人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册 Unit 3 Fascinating Parks词汇课件(38张ppt+单词默写+2份练习)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册 Unit 3 Fascinating Parks词汇课件(38张ppt+单词默写+2份练习)
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文件大小 296.6KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-11-17 18:23:46


选择性必修第一册Unit 3单元词汇默写本
Ⅰ. 核心单词
1. ________________________     n. 边; 边缘; 边线; 刀刃vt. &vi. (使)徐徐移动; 给……加边
2. ________________________ vt. 明令禁止; 取缔n. 禁令
3. ________________________ vt. 陪同; 陪伴; 伴随; (尤指用钢琴)为……伴奏
4. ________________________ vt. 采用; 采取; 采纳vt. &vi. 领养
5. ________________________ vi. 延伸; 延续vi. &vt. 伸展; 舒展
6. ________________________ adj. 极好的; 极大的; 难以置信的
7. ________________________ n. 展览; 陈列; 展览品vt. 显示; 陈列
8. ________________________ n. 游荡; 闲逛; 流浪vt. &vi. 闲逛; 漫游 vi. 走失; 离散; 走神
9. ________________________ n. 食欲; 胃口; 强烈欲望
10. ________________________ adj. 壮丽的; 雄伟的; 极佳的; 非常好的
Ⅱ. 拓展单词
1. bound adj. 受约束的 v. 跳跃→ ________________________ n. 边界; 界限; 分界线
2. visible adj. 可见的→________________________ adj. 看不见的
3. prohibit vt. (尤指以法令)禁止; 阻止→________________________ n. 禁止; 阻止; 禁令
4. journal n. 日志, 期刊→________________________ n. 记者
5. reward v. 奖赏→________________________ adj. 值得做的
6. amuse vt. (提供)消遣; (使)娱乐→________________________ n. 娱乐(活动); 愉悦
7. fashion n. 时尚; 时兴; 流行款式→________________________ adj. 流行的, 时髦的
8. entertain v. 娱乐, 招待→ ________________________ n. 娱乐; 招待; 娱乐活动; 文娱节目
9. bless v. 保佑, 祝福→________________________ n. 祝福, 祷告
10. adore v. 爱慕, 崇拜, 喜欢→________________________ adj. 可爱的; 讨人喜爱的
1. ________________________  在行进中; 在移动中
2. ________________________ 出发; 启程; (怀着目标)开始工作
3. ________________________ 依靠……生活; 以吃……为生
4. ________________________ 主题公园; 主题乐园
5. ________________________ 有吸引力; 有感染力; 呼吁; 上诉; 打动
6. ________________________ 达到(某数量、程度等); 直到; 不多于; (体力或智力上)能胜任
7. ________________________ 颠倒; 倒转; 翻转
8. ________________________
9. ________________________ 引起某人的注意
10. ________________________ 除……之外; 且不说; 并且
1. 句型公式: 动名词短语作主语
________________________(身处这样一个美丽而荒凉的地方) makes me feel blessed to be alive.
2. 句型公式: whichever, whatever引导让步状语从句
________________________(不论你喜欢哪一个, 喜欢什么), there is an incredible theme park that will appeal to you!
3. 句型公式: anything like多少有点像
If today is ________________________(多少有点像) yesterday, it will be full of sweat and hard work as I hike over this difficult land to my destination on the other side of the valley.
4. 句型公式: 倒装语序
________________________(在驯鹿之后来的是萨米人), who made this territory their home.
Ⅰ. 核心单词
1. edge     n. 边; 边缘; 边线; 刀刃vt. &vi. (使)徐徐移动; 给……加边
2. ban vt. 明令禁止; 取缔n. 禁令
3. accompany vt. 陪同; 陪伴; 伴随; (尤指用钢琴)为……伴奏
4. adopt vt. 采用; 采取; 采纳vt. &vi. 领养
5. stretch vi. 延伸; 延续vi. &vt. 伸展; 舒展
6. incredible adj. 极好的; 极大的; 难以置信的
7. display n. 展览; 陈列; 展览品vt. 显示; 陈列
8. wander n. 游荡; 闲逛; 流浪vt. &vi. 闲逛; 漫游 vi. 走失; 离散; 走神
9. appetite n. 食欲; 胃口; 强烈欲望
10. splendid adj. 壮丽的; 雄伟的; 极佳的; 非常好的
Ⅱ. 拓展单词
1. bound adj. 受约束的 v. 跳跃→ boundary n. 边界; 界限; 分界线
2. visible adj. 可见的→invisible adj. 看不见的
3. prohibit vt. (尤指以法令)禁止; 阻止→prohibition n. 禁止; 阻止; 禁令
4. journal n. 日志, 期刊→journalist n. 记者
5. reward v. 奖赏→rewarding adj. 值得做的
6. amuse vt. (提供)消遣; (使)娱乐→amusement n. 娱乐(活动); 愉悦
7. fashion n. 时尚; 时兴; 流行款式→fashionable adj. 流行的, 时髦的
8. entertain v. 娱乐, 招待→ entertainment n. 娱乐; 招待; 娱乐活动; 文娱节目
9. bless v. 保佑, 祝福→blessing n. 祝福, 祷告
10. adore v. 爱慕, 崇拜, 喜欢→adorable adj. 可爱的; 讨人喜爱的
1. on the move  在行进中; 在移动中
2. set out 出发; 启程; (怀着目标)开始工作
3. live off 依靠……生活; 以吃……为生
4. theme park 主题公园; 主题乐园
5. appeal to 有吸引力; 有感染力; 呼吁; 上诉; 打动
6. up to 达到(某数量、程度等); 直到; 不多于; (体力或智力上)能胜任
7. upside down 颠倒; 倒转; 翻转
8. on one’s own terms
9. catch one’s eye 引起某人的注意
10. apart from 除……之外; 且不说; 并且
1. 句型公式: 动名词短语作主语
Being in such a beautiful and wild place(身处这样一个美丽而荒凉的地方) makes me feel blessed to be alive.
2. 句型公式: whichever, whatever引导让步状语从句
Whichever and whatever you like(不论你喜欢哪一个, 喜欢什么), there is an incredible theme park that will appeal to you!
3. 句型公式: anything like多少有点像
If today is anything like(多少有点像) yesterday, it will be full of sweat and hard work as I hike over this difficult land to my destination on the other side of the valley.
4. 句型公式: 倒装语序
Following the reindeer were the Sami people(在驯鹿之后来的是萨米人), who made this territory their home. 选择性必修一 Unit 3 Fascinating Parks
Ⅰ. 单句语法填空
1. (2020·全国Ⅰ卷)But the sport’s strange form does place considerable stress on the ankles and hips, so people with a history of such injuries might want to be cautious in __________(adopt) the sport.
2. (2020·新高考全国Ⅰ卷)Often, only a small part of a museum’s collection is __________ display.
3. (2020·新高考全国Ⅰ卷) And contrary to existing research that says you should avoid eating with heavier people who order large portions(份), it’s the beanpoles with big __________ (appetite)you really need to avoid.
4. (2020·全国Ⅲ卷)The next morning he hired a boat and set out __________ (find) the well-known painter.
5. (2019·全国卷Ⅲ)In addition, most newspapers had little in them that would appeal __________ a mass audience.
Ⅱ. 完成句子
1. ________________________, you practically have to live in it.
为了靠果园生活, 实际上你得住进里边去。
2. When you say, “________________________”, it’s another way to say that you want the other person to choose.
当你说“由你决定”, 这就是你想让别人选择的另一个说法。
3. ________________________, you should carry out a promise.
无论你有什么理由, 你都应当遵守诺言。
4. I’d like another drink, try to ________________________.
我想再来一杯, 想引起服务员的注意。
5. ________________________ I have nothing.
我除了衣服被褥之外, 一无所有。
Ⅲ. 语法填空(黑体词为本单元重点词汇)
  There are various kinds of theme parks, with different parks for almost everything. 1. ____________ (which)and whatever you like, there is an incredible theme park that will appeal 2. ____________ you.
  The theme park you are 3. ____________ (probable)most familiar with is Disneyland, 4. ____________ can 5. ____________ (find)in several parts of the world. Disneyland will bring you into a 6. ____________ (magic)world and make your childhood dreams come true. As you wander around the fantasy 7. ____________ (amuse)park, you may see Snow White or Mickey Mouse in a parade or even on the street. Of course, Disneyland also has many exciting rides to amuse you, from enormous swinging ships to scary freefall drops.
  Dollywood, in the beautiful Smoky Mountains in the southeastern USA, is unique because it shows and celebrates America’s traditional southeastern culture. Famous country music groups put on performances there all year round, indoors and outdoors.
  Chimelong Ocean Kingdom in Zhuhai, China, is one of the 8. ____________ (lead)ocean-themed parks in the world. Here you can walk under the Whale Shark Aquarium—the world’s largest—and see 9. ____________ to 20, 000 fish, in addition to a whale shark 68 metres in length. The park has more rides than you can imagine: join a water fight against pirates, get 10. ____________ (turn)upside down by an exciting roller coaster, or get wet in one of the water rides! The park has plenty of restaurants with tasty food for every appetite—you can even eat while watching the fish swim by. If it is ocean entertainment that you are looking for, come to Chimelong Ocean Kingdom!
IV. 阅读理解
Point Reyes
  At Point Reyes you will find trails, historic buildings and visitor centers where visitors can enjoy all aspects of the unique area. Visitors can enjoy camping, hiking and biking. Point Reyes National Park also features the Point Reyes Lighthouse(灯塔) and visitor center, and at the visitor center you can learn all about the lighthouse and for the very adventurous tourists a trip down the 308 stairs to the lighthouse is a great option.
Big Sur
  Big Sur is a region in California with many wonders to offer visitors. The Los Padres National Forest is an excellent destination for hiking. Throughout the forest there are many trails, including trails allowing visitors to walk along the coastline. In addition, Big Sur is also a fantastic destination for wildlife viewing. This region is one of the few places where the majestic bird can be seen.
Yosemite National Park
  Located in central California, Yosemite National Park is an amazing destination for recreational enthusiasts, especially rock climbers. Climbers travel from around the world to take on the challenges presented at Yosemite. There are many other recreational activities to enjoy, including biking, hiking, backpacking and many more. Yosemite Valley has a wide range of attractive sights, and waterfalls.
Joshua Tree National Park
  Located in southeastern California, Joshua Tree has some amazing sites to see. There are many nature trails, hiking trails, as well as options for mountain biking and rock climbing. Visitors to Joshua Tree can enjoy the beautiful desert ecosystem. At Joshua Tree you can look into the dense star clouds of the Milky Way, and see clearly. These star clouds are especially dense and bright to the south near the horizon.
1. How do tourists visit the Point Reyes Lighthouse
A. By bike. B. On foot.
C. By air. D. By boat.
2. What can tourists do in Big Sur
A. Enjoy historic buildings. B. Hunt birds.
C. See the sea. D. Climb rocks.
3. Where can you go if you’d like to experience the desert ecosystem
A. Point Reyes.
B. Big Sur.
C. Yosemite National Park.
D. Joshua Tree National Park.
  Make 2021 your most adventurous year yet by signing up for one of these trips of a lifetime. Sail to Aldabra Atoll for a fascinating journey, hike along the frontiers of Georgia, explore different habitats of human and animals: These journeys are unlike any trip you’ve ever taken before.
  Exodus Travels
This once-in-a-lifetime journey visits Aldabra Atoll, one of the most remote UNESCO World Heritage sites on the planet. Hidden away from the impact of humans, Aldabra has managed to sustain a population of 152, 000 giant tortoises. This is the trip for wildlife enthusiasts: The clear waters of the Seychelles are home to 850 species of brilliantly colored fish that you’ll visit on snorkel and dive excursions (旅行).
  Wild Frontiers Adventure Travel
  Wild Frontiers Adventure Travel’s Georgia Walking Tour showcases the country’s wild side, with plenty of hikes in the Svaneti Mountains mixed with cultural experiences like a visit to the remote village of Adishi, home to just 12 families.
  Natural Habitat Adventures
  A nine-day adventure centered around Natural Habitat’s unique luxury base camp near the edge of the Greenland ice sheet. You’ll be in one of the world’s most remote locations (with a maximum of only 11 other travelers in your group), but still have access to hot showers and well-prepared meals. You’ll spend your days exploring the surrounding water, meeting the local Inuit villagers, kayaking (划独木舟), and more.
  Mountain Travel Sobek
  Accompanied with expert guides, you’ll track gorillas through Rwanda’s Volcanoes National Park, getting a rare chance to see these majestic creatures up close. You’ll also focus your search on another rare creature—the golden monkey.
4. Who will be most likely to choose Aldabra Atoll as a perfect destination
A. A UNESCO officer.
B. An experienced hiker.
C. A passionate animal lover.
D. An active environmentalist.
5. What can we learn about the Natural Habitat Adventures
A. Travelers don’t have to prepare a folding tent.
B. Travelers have to make dinners alone.
C. Travelers enjoy a cold bath.
D. Travelers will meet local Indian villagers.
6. Where is the passage most probably taken from
A. A culture report.
B. A reference book.
C. A tourism magazine.
D. A geography textbook.
V. 七选五
SMART Goal Setting
  SMART goal setting is one of the most valuable methods used by high achievers today to actualize(实现)their life goals time after time. SMART is an acronym (首字母缩略词) that stands for—Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound.  1 
  Every goal ought to be specific. Being clear about your goals and expectations is the first step to reaching them.  2  For example, “I will start planning toward retirement” is vague. Instead, you could say, “I will start planning toward retirement by building up a nest egg. ” This is more specific. When you are specific on your goal, it’s easier for you to identify all its components and work accordingly toward achieving it.
   3 If you can’t measure something, you can’t tell if you’re performing well or if you’re off track. Setting measurable goals lets you evaluate your performance and stay on track.
  Goals should be achievable and realistic.  4 It’s also important not to get too carried away and use far-fetched or unreachable goals as motivators, constantly chasing an impossibly high goal. Allow yourself to feel motivated by the satisfaction of achievement and real progress.
  Each goal has to be time-bound.  5  Actually, it’s incredibly important to make your goals time-bound. The act of having deadlines set to your goals is a motivation that drives you into action. Without a deadline, it is not possible for you to know if you’re making headway with your goals.
A. Your goals must be measurable.
B. That is because your goals are not specific enough.
C. It is the final letter of SMART that is often ignored.
D. When goals are too wide or vague, they are easy to miss.
E. To make your SMART goals work, use the following tips.
F. You may wonder if this is achievable in the given time frame.
G. It’s important to plan out goals that are within realistic capabilities.
VI. 应用文写作
  假定你是李华, 曾经在美国作交换生, 现已回到自己的祖国。请用英文给你在美国时的房东Chris写一封邮件, 邀请他在春节期间来中国旅游。内容包括:
1. 感谢他及家人对你的照顾;
2. 介绍中国春节(食物、活动、风俗等);
3. 可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。
注意: 1. 词数80左右;
2. 开头和结尾已经为你写好, 不计入总词数。
Dear Chris,
  Time flies! I have been missing you all.
  Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
Ⅰ. 1. But the sport’s strange form does place considerable stress on the ankles and hips, so people with a history of such injuries might want to be cautious in adopting(adopt) the sport.
2.Often, only a small part of a museum’s collection is on display.
3. And contrary to existing research that says you should avoid eating with heavier people who order large portions(份), it’s the beanpoles with big appetites (appetite)you really need to avoid.
4. The next morning he hired a boat and set out to find (find) the well-known painter.
5.In addition, most newspapers had little in them that would appeal to a mass audience.
Ⅱ. 1. In order to live off a garden, you practically have to live in it.
2. When you say, “it’s up to you”, it’s another way to say that you want the other person to choose.
3. Whatever reasons you may have, you should carry out a promise.
4. I’d like another drink, try to catch the waiter’s eye.
5. Apart/Aside from clothes and bedding I have nothing.
  There are various kinds of theme parks, with different parks for almost everything. 1. Whichever (which)and whatever you like, there is an incredible theme park that will appeal 2. to you.
  The theme park you are 3. probably (probable)most familiar with is Disneyland, 4. which can 5. be found (find)in several parts of the world. Disneyland will bring you into a 6. magical (magic)world and make your childhood dreams come true. As you wander around the fantasy 7. amusement (amuse)park, you may see Snow White or Mickey Mouse in a parade or even on the street. Of course, Disneyland also has many exciting rides to amuse you, from enormous swinging ships to scary freefall drops.
  Dollywood, in the beautiful Smoky Mountains in the southeastern USA, is unique because it shows and celebrates America’s traditional southeastern culture. Famous country music groups put on performances there all year round, indoors and outdoors.
  Chimelong Ocean Kingdom in Zhuhai, China, is one of the 8. leading (lead)ocean-themed parks in the world. Here you can walk under the Whale Shark Aquarium—the world’s largest—and see 9. up to 20, 000 fish, in addition to a whale shark 68 metres in length. The park has more rides than you can imagine: join a water fight against pirates, get 10. turned (turn)upside down by an exciting roller coaster, or get wet in one of the water rides! The park has plenty of restaurants with tasty food for every appetite—you can even eat while watching the fish swim by. If it is ocean entertainment that you are looking for, come to Chimelong Ocean Kingdom!
【文章大意】本文是一篇应用文。文章介绍了北美的四个国家公园, 各具特色, 值得参观游览。
1. 【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据 Point Reyes中的. . . you can learn all about the lighthouse and for the very adventurous tourists a trip down the 308 stairs to the lighthouse is a great option. 可知, 游客参观灯塔要步行。
2. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据 Big Sur中的Throughout the forest there are many trails, including trails allowing visitors to walk along the coastline. 可知, 在这里游客可以看到大海。
3. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据 Joshua Tree National Park 中的Visitors to Joshua Tree can enjoy the beautiful desert ecosystem可知, 如果一个人想体验沙漠生态环境, 他可以选择约书亚树国家公园。
【文章大意】本文是一篇旅游广告, 号召人们在2021年报名一次探险旅游。
4. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。从Exodus Travels部分中的“This is the trip for wildlife enthusiasts”可知, 这是给非常热爱野生动物的人们准备的旅游目的地, 其中wildlife enthusiasts意思是“野生动物爱好者”, 与C项 passionate animal lover属于同义转换。故选C。
5. 【解析】选A。推理判断题。从Natural Habitat Adventures部分中的but still have access to hot showers and well-prepared meals可知, 有热水淋浴和准备好的饭菜, 说明有住处, 游客不需要准备折叠帐篷。故选A。
6. 【解析】选C。推理判断题。文章通篇都是旅游类的广告词, 所以该文章选自旅游杂志的可能性最大。故选C。
V. 【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了SMART目标设定体系是今天成功人士用来实现他们的人生目标的最有价值的方法之一, 并具体介绍了SMART这个缩略词的含义及其实现方法。
1. 【解析】选E。根据上文SMART is an acronym that stands for—Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound. (SMART是一个首字母缩略词, 代表具体的、可衡量的、可实现的、现实的和有时限的。)可知, 设空处承上启下, 引出下面分别解释的内容。E项: To make your SMART goals work, use the following tips. (为了实现你的SMART目标, 可以利用以下技巧。)符合语境。故选E。
2. 【解析】选D。本段的主题句是Every goal ought to be specific. (每个目标都应该是具体的。)。结合下文For example, “I will start planning toward retirement” is vague. (例如, “我将开始为退休做计划”是模糊的。)可知, 设空处应该提到设定太大或者模糊的目标。D项: When goals are too wide or vague, they are easy to miss. (当目标太宽泛或模糊时, 它们很容易被忽略。)符合语境, 故选D。
3. 【解析】选A。设空处为段落主题句。结合下文If you can’t measure something, you can’t tell if you’re performing well or if you’re off track. (如果你不能衡量某件事, 你就无法判断自己是表现得好还是偏离了轨道。)可知, 本段主要讲的是要设置可以衡量的目标。A项: Your goals must be measurable. (你的目标必须是可衡量的。)符合语境。故选A。
4. 【解析】选G。本段主题句是Goals should be achievable and realistic. (目标应该是可实现的和现实的。), 结合下文It’s also important not to get too carried away and use far-fetched or unreachable goals as motivators, constantly chasing an impossibly high goal. (同样重要的是, 不要过于忘乎所以, 不要用遥不可及或不可达到的目标作为激励因素, 不停地追求一个不可能达到的高目标。)可知, 设空处主要讲的是设定现实的目标的重要性。G项: It’s important to plan out goals that are within realistic capabilities. (在现实能力范围内设定目标是很重要的。)符合语境。故选G。
5. 【解析】选C。本段的主题句是Each goal has to be time-bound. (每个目标都必须有时间限制。)可知, 这是SMART目标的最后一点。C项: It is the final letter of SMART that is often ignored. (它是SMART的最后一个字母, 经常被忽略。)符合语境。故选C。
VI. 【参考范文】
Dear Chris,
  Time flies! I have been missing you all. Words are beyond my gratefulness for what you and your family did for me. I sincerely invite you to visit my country over the Spring Festival, the most important festival in China, one of whose traditions is family reunion, so if you come then you can meet my friendly and hospitable family and relatives. Another tradition is visiting friends or travelling. New clothes and lucky money are the tradition that kids like best.
  As is known to all, Chinese food varies from place to place—some are sweet, some sour and some hot. But during the Spring Festival, dumplings are the first choice of all Chinese.
  Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua(共35张PPT)
选择性必修一 Unit 3 Fascinating Parks
Ⅰ. 重点词汇
1. edge n. 边; 边缘; 边线; 刀刃vt. &vi. (使)徐徐移动; 给……加边
【典型例句】 But, in fact, I was on the edge of my seat.
但事实上, 我感到兴奋不已。
on edge         紧张不安, 烦躁
on/at the edge of 靠近……的边缘
on the edge of sth. 某事快要发生(尤指不好的事)
on the edge of one’s seat 极为激动; 异常兴奋
【知识微练】 完成句子
①She was a bit _______(紧张不安) till she heard he was safe.
②I could hear birds whistling ________________________(在森林的边缘).
③Although the old man was __________________(快要死亡), he still fought with
the disease bravely.
on edge
at/on the edge of the woods
on the edge of death
2. ban vt. 明令禁止; 取缔n. 禁令
The government has banned the use of chemical weapons.
ban doing sth.      禁止做某事
ban sb. from (doing)sth. 禁止某人(做)某事
a ban on. . . 对……的禁令
impose a ban (on. . . ) 颁布(对……的)禁令
lift a ban (on. . . ) 解除(对……的)禁令
【知识微练】 单句语法填空
①In doing this, we have not agreed ______(ban )the use of any particular weapons.
②She was banned _____ athletics for two years after failing a drug test.
③The most obvious was ______________________________until they reached an
extraordinary level.
最明显的是, 对食品限定的最高价格, 是在这些价格达到很惊人的水平时确定
to ban
the ban on a ceiling for food prices
3. accompany vt. 陪同; 陪伴; 伴随; (尤指用钢琴)为……伴奏
【典型例句】 She asked me to accompany her to the airport.
(1)accompany sb. to. . .  陪某人去……
be accompanied by 在……的陪同下
(2)companion n. 伙伴; 同伴
company n. [U]陪伴 [C]公司; 商号
【知识微练】 单句语法填空
①The text ______________(accompany)by illustration.
②The singer was accompanied ___ the piano by her sister.
③However, such changes may _________________a loss in simplicity and ease of
不过, 这样的改变可能伴随着简单性和易用性的损失。
is accompanied
be accompanied by
4. wander n. 游荡; 闲逛; 流浪 vt. &vi. 闲逛; 漫游 vi. 走失; 离散; 走神
When the children left home, she was used to wandering around the house as if
she’d lost something.
每当孩子们离家后, 她总是若有所失地在屋子里转来转去。
wander around         徘徊
wander through the world 漫游世界
wander from place to place 四处游荡
wander all over the country 走遍全国
wander aimlessly 漫无目的地徘徊
wander from the subject 脱离主题
【知识微练】 完成句子
①He __________________________like a man possessed.
他四处飘荡, 好像一个着了魔的人。
②The farmers ____________________to buy clothes after selling their vegetables.
③The little sheep __________________________.
④The river _______________________________________.
wandered from place to place
wandered toward town
wandered from the right path
wanders through some beautiful countryside
Ⅱ. 核心短语
5. live off 依靠……生活; 以吃……为生
I live off the money from my first book.
live with    同居; 忍受
live together 住在一起
live up to 达到; 做到; 符合; 不辜负(他人的期望)
live on 靠……过活; 以……为食; 继续存在
live by doing sth. 靠做某事赚钱为生
live off只有“依靠……生活, 以吃……为生”的意思, 而live on还有“继续存在”的意思。
【知识微练】 单句语法填空
①A serious deficiency of iodine(缺碘)occurs, therefore, mainly in populations
living ___ the land in remote and isolated regions.
②I had to live ______ bread and water when I was a student.
③I don’t enjoy the pain, but I can __________.
我虽然不以疼痛为乐, 但我可以忍受它。
④We will __________________________________.
⑤Primitive tribes __________________________________.
live with it
live up to what our parents expect of us
lived by fishing, hunting and gathering
Ⅲ. 经典句式
6. Whichever and whatever you like, there is an incredible theme park that will appeal to you!
不论你喜欢哪一个, 喜欢什么, 总会有一个奇妙无比的主题公园让你流连忘返!
Whatever you say, I won’t believe you.
无论你说什么, 我都不会相信你。
【句型公式】“疑问词+-ever”既可以引导让步状语从句, 也可以引导名词性从句, 常见的有: whatever, whichever, whoever, wherever, whenever, however等; 而“no matter+疑问词”只能引导让步状语从句, 尽管它们的意思都是“不管, 无论”。
【知识微练】 完成句子
①He listened attentively to _____________________on the telephone.
②He found that _____________a burning object was turned, the flame always
travelled upwards.
他发现, 不管你把一个燃烧的物体以何种方式转动, 其火苗总是向上。
③He always finds fault with the choice of words _________________.
whatever was being said
whichever way
whenever he speaks
1. adopt vt. 采用; 采取; 采纳vt. &vi. 领养
I am not a Sami, but in Sarek I’ve adopted some of their habits. (P27)我不是萨米人, 但在萨勒克, 我已经接受了他们的一些习惯。
adoptive father 养父
adopted son 养子
adopted adj. 收养的, 领养的
adoption n. 收养, 领养
【知识微练】 完成句子
①Having no children of their own they decided to _______________.
他们因没有自己的孩子, 决定领养一个孤儿。
②Paul’s mother _______________because she couldn’t look after him.
保罗的母亲因为自己无力抚养他, 便把他送给别人收养了。
③Our school has ____________________________.
adopt an orphan
had him adopted
adopted a new teaching method
2. appetite n. 食欲; 胃口; 强烈欲望
The park has plenty of restaurants with tasty food for every appetite—you can even eat while watching the fish swim by. (P32)园区内有很多餐厅, 提供适合各种胃口的美味食物, 你甚至可以一边吃东西一边看鱼儿游来游去。
have an appetite for   爱好, 喜欢吃
spoil one’s appetite 坏了胃口, 影响食欲
work up an appetite 引起欲望; 促进食欲
【知识微练】 完成句子
①Exercise will increase your _______________.
②Our son is a football player and _______________________.
我们的儿子是个足球运动员, 吃起肉来胃口很大。
③I have to make an effort to ____________________________.
appetite for food
has a big appetite for meat
work up an appetite for reading
3. appeal to 有吸引力; 有感染力; 呼吁; 上诉; 打动
The company is prepared to trade off its up-market image against a stronger appeal to teenage buyers.
该公司拟改变只售高档商品的形象, 以吸引青少年顾客。
lose one’s appeal     失去吸引力
make an appeal 呼吁
appeal against 提出上诉
【知识微练】 单句语法填空
①Lena’s good looks and gentle manners ________(appeal) to him.
②They are not breathing stories that appeal __ his heart.
③If a task ______________, he might recover some of his old daring and energy.
如果一项任务对他有吸引力, 他或许会多少恢复以前那种毫不顾忌、说干就干
appealed to him
4. If today is anything like yesterday, it will be full of sweat and hard work as I hike over this difficult land to my destination on the other side of the valley.
如果今天和昨天差不多, 那将会充满汗水和艰辛, 因为我要徒步跨越这片地形艰险的土地, 到达峡谷另一端的目的地。
I had never imagined anything like that.
【巧学助记】anything like意思是“类似的; 多少有点像”, 通常用于否定、疑问、条件句中。在肯定句中一般用something like。
be something of     有点……, 像……
be something 了不起, 很重要
or something 或什么的, ……之类的
something of 某种意义上; 某种程度上; 有几分; 略微
there is something in 是有相当价值的
【知识微练】 完成句子
①—Is badminton ____________tennis
—No, as different as chalk from cheese. 不, 完全不同。
②Women are full of ideas and I have never seen ____________them.
女人们总是有很多想法, 我从来没有见过比她们更充满想法的人。
③It appeared to me that they regarded him with ___________my own feeling.
我觉得他们看待他, 也有点像我看待他那样。
④___________________what she said.
anything like
anything like
something of
There’s something in
阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整
My husband, Tom, has always been good with animals, but I was still amazed
when he befriended a female grouse (松鸡). It’s unusual for a grouse to have any
contact with people. In fact, they’re hard to spot, because they usually fly off when
they hear humans approaching.
This grouse came into our lives in spring. Tom was working out in the field when he noticed her walking around at the edge of the field. She was surprisingly unafraid and seemed to be curious about what he was doing.
Tom saw the friendly bird several times, and she got more comfortable around him. We quickly grew fond of the bird and decided to call her Mildred.
One day, as Tom was working, Mildred came within a few feet of him to watch. Tom pretended he didn’t see her and kept working to see what she would do next.
Apparently, she didn’t like to be ignored. She’d run up and peck (啄) at Tom’s hands, then back off to see what he would do. This went on for about 20 minutes, until Mildred became tired of the game and left.
As spring went and summer came, Mildred started to come out more and more often. Eventually Mildred felt comfortable enough to jump up on Tom’s leg and stay long enough for me to get a picture of the two of them together. This friendly grouse soon felt comfortable not just with our family, but with anybody who walked or drove by.
When hunting season opened, we put a sign at the end of our driveway asking hunters not to shoot our pet grouse. My father, who lived down the road, also warned people not to shoot her. In fact, hunters would stop and take pictures, because they had never seen anything like her.
注意: 续写词数应为150左右。
One day, when Tom worked as usual, Mildred didn’t show up.______________
  While all of us thought Mildred was dead, she came out the next spring with many small cute grouses.________________________________________________
Step 1 写作技巧
1. 通读全文, 获悉前文要领
(1)体裁: 记叙文。
(2)前文线索: 作者的丈夫Tom在田间干活时看到一只胆大的松鸡, 和别的松鸡不同, 它不惧怕人类, 慢慢这只松鸡和作者一家越来越熟悉, 甚至还会飞到Tom身上。后来这只松鸡和人们相处得越来越和谐, 不但作者一家非常喜欢它, 而且连猎人都驻足拍照留念。
2. 读段首句, 合理设计情节
Paragraph 1: 根据段首句One day, when Tom worked as usual, Mildred didn’t show up. 可知, Mildred不见了, 该段应是描述作者和丈夫为此感到忐忑不安。先去寻找, 打听其下落, 但结果仍没有找到, 考虑到是打猎季节, 松鸡是不是被猎杀了
Paragraph 2: 根据段首句While all of us thought Mildred was dead, she came out the next spring with many small cute grouses. 可知, 第二年春天, 她却带着许多可爱的小松鸡出来了。那么接下来的内容应是描写作者和丈夫对此的反应: 惊讶; 再围绕Mildred是雌松鸡写起, 解释为什么前一段时间Mildred没有出现。
3. 斟词酌句, 心理描写
①汤姆很担心, 因为现在是狩猎季节。
Tom was __________because it was the hunting season.
You can never imagine ____________________.
so worried
how surprised we were
Step 2 妙笔成篇
One day, when Tom worked as usual, Mildred didn’t show up. We looked for her all over the field, but failed. The next day, the third day. . . Mildred still didn’t turn up. Tom was so worried because it was the hunting season. We thought she was possibly shot by hunters though we didn’t want to admit it.
While all of us thought Mildred was dead, she came out the next spring with many small cute grouses. You can never imagine how surprised we were. We just forgot she was a female grouse. She spent the whole year looking after her babies. When she ran up and pecked at Tom’s hands, we were sure she was back. She jumped up on Tom’s leg as usual just like she had never left. Mildred came to see us every day with her babies from then on and we hoped we could meet her all the time. I also hope we human beings can be friendly to these wild animals and try our best to protect them.选择性必修第一册Unit 3综合能力检测
第一部分 阅读(共两节, 满分50分)
第一节(共15小题; 每小题2. 5分, 满分37. 5分)
阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
After closing down due to COVID-19 on March 12, 2020, Universal Orlando was one of the first major theme parks in the U. S. to reopen. Virtually almost everything is open now, but you should note the following:
   Most places are now open at CityWalk, including the Cinemark movie theater, which had remained closed when the complex first reopened. The nightclubs at CityWalk, including the Groove and the Red Coconut Club, remain closed. The Blue Man Group theater is temporarily closed.
   Most Select Universal Orlando hotels are open. Loews Royal Pacific Resort, Loews Portofino Bay Hotel, Hard Rock Hotel, Cabana Bay Beach Resort, and Universal’s Endless Summer Resort. Surfside Inn and Suites, and Universal’s Aventura Hotel reopened but have since temporarily closed.
   The parks are operating with reduced hours and typically close at 5 p. m. or 6 p. m.
  Things to Consider as You Plan a Universal Orlando Visit
   Attendance is limited: Since the resort (度假胜地) opened, it generally hits its limited capacity only on weekends. To check whether the parks have maxed out on a given day, you can go to the resort’s official site, , or call its hotline at 407-817-8317.
   Reservations are not required to visit the parks: Unlike most other theme parks , Universal is not requiring guests to make advance reservations for the day they wish to visit the parks during the pandemic.
   Download the app to stay informed: Universal recommends that visitors download the latest version of its app to stay current with any updates or changes. It will also allow you to use some powerful features, including mobile food and drink ordering, contactless purchasing, and the Virtual Line system for reserving a ride.
1. According to the passage, which of the following is open to the public now
A. Surfside Inn and Suites.
B. The Cinemark movie theater.
C. The Blue Man Group theater.
D. The Groove and the Red Coconut Club.
2. How can you check if Universal Orlando has too many visitors
A. Go to the park’s office.
B. Dial 407-817-8317.
C. Book tickets in advance.
D. Access the park’s site.
3. Why does Universal recommend downloading its app
A. To get the latest information.
B. To make advance reservations.
C. To use its all-powerful features.
D. To take the rides free of charge.
  In order to reduce the risk of suffering from COVID-19, people are supposed to say no to a handshake, give up high fives, refuse kisses on the cheek and absolutely avoid hugging. So people all over the world are changing their daily habits at work and at home to prevent it from spreading.
  In France, handshaking is regarded as daily greeting habits. And kissing on the cheek is often seen even between people who have only just met. Philippe Lichtfus, a lifestyle expert notes that handshaking is a relatively recent development in human history that began in the Middle Ages. Now, he says simply looking into a person’s eyes can serve as a greeting.
The Brazilian health ministry has recommended that citizens should not share the metal straws traditionally used to consume the caffeine-rich drink chimarrao. And a kiss—even if it is not on the mouth—is totally advised against.
  One of Spain’s most treasured traditions is also affected by the outbreak—the kissing of sculptures of Virgin Mary in the week leading up to Easter. During the holy week, the faithful believers queue up to kiss the hands or feet of sculptures of Mary and the saints, seeking their protection.
  Germany’s interior minister (内政部长) Horst Seehofer rebuffed Chancellor(总理)Angela Merkel’s attempt to shake hands with him, smiling and keeping both his hands to himself. They both laughed and Merkel threw her hand up in the air before taking a seat.
  In Iran, a video has gone viral (走红) showing three friends meeting, hands in their pockets, two of whom are wearing masks, tapping their feet against each other as a greeting. A similar video in Lebanon shows singer Ragheb Alama and comedian Michel Abou Sleiman tapping their feet against each other while making kissing noises with their mouths.
  The UAE (阿拉伯联合酋长国) is advising citizens to stop the traditional “nose to nose” greeting. The UAE also said that people shouldn’t shake hands anymore or kiss. Greet each other “by waving only”.
4. What can we learn from Philippe Lichtfus
A. Handshaking has a long history.
B. People can continue to kiss on the cheek.
C. It is recommended that people look into other’s eyes as a greeting.
D. It is unusual for two people who have just met to kiss on the cheeks.
5. What does the underlined word “rebuffed” in Paragraph 5 probably mean
A. Appreciated.        B. Refused.
C. Accepted. D. Welcomed.
6. What can be inferred from the text
A. Several traditional greeting habits are advised against in the UAE.
B. People who believe in Virgin Mary must be disappointed to cancel the ceremony.
C. Brazilians are crazy about consuming the caffeine-rich drink chimarrao.
D. Tapping feet against each other has already become a daily greeting in Iran.
7. What does the text mainly tell us
A. Some old greeting styles are out of date.
B. Some new greeting styles become popular.
C. Different countries have different greeting styles.
D. People change their greeting styles to protect themselves.
  The Disneyland parks are full of amusements, but they are also small cities that deal with deliveries, rubbish, and groups of visitors. People need to move from one place to another; they have to refuel and relax. To meet these requirements, the parks are well-equipped in reality. For example, Disneyland Park in California has a reliable transport system. In Walt Disney World in Florida, dustbins are spaced 30 feet apart, and all of them are emptied through underground tubes.
None of this happened by accident. Walt Disney first had his idea for a play land in 1937. He first imagined the park’s buildings in a small size. He spent years collecting ideas by visiting other places. He studied Beverly Park in Los Angeles, including rebuilt historic villages. He visited Colonial Williamsburg, where employees dressed up and walked around. Then he organized a team of engineers and designers to plan and build a small world he called Disneyland. Walt Disney had blueprints(蓝图)drawn up, and tried to get the permission to break ground(破土动工).
In 1953, he bought some land in Anaheim. Some designers thought it was too far, but Disney went ahead. It was like building a new city. Pipes had to be fixed. Railway track had to be laid around. Disney chose the hub-and-spoke(轴辐式的)street pattern that many cities have. “I want Disneyland to be a place where you can’t get lost, ” he said. Designers and architects also diagrammed(图解)the rides and made models, while artists painted the background.
  Finally in July 1955, the visitors came. If they picked up maps, they could see the results of years’ planning: the shops and restaurants, the square, and the streets. The magic city had finally jumped off the drawing board and come into real life.
8. What does the author want to show about Disneyland parks in the first paragraph
A. The convenient environment.
B. The amusing tourist attractions.
C. The differences between the parks.
D. The visitors’ common requirements.
9. Why did Walt Disney travel to different places including Beverly Park
A. To choose a place for construction.
B. To advertise his Disneyland Park.
C. To experience American culture.
D. To get inspiration for his park.
10. What kind of person is Walt Disney according to the passage
A. Confident but selfish.
B. Stubborn but kind-hearted.
C. Considerate and determined.
D. Careful and hard-working.
11. What’s the best title of the text
A. It is worthwhile to build large parks
B. Disneyland has been built like a brand-new city
C. How a theme park was built in a big city of USA
D. Disneyland—a famous park around the world
On Sept. 21, 2020, scientists announced that Arctic sea ice has already lost two-thirds of its amount over the past four decades. It is part of a shocking trend in polar heating that is already seeing impacts across the globe.
  Throughout the spring and summer, Arctic sea ice melted away faster than it usually does, causing the largest loss of Arctic sea ice cover since satellite records began in the 1970s. This year’s minimum was reached on September 15, at 3. 74 million m2 compared with the previous low—4. 17 million m2—set in 2007.
  What’s causing this loss of sea ice The short answer is our heating climate. A recent study showed that the influence of heat has more than doubled over the past decade or so, which means the melting of nearly a meter thickness of sea ice each year.
  The biggest effects of the loss of Arctic sea ice, of course, will be felt locally: from the more possible snowfall to more storms with stronger winds. These will also cause waves as well as rising temperatures. In fact, the increased temperatures transformed northern forests into tinderboxes ready to burn. That melt also means polar bears are losing critical habitat and Inuit hunters are losing ice to preserve their traditions and culture.
  On a larger scale, the greatest impact may be the changes in the Arctic’s ability in function as a cooling system for the global ocean. A warmer Arctic will affect the temperature differences between the northern polar region and areas further south. That may, in turn, create stronger heat waves, droughts, floods and potential impacts on farming. And all of us will be more exposed to the disastrous effects of climate breakdown.
  We need to hit the reset button right now on how we look after each other and Arctic sea ice to help our planet cope with the climate breakdown.
12. What do the figures in Paragraph 2 show us
A. The ways of sea ice melting.
B. The reasons for sea ice melting.
C. The big fall in the amount of sea ice.
D. The great damage of sea ice melting.
13. What may happen due to the Arctic sea ice loss
A. The reduction of snowfall.
B. The global climate emergency.
C. The direct outbreak of forest fires.
D. The disappearance of Inuit hunters.
14. What is the last paragraph mainly about
A. Stressing the importance of oceans.
B. Warning people of the possible risks.
C. Putting forward some useful measures.
D. Appealing to the public to protect Arctic sea ice.
15. Which can be the best title for the text
A. The earth is facing a catastrophe.
B. Climate breakdown is on the way.
C. Global heating sees Arctic sea ice loss.
D. Arctic sea ice is important for mankind.
第二节(共5小题; 每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)
  阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
Rules for Proper Gift Giving
When you are planning to give a gift, it is important to think about the receiver. As the gift is for the other person, it should be suitable for his or her particular personality. Is he or she a family member or a close friend  16 These are valuable things to keep in mind when choosing the right gift for someone.
At a dinner party, it is usually proper to show up with some sort of gratitude(感谢) for the host.  17 This type of gift does not have to be expensive. It just needs to be something that can serve as a sign of appreciation. This can be done in the form of flowers or a bottle of wine.
When someone gives you a gift, you generally want to give one in return.  18 There are situations where people give gifts and do not expect anything in return. This occurs when you are celebrating your birthday or graduation. If you receive gifts from your friends, then just a thank-you note will be enough.
When in a situation where you have received something expensive and are expected to give one in return, many people feel pressured to give a gift of greater or equal value to the one that was gifted to them. However, it is important to distance yourself from these assumptions.  19 
Well, what should you do when you have forgotten to send a gift It happens to all of us. Whether it is a family member’s birthday or a friend’s graduation ceremony, forgetting to give a gift is awkward. So, it can be difficult to find the right way to make up for forgetfulness. However, before you begin to panic, know that a late gift is better than no gift.  20 
A. However, this is not always the case.
B. Do you have to give a gift to your friends
C. Gifts should be tied to meaning instead of dollar value.
D. In Eastern cultures, gifts are given before the guest leaves.
E. Does he or she enjoy big gifts or prefer a bunch of flowers
F. So, send your gift with an apologetic note and all should be forgiven.
G. They have invited you over to their home and that should be acknowledged.
第二部分 语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)
第一节(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)
  阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
  When you measure the distance between towns on foot, walk to places that you thought could only be reached by car and it will change your mind.
  I live in the suburb north of San Francisco, and 21 is considered the main transportation for most people here. I still remember how  22 I was when I first learned to drive. While driving with music gently  23 my heart, I was filled with joy. However, as time went by, that excitement  24 . I feared driving, and felt worried and upset. Everyone seems to be in my way especially when I am in a  25 . One night, a deer ran out from the dark, knocked against my moving car, and  26 across the street. I didn’t dare to get out of my car to see her. Crying on the  27 , I hated my car.
  When I joined the 21-day mindful walking 28 , I began to walk with a mind. During the walking days, I smiled at every stranger  29 by me. I walked to the streets that I  30 would not pass through and  31 a tiny free library on the sidewalk. I began to 32 if I had really lived in this town all these years. It’s a completely  33  town that I know so little about!
  I felt deeply 34 for the walking challenge. Maybe I will set foot on far lands again, yet I know  35 is right here and right now.
21. A. walking    B. driving C. flying D. biking
22. A. anxious B. surprised C. excited D. ready
23. A. attacking B. hitting C. recovering D. comforting
24. A. went down B. spread out C. fell apart D. took over
25. A. mess B. way C. hurry D. corner
26. A. came B. jumped C. landed D. ran
27. A. wheel B. carpet C. street D. shelter
28. A. organization B. challenge C. schedule D. competition
29. A. standing B. judging C. passing D. dropping
30. A. obviously B. actually C. normally D. formally
31. A. discovered B. built C. decorated D. rented
32. A. comment B. Question C. argue D. check
33. A. special B. romantic C. quiet D. new
34. A. grateful B. hungry C. sorry D. doubtful
35. A. fortune B. wonder C. concern D. pressure
第二节(共10小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)
  阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
  China’s first artificial intelligence(AI)theme park opened to public in early November, after 10 months repair of a municipal(市政的)park in northern Beijing. Newly 36. __________(apply)to the Al theme park, driverless shuttle buses and smart lamp posts can record exercise data. Besides, intelligent speakers that can 37. __________(instant)respond to human instructions have been installed in Haidian Park, 38. __________covers about 34 hectares near the Fourth Ring Road.
  The district government of Haidian and Internet company Baidu signed 39. __________agreement in January to jointly explore “smart city” 40. __________(build). Haidian Park, which received about 1. 2 million tourists last year, was chosen 41. __________(run) the pilot program. “A total of 10 government 42. __________(department)and companies have participated in the rebuilding 43. __________the park over the past 10 months, ” said Che Jianguo from the district’s park administration office.
  In recent years, Chinese high-tech companies 44. __________(set)foot in the AI industry, while the government also stressed in October that it would boost the development of the 45. __________(country)new generation of artificial intelligence.
第三部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
  假定你是李华, 你的家乡新建立了一个主题公园, 请给你的加拿大朋友Tony写一封邮件, 邀请他来该主题公园游玩。邮件的内容包括:
1. 写邮件的目的;
2. 介绍新建的主题公园的相关内容;
3. 期待回复。
1. 词数不少于80;
2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;
3. 开头和结尾已经给出不计入总词数。
Dear Tony,
  How is everything going
Yours truly,
Li Hua
阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
  Yumi stood at the door of the cabin (小屋). She watched black clouds roll across the sky. “This has been an awful vacation, ” she said to Mei. “We’ve been in this cabin all week because of this rain. Then I wanted to go into town with Mom and Dad today, but you got sick. ”
  “I couldn’t help it, ”Mei cried.
  Yumi didn’t listen to her. “My friend Sue is lucky. She’s an only child. She never has to miss out on things because of a little sister, ”she said.
  With an angry click, she turned on the radio. “Word is just in, ” a man said. “There is a chance of a flash flood in Green Valley. The water in Copper Lake has reached the top of the dam. The dam could give way at any time. People in Green Valley are in danger. They should move to high ground right away. ”
  “Should we leave ” Mei asked.
  “No, Mom and Dad will be home soon. I don’t want to leave until they get here, ” Yumi answered.
  Yumi was upset. Every past year she loved their vacations in Green Valley. But this year the rain spoiled(毁掉)everything. The sky grew darker. Heavy rain beat against the windows, and thunder shook the cabin. “Yumi, I’m scared, ” Mei said. “What if the dam breaks ”
  “It won’t, ” Yumi said. She hoped Mei believed her. Yumi didn’t want Mei to know how scared she was.
  The radio stopped in the middle of a song. A man came on the air talking loud and fast. “The Copper Lake Dam has broken. Everyone in Green Valley must move to high ground NOW! ”
  Yumi’s heart raced. “Let’s get out of here! ” she cried. She took Mei’s arm and pulled her outside. They could hear a terrible roar(咆哮)coming from the far end of the valley. Yumi and Mei dashed up the muddy road behind their cabin. The thundering roar grew louder. Yumi looked back. The wall of water was coming faster. It seemed to be swallowing all of Green Valley. In another minute it would hit them.
注意: 续写词数应为150左右。
  Yumi saw a large tree just ahead.
  In a short time the flood water began to go down.
第一部分 阅读(共两节, 满分50分)
第一节(共15小题; 每小题2. 5分, 满分37. 5分)
【文章大意】本文属于应用文。文章介绍了在新冠疫情背景之下, 参观重新开放的奥兰多环球影城主题公园的注意事项。
1. 【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据第二段“Most places are now open at CityWalk, including the Cinemark movie theater. . . ”可知, CityWalk的大多数地方现在都开放了, 包括喜满客电影院。由此可知, the Cinemark movie theater现在处于开放状态, 故选B。
2. 【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据倒数第三段“To check whether the parks have maxed out on a given day, you can go to the resort’s official site, , or call its hotline at 407-817-8317. ”可知, 要查看游客数量是否超出上限, 可以登录官方网站, 也可以拨打热线电话407-817-8317, 故选B。
3. 【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据最后一段“Download the app to stay informed: Universal recommends that visitors download the latest version of its app to stay current with any updates or changes. ”可知, 下载应用程序以保持信息畅通: 环球公司建议访问者下载最新版本的应用程序, 以了解更新或更改。故选A。
【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了在新冠肺炎疫情期间, 为了避免传播病毒, 各国民众的问候方式也和以往不一样了。
4. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第二段中“Now, he says simply looking into a person’s eyes can serve as a greeting. ”可知Philippe Lichtfus认为现在把注视人的眼睛当作一种问候, 故选C。
5.【解析】选B。词义猜测题。根据第五段可知总理想和内政部长握手, 而Horst Seehofer面带微笑, 没有伸手。可知, Horst Seehofer拒绝了总理握手的请求, 所以rebuffed是 “拒绝”的意思, 故选B。
6.【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据最后一段可知, 在阿联酋, 传统的问候方式不再建议使用, 故选A。
7. 【解析】选D。主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了疫情期间, 为了阻挡病毒的传播, 减少感染风险, 保护自己, 人们改变了他们的问候方式, 故选D。
【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文, 介绍了迪斯尼乐园内部是如何被沃尔特·迪斯尼设计和规划的。
8. 【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据第一段“People need to move from one place to another; they have to refuel and relax. . . . In Walt Disney World in Florida, dustbins are spaced 30 feet apart, and all of them are emptied through underground tubes”可知, 作者想在第一段中展示迪斯尼乐园方便的环境。故选A。
9. 【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据第二段第四、五句可知, 他花了几年的时间, 通过参观其他地方来构建自己的想法。他研究了洛杉矶的贝弗利公园, 包括重建历史村庄。所以沃尔特·迪斯尼要去贝弗利公园等不同的地方是为了寻找建设公园的灵感。故选D。
10. 【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据第二段“None of this happened by accident. . . . He studied Beverly Park in Los Angeles, including rebuilt historic villages. ”以及第三段第二句“Some designers thought it was too far, but Disney went ahead. ”可知, 一些设计师认为这太不现实了, 但沃尔特·迪斯尼却坚持了下去, 由此判断出沃尔特·迪斯尼考虑周到和意志坚强。故选C。
11. 【解析】选B。标题归纳题。通读全文可知, 短文介绍了迪斯尼乐园内部是如何被沃尔特·迪斯尼设计和规划的。由最后一段The magic city had finally jumped off the drawing board and come into real life. 这座神奇的城市终于从画板上跳了下来, 走进了现实生活。所以短文的最佳标题为“迪斯尼乐园建造得像一座崭新的城市”。故选B。
【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。2020年9月21日, 科学家宣布, 在过去40年里, 北极海冰已经减少了三分之二。这是令人震惊的极地变暖趋势的一部分, 已经在全球范围内产生影响。文章分析了海冰消失的原因以及影响, 呼吁我们保护北冰洋的海冰。
12. 【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据第二段“Throughout the spring and summer, Arctic sea ice melted away faster than it usually does. ”可推知, 第二段中的数字告诉我们海冰数量的大幅下降。故选C。
13. 【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“That may, in turn, create stronger heat waves, droughts, floods and potential impacts on farming. ”可知, 北极海冰消融会导致全球气候出现紧急情况。故选B。
14. 【解析】选D。段落大意题。最后一段主要呼吁公众保护北极海冰。故选D。
15.【解析】选C。标题归纳题。文章分析了海冰消失的原因以及影响, 呼吁我们保护北冰洋的海冰。可知, C选项“全球变暖导致北极海冰融化”最符合文章大意。故选C。
第二节(共5小题; 每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)
16. 【解析】选E。根据前文“Is he or she a family member or a close friend ”(他或她是家庭成员还是亲密的朋友 )可知, 此处是讲选择礼物要考虑的因素, 根据后文“These are valuable things to keep in mind when choosing the right gift for someone. ”(在给别人选择合适的礼物时, 这些都是要记住的宝贵东西。)可知, 空格处是又提到了一个要考虑的因素, 所以选项E“他/她喜欢大礼物还是喜欢一束花 ”切合文意。故选E。
17. 【解析】选G。前文“At a dinner party, it is usually proper to show up with some sort of gratitude(感谢) for the host. ”(在晚宴上, 带着对主人的感激之情出席通常是恰当的。)对应选项G中的“They have invited you over to their home and that should be acknowledged”, 所以选项G“他们邀请你去他们家, 这应该得到承认。”切合文意。故选G。
18. 【解析】选A。根据前文“When someone gives you a gift, you generally want to give one in return. ”(当有人给你礼物时, 你通常会想回赠。)可知, 选项A中的this是指回赠礼物, 根据后文“There are situations where people give gifts and do not expect anything in return. ”(有些情况下, 人们送出礼物却不期待任何回报。)可知, 有些情况人们并不希望收到回赠, 和前文构成转折关系, 对应A选项中的转折词However。所以选项A“然而, 情况并非总是如此。”切合文意。故选A。
19. 【解析】选C。根据空格前文(当你收到了贵重的礼物, 而对方又希望你回赠时, 许多人会感到有压力, 要送比对方价值更大或同等价值的礼物。然而, 与这些假设保持距离是很重要的。)可知, 此处是指礼物的贵重并不重要, 所以选项C“礼物应该与意义而不是金钱价值挂钩。”切合文意。故选C。
20. 【解析】选F。根据前文“So, it can be difficult to find the right way to make up for forgetfulness. However, before you begin to panic, know that a late gift is better than no gift. ”(因此, 找到正确的方法来弥补健忘是很困难的。然而, 在你开始恐慌之前, 要知道迟到的礼物总比没有礼物好。)可知, 此处是指如果忘记了送对方礼物也没关系, 迟到的礼物总比没有礼物好。选项F “所以, 送出你的礼物, 并附上道歉的纸条, 所有的一切都应该被原谅。”切合文意。故选F。
第二部分 语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)
第一节(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)
21. 【解析】选B。根据后文“I still remember how ______I was when I first learned to drive. ”以及“While driving with music gently”可知, 此处指“开车”。故选B。
22. 【解析】选C。句意: 我还记得我第一次学开车时是多么的兴奋。根据常识及后文“I was filled with joy”和“the excitement”可知, 作者第一次学开车时是“兴奋的”。故选C。
23.【解析】选D。句意: 开车的时候, 音乐轻轻抚慰着我的心, 我满心欢喜。根据后文“I was filled with joy”可知, 开车时, 听着音乐, 非常开心, 所以是“抚慰着”作者的心。故选D。
24. 【解析】选A。句意: 然而, 随着时间的流逝, 那种兴奋感减弱了。根据常识及后文“I feared driving, and felt worried and upset. ”可知, 作者的兴奋感下降了。故选A。
25. 【解析】选C。根据前文“Everyone seems to be in my way”和“especially”可知, 越是在“匆忙赶路”的时候, 越感觉别人在挡着自己的路。故选C。
26. 【解析】选C。句意: 一天晚上, 一只鹿从黑暗中跑出来, 撞在我正在行驶的汽车上, 然后跌落在了马路对面。根据前文“knocked against my moving car”和后文“across the street”可知, 那只被汽车撞的鹿跌落在马路对面。故选C。
27. 【解析】选A。根据前文“I didn’t dare to get out of my car to see her. ”可知, 作者不敢下车, 所以趴在方向盘上哭泣。故选A。
28.【解析】选B。根据后文“I felt deeply ______for the walking challenge. ”可知, 作者认为这是一种挑战。故选B。
29. 【解析】选C。句意: 在行走的日子里, 我对每一个从我身边经过的陌生人微笑。根据前文“During the walking days”可知, 作者在行走中, 对身边经过的人微笑。故选C。
30. 【解析】选C。句意: 我走到我通常不会经过的街道上, 发现人行道上有一个小小的免费图书馆。根据后文“ It’s a completely ______town that I know so little about! ”可知, 作者“通常”不会经过这样的街道。故选C。
31. 【解析】选A。根据前文“I walked to the streets that I ______would not pass through”可知, 作者步行走在街道上, 才会“发现”人行道上的图书馆。故选A。
32. 【解析】选B。根据后文“It’s a completely ______town that I know so little about! ”可知, 作者没有来过这些街道, 对自己居住的城镇了解甚少, 所以怀疑自己这些年是不是住在这个城镇上。故选B。
33.【解析】选D。根据后文“town that I know so little about”可知, 作者对这个城镇知之甚少, 感觉是“全新的”。故选D。
34. 【解析】选A。句意: 我对步行挑战深表感激。基于前文的分析可知, 因为步行挑战让作者注意到许多以前没有注意的东西, 所以作者深表感激。故选A。
35. 【解析】选B。因为步行挑战让作者注意到许多以前没有注意的东西, 所以作者感觉到此时此地就有自己以前没有注意到的“奇迹”。故选B。
第二节(共10小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)
36. 【解析】applied。考查过去分词。主语driverless shuttle buses and smart lamp posts和动词apply是逻辑上的动宾关系, 用过去分词作状语。故填applied。
37. 【解析】instantly。考查副词。此处用副词instantly(立即)作状语修饰动词respond。故填instantly。
38. 【解析】which。考查定语从句。此处是非限制性定语从句, 先行词是Haidian Park, 指物, 关系词在从句中作主语, 用关系代词which引导该从句, that不能引导非限制性定语从句。故填which。
39. 【解析】an。考查冠词。此处泛指“一个协议”, agreement的发音是以元音音素开头, 用不定冠词an表泛指。故填an。
40. 【解析】building。考查名词。动词explore后接名词作宾语, “smart city”是定语, 用名词building(建设)作explore真正的宾语。故填building。
41. 【解析】to run。考查动词不定式。句意: 去年接待游客约120万人次的海淀公园被选为试点项目。此处用动词不定式(to do)形式作目的状语。故填to run。
42. 【解析】departments。考查名词的数。department是可数名词, 前面由数词10修饰, 用名词复数形式。故填departments。
43. 【解析】of。考查介词。句意: 区公园管理办公室的车建国说: “过去10个月, 共有10个政府部门和公司参与了公园的重建工作。此处是of名词所有格, 意为“公园的重建”。故填of。
44. 【解析】have set。考查时态。由时间状语In recent years可知, 时态用现在完成时(has/have done), “Chinese high-tech companies”和“set”之间是主动关系, 用主动语态, 主语Chinese high-tech companies是复数, 谓语也用复数形式。故填have set。
45. 【解析】country’s。考查名词所有格。此处缺少定语, 指“国家的”, 用“’s”名词所有格, 即“country’s”, 作定语修饰名词短语new generation of artificial intelligence。故填country’s。
第三部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
Dear Tony,
  How is everything going Learning that you are keen to theme parks, I’m writing to invite you to visit the newly-built theme park—Folk Culture Park.
  Located 12 km south of our city, the park is a combination of culture, entertainment and food. To begin with, it is a perfect place where you may have a taste of various features in different times of China. Additionally, the park has plenty of restaurants with tasty food for every appetite.
  Once you make up your mind, don’t hesitate to contact me. Looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
  Yumi saw a large tree just ahead. An idea flashed across her mind. She and Mei were both good at climbing trees. And the large tree was strong enough to stay up in the flood. “Mei, climb it up. I will follow. ” Yumi ordered. Without difficulty, they were soon on top of the tree, where they found the ground already covered with rushing waters. And far below the valley their cabins had been swallowed by the currents.
  In a short time the flood water began to go down. It was then that Yumi felt cold and hungry. Yumi no longer wanted to be an only child now. Instead of coming down the tree, the two sisters cheered up each other and took turns to shout loud up there for they knew clearly the loud shouts would bring their parents to their side. Incredibly, it worked. When they met, they hugged tightly and shed happy tears. Mom and Dad praised their kids’ wise behavior. They lost their home, but they were alive. After all, to be alive is the most important of all.