人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 4 Body Language一轮复习讲练测(4份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 4 Body Language一轮复习讲练测(4份打包)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-11-17 21:15:33


选择性必修第一册Unit 4单元词汇默写本
Ⅰ. 核心单词
1. ________________________      vi. (根据情况)变化; 改变
2. ________________________ adj. 合适的; 恰当的
3. ________________________ vi. 赞成; 同意vt. 批准; 通过
4. ________________________ vt. 表现; 表达; 说明; 证明
5. ________________________ vt. 当场看到; 目击; 见证n. 目击者; 证人
6. ________________________ n. 隔阂; 障碍
7. ________________________ adj. 可靠的; 可信赖的
8. ________________________ vt. 揭示; 显示; 露出
9. ________________________ vt. 占据; 占用
10. ________________________ vt. 调整; 调节vi. &vt. 适应; (使)习惯
Ⅱ. 拓展单词
1. anxious adj. 焦虑的; 不安的; 渴望的→________________________ n. 焦虑; 担心; 害怕
2. employ vt. 使用, 应用, 雇用→________________________ n. 雇主→________________________ n. 雇员
3. differ vi. 不同于; 相异→________________________ n. 不同之处→________________________ adj. 不同的
4. assess vt. 评估; 评价→________________________ n. 评价; 评定
5. favour vt. 较喜欢; 选择; 有利于 n. 恩惠, 帮助, 赞同→________________________ adj. 赞同的→________________________ adj. & n. 特别喜爱的(东西)
6. clarify vt. 使更清晰易懂; 阐明; 澄清→________________________ n. 澄清; 解释
7. educate v. 教育→ ________________________ n. 教师; 教育工作者; 教育家→________________________ n. 教育
8. tend vi. 趋向→________________________ n. 趋势; 倾向
9. embarrass vt. 使尴尬→________________________ adj. 尴尬的; 难堪的
10. slight adj. 轻微的; 略微的; 细小的→ ________________________ adv. 略微; 稍微
1. ________________________     相比之下
2. ________________________ (与……)相比较
3. ________________________ 推理; 推断
4. ________________________ 消除; 分解; 打破
5. ________________________ 直起来; 整理; 收拾整齐
6. ________________________ 换句话说; 也就是说
7. ________________________ (短暂地)访问; 要求(某人讲话等); 正式邀请
8. ________________________ 有某种影响; 在工作
9. ________________________ 因……而感到羞愧
10. ________________________
1. 句型公式: 动名词短语作表语
The crucial thing is ________________________(使用肢体语言) in a way that is appropriate to the culture you are in.
2. 句型公式: 动名词短语作宾语
However, you should avoid ________________________ (使用这个手势)in Brazil and Germany, as it is not considered polite.
3. 句型公式: with+宾语+宾语补足语
It is as though they are asleep ________________________(睁着眼睛).
4. 句型公式: not (all) that+形容词或副词
Many students are quite shy and ________________________ (不怎么说话).
Ⅰ. 核心单词
1. vary      vi. (根据情况)变化; 改变
2. appropriate adj. 合适的; 恰当的
3. approve vi. 赞成; 同意vt. 批准; 通过
4. demonstrate vt. 表现; 表达; 说明; 证明
5. witness vt. 当场看到; 目击; 见证n. 目击者; 证人
6. barrier n. 隔阂; 障碍
7. reliable adj. 可靠的; 可信赖的
8. reveal vt. 揭示; 显示; 露出
9. occupy vt. 占据; 占用
10. adjust vt. 调整; 调节vi. &vt. 适应; (使)习惯
Ⅱ. 拓展单词
1. anxious adj. 焦虑的; 不安的; 渴望的→anxiety n. 焦虑; 担心; 害怕
2. employ vt. 使用, 应用, 雇用→employer n. 雇主→employee n. 雇员
3. differ vi. 不同于; 相异→difference n. 不同之处→different adj. 不同的
4. assess vt. 评估; 评价→assessment n. 评价; 评定
5. favour vt. 较喜欢; 选择; 有利于 n. 恩惠, 帮助, 赞同→favourable adj. 赞同的→favourite adj. & n. 特别喜爱的(东西)
6. clarify vt. 使更清晰易懂; 阐明; 澄清→clarification n. 澄清; 解释
7. educate v. 教育→ educator n. 教师; 教育工作者; 教育家→education n. 教育
8. tend vi. 趋向→tendency n. 趋势; 倾向
9. embarrass vt. 使尴尬→embarrassed adj. 尴尬的; 难堪的
10. slight adj. 轻微的; 略微的; 细小的→ slightly adv. 略微; 稍微
1. by contrast     相比之下
2. by comparison (与……)相比较
3. make inferences 推理; 推断
4. break down 消除; 分解; 打破
5. straighten up 直起来; 整理; 收拾整齐
6. in other words 换句话说; 也就是说
7. call on (短暂地)访问; 要求(某人讲话等); 正式邀请
8. at work 有某种影响; 在工作
9. be ashamed of 因……而感到羞愧
10. in conflict with sb. (over sth. )
1. 句型公式: 动名词短语作表语
The crucial thing is using body language(使用肢体语言) in a way that is appropriate to the culture you are in.
2. 句型公式: 动名词短语作宾语
However, you should avoid making this gesture (使用这个手势)in Brazil and Germany, as it is not considered polite.
3. 句型公式: with+宾语+宾语补足语
It is as though they are asleep with their eyes open(睁着眼睛).
4. 句型公式: not (all) that+形容词或副词
Many students are quite shy and don’t speak all that much (不怎么说话). 选择性必修一 Unit 4 Body Language
Ⅰ. 单句语法填空
1. (2020· 天津高考) Galileo was not merely ambitious when he dropped objects of ____________ (vary)weights from the Leaning Tower at Pisa and timed their fall to the ground.
2. (2020·新高考全国Ⅰ卷) However, her children have learned an important lesson ____________ (witness)their mother earn her degree.
3. (2020· 天津高考)It encourages us ____________(occupy) our own little corner, to avoid foolish leaps into the dark, to be satisfied.
4. (2020·全国Ⅰ卷) We are often ashamed ____________ our shortcomings, our mistakes and our failures.
5. (2019·北京高考) Some students don’t have a ____________ (rely)car, while others have to share vehicles with parents who work six days a week.
Ⅱ. 完成句子
1. In the middle of China lies Hubei Province, ____________________________________.
湖北省位于中国的中部, 它的省会在长江之滨。
2. It is a statement ____________________________________.
3. Chemicals in the body ____________________________________ into useful substances.
4. I remembered ____________________________________ when I left the room.
5. She had almost failed the exam, but her sister, ____________________________________, had done very well.
她考试差点不及格, 而她的妹妹相比之下考得很好。
Ⅲ. 语法填空(黑体词为本单元重点词汇)
  We use both words and body language to express our thoughts and opinions in our interactions 1. ____________ other people. We can learn a lot about 2. ____________ people are thinking by watching their body language.
  Just like spoken language, body language 3. ____________ (vary)from culture to culture. The crucial thing is using body language in a way that is appropriate to the culture you are in. For example, making eye contact—looking into someone’s eyes—in some countries is a way to display interest. In other countries, by contrast, eye contact is not always 4. ____________(approve) of.
  The gesture for “OK” has different 5. ____________(mean) in different cultures. In Japan, someone who witnesses another person employing the gesture might think it means money. In France, a person encountering an identical gesture may interpret it as meaning zero. However, you should avoid 6. ____________ (make)this gesture in Brazil and Germany, as it is not considered polite.
  There are also differences in how we touch each other, how close we stand to someone we are talking to, and how we act when we meet or part. In countries like France and Russia, people may kiss their friends on 7. ____________ cheek when they meet.
  Some gestures seem to have the same meaning everywhere. 8. ____________ (place)your hands together and resting them on the side of your head while closing your eyes means “sleep”.
  Some body language has many different uses. A smile can help us get through difficult situations and find friends in a world of strangers. A smile can break down barriers. Experts suggest smiling at yourself in the mirror to make 9. ____________ (you)feel happier and 10. ____________(strong). And if we are feeling down or lonely, there is nothing better than seeing the smiling face of a good friend.
  Sometimes people add to what they say even when they don’t talk. Gestures are the“silent language”of every culture. We point a finger or move another part of the body to show what we want to say. It is important to know the body language of every country or we may be misunderstood.
  In the USA, people greet each other with a handshake in a formal introduction. The handshake must be firm. If the handshake is weak, it is a sign of weakness or unfriendliness. Friends may place a hand on the other’s arm or shoulder. Some people, usually women, greet a friend with a hug.
  Space is important to Americans. When two people talk to each other, they usually stand about two and a half feet away and at an angle (角度), so they are not facing each other directly. Americans get uncomfortable when a person stands too close. They will move back to have their space. If Americans touch another person by accident, they say, “Pardon me” or “Excuse me”. Americans like to look at the other person in the eyes when they are talking. If you don’t do so, it means you are bored, hiding something, or are not interested. But when you stare at someone, it is not polite.
  For Americans, thumbs up means yes, very good, or well done. Thumbs down means the opposite. To call a waiter, raise one hand to head level or above. To show you want the check, make a movement with your hands as if you are signing a piece of paper. It is all right to point at things but not at people with the hand and index finger(食指). Americans shake their index finger at children when they scold them and pat them on the head when they admire them.
  Learning a culture’s body language is sometimes confusing. If you don’t know what to do, the safest thing to do is smile.
1. If you are introduced to a stranger in the USA, you should______.
A. greet him with a hug
B. place a hand on his shoulder
C. shake his hand firmly
D. shake his hand weakly
2. Which behavior is acceptable when people talk to each other in the USA
A. Facing each other directly.
B. Touching each other.
C. Not looking at the other person in the eye.
D. Not standing too close.
3. When your American friend gives you a thumbs-up, he may ______.
A. express his satisfaction with you
B. show his anger at you
C. show his rudeness to you
D. express his worries about you
  Amy Cuddy, a Harvard psychologist, has devoted her studies to the influence that body language has on your confidence and, ultimately, success. Her biggest findings center on the powerful effects of positive body language. Positive body language includes things like proper eye contact, active listening, and gestures that show the message you’re trying to express. Studies show that people who use positive body language are more likable (讨人喜欢的), persuasive, and emotionally intelligent. Here’s how it works:
  Positive body language changes your attitude. Cuddy found that consciously (有意识地) changing your body language to make it more positive improves your attitude because it has a powerful influence on your body.
  It makes you more likable. In a Tufts University study, people watched soundless videos of doctors interacting with their patients. Just by observing the doctors’ body language, people were able to guess which doctors ended up getting complained by their patients. Body language plays a big role in how you’re viewed and can be more important than your voice or even what you say. Learning to use positive body language will make people like you and trust you more.
  It improves your emotional intelligence. Your ability to effectively communicate your emotions and ideas is central to your emotional intelligence. People whose body language is negative have a destructive effect on those around them. Working to improve your body language has a great effect on your emotional intelligence.
  We often think of body language as the result of our attitude or how we feel. This is true, but psychologists have also shown that the opposite is true: changing your body language changes your attitude.
  Have you felt the influence from changing your body language Please click the link below to turn to the comments page and share your thoughts there, so I can learn just as much from you as you do from me.
4. What is Cuddy’s biggest finding
A. Soundless videos are good for observing body language.
B. Positive body language makes people become smarter.
C. Positive body language brings people many benefits.
D. People’s emotions greatly affect their body language.
5. Why does developing positive body language improve one’s attitude
A. It affects one’s body greatly.
B. It decides how one is viewed.
C. It makes one more reliable.
D. It makes one more emotionally intelligent.
6. The underlined word “interacting” in Paragraph 3 can be replaced by “______”.
A. playing       B. communicating
C. fighting D. arguing
7. What can be inferred from the passage
A. Emotional improvement totally depends on body language.
B. The author thinks it useless to change one’s body language.
C. People with positive body language are probably more successful.
D. It is widely known that changing body language can change one’s attitude.
  It may be difficult to understand non-verbal messages because different cultures have different expectations about eye contact, physical  1 , etc.
  Let’s consider eye contact. Children from many Latin American and Asian  2  show respect by avoiding the glance of important persons. A teacher who’s  3  with this, however, might consider the lack of eye contact as a sign of disrespect. For many American Indian children,  4  a teacher in the eye and answering her question in front of the class is “showing off”.
  Culture greatly 5  attitudes towards physical contact, whether it’s a handshake, hug, or pat on the back. In Asia, female friends  6  hold hands and men casually(随便地) hug one another as they walk down the street. Americans, however, may feel uncomfortable with such public behavior. In some Asian cultures, affectionately patting a(n)  7  head is strictly taboo(禁忌的),  8  it can be acceptable behavior between adults and young children.
  How close should people stand to each other when they’re having a conversation In areas of the Middle East and South America, people stand very close when  9 . Europeans like to have  10  distance between them, while some Africans  11  even more space. You can create great discomfort by standing too close to another person. Not being  12  of this can even prevent someone from understanding or  13  the ideas you’re trying to get across.
  To create a positive environment for communication, your non-verbal message must closely  14  your verbal message. One way to do this is to carefully observe how children and families speak and behave around each other and with people they respect. This can  15  clues about the true meaning of their non-verbal interactions.
1. A. exercise B. touch C. education D. strength
2. A. schools B. villages C. homelands D. cultures
3. A. uncertain B. angry C. unfamiliar D. popular
4. A. seeing B. staring at C. looking D. glancing at
5. A. influences B. supports C. observes D. reduces
6. A. never B. often C. seldom D. sometimes
7. A. child’s B. baby’s C. adult’s D. man’s
8. A. because B. although C. unless D. if
9. A. talking B. eating C. waiting D. listening
10. A. more B. less C. no D. little
11. A. hate B. prefer C. wish D. dream
12. A. afraid B. ashamed C. proud D. aware
13. A. suggesting B. considering C. refusing D. accepting
14. A. pass B. explain C. match D. prepare
15. A. provide B. support C. prove D. search
  Certainly, there are many nonverbal 1. __________(clue) that have completely different meanings in different cultures. One of the most important means of nonverbal communication in any culture 2. __________(be) eye contact. Eye contact, 3. __________simply refers to one person looking another person in the eye, seems to have strong implications in almost every culture though these implications vary 4. __________(wide) across the globe!
  What does eye contact mean in the United States Here, if you have good eye contact with a person, it generally implies that you are 5. __________ (concern) with what that person is saying. If you look down or away from a person rather than meeting him or her, you are considered to be either unfocused 6. __________uninterested in him or her. Also, if you refuse 7. __________(meet) eye contact with a person, you may be considered to lack 8. __________ (confident).
  On the other hand, a person who makes eye contact with another person 9. __________ (think) to be confident and bold and courage is always considered a good quality! So, 10. __________ summary, making eye contact is generally considered a good thing in the United States.
Ⅰ. 1. Galileo was not merely ambitious when he dropped objects of varying (vary)weights from the Leaning Tower at Pisa and timed their fall to the ground.
2. However, her children have learned an important lesson witnessing (witness)their mother earn her degree.
3. It encourages us to occupy(occupy) our own little corner, to avoid foolish leaps into the dark, to be satisfied.
4. We are often ashamed of our shortcomings, our mistakes and our failures.
5.Some students don’t have a reliable (rely)car, while others have to share vehicles with parents who work six days a week.
Ⅱ. 1. In the middle of China lies Hubei Province, with its capital on the Yangtze River.
2. It is a statement in conflict with other evidence.
3. Chemicals in the body break down the food into useful substances.
4. I remembered turning off the lights when I left the room.
5. She had almost failed the exam, but her sister, by contrast, had done very well.
  We use both words and body language to express our thoughts and opinions in our interactions 1. with other people. We can learn a lot about 2. what people are thinking by watching their body language.
  Just like spoken language, body language 3. varies (vary)from culture to culture. The crucial thing is using body language in a way that is appropriate to the culture you are in. For example, making eye contact—looking into someone’s eyes—in some countries is a way to display interest. In other countries, by contrast, eye contact is not always 4. approved(approve) of.
  The gesture for “OK” has different 5. meanings(mean) in different cultures. In Japan, someone who witnesses another person employing the gesture might think it means money. In France, a person encountering an identical gesture may interpret it as meaning zero. However, you should avoid 6. making (make)this gesture in Brazil and Germany, as it is not considered polite.
  There are also differences in how we touch each other, how close we stand to someone we are talking to, and how we act when we meet or part. In countries like France and Russia, people may kiss their friends on 7. the cheek when they meet.
  Some gestures seem to have the same meaning everywhere. 8. Placing (place)your hands together and resting them on the side of your head while closing your eyes means “sleep”.
  Some body language has many different uses. A smile can help us get through difficult situations and find friends in a world of strangers. A smile can break down barriers. Experts suggest smiling at yourself in the mirror to make 9. yourself (you)feel happier and 10. stronger(strong). And if we are feeling down or lonely, there is nothing better than seeing the smiling face of a good friend.
1. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第二段前三句可知, 在美国, 当陌生人相互介绍的时候, 与对方握手要坚定有力, 否则会被视为不友好。
2. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第三段第三、四句可知, 美国人谈话时不会离得太近。由此可知其他三项即“直面对方、互相触摸以及眼睛不看对方”都不是恰当的行为。
3. 【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据第四段第一、二句可知, 对美国人来说, 竖起拇指意味着“干得很好”, 拇指朝下表达意思相反。
【文章大意】本文是一篇议论文。文章主要介绍了肢体语言通常被认为是我们观点和感受的表达方式, 但反过来, 肢体语言的正确表达也可以改变我们的观点和感受, 使我们更受欢迎。
4. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第一段的内容可知, Cuddy的研究发现肢体语言, 尤其是积极的肢体语言带给人们很多益处。
5. 【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据第二段中的“because it has a powerful influence on your body”可知原因。
6. 【解析】选B。词义猜测题。根据上下文可以看出, 医生跟病人之间有很多肢体语言的互动, 所以他们应该是在交流。
7. 【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据第一段得知Cuddy研究的重点就是积极的肢体语言对诸如自信与成功的影响, 后文又提到积极的肢体语言会使人更受喜欢和值得信赖, 使人情商更高。故推断, 使用积极的肢体语言的人可能更加成功。
V.【文章大意】本文为一篇说明文。文章讲述了不同的文化对眼神接触、身体接触等有不同的理解。另外, 不同的文化对人与人之间站立距离远近的理解也有所不同。所以, 要想真正了解一种文化, 一定不要忽视肢体语言所传达的信息。
1. 【解析】选B。physical touch意为“身体接触”, 从第三段的physical contact可得到暗示。
2.【解析】选D。第一段已提到不同文化(different cultures)中人们对视线接触、身体接触等有不同的理解。
3.【解析】选C。在拉丁美洲和亚洲文化中, 小孩回避重要人物的视线是对其尊敬的表现。而对此不了解的老师会误以为这是缺乏尊重。be unfamiliar with意为“对……不熟悉”。
4. 【解析】选C。look sb. in the eye意为“直视某人”。
5. 【解析】选A。本段讲身体接触在不同文化中的含义不同, 即“文化极大地影响了人们对身体接触的态度”。
6. 【解析】选B。由于男性之间可以随意地拥抱一下, 故可推测女性朋友之间手拉手是常事。
7. 【解析】选C。在一些亚洲文化中, 摸成人的头是严格禁止的, 但是成人和小孩之间摸头是可以接受的。
8. 【解析】选B。前后之间是让步关系, 故用although。
9. 【解析】选A。此处when talking与前一句的“when they’re having a conversation”意思一样。
10.【解析】选A。来自中东和南美洲的人谈话时站得很近, 而欧洲人需要保持的距离更大一些。
12.【解析】选D。对谈话时要保持的距离要掌握清楚, 否则会造成麻烦。be aware of意为“意识到, 知道”, 符合语境。
13. 【解析】选D。空前的or表示选择关系, 内容应与前面的understanding意思相近。意识不到人们交流时保持的默认的距离甚至会阻碍他人理解或接受你试图传达的想法。
14. 【解析】选C。非语言信息与语言信息要相配(match), 要一致。
15. 【解析】选A。这样就可以为你真正理解他们的非语言交流提供线索。
1. 【解析】clues。考查名词的数。在“There be +主语”结构中, 名词作主语, 此空用名词, 此空前有many修饰, 应用名词复数。故填clues。
2. 【解析】is。考查主谓一致。本文讲的是客观事实, 时态用一般现在时, 主语为One of the most important means of nonverbal communication in any culture(任何文化中最重要的非语言交流手段之一), 是单数, 主谓一致, 谓语也用单数。故填is。
3. 【解析】which。考查非限制性定语从句关系词。此处是非限制性定语从句, 先行词是Eye contact, 指物, 在从句中作主语, 应用关系代词which。故填which。
4. 【解析】widely。考查副词。此处用副词widely(很大程度上)作状语修饰动词vary。故填widely。
5. 【解析】concerned。考查固定搭配。句意: 在这里, 如果你和一个人有很好的眼神交流, 这通常意味着你关心那个人在说什么。固定搭配be concerned with. . . (关心……)。故填concerned。
6. 【解析】or。考查连词。句意: 如果你低下头, 或者看向别处, 而不是与他/她对视, 你就会被认为是对他/她不关注或不感兴趣。由句意可知, 空前和空后为选择关系, 应用连词or, 构成固定搭配either. . . or. . . (……或……)。故填or。
7. 【解析】to meet。考查动词不定式。固定搭配refuse to do sth. (拒绝做某事), 此处用动词不定式形式(to do)。故填to meet。
8. 【解析】confidence。考查名词。句意: 另外, 如果你拒绝与一个人进行眼神交流, 你可能会被认为缺乏自信。lack后跟名词作宾语, confidence作“自信”讲时是不可数名词。故填confidence。
9. 【解析】is thought。考查时态和语态。本文讲的是客观事实, 时态用一般现在时, 主语是a person, 和谓语动词think是被动关系, 应用一般现在时的被动语态, 主语是单数, 谓语也用单数。故填is thought。
10. 【解析】in。考查固定搭配。in summary意为“总之”。故填in。(共35张PPT)
选择性必修一 Unit 4 Body Language
Ⅰ. 重点词汇
1. approve vi. 赞成; 同意vt. 批准; 通过
In other countries, by contrast, eye contact is not always approved of. (P38)
相反, 在另一些国家, 眼神交流并不总是被认可。
(1)approve of. . .       赞成……, 同意……
approve of (sb. /sb. ‘s) doing sth. 赞成/同意(某人)做某事
(2)approval n. 赞同, 认可
【知识微测】 完成句子
①We don’t want to anger the people who don’t _______________________.
②I _____________________________________, but please don’t neglect your
我同意你尝试去挣一些钱, 可是请不要忽视了功课。
③No teacher can _________________________.
approve of nationalization
approve of your trying to earn some money
approve of cheating in exams
2. witness vt. 当场看到; 目击; 见证n. 目击者; 证人
In Japan, someone who witnesses another person employing the gesture might think it means money. (P38)在日本, 如果一个人看到另一个人用这个手势, 可能认为这意味着钱。
be a witness to sth.      看见(某事发生); 为……提供证据
bear/give witness to sth. 为……作证, 证明
give witness in a court of law 在法庭上作证
be a living witness to 对……是个活生生的证人
①The lawyer witnessed _______ an accused person.
②He is a witness __ the accident.
③At least fifteen people ___________________.
witnessed the robbery
④The material she writes ____________________.
⑤The empty cupboard was ____________________.
witnesses to her ability
a witness to his poverty
3. adjust vt. 调整; 调节vi. &vt. 适应; (使)习惯
Their body language lets me know when to adjust class activities, when to intervene, and when to talk to students individually, so they can all get the most out of school. (P44)他们的肢体语言让我知道什么时候应该调整课堂活动, 什么时候应该干预, 什么时候应该与学生单独交谈, 这样他们都能从学校得到最大的收获。
adjust. . . to. . .      调整……以适应……
adjust to (doing) sth. 习惯/适应(做)某事
adjust oneself to sth. 使自己适应某事
make an adjustment to 调整, 适应
【知识微测】 单句语法填空
①This kind of desk can __________(adjust) to the height you need.
②I’ve made a few minor ___________ (adjust) to the seating plan.
③They should make adjustment __ the new environment.
④He can’t adjust _______ (he)to the whirl of modern life in this big city.
⑤Over the years, we all _______________________(学会了调整自己) to become
more comfortable with each other, and to adapt to our new family arrangement.
be adjusted
learned to adjust ourselves
Ⅱ. 核心短语
4. in other words换句话说; 也就是说
【典型例句】 In other words, none of us can go to the movie.
换句话说, 我们都不能去看电影。
in a word       总之, 简言之
in words 用语言
word for word 逐字地, 一字不差地
word came that 消息传来说
have a word with sb. 与某人交谈
break/ keep one’s word 食言/守信用
We never doubted her word.
我们从不怀疑她的许诺。(n. 许诺, 诺言)
【知识微测】 完成句子
①Your performance in the driving test didn’t reach the required standard—
_____________(换句话说), you failed.
②Well, you could _______________(交谈)the manager. He might be helpful.
③John is smart, polite and well-behaved. _________(简言之), he is admirable.
④______________________________(来自经理的消息说)that a new
transaction(交易) would be concluded.
⑤______________I was needed at home.
in other words
have a word with
In a word
Word had come from the manager
Word came that
Ⅲ. 经典句式
5. The crucial thing is using body language in a way that is appropriate to the culture you are in.
Your task is cleaning the windows.
【巧学助记】 动名词短语作表语时, 句子主语常是表示无生命的事物的名词或what引导的名词性从句, 表语动名词与主语通常是对等的关系, 表示主语的内容, 主语、表语可互换位置。动名词的被动形式是being done。
【知识微测】 完成句子
①What I hate most is _______________.
②My job is __________________.
③Seeing is ________.
being laughed at
teaching you English
1. occupy vt. 占据; 占用
With their chins on their hands, they occupy themselves by staring out of the window or up at the ceiling. (P44)
他们用手托着下巴, 通过盯着窗外或天花板来充实自己。
(1)occupy oneself (in) doing sth. 忙于做某事
occupy oneself with sth. 忙于做某事
(2)occupation n. 职业; 占有; 消遣; 居住
(3)occupied adj. 已被占的; 使用中的; 忙的; 从事的
【知识微测】 单句语法填空
①The striking workers _____________(occupy)the whole building.
②Her time is fully occupied ____ her three children.
③How does he occupy _______ (he)now that he’s retired
④He returned from Paris and found his office was under someone else’s
⑤He ______________________an English novel.
have occupied
is occupied in translating
2. appropriate adj. 合适的; 恰当的
【典型例句】 You will be informed of the details at the appropriate time.
make appropriate arrangements   妥善安排
just appropriate to the occasion 恰合时宜
appropriate use of words 用词恰当
by appropriate means(=in proper ways) 通过正当途径
The city will appropriate funds for the new airport.
该市将拨款建造新机场。(v. 占用, 拨出款项)
【知识微测】 完成句子
①It’s not easy to choose clothes ________________________________________.
②We should ____________________________(对……作出恰当的估计)the
achievements and shortcomings.
③The government has __________________________________.
which are appropriate to your beautiful figure
make an appropriate estimate of
appropriated some funds for education
3. reliable adj. 可靠的; 可信赖的
He won’t let you down; he’s reliable.
他不会让你失望的, 他值得信赖。
rely on/upon      信赖
rely on/upon it that. . . 信赖, 相信……
depend on 依靠
count on 依靠
It/That all depends. 视情况而定。
【知识微测】 单句语法填空
①You can rely upon __ that he will come.
②Geneen disliked relying ________ one perspective as the means for giving him
the whole picture.
③Comparable and _______(rely) data are often lacking and can only be built up
④____________is worth its weight in gold.
A reliable car
4. call on访问; 要求(某人讲话等); 正式邀请
Some students act this way merely because they are afraid of being called on by the teacher. (P44)有些学生之所以有这样的行为, 只是因为他们害怕被老师叫起来回答问题。
call on sb. to do sth.    请求或号召某人做某事
call on/upon sb. 拜访某人
call at 访问(某地)
call in 召集, 召来
call up 使想起
call off 取消
call for 要求, 需要
【知识微测】 单句语法填空
①A representative of the company will call ___ you to assess the damage.
②Your letter called ___ the days when we worked together.
③We should call __ a doctor, otherwise he will be in danger.
④Mountain climbing calls ___ a strong body and a brave heart.
⑤The sports meet was called ___ because of the rain.
⑥The photograph _______________________________(唤起了他对童年时代的
called up memories of his childhood
5. However, you should avoid making this gesture in Brazil and Germany, as it is not considered polite.
但是在巴西和德国, 你应该避免使用这个手势, 因为它被认为是不礼貌的。
They all avoided mentioning that name.
有些动词后只接动词ing形式作宾语, 常用的有: admit 承认; advise建议; appreciate 感激, 赞赏; avoid 避免; complete 完成; consider 认为; delay 耽误; deny 否认; endure 忍受; enjoy 喜欢; escape 逃脱; prevent阻止; fancy 想象; finish 完成; imagine 想象; mind介意; miss 想念; postpone 推迟; practise 训练; recall 回忆; resent 讨厌; resist 抵抗; risk 冒险; suggest 建议; stand 忍受; understand 理解; forgive 宽恕; keep 继续。
【知识微测】 完成句子
①I advise _____________________.
②He denied ________________.
③He disliked _______________.
④I’ve enjoyed seeing you and ____________________.
waiting a few more days
having been there
being laughed at
talking about old times
⑤We don’t allow (permit) ___________________.
⑥George Washington not only chopped down his father’s cherry tree, but also
admitted _______.
乔治·华盛顿不但砍了他父亲的樱桃树, 而且还承认做过。
smoking on this plane
doing it
IV. 话题写作
  你校正在举行以“Body Language”为题的英语作文竞赛, 请你写一篇短文参加竞赛。
  1. 内容包括摆手、拍掌、点头、摇头等肢体语言的含义。
  2. 词数80左右。
Step 1 写作技巧
1. 词汇提升(坚持短语和句式优先原则)。
Body language in different countries is different partly, but it can make people easily
understand each other.
→Body language __________country __ country partly, but it can make people
easily understood.
varies from
2. 句式多变(使用with复合结构、定语从句, 丰富句式)。
Many people are coming and going at home and abroad, so it is vital to know the
meanings of gestures in another country. This will help you communicate with
people appropriately.
→_________________________________________________, it is vital to know
the meanings of gestures in another country, which will help you communicate
with people appropriately.
3. 思想品质(使用谚语增添文采)。
Just as the saying goes, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”.
With many people coming and going at home and abroad
Step 2 妙笔成篇
  Body language varies from country to country partly, but it can make people easily understood. In other words, it can rid you of communication barriers. For example, waving one’s hand is to say “goodbye”, clapping hands means congratulations, and nodding the head means approval, but shaking the head means disagreement.
  With many people coming and going at home and abroad, it is vital to know the meanings of gestures in another country, which will help you communicate with people appropriately. Just as the saying goes, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”.选择性必修第一册Unit 4综合能力检测
第一部分 阅读(共两节, 满分50分)
第一节(共15小题; 每小题2. 5分, 满分37. 5分)
  阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
If you want to stay in shape, but don’t have the time to go to the gym, the Mobile Gym is a good solution. It’s basically a large bus filled with the latest fitness equipment. You can find everything you need for a complete workout, and here’s the best part — you don’t need to go to the gym, and the gym comes to you!
  The Mobile Gym was the idea of Adam Zickerman, founder of Inform Fitness, a popular chain of gyms across the United States. It hit him when he ordered lunch from a food truck one afternoon. So why not put a gym on a truck
Zickerman experimented with a few designs and then invested $60, 000 on making adaptations and fixing machines. He didn’t really need an advertising budget as the bus advertised itself. Carole Pallmeyer, for instance, found herself driving behind the Mobile Gym one day. At first she thought it was a regular bus with ads for a gym. But then she realized the bus itself was a gym, so she booked workout sessions for her entire family. “We are all busy, but we know the bus is coming and make sure we are home at 4: 30 for the workouts, ” she said. “You forget you’re on a bus because the workouts are tightly scheduled. ”
  Unfortunately, it is illegal to use the fitness equipment while the bus is moving, so you don’t get to save time by working out during the rush time. It operates only once a week, and only two clients (客户) can be accommodated at a time on the bus. And it doesn’t come cheap. Sessions start at $100, while in-house workouts are $65. But the Mobile Gym appears to be a big hit.
  “There are so many benefits to having the Mobile Gym come to you, ” Zickerman said. “Only five to seven exercises complete a total-body workout when performed using our special equipment. ” He also added that a 20-minute workout might sound easy, but it is really difficult and provides instant results. “It is very challenging and clients understand quickly why rest is important between workouts ”
1. What inspired Zickerman to invent the Mobile Gym
A. A usual order for a meal.
B. A casual visit to a gym.
C. A tight schedule for workout.
D. A specific experience of exercise.
2. Which of the following is NOT the benefit of the Mobile Gym
A. It saves much of clients ’time.
B. It creates adequate private space.
C. It offers special equipment needed for a total-body workout.
D. It provides clients with an appropriate and effective workout.
3. What’s Zickerman’s attitude towards the Mobile Gym
A. Concerned.     B. Negative.
C. Objective. D. Optimistic.
  Many people believe that language belongs to human beings. However, cats have developed a language not for each other, but for the human beings who have them as pets.
  When communicating with each other, cats “talk” with a system of signals. Their tails, rather than any kind of “speech”, act as an important way to express themselves. They also touch each other to express their feelings. With other cats, they will use their voices only to express pain. Unbelievably, all of that changes when a human walks into the room. Cats use many different kinds of vocal(声音的)expressions when they communicate with a person. Since these vocal expressions are not used to communicate with other cats, it seems that cats have developed this “language” to communicate with their human owners.
  This fact is shown more clearly when researchers are watching rooms that have only one cat and those with several cats. And when there is only one cat in the room, it is usually very vocal, since the only creature around with whom the cat can communicate is its owner. Cats with other cats, though, are much quieter. If they want to have a conversation, they only need go to other cats and communicate in their natural way.
  Since cats have learned to meow( 喵喵叫) for the only purpose of communicating with human owners, their owners should take the time to learn what their different meows mean. If an owner knows, to name just a few examples, which meow means the cat is hungry, which means the cat wants to be petted, and which means the cat wants to have a little “conversation”, the relationship between cats and owners will be closer.
4. If a cat, together with other cats, finds its body hurts, it may express it with its ______.
A. tail  B. eyes  C. head  D. voice
5. When a human enters a room with some cats, what will the cats do
A. Stop making any noise.
B. Use their tails to show love.
C. Begin to use vocal expressions.
D. Stop communicating with each other.
6. What are cat owners advised to do
A. Communicate more with cats.
B. Learn to meow in different ways.
C. Encourage cats to talk with each other.
D. Teach cats to understand human language.
7. What is the text mainly about
A. The language of cats.
B. Advice on keeping pets.
C. Pets’ different expressions.
D. Communication among cats.
A fairy tale castle has been saved and is open to visitors thanks to the generosity and appreciation of thousands of complete strangers.
  The Chateau de la Mothe-Chandeniers, located in the town of Les Trois-Moutiers in France, was purchased by thousands of Internet users. Today, the castle is co-owned by nearly 28, 000 people from 115 countries.
  According to the crowdfunding platform, each contributor was given the opportunity to become a shareholder through an investment of at least 50 euros. Thousands of people around the world donated a total of 1. 6 million euros. Shareholders voted not to restore the castle to its original elegant state, but to leave it as a “living ruin”. About 1, 200 of the shareholders volunteered to clear the castle to prepare it for visitors.
  Constructed in the early 13th century, the Chateau de la Mothe-Chandeniers was originally the stronghold of the Baucay family, lords of Loudun. It was taken several times by the English during the Hundred Years’ War and destroyed during the French Revolution. In 1809, a wealthy businessman named Francois Hennecart purchased the castle with an aim to return it to its former glory. Over a century later, it was left to play host to nature after a fire destroyed much of its contents, including a library of rare books and antique furniture.
  Recognizing that the natural beauty of the castle is now as much a monument as its architectural significance, the organizers behind the crowdfunding effort are aiming to delicately balance the preservation of both. “It is essential, in our view, to keep the castle in its green setting, ” they write. “We hope it remains a unique castle in the world where heritage and nature will blend. It is also essential to protect it in such a way that visitors can enter safely and appreciate this masterpiece taken by nature. ”
8. What did shareholders decide to do with the castle
A. Keep it the way it is.
B. Restore it completely.
C. Put it up for sale online.
D. Protect it against tourism.
9. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about
A. The value of the castle.
B. The history of the castle.
C. The owner of the castle.
D. The construction of the castle.
10. What does the underlined part “left to play host to nature” in Paragraph 4 probably mean
A. Visited.       B. Rebuilt.
C. Attacked. D. Abandoned.
11. What do organizers of the crowdfunding campaign expect of the castle
A. It will combine the depth of history and the beauty of nature.
B. It will inspire a new way of saving our heritage.
C. It will take on a new architectural significance.
D. It will be recognized as a national heritage.
  The national outpouring of grief(悲痛) at the death of two legendary academicians(院士)over the weekend, as if people had lost beloved members of their own families, offers much food for thought.
At 1: 02 pm on May 22nd, 2021, liver surgeon Wu Mengchao, 99, died in Shanghai. He was known as the founder of hepatobiliary surgery(肝胆外科) in the country and was the teacher of roughly 80 percent of the nation’s experts and doctors specializing in liver surgery today. Wu operated on thousands of patients, and saved at least 16, 000 lives. Five minutes later in Changsha, Hunan province, agricultural scientist Yuan Longping died at the age of 91. He was known as the father of hybrid rice who helped lift the nation out of hunger.
  With their dedication to science and commitment to the people, the two devoted their lives to saving lives and improving people’s livelihoods. Together with generations of their students, they not only made a big difference to the lives of the Chinese people, but also many living in other developing and least-developed countries.
  Wu insisted that medical science is humanity while Yuan’s lifelong dream was always to enable the Chinese people to fill their own bowls with rice. What makes Wu and Yuan great is not only their achievements, but also their shared attachment to the people. The public’s spontaneous(自发的) outpouring of grief at their deaths, which has been rare in the country for decades, shows how much their down-to-earth dedication to improving people’s lives touched hearts throughout the country.
  Yuan and Wu are just two representatives of the large numbers of scientific workers that have devoted their lives to their research, giving the country’s people-centered development principle with more practical meaning. The country needs more scientists to inherit and carry forward their spirit. Even those in other walks of life can draw inspiration from the two academicians’ commitment to their dreams, care for the people, and unconcern about material enjoyment, so as to make the best of what life grants for themselves and others.
12. Which two fields do Wu Mengchao and Yuan Longping specialize in
A. Education and agriculture.
B. Medicine and social science.
C. Education and social science.
D. Hepatobiliary surgery and agriculture.
13. What does the underlined word “dedication” in Paragraph 3 mean
A. Devotion. B. Influence.
C. Exploration. D. Respect.
14. Why did the academicians’ death grieve the whole nation
A. Because the modern Internet helped to spread the news.
B. Because Wu and Yuan are well known over the country.
C. Because people think it necessary to follow the sorrowful trend.
D. Because they made great contributions and shared selfless love to the people.
15. What’s the best title for the text
A. A sorrowful weekend
B. Let their scientific spirit live on
C. Two great academicians passed away
D. The great contributions of two great scientist
第二节 (共5小题; 每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)
  阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
Understand your pet’s body language
  Body language is different depending on what sort of animal you have chosen as your pet.  16 Understanding your pet’s body language will help you to be a better communicator, as you can even copy some of its movements, expressions and sounds to send your message in a way it understands.
  ● 17 If your dog isn’t looking directly at you, but is looking out of the corners of its eyes so that you see a lot of the whites of the eyes, it might be about to have an aggressive outburst. If your dog is feeling stressed or aggressive, its wide eyes will be accompanied by a rigid(绷紧的)body.
  ●If your cat looks at you and blinks at you slowly, it’s likely communicating affection.  18 For cats, closing one’s eyes in the presence of another is a way to show trust. If your cat feels threatened, its tail will likely be upright; its back will likely be arched, too.
  ● 19 If your bird’s pupils (瞳孔) enlarge and shrink rapidly, this can be a sign that it’s excited or greatly interested, or scared or angry.  20 Birds will shake their feathers while cleaning themselves ; if their feathers remain shaking, however, this could mean they’re unwell, in which case, take them to an animal doctor for a checkup.
A. Pets’ health depends on your daily care.
B. You can do this back at your cat to show your love, too.
C. The context is important in telling which emotion it might be.
D. Birds can be quite expressive through their eyes, feathers, and voices.
E. When dogs feel stressed out or threatened, their eyes will look larger than normal.
F. Once familiar with each other’s presence and body language, cats and dogs can play together.
G. If you’re unsure of your pet’s body language, consider reading some articles for your specific animal.
第二部分 语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)
第一节(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)
  阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
  On an ordinary day, Debbie’s doorbell rang out of the blue. Sixteen-year-old Amy from next door was there —“Help, my brother Dylan is  21 , ” she shouted.
Debbie and her sister Ellen 22  to their house to find eight-year-old Dylan bleeding heavily from a huge cut in his  23 .
  Amy had been 24  Dylan while their mum had popped out to the shop. Dylan had fallen while running through the house,  25  pushing his arm through a glass door panel.
Debbie had recently taken a first aid 26  and knew what to do. “I knew I needed to  27  pressure to stop the blood from running. I  28  a towel from the bathroom and used it to press on the  29 , ” she said. She told Ellen to call for an ambulance  30  she knew the cut would need medical treatment.
  Just as the ambulance pulled up, Dylan’s mum came back home. She was deeply 31  by what had happened. She held Dylan’s arm and then the two of them  32  to the hospital together in the ambulance.
  After a few weeks, Dylan  33  and went back home. Dylan’s mother thanked Debbie and Ellen the day after the incident. “I’m so  34  that I learned first aid, ” Debbie said. “I never thought I’d need to use my first aid  35  so soon, but I’m very glad I knew what to do. ”
21. A. collapsing   B. screaming C. dying D. bleeding
22. A. wandered B. rushed C. slipped D. jumped
23. A. leg B. arm C. face D. hand
24. A. calling on B. bringing up C. looking after D. knocking over
25. A. accidentally B. strangely C. cautiously D. gently
26. A. plan B. try C. course D. kit
27. A. apply B. reduce C. escape D. increase
28. A. removed B. grabbed C. discovered D. prepared
29. A. wound B. pain C. hurt D. blood
30. A. though B. unless C. since D. once
31. A. impressed B. relieved C. shocked D. disappointed
32. A. hiked B. drove C. jogged D. travelled
33. A. suffered B. survived C. restored D. recovered
34. A. pleased B. stressed C. satisfied D. amazed
35. A. lessons B. skills C. instruments D. certificates
第二节(共10小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)
  阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
  Body language is a great way to communicate with others. Let’s look into some ways 36. __________(recognise) different types of body language.
  One type of body language can be seen in a person’s facial expressions. When meeting with someone, you can tell 37. __________ is going on by simply looking at that person’s face. 38. __________(miss) eye contact indicates that the person might be telling lies or thinking of other things. If you are getting no eye contact 39. __________ (constant) during a conversation, more than likely this type of body language is telling you that the other person is not interested.
  Body gesture is also a very common type of body language. In fact, no one can avoid any body 40. __________(move) when communicating with others. If a person crosses his or her arms throughout the entire conversation, it 41. __________(suggest) that the person has no interest. However, 42. __________would be a different story if the person attempted to sit closer.
  Body posture is always considered to be another common type of body language, 43. __________is gradually sending you signals. If a person’s head is facing downward with his or her back 44. __________(bend), the person might be shy and nervous. If the person sits up straight with his or her body facing toward you, you are with a relaxed and 45. __________(confidence) person.
第三部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
  假定你是李华, 你的美国朋友Jack来信, 说他寒假期间要来中国交流学习。他学了两年中文, 但是仍然担心用中文交流时会遇到困难。请你用英语给Jack写封回信, 提几点建议, 要点如下:
  1. 大胆自信;
  2. 放慢语速;
  3. 借助图画或肢体语言等表达方式。
注意: 1. 可以适当增加细节, 使行文连贯;
2. 词数 80 左右, 开头和结尾已给出, 但不计入总词数。
Dear Jack,
  How is everything going I’m glad to learn that you are coming to China this winter.
  Best wishes!
Li Hua
  阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
  Bobby was getting cold sitting out in his backyard in the snow. Bobby didn’t wear boots, or rather, he didn’t own any. The thin sneakers he wore had a few holes in them and they did a poor job of keeping out the cold.
  Bobby had been in his backyard for about an hour already. Try as he might, he could not come up with an idea for his mother’s Christmas gift. He shook his head as he thought, “This is useless. Even if I do come up with an idea, I don’t have any money for a gift. ”
  Wiping tears from his eyes, Bobby started walking down to the street where the shops were. It wasn’t easy being six without a father, particularly when he needed a man to talk to.
  Bobby walked from shop to shop, looking into each decorated window. Everything seemed so beautiful but so out of reach. It was starting to get dark and Bobby reluctantly turned to walk home when suddenly his eyes caught the glimmer (微光) of the setting sun’s rays reflecting on something on the roadside. He reached down and discovered a shiny dime (一角硬币).
  Never before had Bobby felt as wealthy as he did at that moment. As he held his newly-found treasure, warmth spread throughout his entire body and he walked into the first store. His excitement quickly turned cold when salesperson after salesperson told him that he could not buy anything with only a dime.
  He saw a flower shop and went inside to wait in line. When the shop owner asked if he could help him, Bobby presented the dime and asked if he could buy one flower for his mother’s Christmas gift. The shop owner looked at Bobby and his one dime offering. Then he put his hand on Bobby’s shoulder, saying, “You just wait here and I’ll see what I can do for you. ” As Bobby waited, he looked at the beautiful flowers and even though he was a boy, he could see why mothers and girls loved flowers.
注意: 续写词数应为150左右。
  A few minutes later, the shop owner came out. ________________________
  With the bunch of roses in his hands, Bobby walked out of the door and then broke into a run. ______________________________________________________
第一部分 阅读(共两节, 满分50分)
第一节(共15小题; 每小题2. 5分, 满分37. 5分)
1. 【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据第二段“It hit him when he ordered lunch from a food truck one afternoon. So why not put a gym on a truck ”中的when he ordered lunch可知, 促使Zickerman发明了移动健身房的是一次寻常的点餐。故选A。
2.【解析】选B。细节理解题。最后一段列举了移动健身房的好处, 比如节省时间、提供全身锻炼所需的特殊设备及提供有效训练。B项“它创造了足够的私人空间”没有提到。故选B。
3. 【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据最后一段“There are so many benefits to having the Mobile Gym come to you, ” Zickerman said. 中的so many benefits可知, Zickerman对移动健身房的态度是乐观的、支持的(Optimistic)。故选D。
【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。许多人认为语言属于人类。然而, 宠物猫已经发展出一种语言, 不是为了彼此, 而是为了与主人交流。猫的主人应花时间了解喵喵叫的含义, 多和自己的猫沟通, 增加彼此的感情。
4. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第二段第四句“With other cats, they will use their voices only to express pain. ”可知, 如果一只猫和其他的猫一起, 发现自己的身体受伤了, 它会用声音来表达。
5. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第二段“Unbelievably, all of that changes when a human walks into the room. Cats use many different kinds of vocal expressions when they communicate with a person. ”可知, 当有人进屋时, 小猫们就会冲着这个人发出不同的叫声。
6. 【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句“Since cats have learned to meow for the only purpose of communicating with human owners, their owners should take the time to learn what their different meows mean. ”可知, 作者建议猫的主人应花时间了解喵喵叫的含义, 多与自己的猫沟通。
7. 【解析】选A。主旨大意题。根据第一段最后一句“However, cats have developed a language not for each other, but for the human beings who have them as pets. ”可知, 这篇文章主要讲了宠物猫已经发展出一种与主人交流的语言。
【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。多亏了成千上万陌生人的慷慨解囊和欣赏, 一座童话般的城堡得以保存并向游客开放。文章主要介绍了Chateau de la Mothe-Chandeniers城堡以及城堡的历史和人们未来会如何处理它。
8. 【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据第三段中第三句(股东们投票决定不把城堡恢复到原来的优雅状态, 而是让它成为一个“活着的废墟”)可知, 股东们决定将保持城堡现状。故选A。
9. 【解析】选B。段落大意题。由第四段从城堡始建于13世纪早期一直讲到一个多世纪后, 一场大火烧毁了它的大部分藏品, 包括一间收藏珍本书籍和古董家具的图书馆可知, 本段主要是关于城堡的历史。故选B。
10. 【解析】选D。词义猜测题。根据画线词所在句可知, 一个多世纪后, 一场大火烧毁了城堡里大部分藏品, 包括一间收藏珍本书籍和古董家具的图书馆, 它只好被人们抛弃了。故画线部分意思是“抛弃(abandon)”。故选D。
11. 【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据最后一段可知, 众筹活动的组织者对这座城堡的期望是它将结合历史的深度和自然的美丽。故选A。
【文章大意】这是一篇新闻报道。本文主要报道了中国两位传奇院士吴孟超、袁隆平的逝世, 并呼吁科学家乃至各行各业的人都要学习、继承和弘扬他们的精神。
12. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。由文章第二段“He was known as the founder of hepatobiliary surgery in the country. ”可知, 吴孟超是肝胆外科医生, 由这一段倒数第二句的“agricultural scientist Yuan Longping”可知, 袁隆平是农业科学家。故选D。
13. 【解析】选A。词义猜测题。画线处的词义应和表示并列的and 后面的commitment(奉献)为同义词或近义词。故选A。
14. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。由文章第四段第二句(使吴、袁伟大的不仅是他们的成就, 还有他们对人民的共同的爱。)可知, 举国悲痛是因为他们为改善人民生活做出了巨大贡献以及对人民无私的爱。故选D。
15. 【解析】选B。主旨大意题。本文主要报道了中国两位传奇院士吴孟超、袁隆平的逝世, 并呼吁科学家乃至各行各业的人都要学习、继承和弘扬他们的精神。故选B。
第二节 (共5小题; 每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)
【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。文章通过举例说明一些宠物的肢体语言, 解读宠物的动机和情绪, 来帮助宠物主人更好地和动物沟通。
16. 【解析】选G。上句提到肢体语言的不同取决于你选择哪种动物作为你的宠物。故下文应该是告诉读者从自己的宠物种类来判断肢体语言的意思。G项(如果你不确定你的宠物的肢体语言, 考虑为你所特有的动物读一些文章。)切合题意, 故选G。
17. 【解析】选E。根据下文可以推测, 本段应该是从狗狗的眼神来判断它的情绪。E项(当狗狗感到紧张或受到威胁时, 它们的眼睛看起来会比正常情况下更大。)切合题意, 故选E。
18. 【解析】选B。根据上文“If your cat looks at you and blinks at you slowly, it’s likely communicating affection. ”(如果你的猫看着你, 慢慢地向你眨眼, 这可能是在表达爱意, )可以推测空处是关于猫和人类表达亲密关系时的眼神沟通。B项(你也可以对你的猫这样做, 来表达你的爱。)切合题意, 故选B。
19. 【解析】选D。根据下文“If your bird’s pupils enlarge and shrink rapidly, this can be a sign that it’s excited or greatly interested, or scared or angry”可以推知上文应该为描述鸟用肢体语言表达情感。D项(鸟类可以通过它们的眼睛、羽毛和声音表达自己的情感。)切合题意, 故选D。
20. 【解析】选C。下文讲述了鸟在不同情况下抖动翅膀所表达的不同情绪。因此, C项(背景在辨别表达的是哪种情感时很重要。)切合题意, 故选C。
第二部分 语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)
第一节(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)
【文章大意】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了Dylan在妈妈外出时不小心伤了手臂, 流血不止。Debbie学习了急救课, 运用了急救技能, 帮助Dylan止血, 在紧急情况下救了Dylan。
21. 【解析】选D。句意: 隔壁16岁的Amy在那。她大喊: 帮帮忙, 我的弟弟Dylan正在流血。根据下文“Debbie and her sister Ellen ______to their house to find eight-year-old Dylan bleeding heavily from a huge cut in his ______. ”可知, Dylan一直在流血, 故选D。
22. 【解析】选B。根据“Help, my brother Dylan is ______, ” she shouted. 可知, 这件事是非常紧急且严重的, 所以Debbie和她的妹妹Ellen急忙跑到Amy家, 故选B。
23. 【解析】选B。根据下文“Dylan had fallen while running through the house, ______pushing his arm through a glass door panel. ”可知, Dylan伤了胳膊, 故选B。
24.【解析】选C。根据上文“Sixteen-year-old Amy from next door was there”及“eight-year-old Dylan”可知, Amy比Dylan年长, 故此处应指姐姐Amy照顾弟弟Dylan, 故选C。
25.【解析】选A。根据“Dylan had fallen while running through the house”可知, Dylan在玩时不小心弄伤胳膊, 此处应指“意外地”, 故选A。
26. 【解析】选C。根据“Debbie had recently taken a first aid ______and knew what to do. ”及短语take. . . course, 意为“上……课”可知, Debbie知道急救需要做什么, 可推测她上了急救课, 故选C。
27. 【解析】选A。根据“pressure”及短语apply pressure意为“用力按压”可知, 故选A。
28. 【解析】选B。根据上文“Amy had been ______Dylan while their mum had popped out to the shop. Dylan had fallen while running through the house”可知, Dylan流血很严重, 这是一个紧急状况, 行动一定要快。所以此处应指“迅速抓了一条毛巾”, 故选B。
29.【解析】选A。根据上文“I knew I needed to ______pressure to stop the blood from running. ”可知, 是伤口在流血, 所以要按压伤口以防大量出血, 故选A。
30. 【解析】选C。根据“she knew the cut would need medical treatment”可知, Debbie让妹妹打急救电话是因为她知道割伤需要医治, 前后两句构成因果关系, 故选C。
31.【解析】选C。根据上文“Just as the ambulance pulled up, Dylan’s mum came back home”可知当Dylan的妈妈回到家时, 看到有救护车, 知道家里有人受伤, 所以大为吃惊, 故选C。
32. 【解析】选D。根据“in the ambulance”可知, 急救车应该火速送病人进入医院, 故选D。
33. 【解析】选D。根据“After a few weeks, Dylan ______and went back home”可知, Dylan从医院回家了。可推测是因为康复了, 故选D。
34. 【解析】选A。根据下文“I’m very glad I knew what to do”可知, Debbie很开心学了急救课, 帮助了受伤的Dylan, 故选A。
35. 【解析】选B。根据“use”可知, 因为用上了急救技能, 所以帮助了Dylan, 故选B。
第二节(共10小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)
36. 【解析】to recognise。考查非谓语动词。句意: 让我们来看看一些识别不同类型肢体语言的方法。way to do sth. 做某事的方法。故填to recognise。
37. 【解析】what。考查名词性从句。句意: 当你和某人见面时, 你只需要看他的脸就能知道发生了什么。分析句子结构可知, tell后接宾语从句, 从句缺少主语, 表示“……的事情”, 故填what。
38. 【解析】Missing。考查非谓语动词。句意: 缺少眼神交流表明这个人可能在撒谎或在想其他事情。分析句子可知, 本句是动词开头作主语, 要用动名词, 表示一般性行为。故填Missing。
39. 【解析】constantly。考查副词。句意: 如果你在谈话中没有获得持续的眼神交流, 这种肢体语言很可能是在告诉你, 对方对你不感兴趣。修饰动词getting 用副词形式。故填constantly。
40. 【解析】movements。考查名词。动词avoid后接名词作宾语, 此处强调“任何一些”而不是“任何一个”, 应填入可数名词复数形式。故填movements。
41. 【解析】suggests。考查时态。句意: 如果一个人在整个谈话过程中都双臂交叉, 这表明这个人没有兴趣。本句是阐述客观现象, 用一般现在时, 且前面是it。故填suggests。
42. 【解析】it。考查形式主语。句意: 然而, 如果那个人试图坐得更近, 情况就不一样了。分析句子结构可知, 本句缺少主语, 避免头重脚轻, 开头要用it作形式主语, 真正的主语为if引导的条件状语从句。故填it。
43. 【解析】which。考查定语从句。句意: 身体姿势通常被认为是另一种常见的身体语言, 它在逐渐向你传递信号。句中先行词为Body posture, 指物, 在非限制性定语从句中作主语, 所以用关系代词which引导。故填which。
44. 【解析】bent。考查非谓语动词。句意: 如果一个人的头朝下, 他或她的背部弯曲, 这个人可能会害羞和紧张。此处为“with+宾语+宾语补足语”的复合结构, 名词his or her back与动词bend是被动关系, 所以用过去分词形式。故填bent。
45. 【解析】confident。考查形容词。句意: 如果对方坐直, 身体面向你, 那么你面前是一个放松和自信的人。修饰名词person用形容词。故填confident。
第三部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
Dear Jack,
  How is everything going I’m glad to learn that you are coming to China this winter. You say you’re worried about your Chinese if you are in China. Now let me give you some advice.
  First, you should be brave and confident to speak Chinese when you communicate with others. We Chinese are very friendly, so don’t be afraid to make any mistakes. Second, speak Chinese slowly and clearly when you talk to others. In this way you can make yourself understood easily. Finally, you can use pictures or drawings and body language. As you know, most of body language is in common in the world.
  Best wishes!
Li Hua
  A few minutes later, the shop owner came out. He asked Bobby to come to the counter. There, before Bobby’s eyes, lay twelve red roses, with leaves of green and tiny white flowers all tied together with a big silver tape. Bobby’s heart sank as the owner placed them gently into a long white box. “That will be ten cents, young man. ” the shop keeper said, reaching out his hand for the dime. Slowly, Bobby moved his hand to give the man his dime. Could this be true He wondered.
  With the bunch of roses in his hands, Bobby walked out of the door and then broke into a run. Within minutes, he was at home, still breathless. “Look, Mother, what have I bought for you ” Bobby called out in the backyard. Mother came out from inside the house. She could hardly believe her eyes upon seeing the beautiful flowers in front of her. “Merry Christmas! ” Bobby said and began to tell her everything he had experienced in the flower shop. Tearfully, Mother hugged her son in her arms. Standing in the bitter cold air, they somehow didn’t feel cold at all.