人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit 3 Sports and Fitness Words 课件-(17张ppt)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit 3 Sports and Fitness Words 课件-(17张ppt)
格式 pptx
文件大小 1.4MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-11-08 07:30:48



Fitness n .健康;健壮;适合
a fitness class / club / centre 健身课程/俱乐部/中心
Fitness has now become an important element in our lives .现在,健康已经成为我们生活中的一个重要因素。
No one doubts his fitness for the position .谁也不怀疑他适合担任这一职务。
① fit adj .适合的;健康的;合格的 vi .& vt .( fitted , fitted )适合;(对某人)合身
be fit for 适合;能胜任 be fit to do ..适合做....
keep / stay fit 保持健康 fit sb. (衣服)合某人的身
They are fit to perform these tasks because they have the necessary business domain knowledge .他们适合执行这些任务,因为他们具有必要的商务领城的知识。
unfit adj 不合适的;不健康的;不合格的
Would you like to come along ?你愿意一起去吗?
come along
When the opportunity comes along ,take it .机会出现时,抓住它。
When you finaly let go of the past , something better will come along ,当你终于对过去释怀时,更好的事就会随之而来。
Are you sure you want all our friends to come along ?你确定你想让我们的朋友都一起来吗?
Come along or we 'll be late .快点儿吧,不然我们就迟到了。
联想拓展含有 come 的其他常用短语
come about 发生(常用 How did it come about ) come true 实现
come to a decision / a conclusion / an agreement 作出决定;得出结论;达成协议
come across 偶遇;偶然发现 come out 出现;(花)开放;出版
come up 走近;长出地面;(太阳或月亮)升起;被提到(意为“被提到”时,其主语是表示看法、办法、计划等的名词,为不及物动词词组)
come up with 想出;提出;拿出(其主语是人, with 后接表示看法、观点、计划、问题等的名词)
When I come across a good article in the newspaper , Ioften want to cut and keep it .当我在报纸上遇到一篇好文章,我常想把它剪下来收藏。
The famous writer’s new book My New Life will come out next month .这位著名作家的新书《我的新生活》将于下月出版。
One of the teachers came up and started talking to me .
The snowdrop В are just beginning to come up .雪花莲刚开始破土发芽。
We watched the sun come up .我们观看了日出。
The question is sure to come up at the meeting ,会上一定会提到这个问题。
lt 's disappointing that no good idea has come up in the meeting to help us out of trouble .
I hope that you can come up with a better idea than this .
come and work out at a gym !
Mary works out every day to keep fit .玛丽每天锻炼以保持健康。
We ’ ll have to work out how much food we ’ll need for the party .我们必须算出这次聚会需要多少食物[(朗文当代》]
It took me some time to work out these dificult problems .
I hope the project will work out well .我希望这个项目进展顺利。
联想拓展含有 out 的其他常用短语
break out 爆发;突然发生 give out 停止运转;用尽;分发;宣布;发出(光、热等)
leave out 不包括;遗漏 run out 用完;耗尽
look / watch out 当心 point out 指出
He was only a child when the war broke out .战争爆发时他还只是个孩子。
There are people giving out leaflets at the gate of our school .有人正在我们学校门口发传单。
The lamp gave out a harsh light .灯发出刺眼的光。
Her name is left out in the membership list .她的名字没有在会员名单中
His money soon ran out ,他的钱很快就用完了。
The teacher pointed out his mistake without hesitation .
Look / Watch out ! The boys are seting off fireworks in the street ,当心!男孩们正在街上放烟花。
make it 获得成功;准时到达(尤指在田难情况下,后常接 to );能够出席/到场;幸免于难;渡过难关
I am glad we were able to make it to the theatre on time .我很高兴我们准时赶到了剧院。
She practised hard and finally made it .她刻苦训练,最终成功了。
Frank was very ill , and the doctors didn’t think he’d make it .弗兰克病情非常严重,医生们认为他挺不过来了。
联想拓展含有 make 的其他常用短语
be made of / from ..…由………制成(可辨认原材料用 be made of ;无法辨认原材料用 be made from )
be made into .…被制成……
make out 理解;声称;辨认出;填写(表格)
make up 补上;凑足;补齐;组成;化妆;编造;创作;和解
make up for 弥补(不好的情况或影响)
I used to come here every day when I first started .
used to 过去常常.
I never used to enjoy science , but last year I changed schools , and the science teachers at my new school are excelent .过去我从不喜欢理科,但是去年我转学了,新学校的理科老师们都很棒。
① used to do 与 would 均可表示过去的习惯,有时可互换。如果强调与现在的对比或者与状态动词连用时,通常要用 used to 。
We used to / would go there every year ,我们过去毎年都去那儿。
She doesn ’ t work here now , but she used to .她现在不在这儿工作了,但她曾经在这里工作过。
used to 有两种台定形式机疑可形式:
一种直接使用 used :另一种借助于助动词 did 。
否定形式 used not (= usedn’ t ) to do / did not (= didn’ t ) use to do
疑问形式 Used +主语+to +动词原形?/ Did +主语+use to +动词原形?
used to do sth
表示过去惯用的动作或状态,但现在不存在了。 o
“ This used to be the center of town ,” he said .他说:“这里曾是城镇的中心。
get / be used to ( doing ) sth
表示“习惯于(做)某事”, to 为介词,后接名词、代词或动
Villagers have long been used to facing a drive when they run out of basic supplies .长期以来,村民们在生活必需品用完的时候,已经习惯了开车去买。
be used to do sth
动词 use 的被动语态,表示“被用来做某事”。 o This application is used to help memorise English words .这款应用程序被用来帮助记英语单词。
As a player , Lang Ping brought honour and glory to her country .
honour n .荣誉;尊敬;荣幸;荣誉称号
in honour of sb / sth = in sb ’ s / sth ’ s honour 向某某物表示敬意;为了纪念某人某物
be an honour to sb / sth 是某人/某事物的光荣
have the honour of ( doing ) sth 得到某殊荣/有幸做某事
it is an honour to do sth 做某事是荣幸的
A special dinner wil be held in her honour .将举办一次特别的晚宴向她致敬。
honour sb. for sth.因某事表扬某人
Now that you have expressed your determination , you should act .既然已经表达了你的决心,你就应该付诸行动。
determine vt .决定;确定;查明 [近] decide vi .& vt .决定
determine on / upon ( doing ) sth. 决定(做)某事
determine to do sth. 决心做某事
Attitude determines everything .态度决定一切。
Have you determined on spending your holiday in London = Have you determined to spend your holiday in London ?你已决定在伦敦度假了吗?
determined adj .坚定的;有决心的
be determined to do sth 决心做某事
She was determined to go to Harvard University .她决心要上哈佛大学。
determination n .决心;决定
The book was turned over so often that it finally fell apart .
联想拓展含有 fall 的其他常见短语
fall behind 落在后面 fall down 跌倒;倒塌;不够好
fall in love with 爱上
His laziness caused him to fall behind others .他的懒惰使他落在了别人后面。
There’s nothing to be afraid of . The sky won’t fall down .没有什么好怕的,天不会塌下来。
They fell in love with each other at first sight and got married a year later .他们一见钟情,一年后结婚了。
fall apart 破裂;破碎;崩溃;(精神上)垮掉
injure vt. 使受伤;损害;伤害
She injured her arm in the accident .她在事故中胳膊受了伤。
injure one ' s health 损害某人的健康
injure one ' s feelings 伤害某人的感情
① injured adj .受伤的;委屈的
be / get seriously / slightly injured 受重伤/轻伤
the injured 受伤的人;伤员
② injury n .(身体上的)伤;损伤;(情感上的)伤害 a head / leg / knee injury 头部/腿部/膝盖受伤
易混辨析injure , wound , hurt 与 harm 的用法区别
①injure 指人在意外事故中受到的伤害,也可指名誉、自尊等的损害,更多地指人的某个部位的损伤。
③hurt指一般的肉体伤害,也指精神上或感情上的伤害。此外 hurt 也可用作不及物动词,意为“感到疼痛”。
④harm 特指伤及一个人或其心情、健康、权利、事业等,并使其遭受痛苦、损害或某种不幸。
strength n .[u]力量;体力;毅力;意志力;实力;强度 [c]长处;优势
It took Susan weeks to regain her strength after a bad illness .苏珊在大病一场后用了好几周时间才恢复体力。
Political power depends upon economic strength .政治权力取决于经济实力。
It is important to know your own strengths and weaknesses .了解自己的优点和不足是很重要的。
常用搭配 have the strength to do sth 有勇气做某事
I hope you have the strength to start all over again .我希望你能有勇气从头再来。
strengthen vi .& vt .(使)变强;巩固
Repairs are necessary to strengthen the bridge .这座桥需要修缮加固。
Our friendship has been steadily strengthened over the years .我们的友谊逐年加深。
strong adj .强壮的;坚定的;"坚固的;擅长的
strongly adv. 强烈地;坚定地
failure n. 失败;衰竭;故障;失灵;失败的人(或事物)
The failure was a big blow to him , but he wasn’ t discouraged and s0on got as optimistic as ever .这次失败对他来说是一次沉重的打击,但是他没有气馁,很快就像以前一样乐观了。
I’m now in hospital recovering from liver failure .我因肝衰竭住院了,现在正在康复中。
常用括配 heart failure 心脏衰竭 power failure 停电
联想词 fail vi. 失败;未做到 vt .&vi不及格;未能通过
Fail to do sth 未能做到呆事(及义短语: succeed in doing sth. 成功做成某事)
fail in sth. 在某事中失败
She failed to satisfy all the requirements for entry to the college .她没有达到进入那所学院的全部要求。
I failed ( in ) my driving test the first time I took it .我第一次駕照考试没通过。
联想拓展 failure 通常用作抽象名词,前面不加不定冠词。当用作可数名词时,为抽象名词具体化,意为“失败的人(或事)”,前面需用不定冠词。
When it came to the family , he was a failure .说到家庭,他是个失败的人。
give up
联想拓展 含有 give 的其他常用短语
give away 赠送;颁发;分发;错失(优势);泄露
give in 屈服(+ to );让步;交上
give off 释放出(气味、热、光、声音等)
give out 用完;耗尽;(人)体力不支;(机器)失灵;释放出(光、热等);分发
And here are some ideas to help people to give up smoking .这里有一些帮助人们戒烟的办法。
The mayor gave away the prizes at the school sports day .市长在学校运动会那天颁发了奖项。
Ray gave away his chance to win the game .雷失去了赢得这场比赛的机会。
He was disabled from birth , but he never felt frustrated , nor did he give in to any difficulty .他生来就有残疾,但他从不沮丧,也从未屈服于任何困难。
The flower gave off a fragrant perfume .花儿散发出芳香。
Her energy was on the verge of giving out .她的精力快耗尽了。
The radiator gives out a lot of heat .散热器释放出大量的热量。