教材版本 清华2011课标版一年级起点三年级上册 教学内容 UNIT 2 THE SHORT VOWEL SOUNDS 第一课时
教学内容 Phonics park——the Short Vowel “a”
教学目标 Aims of knowledge:Ss will know how to read the blends with “a”;Ss will know how to read a new picture book with the help of phonics;Ss will know the meaning of the story.Aims of ability:Ss can read the blends with “a”;Ss can read the picture book along with the teacher;Ss can make a connection between the “a”word and its meaning through reading the picture book.Aims of emotion:Ss will gain confidence in helping Frank——a figure in the picture book;Ss will find reading easier with the help of phonics.
教学重点 Read the blends with “a”;Read the picture book and understand the story.
教学难点 Read the picture book fluently;Make a connection between the word and its meaning.
教学辅助 PPT, cards.
Letter Parade 这首歌曲在学生达到阶梯教室后播放,不是上课的内容,只是为了吸引学生整理好物品准备上课。Phonics Song 学生做完课前准备后,跟着视频唱这首歌,过渡到上课状态。Step1 Warming up (2min)Greeting: T extend greetings to the students and introduce a cartoon figure Frank.T: Class begins.Ss: Stand up.T: Good afternoon, boys and girls.Ss: Good afternoon, Lotus.T: Look! This is Frank, a new friend. Let’s say hello to Frank.Ss: Hello, Frank.2. Look and say: T shows a picture of the park. In the picture, letters A-F are dancing. T talks with students about spring and leads the topic to letters. T: Frank likes spring. Look at the trees. Ss: They are green. T: Look at the flowers. Ss: They are…T: Can you say something about spring Look at the ...Ss: Look at the birds/ kites. They are ... T: Look at the letters. Ss: They are cute/ small/….. T: The letters are happy! They’re dancing. Let’s dance together!3. Do and say: T plays a video which shows the sounds of the letters A-Z. Students stand up, do and say. (教师点击视频超链接,打开视频,小朋友们起立,跟着视频,一起说出A-Z的读音,自主地做动作。)Step2 Revision (3min)Review the beginning letters: T shows the gate to the park, which includes a password. Ss needs to listen and find out the beginning letters of the words. (运用上学期所学自然拼读的知识,学生听选出生词的首字母,获取进入自然拼读公园的密码。) 春姑娘飞进屏幕,发出声音(录音):开门密码就藏在下面的单词里。仔细听,你能听出单词的第一个字母是什么吗? Question No.1: Alligator, alligator. Alligator begins with the letter ______ Ss: “a”. Question No.2:Elephant, elephant. Elephant begins with the letter ______ Ss: “e”. Question No.3:Bug, bug. Bug begins with the letter ______ Ss: “b”. Question No.4:Cake, cake. Cake begins with the letter ______ Ss: “c”. T: The password is right. Hey! Hey! Ss: Super! T: Let’s go into the park. Go, go, go! A, b, c, d, e, where is letter “a” Step3 Presentation (14min)1. Let’s chant: The vowel “a” —Review a chant that students have learned. T: Look! Here’s letter “a” and Frank. A says Ss: /a/ T: Go on. /a/ /a/ ... T: Can you say it faster /a/ /a/ /a/ /a/ ... Ss: /a/ /a/ /a/ /a/ /a/ /a/ /a/ /a/ /a/ /a/ /a/ /a/ /a/ Let’s learn: Blends with “a” — Learn the blends “at”, “am”, “an”, “bat”, “ban”, “hat”, ”ham”, “cat”, “can”, “pan” and “Sam”. (花朵两两相依组成三个字母组合“at、am和an”, 教授教授拼读, 通过大组读来练习。) a. /a/-/t/-/at/ T: Look at the /a/ flower. It grows a /t/. /a/-/t/-/at/ Ss: /a/-/t/-/at/ T: Let’s tap and say. /a/-/t/-/at/ Ss: /a/-/t/-/at/ T: Group One together. (then Group Two, Three and Four) b. /a/-/m/-/am/ c. /a/-/n/-/an/ (然后小蜜蜂带着字母飞进来,教师引导学生拼读蜜蜂和花朵拼成的单词, 再通过多种形式来练习。) d: /b/-/at/-/bat/ T: Look! A little bee with a /b/. It kisses /at/. They can make: /b/-/at/-/bat/ Ss: /b/-/at/-/bat/ T: Let’s tap and say. /b/-/at/-/bat/ Ss: /b/-/at/-/bat/ T: Little train.(老师做竖排火车的手势) Ss: Go, go, go! e: /b/-/an/-/ban/ (用竖排火车来练习。) f: /h/-/at/-/hat/ (用横排火车来练习。) g: /h/-/am/-/ham/ (用横排火车来练习。) h: /c/-/at/-/cat/ (用双排火车来练习。) i: /c/-/an/-/can/ (用双排火车来练习。) j: /p/-/an/-/pan/ (请小老师领读。) k: /S/-/am/-/Sam/ (请小老师领读。)Let’s chant: Blends with “a” — Practice the blends with “a” through chants. 画面:这时候草地上有好多a花朵,形成了一片a的花海。字母们打起了鼓、跳起了舞。Chant跟着鼓点节奏:a-m-am, am-am-am. h-am-ham. S-am-Sam. a-n-an, an-an-an. c-an-can. p-an-pan. (鼓点节奏入) T: The “a” land is very beautiful. The letters are so happy. They dance again. Let’s enjoy the chant. Letters: a-m-am, am-am-am. h-am-ham. S-am-Sam. a-n-an, an-an-an. c-an-can. p-an-pan. T: Let’s chant with the letters. Ss: a-m-am, am-am-am. h-am-ham. S-am-Sam. a-n-an, an-an-an. c-an-can. p-an-pan. T: Let’s chant with music. Ss: a-m-am, am-am-am. h-am-ham. S-am-Sam. a-n-an, an-an-an. c-an-can. p-an-pan. (am,an chant教师教的多,at chant可以引导学生自主大胆的尝试读。) T: Now you can say the chant of “am” and “an”. Can you say the chant of “at” T: a-t Ss: -at T: at-at Ss: -at. T: b-at Ss: -bat. T: c-at Ss: -cat. Ss: a-t-at, at-at-at. h-at-hat. r-at-rat. T: Well done! Stand up! Let’s chant with music. Ss: a-t-at, at-at-at. b-at-bat. c-at-cat. a-t-at, at-at-at. h-at-hat. r-at-rat. T: You did a very good job.Play a game: A quick review of the blends newly learned, and also a transitional section to the story. T: Frank is in the park too. He plays with balloons. Let’s play together. Rule: 直接读出气球上的单词,帮Frank收集气球。 Ss: Hat! T: Yes! One balloon for Frank. (齐读过后,拿出一个贴了单词的实物气球,请同学来认读,然后把气球送给Frank——系在黑板上Frank的手上) Ss: Pan! T: Right! Another one. Ss: Bag! T: Ha Ha! Three balloons. Ss: Rat! T: Wonderful! Ss: Cat! T: Look! Look! Frank can fly! 你们帮Frank飞了起来,太棒了!Thank you very much! (配飞屋环游记背景音乐,轻快的音乐伴随着Frank缓缓升起。突然,Bang! 气球炸了!屏幕黑。) T: Where’s Frank Frank掉在了哪里?Step 4 Story (20min) (欣赏一个绘本故事Frank the Rat,通过绘本图片,理解拼读过的单词hat,bat,pan,bag,rat和cat的意思,词义结合后学生尝试在老师的帮助下阅读故事、理解故事。)Let’s enjoy: Listen to the story. (老师读,学生听) T: Frank is in a hat. Frank is in a pan. Frank is on an apple. Frank is on a bat. Oh no! Where is Frank S: Cat T: Meow! Yes! Frank is on a cat!Say a chant: 用chant梳理故事内容,引出故事名字。 T: Now, Alice, stand up, please. Jack, stand up, please. Look. Alice is a girl. Jack is a boy. This is Sam. Sam is a ... Ss: Cat. T: And Frank is a ... Ss: Rat. T: Here is a chant. Listen. Frank is a rat. Sam is a cat. A rat on a cat. Meow~ Oh no! Together. Ss: Frank is a rat. Sam is a cat. A rat on a cat. Meow~ Oh no! T: Now, chant with music. Try by yourselves. 自己跟着节奏练一练。 (节奏入) Are you ready One two go. Ss: Frank is a rat. Sam is a cat. A rat on a cat. Meow~ Oh no! T: Excellent. And this is the name: Frank the rat. (把故事标题贴在黑板上)Task 1. Memory King: Recall the route of Frank. (回忆Frank的路线,将图片按顺序贴到路线图里。) T: Where is Frank At first, Frank in a ... Ss: Bag. (把bag的黑板贴贴入第一个位置。) T: Then, Frank is in a ... Ss: Pan. (把pan的黑板贴贴入第一个位置。) T: How about the next Try to complete all the blanks.现在自己来试一试,回忆Frank的路线,将图片按顺序贴到路线图里。Take out your paper and stickers. You have 1 minutes. 你们有一分钟的时间完成路线图。 已经完成的同学,试着说一说图中Frank的位置吧。 T: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. T: Let’s check out. In picture three, Frank is on an ... Ss: Apple. T: Then, Frank is on a ... Ss: Bat. T: Oh no, Frank is on a ... Ss: Cat! T: Meow!Task 2. Ask and answer: Connect the picture to its meaning, and then try to describe the goods in the picture. (结合书本内容。运用课内Unit5的句型What’s this It’s ...介绍图中的物品,并用Unit4的句型Look at the ... It’s ...描述物品。) T: What’s this Ss: It’s a bag/hat/pan/apple/bat/cat. (师生问答,集体) T: Let’s talk. S, what’s this S: It’s a bag. T: Look at the bag. S: It’s ... (师生问答,个人) T: Now, work in pairs. Ask and answer. 选择你喜爱的图片,运用黑板上的句型进行同桌问答。 T: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Who’s ready (生生问答)5. Task 3. Listen and imitate: Listen to the recording and imitate. (播放录音。) T: Listen carefully. Try to imitate. 仔细听,模仿录音讲故事。 Ss: Frank the rat. Frank the rat is in a bag. Frank is in a hat. Frank is in a pan. Frank is on an apple. Frank is on a bat. Oh no! Frank is on a cat!Task 4. Tell the story: Tell the story and complete the missing words. (先调用旧知及本课新学的单词,读出故事。再运用自然拼读知识,根据单词的发音拼出单词。) T: Frank在逃跑时,打翻了墨水瓶,书被弄脏了。我们帮他把书修复好吧。 Two steps. Step one: Read the sentence. Step 2: Make the word. 第一步,读出句子。第二步,拼出单词。要求明白了吗?第一步是? Ss: 读出句子。 T: 第二步是? Ss: 拼出单词。 T: Great! Let’s begin now. Ss: Frank is in a hat. T: Look. h-at-hat, I make up a “hat”. Take out your cards. Make up the word “hat”. 现在拿出彩虹卡片,自己拼一拼hat,把拼好的单词放在桌面上,抱臂坐正。 (老师示范后,学生集体尝试) T: Well done. Let’s read together. Ss: Frank is in a hat. T: Go on. Ss: Frank is in a pan. T: p-an-pan. Who can make up a “pan” (单个学生示范后,学生集体尝试。同样的方式完成剩余3个句子) T: Now the book is good. Frank is happy. (录音:Thank you. Goodbye!)
Phonics Park: the Vowel “a”
4 3 2 1
(Group award:flowers or sausages.)
Frank the Rat
Frank with 5 balloons