人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 1 People of Achievement单元设计课件-(25张ppt0)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 1 People of Achievement单元设计课件-(25张ppt0)
格式 pptx
文件大小 2.4MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-11-17 12:36:38



Unit 1 People of Achievement
Theme: 卓有成就的人物
Contents: 熟悉屠呦呦、爱因斯坦等伟人的故事,探索greatness 的意义
自然课时 语篇内容
Opening Page Try to become not a man of success,but try rather to become a man of value.
Reading and Thinking Tu Youyou Awarded Nobel Prize描述卓有成就的人物
Learning about Language Lu Xun 介绍鲁迅
Using Language Explore the meaning of greatness探寻伟大的含义
Workbook: Listening and Speaking A Speech about Jane Goodall一篇关于珍妮·古道尔的演讲
Using Language Introduce someone you admire介绍你钦佩的人
Assessing Your Progress Sun Yat-sen 孙中山及其对中国民主主义革命的贡献Project:Prepare a book report准备一个读书报告
Video Time Mei Lanfang: Great Artist, Cultural Ambassador梅兰芳:伟大艺术家,文化大使
Workbook:Reading and Writing Heroes in Your Eyes你眼中的英雄
1. 自然情况:高二纯理科班,英语基础相对薄弱,学习兴趣低下。
2. 已有基础:A. 对一些伟人的熟悉:如钟南山等。
B. 对伟人品质的理解:阅读过高一下必修三Unit2林
C. 听、说、读、写能力:通过引导,学生可以通过
学习进程 学习任务活动设计
整体感知 Opening page, Reading and Thinking(1—3学时)精读与词汇: 观看视频、看图回答问题、小组讨论总结提取信息
探究建构 Discover useful structures, Using Language(4—8学时) 语法、听力与写作:探究、归纳、写作
应用迁移 Tntroduce a person you admired (9—10学时 ) 写作:写作、修改、展示
重构拓展 第11学时 整体重构过关:阅读、单元拓展、单元过关
课题 本课目标
Tu Youyou Awarded Nobel Prize 弄清楚文章结构,文章主旨大意,总结屠呦呦和团队的美好品质
Learning about Language, Discover useful structures and Using Words and Expressions(P.61) 识词,熟练词的用法理解非限制性定语从句及会运用非限制性定语从句
Listening and Speaking(P.6,P.61) 了解与熟知更多的英雄人物,探寻伟大的意义
Using Language:(Reading and Writitng) 1. Albert Einstein 2. Heroes in Your Eyes(Huang Danian...) P.64 Introduce someone you admire介绍你钦佩的人
1. Who is the woman in the photo
2. What is happening in this photo
3. What more can you find from this photo
Activity 1: Look & discuss
1.She is Tu Youyou.
2.She is being awarded Nobel Prize.
3.Tu Youyou received her prize from King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden during the Nobel Prize Awards Ceremony at Concert Hall in Stockholm(斯德哥尔摩), Sweden.
★Tu Youyou, Chinese Chemist
★ Winner of the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or
★ She was nominated by the BBC as one of the most
influential figures in 20th century science alongside
Marie Curie, Alan Turing, and Albert Einstein.
★ Recipient of the Medal of the Republic(共和国勋章).
1.What did she discover
She discovered a new revolutionary treatment for malaria(疟疾)—artemisinin (青蒿素).
2.When did she discover it
In 1971.
Activity 2:
To be a man of value is more meaningful than to be a man of success.
What's your feelings after reading this quote of Einstein
Is Tu Youyou a man of success or value Why
She is a man of value. Because she made a great discovery of the artemisinin which saves millions of lives worldwide.
Which is more important for making a great discovery, talent or effort
How to make a discovery
Now let's read a passage about
Tu Youyou to find the answers.
Activity 3:
Tu Youyou Awarded
Nobel Prize
Para. 1
Para. 3
Task 1: Match the main ideas with each paragraph.
B. The honor of the discovery.
Tu’s way to the treatment for malaria.
C. The significance of Tu’s discovery
D. The discovery of the artemisinin.
What does the passage mainly talk about
Skills: try to find out who, when, why, where and what.
It mainly talks about ____________ achievement and her way to ________
______________ which saves lots of
people worldwide.
Tu Youyou's
find out
the artemisinin
Task 2:
2. Where would you most likely find this passage
A. In a blog. B. In a book.
C. In a letter. D. In a newspaper.
1. What is the writing style of the passage
Task 3:
Tested the medicine on themselves and later on patients. The medicine became a standard treatment for malaria.
Chosen to be the first researchers to discover a new treatment for malaria.
Graduated from Peking University Medical School
Born in Ningbo, China
Careful reading
Became the head of the project in Beijing and decided to find traditional botanical treatments for the disease.
Awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine.
Find out what happened to Tu in the following years.
Tu and her discovery
Activity 4:
Why is the discovery of artemisinin important
Can you list the exact number
Over 200 million people around the world get malaria each year, and about 600,000 die from it.
Artemisinin has saved 100,000 lives a year in Africa alone.
Because it has saved hundreds of thousands of lives, and has led to improved health for millions of people.
crucial / vital
Activity 5:
What do the numbers mentioned in the text suggest
1. Para 1: over200 million people around the world get malaria each year, and about 600,000 die from it... and is thought to save 100,000 lives a year in Africa alone.
2. Para 2: her team examined over 2,000 old medical texts and evaluated 280,000plants for ..,they discovered and tested 880 distinct ancient Chinese medical treatments...
3. Para 3: After failing more than 190 times, the team finally succeeded in 1971.
people who get malaria people die from malaria lives to be saved
show the efforts that Tu Youyou's team have made
suggests the difficulties that Tu's team once met and their determination find out a cure for malaria.
Activity 6:
They tested the medicine____ _________ to see if safe.
Tu's team examined _________,
_______________and evaluated ________________________
over 2000
old medical texts
8,000 plants for properties.
They found a medical text suggesting ____________________________________________
using the extract from sweet wormwood
to treat a fever.
They tested ________________
dried wormwood
leaves but found no effect
They tried _________________but______
boiling fresh wormwood
and using the liquid
this did
not work either.
They used a ________________
__________ the sweet wormwood
lower temperature
to draw out
They tested the medicine on
malaria patients
The medicine became _________
___________________ .
a standard
treatment for malaria
How was artemisinin discovered
What was the key to getting a good extract from the wormwood
Activity 7:
A. the active voice/ offer many opinions
B. the first person/ talk about feelings
C. both active and passive voices / mostly contain facts
2. Which two pieces of information were not included in the passage
A. A quote from Tu Youyou
B. The details of how artemisinin was discovered
C. Tu Youyou's important contributions other than the discovery of artemisinin.
D. Tu Youyou's personal life.
E. Tu Youyou's road to discovering artemisinin
F. What Tu Youyou was awarded.
G. Why artemisinin is an important discovery.
Choose the correct answers:
1.Passage like this are most often written in _____ and _______.
Classroom test:
Fill in the blanks
 Tu Youyou was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2015 for her research,1__________ led to the discovery of artemisinin. Artemisinin 2 __________ (save) a large number of lives since it was discovered.
  After 3 __________ (graduate) from university,Tu Youyou worked at the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine. In 1967,Tu Youyou 4 __________ (choose)as a researcher of a team of scientists with 5 __________ purpose of discovering a new treatment for malaria. They 6 __________     (evaluate) 280,000 plants and tested 380 distinct ancient Chinese medical 7 _________(treat).One medical text suggested using the extract from sweet wormwood to treat a fever. Tu Youyou analysed the medical texts again,and 8 __________ chance,she found one sentence suggesting a different way. Soon she found a substance that worked by dealing with the sweet wormwood at a 9 __________(low) temperature. The team’s hard work 10 __________ (eventual) paid off in 1971.
  Tu Youyou thought the discovery of artemisinin was a team effort and the Nobel Prize was an honour for China’s scientific research and Chinese medicine to be spread around the world.
“People of Achievement ” 单元学习自我评价与反思
时间 月 日至 月 日
学习资源 课内
我的思考 2.课堂学习中我主动参与了多少?还有哪些影响参与的因素?