钱建新房。
*Not only the children but also their coach likes playing football.
不仅是孩子们, 他们的教练也喜欢踢足球。
1.The company’s silence on the subject has been taken as an___________(admit) of guilt.
2.The little boy had to admit ________(steal) the old lady’s wallet.
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:小男孩不得不承认偷了老太太的钱包。短语admit doing sth.表示“承认做过某事”。故填stealing。
3.His own children have a prior claim ________ the business.
【详解】考查介词。句意:他自己的子女对该企业享有优先权利。have a claim to有对……要求权。根据句意,故填to。
4.I’m___________(definite)going to take advantage of the precious chance.
【详解】考查副词。句意:我肯定会利用这个宝贵的机会。修饰动词用副词作状语,修饰谓语动词“am going to take advantage of ”用副词definitely。故填definitely。
5.---What is the meaning of “happiness” according to you
---Well, my_______(definite) of happiness is “the capacity for enjoyment”.
6.______ (diverse) is beneficial to environmental learning.
7.It is a pity that the kangaroo didn’t escape________ the hunter’s shot.
【详解】考查固定短语。句意:袋鼠没能逃过猎人的射击,真可惜。escape from是固定短语,意为“从……逃脱”,故填from。
8.The soldier managed to escape _______(catch).
【答案】being caught
【详解】考查固定搭配。句意:那个士兵设法逃避了被抓住。短语escape doing sth.意为“逃避做某事”,动词catch和主语the solider之间为被动关系,此处需用动名词的被动语态being caught。故填being caught。
9.It was_____________(fortune) that we all passed the exam.
【详解】考查形容词。句意:幸运的是我们都通过了考试。本句中的it为形式主语,that we all passed the exam是真正主语,空格前是连系动词was,因此应使用形容词fortunate与其构成系表结构,意为“幸运的”。故填fortunate。
10.__________ (fortune), the number of cyclists going through red lights is on the decrease.
11.Gambling has a bad influence ________ children.
【详解】考查介词。句意:赌博对孩子有不好的影响。have a bad influence on sb.表示“对某人有不好的影响”,所以空格处应填介词on。故填on。
12.He promised that he would become__________(influence) in some fields of society.
13.I suppose it didn’t occur ________ you to phone the police.
【详解】考查介词。句意:我想你没想过要给警察打电话。此处考查句型it occurred to sb to do sth,意为“某人突然想到做某事”。设空处应填介词to,后接宾语,作状语。故填to。
14.China’s Eastern Airlines MU5735 crash, having caused a great deal of concern, ________ (occur) on March 21,2022.
【详解】考查动词时态。句意:中国东方航空MU5737空难发生在2022年3月21日,引起了广泛关注。分析句子可知,提示词occur(发生)是句中谓语动词,与主语China’s eastern airline MU5737 crash是主动关系,结合时间状语on March 21,2022可知,发生在过去的事情用一般过去时态。故填occurred。
15.It’s easy to download data from the Internet. What is difficult is the ______ (select) of the proper materials among them.
16.Select what you want ________ the options available.
17.Hearing that the famous professor would give a lecture in his department, he couldn’t contain_________(he)with joy.
18.Once the ________(contain) is full, it stays shut until you turn it clockwise.
19.The team lacked ________ (fluent) during the first half.
20.Our foreign teacher speaks Chinese very ____________(fluent) as if he were Chinese.
【详解】 考查副词辨析。句意:我们的外籍老师汉语说得很流利,好像中国人一样。分析句子可知, fluent 在此修饰动词speak,修饰动词用副词。故填fluently。
21.We look forward to your________ (settle) at an early date.
【详解】考查名词。句意:我方期待着贵方早日解决这一问题。look forwrd to+名词/动名词,意为“期待”,设空前有形容词性物主代词your,设空处应填名词,故填settlement。
22.The trial period was over,and I could settle down to________ (build) a closer contact with the apes.
23.However, his adviser helped him choose ________ (suit)courses and recommended that he should sign up for advanced literature.
24.__________ (tradition), Chinese New Year is a time for families to reunite.
25.Let’s settle down ________our studies. It’s a waste of time surfing the Internet every day.
【详解】考查固定搭配。句意:让我们安心学习吧。每天上网是浪费时间。分析句子结构和意思可知,这里考查固定搭配settle down to sth.,表示“专心致志于某事”的意思。故填to。必|修|第三册
主题语境 不同民族文化习俗与传统节日
1、congratulate vt. 向(某人)道贺; (因某事)为自己感到自豪
(1)congratulate sb. (on sth. )   祝贺; 庆贺; 道喜
congratulate oneself (on/upon doing sth. )(因做某事)为自己感到自豪
(2)congratulation n. 祝贺; 恭喜
congratulations on (doing) sth. 祝贺
offer congratulations to sb. on (doing) sth. 向某人祝贺
2、figure n. 人物; 数字; 身材vt. 认为; 认定
(1)figure sth. in 将某事物包括在内; 计算在内
(2)figure out 理解; 弄明白; 计算出
(3)keep one’s figure 保持身材
3、gather vi. 聚集; 集合vt. 聚集; 搜集; 收割
(1)gather round/around 聚集
(2)gather in 收割
4、grateful adj. 感激的; 表示感谢的
(1)be grateful to sb. for sth.   因为某事对某人感激
be grateful +that从句 感激……, 感谢……
(2)gratefully adv. 感激地
(1)I would be grateful if. . . =I would appreciate it if. . .
(2)be grateful +that从句= be thankful +that从句
(3)gratefully = thankfully
5、range n. 一系列; 范围、界限vi. 包括; (在一定范围内)变化
(1)a wide range of  大范围的, 各种各样的
(2)within range of在……范围内
(3)out of/beyond range of超出……的范围
(4)range from. . . to. . . 包括从……到……之间
6、reflect vt. 显示; 反映; 反射
(1)be reflected in sth. 倒映在; 在……中看到
reflect on/upon sth. 反思, 思考
(2)reflection n. 显示; 反映; 反射; 映像, 思考
on reflection经过深思
7、pleased adj. 高兴的; 满意的
(1)be pleased to do sth.  很高兴做某事
be pleased at /about/ with. . . 对……感到满意
be pleased +that从句 很高兴……
(2)please v. 使高兴, 喜欢interj. 请
(3)pleasure n. 高兴
(4)pleasant adj. 令人愉快的
(1)pleased主要用来说明人, 表示“感到高兴或满意”
(2)pleasant多指令人愉快的东西, 具有自然吸引力
(3)pleasing pleasing和pleasant都表示“令人愉快的”, 可以互换, 且pleasant更常用
8、represent vt. 象征; 代表; 相当于
(1)representative n. 代表
9、respect n. &vt. 尊敬; 尊重 n. 表现; 表示; 代表
(1) have/show respect for sb. =respect sb. 尊敬某人
(2)respect n. 方面
in all respects (=in every respect) 在各方面
(3)respects n. 敬意, 问候
give one’s respects to 向……致候
1、take advantage of 利用; 欺骗; 占……的便宜
(1)have the advantage over 比……有利, 占优势
(2)to sb. ’s advantage 对某人有利或有帮助
2、have sth. in common (兴趣、想法等方面)相同; 有相同的特征
(1)have nothing/little in common with. . . 和……没有/几乎没有共同点
(2)have everything/much/a lot in common with. . . 和……完全相同/有很多共同点
(3)in common with sb. /sth. 与某人/某物一样
3、dress (sb. ) up 穿上盛装; 装扮
(1)dress up as  装扮成
(2)be dressed in 穿着
(1)put on 着重于“穿”这一动作, 即由没穿到穿这一过程的完成, 意为“穿上”
(2)wear 强调“穿着”这一状态时, 相当于be dressed in, 也可表示“戴着”
(3)dress 既可表示动作, 又可表示状态, 常由人作宾语, 意为“给……穿衣服”
(4)be in 强调“穿着, 戴着”的状态, 后面多接颜色或表示衣服的词
4、to be frank 坦白说; 坦率地说
(1)frankly speaking 坦白说; 坦率地说
(2)to be honest=honestly speaking 老实说
(3)to tell the truth 说实话
to be frank, frankly speaking, to be honest, to tell the truth
用作插入语, 通常位于句首。to be frank 坦白说; 坦率地说
5、go off 爆炸; 走火; 离开
go against sb. 对某人不利, 反对某人
go after 追逐; 设法得到
go away 走开
go down (指船等)沉没; (指日﹑月)落下; (价格、温度、水平等)下降
6、set off 出发; 动身; 启程; 引起; 使爆炸
set about doing sth. =set out to do sth. 开始做某事
set sth. aside 将某物放在一边; 节省或保留(钱或时间)
set out 出发
set up 建立
(1)该句为复合句, no matter how相当于however, 引导让步状语从句。
(2)“no matter+特殊疑问词”引导让步状语从句时, 相当于“特殊疑问词+-ever”。
*However/ No matter how much we work out, however/ no matter how well we eat, we can’t be in top physical shape unless we get plenty of sleep.
无论我们锻炼多少, 无论我们吃得多好, 如果没有充足的睡眠, 我们就不会有健康的身体。
*No matter who/Whoever can answer one of my questions, he/she shall receive a prize.
无论谁能回答我的一个问题, 他/她就能获奖。
whatever, whoever, whichever不仅可以引导让步状语从句还可以引导名词性从句, 但no matter what/who/which只能引导让步状语从句。
As many as ten courses are provided, and you are free to choose whichever suits you best.
提供的课程多达10种, 你可以自由选择最适合你的。
(1)该句是简单句, 其中it作形式宾语, 动词不定式作真正的宾语。
(2)it作形式宾语时, 常用于以下结构中: make/find/think/consider + it + adj. /n. +动词不定式/动词-ing形式/从句; like/hate/depend on+it+从句; take it for granted +that从句/动词不定式。
*George made it clear what he wanted.
*I think it convenient to come at two.
*Even now I find it hard to believe her story.
*I like it when you smile.
*After leaving school, he went to Beijing to earn money.
毕业后, 他就去北京挣钱去了。
*The driver passed by, blowing the horn.
*The boy entered the classroom, singing a song as if there were nobody in it.
那个男孩唱着歌走进教室, 好像里面没人
(1)after/before+动词的-ing形式作状语, 此时after/before是介词。
(2)伴随状语常用动词的-ing形式, 与句子主语之间是逻辑上的主动关系;
但有时也用过去分词, 与句子主语之间是逻辑上的被动关系。
(3)as if表示“好像”时, 后面的从句可以用陈述语气, 也可以用虚拟语气。
用陈述语气时, 从句中的时态视具体情况而定。
如果与现在事实相反, 用一般过去时, 遇到be动词, 常用were;
如果与过去事实相反, 常用过去完成时;
如果与将来事实相反, 常用过去将来时。
1.There stand many stone sculptures of famous historical _________ (figure).
2.She did a number of jobs, ___________ (range) from chef to swimming instructor.
3.The astronaut________(respect)by all his followers.
4.Please send my ________ (respect) to them when you write.
5.The tiger is a ________ (represent) of the cat family.
6.His daughter ___________ him at the ceremony, which was a symbolic ___________ of power transition.(represent)
7.The reason why he is lost in_______ (reflect) is that he is reflecting____ the problem,which ______ (reflect) in the list.
8.The increase in crime is a sad__________(reflect)on our society today.
9.In any given office, employees can range from age 22 ________ 70 and beyond, and finding common ground in communication style can be a challenge.
10.Activities there range________ whale watching to hiking (远足) and accommodations aiming to have a low impact on the natural environment.
11.You can congratulate yourself _________ having done a good job.
12.I was delighted to see you win the first prize. I’m writing to convey my sincere ______(congratulate) to you.
13.Hardly had “Jiang Xinran” won the gold medal at Tokyo Olympic Games when her parents ________ (congratulate) her.
14.Whenever the baby cried, I needed to figure________ the reason: was the little one hungry or did he need sleep
15.It is difficult ________ (figure) out a global population of polar bears…
16.“I don’t need a bag, ”I told the cashier, ________(figure)I’d put my few items into a green bag.
17.There is no doubt that we should be grateful ________ these volunteers.
18.I am very grateful_________ all your help.
19.I’m going to take advantage____________ this tour to explore the history of the castle.
20.Twins as they are, they have little__________common with each other.
21.The assistant who served her did not like the way she was dressed ________, he told her that the dress was sold.
22.________ (dress) up as a Father Christmas, he set off down the main street.
23.The mountains__________(reflect)in the water.
24.If _________(dress) in a white uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor.
25.Let them know that you are there to help in any way that is acceptable, while still________(respect)the privacy of your neighbour.
主题语境 优秀品行 正确的人生态度 公民义务和社会责任
1、appoint vt. 任命; 委任
(1)appoint sb. as/to be. . .  任命某人
appoint sb. to do sth. 指派某人做某事
(2)appointment n. 任命; 约会
make an appointment with sb. 与某人约会
keep (break) an appointment 守约(失约)
2、complain vi. &vt. 抱怨; 发牢骚
(1)complain to sb.  向某人诉说
complain about sth. 抱怨……
(2)complaint n. 投诉, 抱怨, 怨言
make a complaint about 抱怨……
3、dilemma n. 进退两难的境地; 困境
put sb. into a dilemma 使某人陷入困境
in a dilemma 处于困境中
4、elect vt. 选举, 推选
(1)elect sb. to be/as. . .   选举某人为……
elect to do sth. 决定做某事
(2)election n. 选举; 推选; 当选
5、majority n. 大部分; 大多数
(1)the/a majority of   大多数的……
in the majority 占多数
minority n. 少数, 少部分
a minority of 少数的……
the majority of后接名词用法
“the majority of+名词”用作主语时, 谓语动词与名词保持一致。
“the majority of+复数名词”用作主语时, 谓语动词用复数;
“the majority of+不可数名词”用作主语时, 谓语动词用单数。
6、replace vt. 接替; 取代; 更换
(1) replace sth. with sth.  用某物替代某物
take the place of =take one’s place 取代
7、respond vt. 回答; 回复 vi. 做出反应; 回应
(1)respond to sb. 答复某人
respond to sth. 对……做出回应
(2)response n. 反应; 回答; 答复
in response to 为了回应
8、scare vt. 惊吓; 使害怕 vi. 受惊吓
(1)scare away/off 吓走, 吓跑……
be scared to death 吓得要死
(2)scared adj. 害怕的; 对……感到惊慌或恐惧的
be scared of sb. /sth. 害怕某人或某事
be scared to do sth. 不敢去做某事
(3)scary adj. 可怕的; 恐怖的
9、tend vt. 照顾; 照料 vi. 倾向; 趋于
(1) tend to do sth.  倾向于做某事
tend sb. /sth. 照料/照看……
(2)tendency n. 倾向, 趋势
have a tendency to do sth. 有做某事的倾向
10、assist vt. 帮助; 援助
(1)assist sb. in doing sth.   帮助某人做某事
assist sb. with sth. 帮助某人某事
(2)assistance n. 帮助; 援助
(3)assistant n. 助手; 助理
11、despair n. 绝望 vi. 绝望; 感到无望
(1)in despair   处于绝望之中
the despair of sb. 令某人毫无办法
(2)despair of sth. 对……感到绝望或丧失信心
12、disguise vt. 装扮; 假扮; 掩盖 n. 伪装; 化妆用具
(1)in disguise 化了装地; 乔装改扮地
(2)there’s no disguising the fact that ……是掩饰不了的
13、harm n. &vt. 伤害; 损害
(1)do harm to 对……有害
(2)harmful adj. 有害的
be harmful to 对……有害
(3)harmless adj. 无害的
14、memory n. 记忆力; 回忆
(1)in memory of  作为对……的纪念
(2)memorable adj. 值得纪念的; 值得回忆的
15、tear n. 眼泪; 泪水
(1)in tears    流着泪, 含着泪
burst into tears 大哭起来
(2)tear vt. 撕开, 撕裂
tear apart 撕开, 撕碎
16、whisper vi. &vt. 悄声说; 低语; 耳语
(1)whisper (sth. ) to sb.  与某人悄声说……
(2)in a whisper 低声地; 悄声地
1、carry sb. through sth. 帮助某人渡过难关
carry through 完成; 进行到底
carry out 执行, 实行; 贯彻; 实现
carry on 开展; 维持; 继续
carry forward 继承, 弘扬
2、a great deal (of) 大量
much; a (great) deal of;
a bit of;
(an)(large)amount of/amounts of
3、pass away 去世
1、比较级与否定词连用, 表示最高级。
*If you are free, nothing will be better if you can come to China to attend a traditional wedding. 如果你有空的话, 要是你能来中国参加一场传统婚礼那就最好了。
*In my opinion, nothing is more important than health in life.
在我看来, 在生活中健康是最重要的。
Nothing is more difficult than that.
没有什么比那更难了。(意译: 那最难了。)
此外, “否定词+比较级”也可表示强调
I couldn’t agree with you any more.
*The book I read is about Tu Youyou, the first Chinese woman scientist to win the Nobel Prize.
我读的这本书是关于屠呦呦的, 她是第一个获得诺贝尔奖的中国女性科学家。
*But Wang Hui, the last to run, fell down suddenly when he took the stick from another boy. 但是最后一个跑的王辉, 在从另一个男孩那里接过接力棒的时候突然摔倒了。
如果名词前面有序数词和形容词最高级, 后面就用动词不定式作后置定语, 如:
*She is the first one to arrive. 她是第一个到的。
*All of a sudden I noticed a foreign woman coming hurriedly and shouting in English, “ Help! ”
突然, 我看到一名外国女士匆忙跑过来, 并用英语大声喊着“救命! ”
*I was delighted to see you win the first prize.
感官动词的复合结构, 也就是后跟宾语+宾语补足语。
宾语补足语有三种形式: 现在分词, 省略to的不定式和过去分词。
省略to的不定式表示已经完成, 或者是经常发生;
独立主格结构由两部分组成, 前一部分是名词或者代词, 后一部分是非谓语动词(不定式、现在分词、过去分词)或形容词、副词、名词或介词短语。前后两部分具有逻辑主谓关系。
*Steven walked slowly to the bus, his head down, tears in his eyes.
史蒂文慢慢地走向公交车, 低着头, 满含泪水。
*The work done, we went home.
工作完成后, 我们就回家了。
1.You are required to have a blood test. Please eat and drink as normal before your ______ (appoint). There is no need to fast.
2.He realised that something needed to change, and, being a London media type, ________(appoint)himself “marketing director for Nature”.
3.She became the first woman ever __________(appoint) as director in the company.
4.I am now writing to make a________ (complain) against the service of your hotel.
5.There is no sense in _______________ (complain). We should take action now.
6.It’s no good________(complain) to your boss about so much work.
7.The President is clearly________a dilemma about how to deal with the crisis.
8.The bad weather puts us in ________ dilemma — shall we move on or go back
9.We expressed our congratulations to him on his winning the ______________(elect).
10.Increasing numbers of people elect ________(work) at home nowadays.
11.However, the majority of people ________(be)effective speakers because they train to be.
12.The majority of the damage ______(be) easy to repair.
13.We’re thinking about how we can engineer plants _______(replace) functions of the things that we use every day..
14.The industry has also taken aim at the product that has appeared as its ________(replace): reusable shopping bags.
15.A person, unlike a machine, is not _______(replace).
16.I cannot replace you ________ her assistant.
17.Like any other public servants, police must respond ______ public demand.
18.People have to change their clothes in ________(respond)to the bad weather.
19.The report found that youngsters felt their friendships could be at risk if they did not respond__________ social media posts quickly, and around the clock.
20.I think prison is going to be a ________(scare) thing for Harry.
21.Few people are not__________(scare) of sharks.
22.The guide managed to assist the tourists________(find)somewhere to live during the World Cup.
23.Once in a while you will need an efficient technical support engineer to assist you _____________your findings.
24.With the rapid development of science and technology, more and more people tend ________ (choose) to work from home.
25.There is a ________ (tend) for people to spend more and more time on their mobile phones.
主题语境 重大政治 历史事件 文化渊源
1、admit vi. &vt. 承认 vt. 准许进入(或加入)
admission n. 入场费 门票费
只接动名词, 不接不定式作宾语的动词还有:
keep, delay, enjoy, practise, finish, imagine, suggest, advise, escape, miss, consider, mind等。
admit doing sth. /having done sth. 承认做了某事
admit sth. /that. . . 承认/认可……
admit sb. into. . . =allow sb. to enter. . .
允许某人进入……; 吸收某人参加……
be admitted to/into 被(某校)录取; 允许进入
2、claim vt. &n. 夺取(生命); 宣称; 断言
(1)claim vt. 声称, 宣称; 索要, 索取
claim to do/that. . . 声称……
claim for sth. 要求某物; 索要某物
claim sth. back索回某物, 要回某物
(2)claim n. 要求; 主张; 索赔
It is claimed that. . . 有人主张……; 据说……
have a claim to/on 有要求……的权利
3、definitely adv. 肯定; 确实
definite    adj. 明确的; 确定的
definition n. 释义; 定义
4、diverse adj. 不同的; 多种多样的
diversity     n. 多样性; 差异
diversify vt. 使多样化
5、escape vi. &vt. 逃走; 逃脱; 避开
(1)escape (doing) sth.  逃脱(做)某事
escape from/out of. . . 从……逃跑, 逃走
escape one’s attention/notice
逃过某人的注意; 被某人遗忘
(2)have a narrow escape 九死一生
make one’s escape 逃脱; 逃走
6、fortune n. 机会; 运气
(1)try one’s fortune   碰运气
tell sb. ’s fortune 为某人算命
make a fortune 发财
(2)fortunate adj. 幸运的; 运气好的
be fortunate to do sth. /be fortunate in having sth. 幸运地做/拥有……
(3)fortunately adv. 幸运地
7、influence vt. 影响; 对……起作用 n. 影响; 作用
(1)influence sb. to do sth.  影响某人去做某事
have an influence on/upon. . . 对……有影响
(2)under the influence of. . . 在……的影响下
(3)influential adj. 有影响力的
be influential in (doing) sth. 对(做)某事颇有影响
8、occur vi. 发生, 出现
sth. occur(s) to sb. 某人想到…; …浮现在某人的脑海中
It occurs to sb. to do/that从句 某人想到……
(1)occur vi. 可指某事偶然发生, 可与happen互换, 但比较正式。表示“某人想到”时, 用occur, 后接介词to
(2)happen vi. 特指某事偶然发生。表示“某人发生了某事”, 用sth. happen(s) to sb. ;
happen to do sth. 表示“碰巧做某事”
(3)take place 多指有计划、有目的、有步骤地发生, 比如举办活动、发生变化等
break out 多指自然灾害、战争、疾病的突然爆发
9、select vt. 选择; 挑选; 选拔
select. . . for. . .    为……挑选……
select sb. /sth. as/to be. . .
select. . . to do. . . 挑选/选择……做……
select. . . from. . . 从……中挑选……
selection n. 选择; 挑选
selected adj. 挑选出来的; 精选的
(1)select 强调在广泛的范围内进行“精选或淘汰”, 侧重以客观标准进行选择
(2)choose 普通用词, 侧重根据个人意愿和判断从众多的对象中进行选择, 着重被选者的优点。常与from或between连用
(3)elect 指按照一定的规章或法律, 用投票等方式进行认真慎重地选择, 常译为“选举
10、contain vt. 包含; 含有; 容纳; 克制
(1)contain oneself with sth. 使自己抑制住……
contain oneself 自制; 忍耐
(2)container n. 容器
contain可指所包含或容纳的全部或某物的成分; 其主语和宾语不属同类
include指作为整体中的一部分被包括进去, 其主语和宾语属同类, 是整体和部分的关系。常使用“including+被包含部分”或“被包含部分+included”
11、fluently adv. 流利地, 流畅地
fluency  n. 流利; 流畅
with fluency流利地 (=fluently)
fluent adj. 流利的; 流畅的 adj. 流利的; 流畅的
be fluent in (某种语言)说得流利
12、offer vt. 主动提出; 提供, 供应 n. 提议, 建议; 出价, 报价
(1)offer sb. sth. =offer sth. to sb.   提供给某人某物
offer to do sth. (=make an offer to do sth. )主动提出做某事
(2)make an offer提议; 出价; 提供
accept one’s offer接受某人的提议
on offer 提供的; 可买到; 削价出售
①supply sb. with sth. = supply sth. to sb.
②provide sb. with sth. = provide sth. for sb.
13、settle vt. &vi. 定居; 结束(争论); 解决(纠纷)
settle in/into 安顿下来; 习惯于; 适应
settle down (使)安定; 安居; 习惯于某种生活或工作
settle down to doing sth. 着手认真做某事
14、suit vt. 适合; 满足……需要; 相配; 合身
(1)suit sb. (fine)   
(很)合某人的意; 对某人(很)合适
suit. . . to. . . 使……适合于……
(2)a suit of一套……
(3)suitable adj. 适当的; 相配的; 恰当的
be suitable for. . . 适合于……
be suitable to do . . . 适合做……
(1)suit多指“合乎要求、口味等”, 也可表示(衣服等)颜色、款式、花样等适合
(3)match“使相称, 使匹配”, 指事物在大小、色调、性质等方面相配
15、traditionally adv. 传统上; 习惯上
traditional adj. 传统的; 因袭的; 守旧的
tradition n. 传统; 传统的信仰(或风俗)
1、in addition另外, 此外
in addition “另外(=as well)”, 相当于连接副词
in addition to “除……之外(还)(=as well as)”, 用作介词
2、bring about导致; 引起
除bring about外, 常见的表示“引起, 导致”的词汇还有:
cause, result in, lead to, contribute to等。
bring up  养育, 抚养; 提出; 呕吐
bring back 带回; 使想起
bring down 降低; 减少
bring in 引进; 赚得, 挣得
bring out 出版; 阐明; 使表现出
3、earn a living谋生
earn one’s/a living    谋生
earn/make a living by/from 靠……谋生
earn one’s own living 自食其力
earn money/a fortune 挣钱/大钱
earn sb. praise/a reputation 赢得赞扬/名声
4、head to/for (朝……)前进; (向……)去
5、seek one’s fortune寻找成功致富之路; 闯世界
seek v. (sought, sought)寻求, 寻找; 追求; 探求, 探索; 试图
seek to do sth. (正式)试图做某事
seek one’s fortune寻找致富(或成功)的机会
seek after/for 追求, 寻求
seek out 挑选出; 找出
6、used to do过去常常做
used to有两个否定形式和两个疑问形式。
一种直接使用used; 一种借助于助动词did, 如下:
used not to do=usedn’t to do
did not use to do=didn’t use to do
Used+主语+to+动词原形. . .
Did+主语+use+to+动词原形. . .
*Used your father to drink a lot
(1)used to do sth. 表示过去惯常化动作或常存在状态, 意为“过去常常做”
(2)be used to ( doing) sth 表示“习惯于……”, 其中to为介词, 后接(动)名词
(3)be used to do sth. 为被动语态, 意为“被用来做某事”
7、depend on/upon依靠, 依赖
depend on/upon sb. to do sth.
=depend on/upon sb. doing sth. 依赖/指望某人做某事
depend on sb. for sth. 指望/依赖某人得到某物
depend on/upon it that . . . 相信/指望……
That depends. /It all depends. 视情况而定。
depend on=rely on/upon=count on依赖, 依靠
【名师点津】rely on, depend on/upon等词后用that从句作宾语时, 必须先用 it 作形式宾语。
*Can I depend on it that you are able to do it well
有此用法的词还有: like/hate/appreciate等。
8、a number of许多, 大量的
a number of与the number of
(1)a number of 相当于numbers of大量, 许多。number可用形容词large, great和good来修饰。只修饰可数名词的复数形式, 作主语时, 谓语动词用复数
(2)the number of 表示“……的数目”, 后跟可数名词复数, 不作修饰语。
a great/good many
a large/great/good number of
a good few/quite a few
many a
a great/good deal of
a great/large amount of
quite a little
a lot of/lots of
a great/large quantity of
large quantities of
plenty of
9、participate in参与, 参加
participate    v. 参加; 参与
participant n. 参与者; 参加者
participation n. 参加; 参与
10、turn into变成
turn away 走开; 转身; 把某人拒之门外; 解雇; 转过脸去
turn up 调大(音量, 强度或流量); 出现
turn off 关上; 拐弯
turn down 关小; 调低; 拒绝
turn to sb. (for help) 求助于, 转向
turn out 生产; 结果是……
turn over 翻转; 交付给
turn in 上交
11、varieties of各种各样的
(1)variety    n. 种类
a variety of=varieties of 各种各样的
(2)various adj. 各种各样的
(3)vary vi. & vt. 变化, 不同; 使不同
vary in 在……方面不同
vary from. . . to. . . 从……到……变化
vary with 随着……变化
(1)a variety of/varieties of后接可数名词作主语时, 谓语动词用复数形式。
(2)the variety of+复数名词, 意为“……的品种”, 作主语时, 谓语动词用单数形式。
1、It is likely that . . . 为固定句式, 意为“很可能……”。
be likely to do sth.   很可能做某事
not likely 绝不可能, 才不呢(表示强烈反对)
(1)possible 强调客观上有可能, 但实际上可能性很小
It is possible that . .
It is possible (for sb. ) to do sth.
(2)probable 指有根据, 合情理。表示“大概, 很可能”。语气比possible要重, 是most likely之意
It is probable that . . .
(3)likely 是常用词, 指“从表面迹象来看很有可能”
It is likely that . . .
sb. /sth. be likely to do . . .
2、 it是形式主语, 真正的主语是后面的to do不定式
  it作形式主语时, 真正的主语还可以由“动名词”或“从句”充当。
*He had an interesting attitude to correction—he said it didn’t matter whether we made mistakes.
*It’s no harm drinking running water in that area.
3、not only. . . but also . . . “不但……而且……”, 用于连接并列成分, 若连接两个句子, 且not only位于句首时, not only后面的句子要用部分倒装。
(1) not only . . . but also . . . 用于连接两个表示并列关系的成分, 着重强调后者, 其意为“不仅……而且……”; 其中的also有时可以省略。
(2)not only. . . but also. . . 连接两个并列分句时, not only位于句首前一个分句用部分倒装结构, 而后一个分句不倒装。
(3)该结构连接两个并列主语时, 谓语动词的单复数与其靠近的主语保持一致, 即遵循“就近原则”。
*You should not only listen to the teacher’s and your classmates’ pronunciation, but also to tapes and broadcasting.
你不但应听老师和同学们的发音, 而且还要听录音带和广播。
*The teacher is not only good at English but also good at Japanese.
这位老师不仅英语好, 日语也不错。
*Not only did I pay off all my debts, but also I still saved some money to build a new house.
我不仅还清了债务, 而且还攒了些钱建新房。
*Not only the children but also their coach likes playing football.
不仅是孩子们, 他们的教练也喜欢踢足球。
1.The company’s silence on the subject has been taken as an___________(admit) of guilt.
2.The little boy had to admit ________(steal) the old lady’s wallet.
3.His own children have a prior claim ________ the business.
4.I’m___________(definite)going to take advantage of the precious chance.
5.---What is the meaning of “happiness” according to you
---Well, my_______(definite) of happiness is “the capacity for enjoyment”.
6.______ (diverse) is beneficial to environmental learning.
7.It is a pity that the kangaroo didn’t escape________ the hunter’s shot.
8.The soldier managed to escape _______(catch).
9.It was_____________(fortune) that we all passed the exam.
10.__________ (fortune), the number of cyclists going through red lights is on the decrease.
11.Gambling has a bad influence ________ children.
12.He promised that he would become__________(influence) in some fields of society.
13.I suppose it didn’t occur ________ you to phone the police.
14.China’s Eastern Airlines MU5735 crash, having caused a great deal of concern, ________ (occur) on March 21,2022.
15.It’s easy to download data from the Internet. What is difficult is the ______ (select) of the proper materials among them.
16.Select what you want ________ the options available.
17.Hearing that the famous professor would give a lecture in his department, he couldn’t contain_________(he)with joy.
18.Once the ________(contain) is full, it stays shut until you turn it clockwise.
19.The team lacked ________ (fluent) during the first half.
20.Our foreign teacher speaks Chinese very ____________(fluent) as if he were Chinese.
21.We look forward to your________ (settle) at an early date.
22.The trial period was over,and I could settle down to________ (build) a closer contact with the apes.
23.However, his adviser helped him choose ________ (suit)courses and recommended that he should sign up for advanced literature.
24.__________ (tradition), Chinese New Year is a time for families to reunite.
25.Let’s settle down ________our studies. It’s a waste of time surfing the Internet every day.