粤人2011课标版四上 Unit 3 My week(第二课时)
综述:本单元是粤人2011课标版《开心学英语》四年级上册第三单元My week. 学生在第一课时已学习了本单元的重点单词和句型,本人将Story会话课设计为第二课时,以下是该课时的教学设计。
设计教师: 教学年级:四年级 课题名称:U3《 My week》
教材版本:粤人2011课标版三年级起点 课时:第二课时
一、学生分析 1. 该课教学对象为四年级学生,这一年龄段学生学习英语兴趣浓厚,喜欢歌曲、图片、说唱、喜欢生动活泼的课堂。2. 四年级学生经过两年《儿童英语》口语教学,一年《粤人2011课标版三年级起点》教材的学习,能就球类,课余活动,兴趣爱好等话题进行简单问答交流,学习本课之前已经具备该话题相关语言知识及技能;3. 学生已有一定的听说读写基础,在掌握本单元内容后能用重点句型进行交际,并能模仿会话写出3到5句的小短文。
二、教材分析 本课是粤人2011课标版三年级起点英语教材第三册第3单元,学生在第一册第六单元已经学习了课余活动如read/cook/draw/sing/swim及在第八单元学习了球类如soccer、basketball等,并能针对这些课余活动进行简单提问和回答。同时,本单元第一课时中学生已经掌握星期相关单词week/Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday,这为本单元的知识重点“讨论星期及一周活动”打下基础。学生在学完本单元会话后,能进一步巩固星期相关单词,运用句型“What day is it today It’s Monday. / What do you do on Monday I play the violin on Monday.” 在实际情境中交际。
三、整体思路和依据 该会话课设计紧扣本单元My week的重难点,创设了符合学生年龄特点及生活实际的英语学习情境,设计了多样化的拓展活动及游戏,寓教于乐,设计活泼有趣,让学生在学中玩,玩中学。活动设计以培养学生的语言应用能力入手,关注学生的听说读写技能,培养小组合作意识和语言综合应用能力。
四、教学目标 教学内容 知识目标:学习该story后,学生学会ping-pong ball, birthday等单词并能理解、朗读并扮演该故事。能听懂、会说:“What do you do on Monday I play the violin on Monday. ”并能对话、运用。技能目标:学生能运用已学的球类,课余活动等话题及本单元所学单词和目标句型来完成调查表及小短文等课堂活动并能将所学运用到实际生活中。情感目标:学生能自信地与同伴或在小组内运用语言进行交流,通过本课学习能提高对英语学习的兴趣,激发学习热情。
五、教学策略 1.情境教学法该课教学设计为学生创设了很多符合生活实际的的情境,如询问、调查朋友一周的课余活动,为孩子提供了真实、自然、有趣、可操作性强的教学环境。2.任务教学法围绕教学目标设计简单易行,能促进孩子们开口说英语的教学活动,如故事扮演,让孩子们在学习中小组合作,完成老师创设的教学任务,感受、参与小组合作与交流,分享学习的乐趣,体验成功的喜悦。3.游戏教学法寓教于乐,设计活泼有趣,符合孩子年龄特性的游戏环节,让孩子在玩中学,学中玩。
课型 Story会话课 课时 第二课时
教学要求 学生在学习story后学会ping-pong ball, birthday等单词;能听懂、会说: What do you do on Monday I play the violin on Monday. 学生能理解、大声朗读并扮演该故事;能运用所学完成调查表及小短文等课堂活动,并将所学运用到实际生活中。
教学重难点 运用句型“What do you do on Monday I play the violin on Monday.”进行口语交际,讨论一周的活动。课堂活动涉及的词组较多,教师 ( http: / / www.teachercn.com / " \t "_blank )要在课前帮助学生复习,为故事的教学及独立完成课堂活动做铺垫。理解故事重难点后在小组中自信地表演故事。
步骤 目的 教师活动/方法 学生活动/学法 条件/手段
Warm up &Review 师生聊天,复习本单元重点单词,为会话教学做铺垫。朗读小诗活跃气氛,调动学习热情。 Free talkShow picture cards. Read and spell words.3.Chant: lead Ss to chant“Weekdays” and do actions. 1. Greet and talk with the teacher.2. Look at the picture cards. Read and spell words. 3. Watch the video and chant loudly together. 口语交际,诗歌,愉快教学法
Presentation --Story 通过生动的图片、角色头套来学习难点词汇及句子,有助于学生更好地理解故事。2.故事教学层层递进,帮助学生从词到句巩固新知。3.孩子喜欢展示自我,小组表演故事不仅让孩子体验运用语言的乐趣,又能检验课堂掌握程度。4.培养孩子的表达能力,互助合作能力。 1. Lead-in: bring a ping-pong ball, "Look! What's this " Teach the word “ping-pong ball”.2. Play the story for the first time, “Who plays ping-pong ball Let’s have a look.”3.Ask questions to help Ss understand the story.(With head wears of Tony and Jenny)4. Play the story for the second time. 5. Explain the word “birthday” and the relevant sentences to Ss.6. Show cards and have Ss practice the key sentence “What do you do on... I ...on...”.7. Play the story for the third time, ask Ss to read after it.8. Show PPT of the story with key words replaced by pictures. Act out the story with SS.9. Ask 3 groups to role play in the front with head wears and realias. 1. Look at the ping-pong ball and read after the teacher. 2. Listen to the story carefully with the question.3. Answer the questions according to the head wears.4. Listen again and do actions. Clap hands when hear “Sunday, Tuesday, Saturday”; Step feet when hear “play ping-pong, play basketball”. 5. Read the sentences with head wears of Tony and Mom.6. Work in pairs to practice the key sentence.7. Read after the story.8. Act out the story.(G1:Gogo;G2:Jenny;G3:Tony; T: Mom.)9. Role plays the story in small groups and presents it in the front. TPR教学法,小组合作教学法,情境教学法,角色扮演
Activity 1: “Interview” 一般课堂中学生提问的机会较少,采访活动让大部分学生大声开口重复提问,强化故事教学中重点句型的掌握。创设符合生活实际的教学环境,让学生联系生活,学以致用。 1. Show the interview form and give examples to teach how to do the interview.2. Lead Ss to write down their own activities in a week.3. Have Ss find a student and interview his or her activities in a week.4. Ask two pairs to present in the front. 1. Learn how to do the interview. Listen to T’s questions and write down the activities.Walk around the class, interview a student, finish the interview form. Ask and answer according to the interview form. 采访,对话交际,情境教学法,任务型教学法
Activity 2: “Our week” 1.复习和深化知识点,考察学生是否掌握重难点。2.从同伴身上学习不同的表达,一起发现写作中的错误并纠正,学生的自我生成是学习的最佳教材。 1. Show an example of Gogo and Jenny’s week. Have Ss read it out. 2. Have Ss work in pairs to discuss and write their week according to the interview above.3. Invite two pairs to the front to read out their dialogues. 1. Look at the example and read in groups.2. Discuss and write the dialogues “Our Week” with partners.3. Two pairs present in the front. Others listen carefully. 对话交际,任务型教学法