Unit 3 Faster, higher, stronger
Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.
Grammar: v-ing as subject
wear let miss make use
I like how technology is changing sports, 1. ______________ the latest equipment, such as smart earphones, allows people to get the best out of their training. 2. _____ video technology to help judge our sporting competitions can 3. ______ sure
Wearing / Using
Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.
Grammar: v-ing as subject
wear let miss make use
that no one cheats. Best of all, instant replay facilities 4.
__________ us see all the action all over again. 5. _______
our favorite sporting moments is now a thing of the past!
let / make
Complete the voicemail messages with the correct form of do, play and go.
Hi Ellen, it’s Todd here. I’ve just finished my first day volunteering at the Senior Citizens’ Sports Club! It’s made me see life as an older person with fresh eyes! Some members like to 1. yoga because it helps them keep their muscles toned, while others love to 2. aerobics - one elderly man says the energy of it makes him feel young again! Ball games are also popular.
Vocabulary building: Senior Citizen’s Sports Club
Complete the voicemail messages with the correct form of do, play and go.
Vocabulary building: Senior Citizen’s Sports Club
Many enjoy 3. table tennis or 4. _______ bowling. While there were lots of people 5. ________ badminton, and many like to 6. golf. I even encountered a man who, at the age of 68, was brave enough to 7. roller skating! Not only did he have guts, he was much faster than me!
Complete the voicemail messages with the correct form of do, play and go.
Vocabulary building: Senior Citizen’s Sports Club
I must say, it was really inspiring to see the people there 8. sports, even at such advanced ages. It made me think about going to the Central Stadium this Saturday. The sports club there doesn’t ask for membership. We can 9. tennis or 10. rock climbing. It would do us a lot more good than 11. computer games.
Underline the sports with do, play and go in Activity 5 and put them into the boxes. Add any more you can think of.
Vocabulary building: Senior Citizen’s Sports Club
table tennis
computer games
roller skating
rock climbing
jogging (慢跑)
Listening & speaking
Oscar Awards
Grammy Awards
Nobel Prize
the Laureus World Sports Awards
A sports role model is a sportsperson who inspires other people in a certain way. In this spirit, the Laureus World Sports Awards is an annual ceremony to honour remarkable sportspeople. The first ceremony was held in 2000 in Monaco, where Pele was given the Lifetime Achievement Award.
Listening & speaking: Before listening
Did You Know
Listening & speaking: Before listening
In 2003, Yao Ming became the first Chinese sportsperson to win the award, and in Shanghai in 2015 Yao Ming and Li Na both won awards. These sports role models show us what sporting spirit really means — that is, faster, higher and stronger!
Did You Know
Who do the Laureus World Sports Awards honour
The Laureus World Sports Awards honour remarkable sportspeople who inspire others.
Listening & speaking: While-listening
Listen to the conversation and choose a topic for it.
1. The history of the Laureus World Sports Awards.
2. Laureus World Team of the Year.
3. Laureus World Sports man of the Year.
4. The childhood of LeBron James.
Listening & speaking: While-listening
Nominees Michelle’s opinion Sam’s opinion
Usain Bolt He has won it three times and other people should 1. , too. He should win it because he deserves it.
be given a chance
Andy Murray Hopefully, he will win. He has won two 2. _________ and more importantly, he is a spokesperson for 3. _____________________. He could have 4. ____________ but the winner should not be chosen based on 5.
Olympic singles titles
women players’ equality
a good chance
their number of fans
LeBron James He will not win because he is 6. . LeBron is world famous. He is an excellent
7. and a great 8. .
not that famous
team leader
Listening & speaking: Post-listening
Complete the boxes with the expressions from the conversation.
Useful Expressions:
I don’t think it should be …
Besides, ...
Are you serious !
That’s why …
Well, I just think …
I mean, …
Listening & speaking: Post-listening
Agreeing / Disagreeing
Giving an explanation
I don’t think it should be …
Are you serious !
Well, I just think …
Besides, …
That’s why …
I mean, ...
Nominees for the 2023 Laureus World Sports Awards
snowboarding 单板滑雪player:
Su Yiming
ice skiing player: Gu Ailin
short-track speeding skating短道速滑 player:
Wu Dajing
Listening & speaking: Pair work
Work in pairs. Nominate three Chinese sportspeople
for the next Laureus World Sports Awards. Give your
reasons and share your ideas using the expressions in this section.