人教版(2019)必修第一册Welcome unit一轮复习讲练测(4份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第一册Welcome unit一轮复习讲练测(4份打包)
格式 zip
文件大小 346.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-11-17 21:26:10


必修第一册Welcome Unit词汇默写
1.     n. 交换; 交流 vt. 交换; 交流; 交易; 兑换
2. n. 设计; 设计方案vt. 设计; 筹划
3. n. 校园; 校区
4. n. 目标; 球门; 射门
5. n. 公司; 商行; 陪伴
6. adj. 正式的; 正规的
7. adj. 惊吓的; 害怕的
8. adj. 外向的; 爱交际的
9. adj. 令人尴尬的; 难对付的
10. vt. & vi. 改进; 改善
(II) 拓展单词
1. register vt. &vi. 登记; 注册→ n. 登记; 注册; 挂号
2. annoy vt. 使……不悦; 惹恼→ adj. 颇为生气的
3. impress vt. &vi. 使留下深刻印象→ n. 印象; 感想→ adj. 给人深刻印象的
4. concentrate vt. &vi. 集中(注意力); 聚精会神→ n. 集中
5. explore vt. & vi. 探索; 探测; 探究→ n. 探险家; 勘探者→ n. 探索
6. organise vt. & vi. 组织; 成立→ n. 组织者→ n. 组织→ adj. 有组织的
7. anxious adj. 忧虑的; 不安的→ adv. 忧虑地; 不安地→ n. 担心; 焦虑; 渴望
8. curious adj. 好奇的→ adv. 好奇地→ n. 好奇心
9. nation n. 国家; 民族; 国民→ n. 国籍; 民族→ adj. 国家的; 国民的
10. confidence n. 自信; 信任→ adj. 自信的; 确信的
1.     (美国)高中
2. 终于; 最终
3. 留下好印象
4. 要是……会怎么样呢
5. 集中精力于
6. 不打扰; 不惊动
7. (美国)初级中学
8. 盼望; 期待
9. 记笔记
10. 教学卡片; 识字卡
1. 句型公式: “find+宾语+宾语补足语” 结构
I .
2. 句型公式: “there be” 句型, 就近原则
always something exciting to do.
3. 句型公式: “either . . . or . . . ”, 要么……要么……
If I’m not in class, I’m .
如果我没在上课, 那么我要么是在图书馆要么是在计算机实验室。
1. exchange    n. 交换; 交流 vt. 交换; 交流; 交易; 兑换
2. design n. 设计; 设计方案vt. 设计; 筹划
3. campus n. 校园; 校区
4. goal n. 目标; 球门; 射门
5. company n. 公司; 商行; 陪伴
6. formal adj. 正式的; 正规的
7. frightened adj. 惊吓的; 害怕的
8. outgoing adj. 外向的; 爱交际的
9. awkward adj. 令人尴尬的; 难对付的
10. improve vt. & vi. 改进; 改善
(II)1. register vt. &vi. 登记; 注册→registration n. 登记; 注册; 挂号
2. annoy vt. 使……不悦; 惹恼→annoyed adj. 颇为生气的
3. impress vt. &vi. 使留下深刻印象→impression n. 印象; 感想→impressive adj. 给人深刻印象的
4. concentrate vt. &vi. 集中(注意力); 聚精会神→concentration n. 集中
5. explore vt. & vi. 探索; 探测; 探究→explorer n. 探险家; 勘探者→exploration n. 探索
6. organise vt. & vi. 组织; 成立→organiser n. 组织者→organisation n. 组织→organised adj. 有组织的
7. anxious adj. 忧虑的; 不安的→anxiously adv. 忧虑地; 不安地→anxiety n. 担心; 焦虑; 渴望
8. curious adj. 好奇的→curiously adv. 好奇地→curiosity n. 好奇心
9. nation n. 国家; 民族; 国民→nationality n. 国籍; 民族→national adj. 国家的; 国民的
10. confidence n. 自信; 信任→confident adj. 自信的; 确信的
II.1. senior high school    (美国)高中
2. at last 终于; 最终
3. make an impression 留下好印象
4. what if 要是……会怎么样呢
5. concentrate on 集中精力于
6. leave . . . alone 不打扰; 不惊动
7. junior high school (美国)初级中学
8. look forward to 盼望; 期待
9. take notes 记笔记
10. flash card 教学卡片; 识字卡
III.1. 句型公式: “find+宾语+宾语补足语” 结构
I found most of my classmates and teachers friendly and helpful.
2. 句型公式: “there be” 句型, 就近原则
There’s always something exciting to do.
3. 句型公式: “either . . . or . . . ”, 要么……要么……
If I’m not in class, I’m either in the library or in the computer lab.
如果我没在上课, 那么我要么是在图书馆要么是在计算机实验室。必修第一册Welcome Unit基础练习
Ⅰ. 单词拼写
1. To __________(提高) ourselves and have a bright future, we should make full use of time to read more books.
2. You can show them how you carry out your scientific __________(实验) in your labs.
3. I feel __________(尴尬的) and shy when staying with strangers.
4. Not only is he kind to others, but also he has an active __________(性格).
5. As an __________(外向的) young man, I like traveling with my friends and learn more about other people.
6. I am sure you will reach your __________(目标) and realize your dream in the end.
7. Some __________(讲座) will be given, introducing ways to build a low-carbon school life.
8. The annual __________(校园) book fair will soon be held in our school.
9. Faced with the above problems, I’m __________(焦虑的) to get your help.
10. I have been studying in __________(高级的) high school for two years.
Ⅱ. 单句语法填空
1. Our school has set up a new student __________ (organise) to better serve the students.
2. We were __________(impress) by the small class size with no more than 15 students in each classroom.
3. I am looking forward to __________ (receive)your early reply.
4. Some people feel __________(annoy) at the loud noise made by the supermarket.
5. You can share your children’s __________(curious) and have a discussion with them.
6. __________(explore) space is always something we humans want to do.
7. People can either give them as gifts to their friends __________hang them in their own homes.
8. __________(frighten) by the story, the girl was too scared to go out alone.
9. You should be __________(formal) trained if you want to win a prize in the competition.
10. He runs two software __________(company).
Ⅲ. 完成句子
1. Your pronunciation and fluent English ____________________ me.
2. In the coffee house, people can take a book which they have read and ____________________.
在咖啡屋, 人们可以带本他们读过的书, 并用它换一杯咖啡。
3. However, I still ____________________ myself.
然而, 我仍然对自己没有信心。
4. He spends too much time on cellphone so that he is unable to____________________.
他花太多时间在手机上, 以至于无法集中精力学习。
5. ____________________ we don’t take action to protect nature
6. Your pet should not ____________________when you go abroad.
Ⅳ. 根据要求完成下列题目
1. 指出画线部分充当的句子成分。
(1)Smoking does harm to health.
  ( )       ( )
(2)He handed me the newspaper.
        ( )
(3)The weather has turned warm.
       ( ) ( )
(4)Lucy painted the wall pink.
        ( ) ( )
(5)The boy cried after hearing the sad news.
          ( )
2. 写出下列句子的句型结构。
(1)We need the Internet. ( )
(2)The Mid-Autumn Festival is around the corner. ( )
(3)There are 45 students in our class. ( )
(4)I want to have a cup of tea very much. ( )
(5)She cooked her husband a delicious meal. ( )
Ⅴ. 阅读理解
Sunday, 31 August
  We’ve been in China for a month now. Dad, Mom, Harry and I moved to Tianjin on 25 August. We’re not very far from Beijing. Two days ago, we celebrated my 16th birthday. It was great celebrating in China; the only thing that was strange was the cake—here they’re not as sweet as the ones in New York. On Monday school starts—I wonder what it will be like.
Monday, 1 September
  On my first day I was looking around for a locker to put my books in. However, here all the students keep all of their books at their desks. We stay in the same classroom because apparently we don’t have to go from class to class—teachers come to us!
  Today we selected teacher assistants for each subject. Their duties are to collect homework, make announcements, and do other stuff(事情) for the teachers and the students. It’s kind of a big deal here! Since I am from the US, I was asked to be the English assistant. I felt so proud but quite nervous at the same time because I wasn’t sure what I had to do, but I accepted the job anyway.
Friday, 3 October
  Boy, what a week! Now we have nine classes every day, including the morning class, a combination of our American schools “ Homeroom ” and “ Study Hall ”. I think Chinese students work too much! I have to do my homework when I get back home. I don’t even have time to watch TV or surf the Internet like before. I sometimes miss New York and my school because we didn’t have to study so much. We had more time to hang out with our classmates and neighbors; here, besides their usual classes, students are involved in weekend classes in subjects such as English, Chinese and math.
  I get a lot of attention, being from another country. Everyone wants to practice English with me! A really cute girl even asked me for my phone number on my second day and sent me a text message! I’m making a lot more friends now. I just need a lot of help to improve my Chinese. Some students want to do a language exchange program with me. Nice!
1. The passage mentions all the following points EXCEPT    .
A. physics study
B. food flavour
C. free time activities
D. language exchange programs
2. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT the teacher assistant’s duty
A. Collecting homework.
B. Making announcements.
C. Helping teachers with small errands(差事).
D. Teaching classmates.
3. Where is this passage most probably from
A. A storybook.     B. A guide book.
C. A diary. D. A magazine.
Todd wore the same clothes every day for the first three weeks of school. He was laughed at because of this. But there was little Todd could do. His mother simply couldn’t afford to buy him new clothes. Two of the kids laughing at Todd were Garrett and Graham, a pair of football players. But over time, they realized that their disparaging words seemed to be slowly destroying Todd’s spirit.
“I felt like I needed to do something, ” Graham told CBS News. So he and Garrett created a plan. They went home and hunted through their own drawers and closets. The next day at school, they met Todd at their third-period class and asked him to come into the hall. Todd was understandably worried about being called out by the larger boys.
“He wasn’t smiling or wearing any facial expression, and I said, ‘I think this is going to make you smile, ’” Graham says. “I told him, ‘We’re in the same third period, and I apologize for laughing at you, and I want to give something to you to make it up’” He then handed Todd a large bag. Inside were clean shirts and shorts, as well as a brand-new pair of sneakers.
Todd was wild with joy. “I was very happy, ” he told CBS News. “Shocked, completely. ” And Todd got much more than some new clothes. He no longer sits alone at lunch. Now he eats with his new friends, Garrett and Graham.
Garrett and Graham say they just want to inspire others to help those in need.
4. What can we know about Todd
A. He came from a poor family.
B. He wasn’t used to school life.
C. His taste for clothes was single.
D. His behavior brought others laughter.
5. What does the underlined word “disparaging” in Paragraph 1 mean
A. Humorous.      B. Encouraging.
C. Unkind. D. Selfish.
6. Why did Todd feel entirely shocked
A. Garrett beat Graham in a competitive game.
B. Garrett and Graham became friendly to him.
C. Garrett and Graham apologized to each other.
D. Garrett and Graham gave away clothes on TV.
7. Which of the following can be concluded from the text
A. Many hands make light work.
B. The early bird catches the worm.
C. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
D. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
In many ways, Alma Deutscher is like other 11-year-olds. She loves to climb trees, dance, read, and draw. But Alma, who lives in Dorking, England, has made one very special achievement. She has composed a full opera and brought it to the stage. Her opera, a retelling of Cinderella (灰姑娘), premiered (首次演出) in December 2016, in Vienna, Austria.
“I’ve loved Cinderella since I was 3, ” Alma said. But she felt the story needed an improvement. “I didn’t like the thing about the shoe, ” she says. “Why should the prince find her because of her feet ”
In Alma’s version (版本), Cinderella is a composer. She creates a melody (旋律) that she sings to the prince before fleeing the ball. “He remembers the beginning but not how it went on, ” Alma says. The prince realizes that only Cinderella would know how the melody continues. He uses that knowledge to find her.
Alma began writing the opera when she was 8. It premiered to a sold-out crowd on December 29, 2016, and got a standing ovation. Alma played the piano and violin and performed in the show. “It was something that was completely inside my head, in my imagination, and then it came to life, ” Alma says.
Alma says she is sure that music will remain a major part of her life. “I have lots of things that I want to compose, ” she says. “The first one is a piano concerto (协奏曲). Then I’m writing a novel, and I want to write a movie based on it, and the music for that. ”
She also has advice for kids who want to achieve their big dreams. “It’s a lot of work to reach a high level, ” Alma says. “But if you love what you are doing, it doesn’t feel like hard work. Don’t let anyone stop you from doing it. ”
8. What does the author mostly want to tell us about Alma Deutscher in Paragraph 1
A. She is a cute girl.
B. She lives in Vienna Austria.
C. She has a special music talent.
D. She is always ready to help others.
9. What can we learn from Alma’s version of Cinderella
A. The prince knows how the melody continues.
B. The prince finds Cinderella because of a melody.
C. The prince finds Cinderella because of her shoes.
D. The prince sings a melody to Cinderella before her fleeing the ball.
10. How was the performance of Alma’s Opera Cinderella
A. It was a great success.
B. It disappointed the audience.
C. It set a good example to other kids.
D. It was something in Alma’s imagination.
11. What can we learn from Alma’s advice to other kids in the last paragraph
A. Knowledge is power.
B. A good beginning is half done.
C. Failure is the mother of success.
D. Nothing is difficult if you’re enthusiastic.
Ⅵ. 七选五
For the question of how to set goals, we have a very simple process that you can go through to set your personal goals.  1 
Identify your personal values and task statements.  2  If you can identify your personal values, your personal goal will not go wrong. The starting point of all achievements is desire.
 3  After you know your personal values, find out what you really want to achieve in every life aspect. Life has many aspects and in order to lead a happy life, you should set goals in every aspect.
Write your goals down. Please pay attention to this.  4  If not, they will only become dreams. You should limit your goals to between 5 and 6 at any one time. To achieve your goals you have to focus your efforts and energy. As you progress and complete your goals, you may add new goals.
Develop a personal action plan. You need to make a detailed schedule according to your goals. Develop a personal action plan and follow it.
Review your progress and update your goals accordingly.  5  If not, analyze why the goal is not being met. Find a coach or friend to help you if you have trouble. Realize your goals step by step. Find out more of monitoring the process of goal setting.
A. Make sure you are making progress.
B. Your personal value is the big direction.
C. Figure out the goals you want to achieve.
D. It’s true that goal setting is a lifelong process.
E. If you want to succeed, you need to prepare well.
F. You must write your goals down on a piece of paper.
G. These steps can help you achieve your goals more easily.
Ⅶ. 语法填空
Li Hua and Wang Hai are two students of Senior One. Both of them work hard but they have various learning 1.       (method).
  Li Hua listens to her teachers 2.       (attentive) and asks her teacher 3.       help as soon as possible if she has some problems. Because of this, she spends less time 4.       (do) her homework, so it is certain 5.       she can keep energetic in the day. However, Wang Hai has quite a 6.       (difference) way of learning 7.       (compare) to Li Hua. He likes to sit up late at night doing his homework, so he often feels sleepy in class. As a result, he misses lots of key points, 8.       makes it difficult for him 9.       (concentrate) on what he is doing.
  In my opinion, Li Hua learns more effectively in class and she must be a better 10.       (learn). So I prefer her learning method.
Ⅰ. 1. To improve(提高) ourselves and have a bright future, we should make full use of time to read more books.
2. You can show them how you carry out your scientific experiments(实验) in your labs.
3. I feel awkward(尴尬的) and shy when staying with strangers.
4. Not only is he kind to others, but also he has an active personality(性格).
5. As an outgoing(外向的) young man, I like traveling with my friends and learn more about other people.
6. I am sure you will reach your goal(目标) and realize your dream in the end.
7. Some lectures(讲座) will be given, introducing ways to build a low-carbon school life.
8. The annual campus(校园) book fair will soon be held in our school.
9. Faced with the above problems, I’m anxious(焦虑的) to get your help.
10. I have been studying in senior(高级的) high school for two years.
Ⅱ. 1. Our school has set up a new student organisation (organise) to better serve the students.
2. We were impressed(impress) by the small class size with no more than 15 students in each classroom.
3. I am looking forward to receiving (receive)your early reply.
4. Some people feel annoyed(annoy) at the loud noise made by the supermarket.
5. You can share your children’s curiosity(curious) and have a discussion with them.
6. Exploring(explore) space is always something we humans want to do.
7. People can either give them as gifts to their friends or hang them in their own homes.
8. Frightened(frighten) by the story, the girl was too scared to go out alone.
9. You should be formally(formal) trained if you want to win a prize in the competition.
10. He runs two software companies(company).
Ⅲ. 1. Your pronunciation and fluent English made/left a good impression on me.
2. In the coffee house, people can take a book which they have read and exchange it for a cup of coffee.
3. However, I still have no confidence in myself.
4. He spends too much time on cellphone so that he is unable to concentrate on his study.
5. What if we don’t take action to protect nature
6. Your pet should not be left alone when you go abroad.
Ⅳ. 1. (1)Smoking does harm to health.
  (主语)       (宾语)
(2)He handed me the newspaper.
(3)The weather has turned warm.
       (系动词) (表语)
(4)Lucy painted the wall pink.
        (宾语) (宾语补足语)
(5)The boy cried after hearing the sad news.
2. (1)We need the Internet. (SVO)
(2)The Mid-Autumn Festival is around the corner. (SP)
(3)There are 45 students in our class. (There be . . . )
(4)I want to have a cup of tea very much. (SVOA)
(5)She cooked her husband a delicious meal. (SVIODO)
1.【解析】选A。细节理解题。第一篇日记中提到了蛋糕的味道; 第三篇日记的第一段中提到了自由活动; 第三篇日记的第二段提到了交换语言项目。全文没有提到物理学习。
2. 【解析】选D。 细节理解题。根据第二篇日记中的第二段可知老师助手的任务不包括教学生。
3. 【解析】选C。文章出处题。根据文中的加黑小标题, 可知这是一位学生写的几篇日记。
【文章大意】文章主要报道了Garrett和Graham帮助家境贫穷的Todd, 最后成为朋友的故事。
4. 【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据第一段第四句“His mother simply couldn’t afford to buy him new clothes. ”可知, 他的妈妈给他买不起新衣服, 由此可推知, Todd来自一个贫穷的家庭。故选A。
5. 【解析】选C。词义猜测题。根据第一段中“Two of the kids laughing at Todd were Garrett and Graham”并结合画线词所在句中的“destroying Todd’s spirit”可知, Garrett和Graham嘲笑Todd, 所以画线词所在句的句意为“但是随着时间的推移, 他们意识到他们不友善的言语慢慢地摧毁着Todd的精神”, 所以画线词“disparaging”意为“不友善的, 诋毁的”, 故选C。
6. 【解析】选B。推理判断题。根据文章内容并结合第三段中“I apologize for laughing at you, and I want to give something to you to make it up”可知, Garrett和Graham一开始嘲笑Todd, 后来向Todd道歉, 想要做一些事情弥补, 所以Todd感到震惊的原因是Garrett和Graham对他变得友好, 故选B。
7. 【解析】选D。推理判断题。通读全文, 并结合文章最后一句可知, 他们只是想鼓舞别人帮助有需要的人, 所以, 本文主要讲述了Garrett和Graham帮助家境贫穷的Todd, 最后成为朋友的故事, 所以我们可以从文章得出“患难见真情”, 故选D。
【文章大意】本文讲述了Alma凭着特殊的音乐天赋创作了一部完整的歌剧, 而且非常成功。通过此事, 她告诉其他的孩子们, 只要你有热情, 没有什么是困难的。
8. 【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据第一段Alma Deutscher is like other 11-year-olds以及She has composed a full opera and brought it to the stage. 可知Alma虽然年轻但已经创作了一部完整的歌剧, 并把它搬上了舞台, 由此可知, 第一段主要想告诉我们Alma Deutscher有一种特殊的音乐天赋。故选C。
9. 【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据第三段最后两句可知王子意识到只有灰姑娘才知道旋律是如何继续的。他用这些知识找到了她。由此可知, 在Alma版本的《灰姑娘》里, 王子发现灰姑娘是因为一段旋律。故选B。
10.【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据第四段的It premiered to a sold-out crowd on December 29, 2016, and got a standing ovation. 可知该剧于2016年12月29日首播, 座无虚席, 观众起立鼓掌。由此可推知, Alma的歌剧《灰姑娘》的演出取得了巨大的成功。故选A。
11. 【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据最后一段最后两句可知, 按照Alma所说“如果你热爱你正在做的事情, 那就不会觉得辛苦。不要让任何人阻止你做这件事。”, 由此可知, Alma给其他孩子的建议是“只要你有热情, 没有什么是困难的”, 故选D。
Ⅵ. 【文章大意】文章介绍了如何设置个人目标。
1. 【解析】选G。根据下文的“ Identify your personal values and task statements. Write your goals down. Develop a personal action plan. Review your progress and update your goals accordingly. ”可知介绍的是设置个人目标的步骤, 所以选项起到总说的作用。故G选项“这些步骤可以帮助你更容易地实现你的目标。”切题。故选G。
2. 【解析】选B。根据上一句: 确定你的个人价值观和任务陈述。根据下一句: 如果你能识别你的个人价值观, 你的个人目标将不会出错。此处内容为个人价值观对于目标的作用。故B选项“你的个人价值是大方向”。切题。identity your personal values对应Your personal value。故选B。
3. 【解析】选C。根据下一句: 在你知道你的个人价值观后, 找出你真正想在每一个生活方面实现的东西。此处内容为确定自己想实现的东西。为本段的标题。故C选项“找出你想要实现的目标。”切题。故选C。
4. 【解析】选F。根据上一句: 写下你的目标。请注意这个。根据下一句: 如果没有它, 它们只会成为梦想。此处可知内容为要写下自己的目标。故F选项“ 你必须把你的目标写在一张纸上。”切题。write your goals down 对应主题句Write your goals down。故选F。
5. 【解析】选A。根据上一句: 回顾你的进步, 并相应地更新你的目标。根据下一句: 如果没有, 分析为什么目标没有得到满足。此处的内容为确定自己是否取得进步。故A选项“确保你正在取得进步。 ”切题。making progress对应上文Review your progress。故选A。
Ⅶ. 【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了两个高一学生的完全不同的学习方法, 并说明了自己的观点。
1. 【解析】methods。考查名词的单复数形式。由前面的形容词various, 可知此处应当用名词的复数形式。
2. 【解析】attentively。考查副词。句意: 李华专心地听老师讲课, 如果她有什么问题, 她会尽快向老师寻求帮助。分析句子成分可知, 空格部分在句中作状语, 修饰谓语动词listens to, 应用副词, 故填attentively。
3. 【解析】for。考查介词。句意: 李华专心地听老师讲课, 如果她有什么问题, 她会尽快向老师寻求帮助。短语ask sb. for help“向某人寻求帮助”, 故填for。
4. 【解析】doing。考查非谓语动词。句意: 她经常花更少的时间做作业。短语spend+时间+doing sth. , 意为“花费时间做某事”, 故填doing。
5. 【解析】that。考查固定句式。句意: 所以可以肯定的是, 她在白天可以保持精力充沛。固定句型it is certain that. . . “毫无疑问……; 肯定……”, 故填that。
6. 【解析】different。考查形容词。句意: 王海有一种不同的学习方法。分析句子成分可知, 空格部分在句中作定语, 修饰名词way, 故填different。
7. 【解析】compared。考查非谓语动词。句意: 然而, 与李华相比, 王海的学习方式有很大的不同。分析句子成分可知, 空格部分在句中作状语, 动词compare作状语, 应用非谓语形式, 句子主语是王海, 主语与compare的关系应该是Wang Hai is compared with Li Hua. 故主语王海和非谓语动词动作是被动关系, 所以用过去分词作状语。故填compared。
8. 【解析】which。考查定语从句。句意: 结果, 他错过了很多关键点, 这使得他很难集中精力在他正在做的事情上。分析句子成分可知,    makes it difficult. . . 是非限制性定语从句, 先行词为前面整个句子, 从句缺主语, that不用于非限制性定语从句, 故用which。
9. 【解析】to concentrate。考查非谓语动词。句意: 结果, 他错过了很多关键点, 这使得他很难集中精力在他正在做的事情上。分析句子成分可知, 本句中, it是形式宾语, difficult是宾语补足语, 空格处是真正的宾语。形容词作宾语补足语时, 多用不定式作真正的宾语, 本题构成短语make it difficult to do sth. , 故本题填to concentrate。
10. 【解析】learner。考查词性转换。指人应是学习者, 故用learner。(共44张PPT)
Welcome Unit
Ⅰ. 重点词汇
1. exchange n. 交换; 交流 vt. 交换; 交流; 交易; 兑换
I’m an exchange student from the UK. (P2)
(1)exchange sth. for sth.     用……来交换……
exchange sth. with sb. 与某人交换某物
(2) in exchange for 交换
(3)exchange student 交换生
I’m happy to learn that you will come to our school next term as an exchange student. 得知你下学期作为一名交换生来我校我非常高兴。
①Some students feel that __________ (exchange) gifts can help them make more
②You can exchange your pounds ___ dollars in this bank.
③I’ve offered to paint the kitchen ______________(交换) a week’s accommodation.
in exchange for
We students should often exchange ideas with our parents, who are rich in experience and love us most in the world.
我们学生应该经常与父母交流想法, 他们经验丰富并且是这个世界上最爱我们的。
2. design n. 设计; 图案; vt. 计划; 构思
They asked me to design a poster for the campaign.
(1)be designed for sb. /sth.    为某人/某物而设计
be designed to do sth. 旨在; 打算被设计来做……
(2)by design 故意地; 蓄意地
(3)designer n. 设计者
故意地: by design; on purpose; deliberately
偶然地: by chance; by accident; accidentally
【知识微练】 单句语法填空
①(2019·全国卷Ⅱ)HUNCH __________(design)to connect high school classrooms
with NASA engineers.
②(2019·全国卷Ⅲ)For Western _________(design), China and its rich culture have
long been an inspiration for Western creative.
③She arrived just as we were leaving, but I’m not sure whether this was by accident
or _________(故意地).
is designed
by design
This course is specially designed for beginners like you, focusing on listening and speaking practice. 这门课程是专门为像你这样的初学者设计的, 重点在于听说训练。
3. anxious adj. 焦虑的; 不安的
I’m not outgoing so I’m a little anxious right now. (P4)
我并不外向, 所以现在有点焦虑。
(1)be anxious for sb.       为某人担心
be anxious about sth. 为某事担心
be anxious for sth. 想要得到某物
be anxious (for sb. ) to do sth. 渴望 (某人) 做某事
(2)anxiety n. 焦虑; 担心; 渴望
with anxiety 焦虑地
(3)anxiously adv. 焦虑地; 不安地
【知识拓展】 名词变形容词的后缀 -ous
curiosity→curious 好奇的
anxiety→anxious 忧虑的
【知识微练】 单句语法填空
①It’s natural for parents to be anxious _____ their children’s future.
②他回家心切, 还没放暑假就预订了火车票。
He was ___________________________he had booked a train ticket before the
summer vacation began. (so. . . that. . . )
→_________________________________he had booked a train ticket before the
summer vacation began. (so. . . that. . . 置于句首倒装)
so anxious to return home that
So anxious was he to return home that
I was told the Learning Centre provides help for students and I’m anxious to get help from you. 别人告诉我辅导中心可以给学生提供帮助, 我急于想从你那里得到一些帮助。
4. frightened adj. 惊吓的; 害怕的
I didn’t feel awkward or frightened at all. (P4)
(1) be frightened of . . .    害怕……
be frightened to do sth. 不敢做某事
be frightened to death 被吓得要死
(2) fright n. 害怕
(3) frighten vt. &vi. 惊恐; 害怕
(4) frightening adj. 令人惊吓的; 恐怖的
以-ed结尾的形容词表示“感到……”, 以-ing结尾的形容词表示“令人……的”。
①I’m frightened __ walking home alone in the dark.
②She was frightened ______(look) down from the top floor of the building.
③Seeing the __________ tiger, the boy was _________. (frighten)
to look
Seeing the frightening scene, the little girl was frightened to death and cried in fright with a frightened expression on her face.
看到那骇人的场景, 小姑娘怕得要死。她吓得哭了起来, 脸上写满了恐惧。
5. impression n. 印象; 感想
I want to make a good first impression. (P4)
(1) leave/make a(n) . . . impression on sb.
(2)impress vt. 使铭记; 铭刻; 使印象深刻
(3)be impressed by/at/with 对……印象深刻
be impressed on one’s mind/memory 被印在脑海里
【知识微练】 一句多译
①Those beautiful paper-cutting works ____________________. (impress)
②You will surely ________________those beautiful paper-cutting works. (impress)
③Those beautiful paper-cutting works will surely _________________________
____. (impression)
will surely impress you
be impressed with
leave/make an impression on
What impressed me most was that whenever he appeared in front of others he often wore a big smile. 让我印象最深刻的是无论他什么时候出现在别人面前, 他总是笑得很灿烂。
6. curious adj. 好奇的
I’m curious about everything. (P8)
(1) be curious about   对……感到好奇
be curious to do sth. 渴望做某事
(2) curiosity n. 好奇; 好奇心
with curiosity 好奇地
out of curiosity 出于好奇
(3)curiously adv. 好奇地
【知识微练】 单句语法填空
①People gathered round, curious _______(know) what was happening.
②Hearing the noise, the boy stopped and looked up to the sky ________ (curious).
③Children are always curious _____ everything they see and hear.
to know
It is good to be curious about the world around you because I think curiosity is the best teacher. 对你周围的世界感到新奇是件好事, 因为我认为好奇是最好的老师。
Ⅱ. 核心短语
7. look forward to 期望; 期待; 盼望
Tom is looking forward to meeting the new exchange student. (P6)
look up to      尊敬; 仰视
look forward to 盼望; 期待
look into 调查; 观察
look up 抬头看; 查阅
look back on 回忆, 回顾
look out(for. . . ) 注意; 留意
look through 浏览; 仔细查看
【知识微练】 单句语法填空
①Thanks for your kind consideration and I look forward to ________ (receive) your
earliest reply.
②I often _______the words I don’t know in the dictionary or on the Internet.
③I like to ___________my high school days, which were the happiest in my life.
look up
look back on
I’d appreciate it if you can take my suggestion into consideration. I am looking forward to receiving your early reply. 如果你能考虑我的建议我将不胜感激。盼望早日收到你的回复。
Ⅲ. 经典句式
8. I found most of my classmates and teachers friendly and helpful.
【典型例句】 Now the concept of Scholarly Campus is so well-received that you can find students reading books all over the campus. 现在“书香校园”理念很受欢迎, 你会发现很多学生在校园里读书。
(2)find+it+形容词/名词+to do
(it是形式宾语, to do是真正的宾语)
【知识微练】 单句语法填空
①When she came into the room, she found them ______(sit)together singing.
②But when the police arrived, they found the door ______ (lock) and all windows
③You will certainly find the exhibition most _________ (enjoy) and fall in love
with the art.
(2020· 天津高考)And you might find it relaxing to bring your small kid to a half-hour Story Time while you sit quietly in a corner with a good book.
当你静静地坐在角落里拿着一本好书的时候, 你可能会发现把你的孩子带到半个小时的故事时间是很放松的。
9. If I’m not in class, I’m either in the library or in the computer lab.
如果我没在上课, 那么我不是在图书馆就是在计算机实验室。
either. . . or. . . , 意为“不是……就是……; 要么……要么……”, 用于表示选择, 连接两个性质相同的词或短语。either. . . or. . . 连接两个名词成分作主语时, 谓语动词的数常与最近的主语保持一致, 即谓语动词遵循“就近一致原则”。
neither. . . nor. . .      既不……也不……
not only. . . but also. . . 不仅……而且……
not. . . but. . . 不是……而是……
【知识微练】 单句语法填空
①____(be) either you or I going there tomorrow
②Not only the students but also their teacher __(be) enjoying the film.
③You can come here either to walk in the mountains __ bathe in the hot water pools.
The woman who uses the extra ticket can choose to either travel with him or take the ticket and travel on her own.
1. annoyed adj. 恼怒的, 生气的
I was annoyed at those annoying things because those things were annoying me all the time.
我对那些烦人的事情感到恼火, 因为这些事情一直困扰着我。
(1)be annoyed with sb.     生某人的气
be annoyed at/about sth. 因某事生气
(2)annoy vt. 使恼怒, 打扰
(3)annoying adj. 令人生气或烦恼的
(4)annoyance n. 生气, 烦恼; 令人烦恼的事物
①We were annoyed ______(find) him breaking the window.
②What’s really ________(annoy) is that he made the same mistake this time.
③__ annoyed me that I hadn’t been invited.
④She is ________(annoy) with him for forgetting to phone her.
⑤He was annoyed ____ you for your carelessness.
(2019·全国卷Ⅲ)Don’t openly express annoyance at a professor or class. 不要公开
to find
2. lecture n. 讲座; 讲课; 教训 vi. (开)讲座; 讲课 vt. 训斥
All special exhibitions, as well as films, lectures, guided tours, concerts, gallery talks, and family/children’s programs are free with admission.
所有特殊展览, 电影、讲座、导游、音乐会、画廊讲座和家庭/儿童节目都是免费入场的。
lecture on      作有关……的演讲; 训斥; 告诫
give a lecture 演讲; 主讲
attend a lecture 听关于……的讲座; 上课
【知识微练】 单句语法填空
①She asked me if I would give a one-day lecture ___ French literature.
②He’s always ________(lecture) me on the way I dress.
③He _______(lecture) on European art at Manchester University.
Hearing that you are coming to our school to give us a lecture on western art, I’m
more than delighted.
听说你要来我们学校给我们讲西方艺术, 我非常高兴。
lectures必修第一册Welcome Unit 综合检测
第一部分 听力(共两节, 满分30分)(略)
第二部分 阅读 (共两节, 满分50分)
第一节(共15小题; 每小题2. 5分, 满分37. 5分)
  阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
  It’s good to get along well with your teacher because it makes the time you spend in the classroom more pleasant.
  And yes, it’s good to get along well with your teacher because, in general, it’s smart to learn how to get along well with the different types of people you’ll meet throughout your life.
  In fact, kids who get along well with their teachers not only learn more, but they’re more comfortable with asking questions and getting extra help. This makes it easier for them to understand new materials and makes them do their best on tests. When you have this kind of relationship with a teacher, he or she can be someone to turn to with problems, such as problems with learning or school issues (问题).
  Here is a question: What if you don’t get along with your teachers In fact, teachers want to get along well with you and enjoy seeing you learn. But teachers and students sometimes have personality clashes (个性冲突), which can happen between any two people. If you show your teacher that you want to make the situation better, he or she will probably do everything possible to make that happen. By dealing with a problem like this, you learn something about how to get along with people who are different from you.
  However, if a certain teacher isn’t your favorite, you can still have a successful relationship with her or him especially ______. Here are some of those responsibilities (责任):
·Attend class ready to learn.
·Be prepared for class with the right stationery, books, and completed assignments (作业).
·Listen when your teacher is talking.
·Do your best, whether it’s a classroom assignment, homework, or a test.
21. According to the passage, getting along well with your teachers will make you______.
A. have no problems with study
B. get a better seat in the classroom
C. get the best scores in the exams
D. have more pleasant time in the classroom
22. The underlined word“that”in the fourth paragraph, refers to______.
A. the happy time you have in the classroom
B. getting along very well with classmates
C. a better relationship between you and your teacher
D. the disappearance of personality differences
23. Which of the following can be filled in the blank
A. if you fulfill (履行) your basic responsibilities as a student
B. if you are thought of as a good student
C. if you know some basic social skills
D. if you are easygoing and helpful
24. What does the passage mainly talk about
A. The importance of friendship in schools.
B. The importance of a good relationship with your teachers.
C. Studying skills for students.
D. Useful skills to get along well with your teachers.
  Finally, I entered the university. Because of my careful savings, I did not have to work during the school years. Then summer came and it was time to work harder than ever. I continued working as a waitress at night, instructed tennis camps several mornings a week and worked as a secretary for a few hours in the afternoons. I even decided to take a class at a community college. This class at the community college saved me $650. It was an extremely tiring summer and made me anxious to return to my relatively easy life at the university.
During my second and third years of undergraduate schooling, I decided to work about five hours per week in the campus admissions office answering phones. This provided a little spending money and kept me from drawing my savings out. The overall situation looked hopeful as I approached my senior year as long as I could make as much money as I had the previous summer. I wanted to go to Israel to study for 3 weeks, but I hesitated in making this decision because it would cost me $1, 600 more to get the credits in Israel. About two weeks later my mom called to tell me that I had $1, 600 in the bank that I had forgotten about! One of my concerns about this trip was not only the cost, but the loss of time to make money; however, I made as much that summer in the ten weeks when I was at home as I had made during the fourteen weeks when I was at home the summer before. The way everything worked together to make this trip possible was one of the most exciting things that have ever happened to me.
This experience has shaped me in many important ways. The first thing that I learned was the importance of a strong work ethic. Working long hours did a lot to develop my character and helped me learn the value of a dollar. It also made me learn how to search for creative ways to settle difficult situations.
25. Where did the writer probably work part-time before attending the university
A. In a restaurant.
B. In the tennis camps.
C. In a company.
D. In the campus admissions office.
26. The writer took a class at a community college mainly because ______.
A. she wanted to save money
B. life there was relatively easy
C. summer time was tiring
D. it was required by the university
27. The writer’s major concern about the trip to Israel was that ______.
A. her mother would not give her approval
B. she would fail to get credits in Israel
C. a well-paid summer job would be lost
D. $1, 600 couldn’t be drawn out in time
28. The passage is mainly about how the writer ______.
A. made money on the college campus
B. managed to make full use of her vacation
C. was forced to support herself by her mother
D. was shaped by working part-time through college
  What are American high schools like Well, I’m happy to tell you what I know.
When I started school here, it had already been a week since the school opened. At this school, freshmen usually go on a trip for about three days at the beginning of school. Unfortunately I missed that wonderful trip, which would have been the best time to get to know my classmates. I was really sad. I wished I’d known about it earlier.
Despite the disappointment, however, I gradually adapted to my new life and school.
There is a space in the basement of the teaching building where students chat and meet each other. As we do not always have the same classrooms and classmates, the school wants us to get to know each other there. Students usually come to school early, sit in that space and have fun. Around the space, there are many lockers for students to leave their books in, so that students do not have to carry a heavy schoolbag everywhere.
It really surprises me that we have almost no textbooks. We only have textbooks for World History and Algebra and they are big and heavy, like bricks. For other classes, we only need binders (活页夹) with paper in them. Without textbooks, students learn things freely and actively. For example, my humanities teacher just teaches us what is in her mind at the time. We never know what we will learn.
Another difference between American schools and Chinese schools is that American schools care about students’ morality more than their academic studies. For example, if you do not finish your homework, you will just be asked to do it later, but if you cheat or lie, you will get a warning or even be kicked out.
I think that most students here are good at schoolwork as well, but compared to Chinese students, they can make learning a more joyful experience. I think we should take the good points from our two different kinds of education to perfect our approach to studying.
29. What was the writer sad for
A. He was late for school.
B. He missed the trip at the beginning of school.
C. He didn’t know anyone.
D. American students looked down upon him.
30. Why do students go to the basement of the teaching building
A. To attend class.     B. To share a classroom.
C. To have fun. D. To meet teachers.
31. According to the passage, in American high schools, ______.
A. you are likely to be kicked out if you cheat
B. you’ll be punished if you do not finish your homework
C. students are better at school work than Chinese students
D. students care much about the grades they get
  MOOCs, short for “massive open online courses”, mark an important, possibly revolutionary, development in education. These courses are on line, free of charge, and open to anyone in the world who has a laptop and an Internet connection. Moreover, they are mainly offered by great universities like Stanford, Berkeley, Harvard and Columbia.
The courses are arranged according to how difficult they are, enabling students to progress from beginners to the advanced. The courses cover not only a broad range of science subjects such as math and computer science, but also courses in social sciences and humanities. Though MOOCs are not offered for credit and degree, many students enroll(加入) in the courses for real skills or knowledge which they can put to some practical use.
The format(形式) seems better than the traditional school class. The average quality of the lecturers is much higher. Besides, students can learn back and forward—that is, they can go at their own learning speed, which they can’t do in a live lecture. And, more importantly, they don’t have to travel anywhere to attend an online lecture. There is a problem of asking questions of the lecturer in a class of ten thousand students, but some MOOCs have solved it by allowing students to post questions on line for a vote, and only the most popular questions are put to the lecturer.
In a knowledge age, lifelong learning is not confined to a traditional classroom. Students taking MOOCs are usually very clever, have work experience, and in many cases, have already developed a set of practical skills. Moreover, they also offer unique international perspectives(远景) that would be the envy of any school classroom.
32. Which of the following statements is NOT true about MOOCs
A. The word “MOOCs” is short for “massive open online campuses”.
B. Anyone who has a computer and an Internet connection can take MOOCs.
C. MOOCs are usually offered by first-class universities in the world.
D. MOOCs may be a breakthrough in the development of education.
33. MOOCs seem to have an advantage over traditional school classes in that ______.
A. there is a problem of asking questions in traditional classes
B. students enrolling in MOOCs can get credit and degree easily
C. students can learn at their own study pace
D. students can travel to many places when taking MOOCs
34. The meaning of the underlined word “confined” means “______”.
A. extended      B. developed
C. limited D. advanced
35. Which word is the best to describe students enrolling in MOOCs
A. Ordinary B. Creative
C. Practical D. Competent
第二节 (共5小题; 每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)
  阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
  What is a big dream  36  Or, is a big dream something that provides only entertainment Children dream big dreams, but there are three barriers to realizing dreams. They often kill them before they ever have a chance to grow.
The Self
Immediately following the birth of a big dream, a negative self-talk takes over and gives all the reasons why it cannot happen. This inside voice is the ego(自我). It’s there for protecting and should be listened to.  37  Most people are influenced by the inside voice. That’s why only a handful of people make their dreams come true.
Family and friends are a lot like the ego. They want to protect those they love, so they will often list all the reasons why the big dreams won’t come true. Sometimes, family and friends destroy dreams of those they love most, out of their own fear of being left behind.
The World
If one gets past the first two barriers, one has to face the world.  39 In the past, big dreamers were locked up and sometimes even killed when they were shown to the world. Fortunately, in most of the world today, big dreamers just get laughed at.
The way to realize a big dream is with confidence and action. When children have confidence and then take action, they will be ready to accept any failure. The truth is that every great dreamer whose dreams have never seen the light of success knows failure well.  40 
A. Family and Friends
B. How Big Dreams Die
C. Does a big dream show one’s future
D. They simply fail until they succeed.
E. It is the last and the most terrible barrier.
F. Sometimes it is right, but more often it is wrong.
G. And their big dream is to be a rock star or a famous artist.
第三部分 语言运用 (共两节, 满分30分)
第一节(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)
  阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
  James shook his money box again. Nothing! He carefully  41  the coins that lay on the bed. $24. 52 was all that he had. The bicycle he wanted was at least $90!  42  on earth was he going to get the  43  of the money
He knew that his friends all had bicycles. It was  44  to hang around with people when you were the only one without wheels. He thought about what he could do. There was no point asking his parents, for he knew they had no money to  45 .
There was only one way to get money, and that was to earn it. He would have to find a job. But who would hire him and what could he do He decided to ask Mr Clay for advice, who usually had  46  on most things.
“Well, you can start right here, ”said Mr Clay. “My windows need cleaning and my car needs washing. ”
That was the 47  of James’ odd-job(零工) business. For three months he worked every day after finishing his homework. He was amazed by the variety of jobs that people  48  for him to do. He took dogs and babies for walks, cleared out cupboards, and mended books. He lost count of the  49  of cars he washed and windows he cleaned, but the  50  increased and he knew that he would soon have  51  for the bicycle he wanted.
The day finally came when James counted his money and found $94. 32. He  52  no time and went down to the shop to pick up the bicycle he wanted. He rode  53  home, looking forward to showing his new bicycle to his friends. It had been hard  54  for the money, but James knew that he valued his bicycle far more since he had bought it with his own money. He had  55  what he thought was impossible, and that was worth even more than the bicycle.
41. A. cleaned   B. covered   C. counted D. checked
42. A. How    B. Why    C. Who    D. What
43. A. amount B. part C. total D. rest
44. A. brave B. hard C. smart D. unfair
45. A. cost B. spend C. spare D. save
46. A. decisions B. experience
C. opinions D. knowledge
47. A. beginning B. introduction
C. requirement D. opening
48. A. offered B. found
C. promised D. looked
49. A. brand B. number C. size D. type
50. A. effort B. pressure
C. money D. trouble
51. A. all B. enough C. much D. some
52. A. gave B. left C. took D. wasted
53. A. patiently B. silently
C. proudly D. carefully
54. A. searching B. asking C. looking D. working
55. A. imagined B. made C. achieved D. learned
第二节(共10小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)
  阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
  When my brother and I said we were going to spend our Christmas holidays abroad, the whole family objected violently. But nothing could persuade us 56. ______________ (stay). Two days before Christmas, we went to a small town in 57. ________ (south)Germany. We 58. ________(spend) the whole of Christmas Eve sightseeing.
There were 59. ___________ many activities in the town that they added to our excitement. The streets were 60. ___________ (crowd)with people and the shops were full of wonderful things. In the evening, we went to listen to Christmas songs 61. ________(sing) by children around the 62. ________(bright) decorated Christmas tree in the main street. We planned to have 63. ________ meal at the best restaurant in town the next day. However, in the morning the streets were empty. What’s worse, all the shops including the restaurants were shut. As last we had to return to our hotel, 64. ___________(feel) very miserable. Our Christmas “feast” was a bag of fruits, 65. ________ my brother had happened to buy the day before.
第四部分 写作 (共两节, 满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
  假如你是李华, 你收到朋友李磊的来信, 他告诉你他不适应高一数学老师的课, 在数学方面有些困难, 以至于跟不上其他同学, 感到非常着急。请给他写一封电子邮件, 想办法解决这方面的困难。
注意: 1. 词数80左右;
2. 邮件的开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数。
参考词汇: 适应adapt to
Dear Li Lei,
I have got your letter. _____________________________________________
Best wishes!
Li Hua
第二节 (满分25分)
When I was 13, I climbed my first mountain. I was overweight at the time and out of breath when I reached the peak. But I loved the challenge of it. Soon I’d climbed nearly 100 peaks. My parents were happy I’d finally found my favorite hobby.
I often go climbing with my friend Mel Olsen. Two years ago, on December 30, when I was 16, she and I drove to Oregon to tackle 11, 240-foot Mount Hood.
It’s safer to start winter climbs at night when there’s less risk of the sun melting the snowpack. That day, we started at 3 a.m., following the paths alongside the ski runs. The temperature was about 14 degrees, and we wore layers we could easily remove, knowing the climbing would make us warm.
After about five hours, we reached Devil’s Kitchen, a plateau(高原) at about 10, 000 feet, just before the final push to the top. By this point, the wind conditions were very unpleasant. My exposed skin felt as though it were burning. Some other climbers decided to turn back, but Mel and I went ahead. We had ice axes(斧子), helmets and crampons(带钉铁鞋底). We were prepared for the climb.
The trail we followed grew narrower and steeper. At around 9 a.m., we reached an ice step. It was about three or four feet tall and sloped at a 75-degree angle. I volunteered to go first. I placed my left foot on the ice step.
You gain a sense of the ice when you stick your ax and crampons into it, and it felt good. Confident that I was safe, I put my full weight on it. Suddenly I heard a crack, and a whole thick piece of ice broke off the step, right under my foot.
In an instant, I fell backward. I could hear Mel calling my name as I fell down, bouncing off the rock face and rolling down the mountain as if I were a character in a video game. I remember thinking, “That is it. You’re done.”
I stuck out my arms and legs, grabbing at anything.
With Mel by my side I’d been lying on the icy rock for four hours by the time the rescuers reached me.
第一部分 听力(共两节, 满分30分)(略)
第二部分 阅读 (共两节, 满分50分)
第一节(共15小题; 每小题2. 5分, 满分37. 5分)
【文章大意】文章主要介绍了关于师生关系的问题, 以及如何处理好师生关系。
21. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据文章第一段it’s good to get along well with your teacher because it makes the time you spend in the classroom more pleasant. 可知, 同老师融洽相处是很重要的, 因为它使得你在教室的时间更加愉快, 故选D。
22. 【解析】选C。词义猜测题。根据文章第四段第四句If you show your teacher that you want to make the situation better如果你向老师表示你想使情况变得更好, 可知是希望同老师融洽相处, that即代指同老师有一个更良好的关系, 故选C。
23. 【解析】选A。推理判断题。从横线后面所列举出的学生应该履行的一些责任可以看出, 如果你履行了这些基本职责的话, 即使你不很喜欢那个老师, 你也可以和他/她成功相处, 故选A。
24. 【解析】选B。主旨大意题。文章主要讲述了和谐师生关系的重要性。文章前三段均讨论了其重要性, 只是在文章最后提及了学生如果能履行一些基本职责的话也可能和老师建立良好的关系。故选B。
【语篇概述】作者在上大学期间, 充分利用课余时间从事一些兼职工作, 获得了不错的收入。更重要的是, 这些工作经历使作者认识到了职业道德的重要性, 并且也学会了如何应对困难。
25. 【解析】选A。 细节理解题。根据第一段第四句“I continued working as a waitress at night, instructed tennis camps several mornings a week and worked as a secretary for a few hours in the afternoons. ”可知, 作者上大学之前可能在饭店从事过兼职工作, 故选A。
26.【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据第一段中的“This class at the community college saved me $650. ”可知作者选这门课程的主要原因是她要省钱。故选A。
27. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第二段中的“One of my concerns about this trip was not only the cost, but the loss of time to make money”可知作者关心的不仅是旅行的费用, 还有失去了挣钱的时间。故选C。
28. 【解析】选D。主旨大意题。根据最后一段第一、二句“This experience has shaped me in many important ways. The first thing that I learned was the importance of a strong work ethic. ”可知, 这些经历在许多重要方面塑造了作者。故选D。
29. 【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据第二段第三句“Unfortunately I missed that wonderful trip”很遗憾我错过了那次美妙的旅行。故选B。
30. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第四段第一句“There is a space in the basement of the teaching building where students chat and meet each other. ”教学楼的地下室有一个地方, 学生可以在那里聊天、会面。第三句“Students usually come to school early, sit in that space and have fun. ”学生们通常很早来到学校, 坐在那个地方玩乐。故选C。
31.【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段最后一句“if you cheat or lie, you will get a warning or even be kicked out. ”可知如果你作弊或说谎, 你将会被警告甚至被开除, 故选A。
【语篇概述】本文主要讲的是一种不同于传统教学模式的新的网络教学模式, 同时分析了各自的优劣, 可以说网络课堂是传统教学模式的一种必要而有益的补充。
32. 【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据第一段第一句话“MOOCs, short for ‘massive open online courses’, mark an important, possibly revolutionary, development in education. ”可知MOOCs是massive open online courses的缩写, 而不是massive open online campuses的缩写。
33.【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第三段第三句话“Besides, students can learn back and forward—that is, they can go at their own learning speed, which they can’t do in a live lecture. ”可知, 同学们可以以自己的学习速度来进行课程学习, 这是传统的课堂模式所达不到的。
34. 【解析】选C。词义猜测题。句意: 终生学习不应当被限制在传统教室里面。据此可知答案应当是C。并且最后一句话把MOOCs和传统课堂做了比较。
35. 【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段中的“Students taking MOOCs are usually very clever, have work experience, and in many cases, have already developed a set of practical skills. ”可知是聪明的和有工作经验的人参加MOOCs, 并且在很多情况下, 他们已经发展了一系列实用的技能。ordinary意为“普通的, 平常的”; creative意为“富有创造力的”; practical意为“实际的”; competent意为“有能力的”。故C项正确。
第二节 (共5小题; 每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)
36. 【解析】选C。根据本空前句“What is a big dream ”和后句“Or, is a big dream something that provides only entertainment ”可知本句也是关于big dream的相关问题。故选C。
37. 【解析】选F。根据后两句“Most people are influenced by the inside voice. That’s why only a handful of people make their dreams come true. ”可知big dream的影响有好有坏, 有些能让我们从中受益, 也有些不能, 故选F。
38. 【解析】选A。根据本段第一句“Family and friends are a lot like the ego. ”可知本段谈论的是family and friends, 故选A。
39. 【解析】选E。根据上句中的“If one gets past the first two barriers”和下句“In the past, big dreamers were locked up and sometimes even killed when they were shown to the world. ”可知world是最后一个也是最严重的问题, 故选E。
40. 【解析】选D。根据上句“The truth is that every great dreamer whose dreams have never seen the light of success knows failure well. ”可知, 直到非常了解失败以后, 这些伟大的梦想家才会见到成功的曙光。故选D。
第三部分 语言运用 (共两节, 满分30分)
第一节(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)
【语篇概述】詹姆斯想要一辆新的自行车, 但是他的父母也不是很有钱。最后, 詹姆斯通过做兼职工作, 通过自己的劳动为自己买了一辆自行车。得到一辆自行车对别的孩子来说也许是轻而易举的事情, 但对于詹姆斯来说那是用辛勤的汗水换来的, 这样的自行车相当珍贵。
41. 【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。通过句意可知詹姆斯在反复数钱, 因为他想用这笔钱买东西, 但钱不够。count the coins 数钱, 故答案为C。
42. 【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。此处表示方式, 故答案选A。
43.【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。作者已经有了24. 52美元, the rest of the money在这里用rest指购买自行车的其余的钱, 故答案为D。
44. 【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。在孩子心中, 作为唯一没有自行车的人走在众人面前是很没面子, 很难的。故答案为B。
45.【解析】选C。词语辨析题。cost花费; spend花费; spare抽出; save节约。spare no money一点钱都拿不出。因为家庭贫困, 父母拿不出钱来为孩子买自行车。故答案为C。
46.【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。前面提到他向Mr Clay请教, 故选opinions, 答案为C。
47. 【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。根据前面的建议, 这里应该是开始打零工, 故答案选A。
48. 【解析】选B。词语辨析题。offer sth. to sb. 因此答案不能选A, find jobs for sb. 为某人找到工作, 正确答案为B。
49. 【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。根据后面句子of cars he washed and windows he cleaned知应该是他数不清他洗过多少辆车和擦过多少窗户, 答案为B。
50. 【解析】选C。背景常识题。随着自己做零工的增加, 钱也越来越多, 故选C。
51. 【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。因为打零工而挣钱越来越多, 这里指足可以买一辆自行车。故答案为B。
52. 【解析】选D。词语辨析题。waste no time毫不耽搁。当孩子挣够了钱他便立即去买自行车, 表明一种迫切的心情。故答案选D。
53. 【解析】选C。词语辨析题。patiently有耐心地; silently寂静地; proudly自豪地; carefully认真地。因为自己打工挣钱买到了自行车, 所以感到自豪, 答案为C。
54. 【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。前文提到为了挣钱, 詹姆斯打了许多零工, 答案为D。
55. 【解析】选C。词语辨析题。imagined设想; made制作; achieved实现; learned学习。孩子得到他认为不可能得到的东西。故答案为C。
第二节(共10小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)
56. 【解析】to stay。考查不定式。persuade sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事, 故填不定式to stay。
57. 【解析】Southern。考查形容词。此处指在德国南部, 故填Southern。southern意为“南方的, 南部的”。
58. 【解析】spent。考查动词的时态。文章讲述的是过去发生的事, 结合所给时态要用过去时, 故填spent。
59. 【解析】so。考查副词。此处是so. . . that. . . 句型, 表示“如此……以至于……”, 故填so。
60. 【解析】crowded。考查形容词。句意: 街上满是人, 商店里满是奇妙的东西。 be crowded with 为固定搭配, 意为“挤满”。
61. 【解析】sung。考查非谓语动词。句中Christmas songs和动词sing是被动关系, 表示圣诞歌曲被唱, 要用过去分词表被动, 故填sung。
62. 【解析】brightly。考查副词。此处修饰形容词decorated用副词, 故填brightly。
63. 【解析】a。考查冠词。meal是可数名词, 此处指一顿饭, 故填冠词a。
64. 【解析】feeling。考查非谓语动词。句中feel的主语和句子的主语一致, 都是we, 表示主动要用动词的-ing形式, 故填feeling。
65. 【解析】which。考查定语从句。本句为非限制性定语从句, 先行词是a bag of fruits, 指物, 在定语从句中作宾语, 故填关系代词which。
第四部分 写作 (共两节, 满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
Dear Li Lei,
  I have got your letter. And I am very glad that you believe in me.
I have known you have some difficulties in learning maths. Because you can not adapt to what your maths teacher teaches, you can’t catch up with others in your class. Don’t worry about it. I think the following may be of help to you. Firstly, you’d better listen to the teacher carefully in class. You can ask your maths teacher to explain what you can not understand after class. Secondly, confidence is very important. You should be confident and believe in yourself. Finally, you can communicate with your classmates and get some advice on maths. Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it. I hope you will make progress in it.
Best wishes!
Li Hua
第二节 (满分25分)
I stuck out my arms and legs, grabbing at anything. But it didn’t help!/(That slowed my rolling down the mountain, but I was still sliding.) After a few heart-in-mouth seconds, I came to a stop on an icy rock. My clothes were shredded, my helmet was broken and my face was bloodied from cuts and scratches. Worse still, I was suffering from a sharp, unbearable pain in my legs. Fear gripped me and I was sinking to the depths of despair when Mel made her way down. Seeing me unable to move, she yelled for help, and with the help of several adult climbers she called the Mountain Rescue.
With Mel by my side I’d been lying on the icy rock for four hours by the time the rescuers reached me. They strapped me into a sled and pulled me down the mountain. I have a pretty high pain tolerance, but I screamed with each bounce. At the bottom of Mount Hood, I was loaded into an ambulance and taken to a hospital, where my broken legs were treated. I didn’t get released until one month later. It‘s true that the fall brought me pain and made me more cautious. But the experience also made me grow as a person with growing faith in friendship and greater enthusiasm for my favorite hobby.