(人教版2019)高考英语 一轮复习夯实基础必背知识清单 专题05.必修第2册 Unit 5 Music


名称 (人教版2019)高考英语 一轮复习夯实基础必背知识清单 专题05.必修第2册 Unit 5 Music
格式 docx
文件大小 117.4KB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-11-18 17:21:10



专题05.必修第2册 Unit 5 Music
重点词汇 阅读单词——我会认 1.classical adj.古典的;经典的 2.hip-hop n.嘻哈音乐;嘻哈文化 3.stringed adj.有弦的 4.composition n.成分;(音乐、艺术、诗歌的)作品 5.studio n.演播室;(音乐的)录音棚;工作室 6.composer n.作曲者;作曲家 7.conductor n.(乐队、合唱团等的)指挥;(公共汽车的)售票员 8.phenomenon(pl.phenomena) n.现象 9.rap n.快速敲击;说唱音乐 vi.& vt.敲击;(说唱歌中的)念白 10.unemployed adj.失业的;待业的 11.romantic adj.浪漫的 n.浪漫的人 12.album n.相册;集邮簿;音乐专辑 13.outline n.& vt.概述;概要 14.repetition n.重复;重做 15.lean vt.(leant/leaned,leant/leaned) 依靠;倾斜 16.simile n.明喻 17.Mozart莫扎特 重点单词——我会写 1.soul n.灵魂;心灵 2.virtual adj.很接近的;事实上的;虚拟的 3.opportunity n.机会;时机 4.onto prep.(朝)向 5.ordinary adj.普通的;平凡的 6.award vt.授予 n.奖品 7.stage n.(发展或进展的)时期;阶段;(多指剧场中的)舞台 8.altogether adv.(用以强调)全部;总共 9.thus adv.如此;因此 10.band n.乐队;带子 11.nowadays adv.现在;目前 12.gradual adj.逐渐的;渐进的 13.capable adj.有能力的;有才能的 14.previous adj.先前的;以往的 15.impact n.巨大影响;强大作用;冲击力 16.aim n.目的;目标 vi.& vt.力求达到;力争做到;瞄准 vt.目的是;旨在 17.piano n.钢琴 18.addition n.添加;加法;增加物 19.disease n.(疾)病 20.ache vi.& n.疼痛 21.moreover adv.而且;此外 22.being n.身心;存在;生物 23.somehow adv.以某种方式(或方法);不知怎么地
词汇拓展 1.energy n.能源;能量;精力→energetic adj.精力充沛的 2.composition n.成分;(音乐、艺术、诗歌的)作品→compose v.作曲,谱写→composer n.作曲家 3.perform vi.& vt.表演;履行;执行→performance n.表演;演技;表现→performer n.表演者;演员 4.enable vt.使能够;使可能→able adj.有能力的→ability n.能力→disable vt.使不能; 使残疾→disability n.残疾;缺陷→unable adj.不能的;没有能力的 5.prove vt.证明;展现→proof n.证据 6.original adj.原来的;独创的;原作的n.原件;原作→originally adv.最初;起先→origin n.起源 7.relief n.(焦虑、痛苦的)减轻或消除;(不快过后的)宽慰、轻松或解脱→relieve vt.使减轻;缓解→relieved adj.轻松的;解脱的 8.cure vt.治愈;解决(问题);治好(疾病) n.药物;治疗;(解决问题的)措施→curable adj.可治愈的→incurable adj.不可治愈的 9.unemployed adj.失业的;待业的→employ vt.雇用;利用→employment n.使用;工作→employer n.雇主→employee n.雇员 10.equipment n.设备;装备→equip vt.装备;配备 11.talent n.天才;天资;天赋→talented adj.有天赋的;天才的 12.assume vt.以为;假设→assumption n.假设;推断 13.treatment n.治疗;对待;处理→treat vt.治疗;对待;招待 n.请客 14.satisfaction n.满足;满意;欣慰→satisfy vt.使满意→satisfied adj.满意的→satisfactory adj.令人满意的 15.various adj.各种不同的;各种各样的→variety n.多样性→vary v.变化
重点词组 1.fall in love with爱上 2.be absorbed in sth./sb.被……吸引住;专心致志 3.set sth.up安装好(设备或机器) 4.try out参加……选拔(或试演) 5.in addition (to sb./sth.)除……以外(还) 6.from (then) on从(那)时起 7.get through (设法)处理;完成
重点句型 1.Moved by this music,he said,“It was like seeing color for the first time.” 他被这段音乐打动了,他说:“那种(兴奋的)感觉就如同是第一次看见色彩一样。” 2.It’s an honour to be here and to share with you the story of how music has had an impact on my life. 非常荣幸来到这里与大家分享音乐是如何影响了我的人生的。 3.Have you ever faced a time when things looked dark and you had no hope at all 你是否曾经经历过黯淡无光、万念俱灰的一段时光? 4.The song made me feel so much better that from then on I began to listen to music all the time. 这首歌让我感觉好多了,从那以后我开始一直听音乐。 5.During those times,music can help you in the same way that it helped me. 在那时,音乐可以帮助你,就像它曾经帮助我一样。
Passage 1
The Virtual Choir
If you do not have an opportunity to join a local choir or have trouble finding like-minded friends, a virtual choir is your best choice, which involves setting up equipment sdfrecording performances in the studio or just at home,uploading the videos onto the internet and putting them together.This creative idea,enabling not only music talents' but also an ordinary individual s voice to be added to others,comes from an award-winning composer and conductor,Whitacre. When in college, he fell in love with classical music, devoting most energy and soul to it. In 2009, inspired by a video about a girl singing one of his original compositions,Whitacre created the first virtual choir, receiving millions of views on the Internet and becoming a worldwide phenomenon ever since.In 2014,altogether 2292 young people joined on the stage, singing with one voice. Nowadays, it proves to make the world a better place.
如果你没有机会加入当地的合唱团,或是很难找到志趣相投的歌友,那么虚拟合唱团是不二之选。你只需要自行安装好设备,录制演唱视频,在录音棚或家里皆可,然后将视频上传到网上,最后把这首歌的全部视频合成。这个有创意的想法,使得不仅仅是音乐天才而且一个普通人的声音能够被加入他人声音(合成为一首歌),出自一位屡次获奖的作曲家兼指挥家,惠塔克。大学时期,惠塔克就爱上了古典音乐,他大部分的精力与心血都投入其中。2009年,由于受到一个小女孩寄来的唱他原创作品的视频的启发,惠塔克创立了第一个虚拟合唱团,受到网上一众关注, 从此成为一个举世流传的现象。2014年,共有2292名青年用同一个声音演唱,并登台亮相。如今,事实证明这一做法可以让世界变得更加美好。
Passage 2
The story of music and I
Music has magical impacts on my life. Following is the outline of those impacts. In the previous year, I suffered from a serious disease which was difficult to cure, with my body aching all the time. Then aimed at recovering sooner, I tried out various treatments, among which listening to some music was the best remedy. Absorbed in music, I felt it impossible to live without it from then on. Music also brought me relief. It was the rock that I leant on to get through those hard times. Moreover/Additionally, music gave me a sense of satisfaction, which spoke words of encouragement to the deepest part of my being. Never assume life is always easy. Everyone may get through various tough times. And music can help you in the same way that it helped me. Hopefully, all of you will somehow treasure music and make it a part of your life.
1.take part in/participate in 参加
2.be a helpful way to do sth. 是做某事的一种有用方法
3. prepare for/get ready for 做准备
4.develop/form a good habit of… 养成……的好习惯
5. in the process/course of… 在……的过程中
6. pay attention to/attach importance to 注意
7.try/do one’s best to do sth./make every effort to do sth. 尽力做某事
8.turn. Into. (使)变成;成为
9. take responsibility to do sth. 负责做某事
10. narrow the generation gap 缩小代沟
11.guide to 带领到
12. be helpful/beneficial to 对……有帮助
13. be of great benefit 有很大的好处
14. make good use of.… 好好利用
15. take action/steps/measures 采取行动
16. It is high time sb. did sth. 到了某人该做某事的时候
17. be bound to 一定要……;注定
18. turn into. (使)变成;成为
19. make a difference 有影响;起(重要)作用
20. in conclusion 最后,综上所述
1. It's my great honor to stand here and give my speech. The topic of my speech is...
2. What I am going to talk about today is...
3. I'd be happy to tell you about my experience.
4. Ladies and gentlemen/Boys and girls, I’m greatly honored to speak here to talk about... on behalf of....
5. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to make a speech about...
6. It’s my honor to stand here and talk something about...
7. It’s my great honor to have the opportunity to share with you my opinion on how to take online courses more effectively.
8. Ladies and gentlemen, today I’d like to deliver a lecture on stressing the importance of having a positive attitude to study.
9. It’s my great honor to stand here on behalf of all the students, and I’d like to offer you my warmest welcome.
1. We should choose those who. . . as our. . .
2. Therefore, it's high time we did something about it.
3. We should try to. . .as much as possible.
4. No man can make the most of his life without the help of...
5. Finally, it can arouse people's awareness of...
6. But I want you to realize that... doesn't come easily.
7. So long as we. . .we can achieve great results.
8. Local transportation is easily accessible/of easy access/very convenient;=People can have easy access to local transportation.
9. Above all/Most important of all, you should have faith in yourself.
10. With the sharp growth of..., have/has become increasingly important in our daily life.
11. I think it important/difficult/necessary/likely...to do sth.
1. I'd like to wish. . .a great success and I hope. . .can perform at your best!
2. Thank you for your listening.
3. it's everyone's responsibility to……
4. When it comes to the most important family tradition, the first that comes to my mind is honesty.
5. In my view, important though it is for students to have better performance in exams, health is of equal significance.
6. No one can deny the fact that/It can be said with certainty that/There’s no denying that/There’s no doubt that/Undoubtedly, the environment pollution is getting increasingly serious.
7. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me this chance to speak to you today.
8. I hope everyone finds your stay here an enjoyable experience and your visit will surely promote our friendship.
9. That’s all I want to say about this point. Thank you.
10. That’s all. Thank you for your listening/attention.
Grammar 过去分词作表语和状语
1.I never thought I was very talented at anything to do with music.
2.My cousin is very interested in painting.
3.Moved by this music,he said,“It was like seeing color for the first time.”
4.Well known as a successful band,the impact members show quite a few striking abilities.
She looked disappointed.
We were encouraged at the news.
The cup is broken.
The cup was broken by Tom.
过去分词 表示人自身的感受或事物自身的状态,常译作“感到……的”
现在分词 表示事物具有的特性,常译作“令人……的”
They became so worried that they stayed awake all night.
The situation became so worrying that something should be done at once.
①I was too tired (tire)to walk any further.
②When he heard the moving story,he was deeply moved.(move)
③Tom was more surprised (surprise)than disappointed(disappoint)at this news.
【答案】1.tired 2.moving 3.surprised
Once published(=Once it is published),the dictionary will be very popular.
Absorbed in painting(=Because John was absorbed in painting),John didn't notice evening approaching.
Given another hour(=If I am given another hour),I can also work out this problem.
过去分词作让步状语时,相当于一个though,although,even if/though等引导的让步状语从句。
Beaten by the opposite team(=Though we were beaten by the opposite team),we didn't lose heart and encouraged each other.
The old man got on the bus,supported by a girl(=and he was supported by a girl).
①过去分词作状语时,其前面可以带有相应的连词,如when,though,although,as if,as though,if,unless,until,once等,表时间、让步、条件、方式等。
If (I am)invited,I will attend the wedding of my friend.
Caught,the thief will be punished by the police.(caught的逻辑主语为the thief)
Disappointed at the examination results,the girl stood there without saying a word.
①Although we were exhausted by the climb,we continued our journey.
→ ,we continued our journey.
②She was dressed in white and suddenly appeared.
→ ,she suddenly appeared.
③Aunt Wu came in and she was followed by her daughter.
→Aunt Wu came in, .
【答案】1.Exhausted by the climb2.Dressed in white3.followed by her daughter
Asked why he was late,he cried.
Looking out of the window,I saw some students playing there.
①A.Followed  B.Following
the old man,we went upstairs.
by the old man,we went upstairs.
②A.Used  B.Using
for a long time,the book looks old.
the book,I find it useful.
③A.Seeing  B.Seen
from the top,the stadium looks like a bird nest.
from the space,the astronaut can not discover the Great Wall.
【答案】①BA ②AB ③BA