(人教版2019)高考英语 一轮复习夯实基础必背知识清单 专题03. 选择性必修第1册 Unit3 Fascinating Parks


名称 (人教版2019)高考英语 一轮复习夯实基础必背知识清单 专题03. 选择性必修第1册 Unit3 Fascinating Parks
格式 docx
文件大小 113.2KB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-11-18 17:25:10



专题03.选择性必修第1册 Unit3 Fascinating Parks
重点词汇 阅读单词 1.glacier n.冰川 2.territory n.领土;版图;领域;地盘 3.cottage n.小屋;(尤指)村舍;小别墅 4.bush n.灌木 5.buffet vt.连续猛击;打来打去 n.自助餐 6.edge n.边;边缘;边线;刀刃 vt.& vi.(使)徐徐移动;给……加边 7.vast adj.辽阔的;巨大的;庞大的 8.boundary n.边界;界限;分界线 9.teapot n.茶壶 10.label vt.用标签标明;贴标签 n.标签;标记 11.cream n.奶油;乳脂;护肤霜 adj.奶油色的;淡黄色的 12.lung n.肺 13.theme park主题公园;主题乐园 14.enormous adj.巨大的;极大的 15.iron n.铁;铁器;铸铁;熨斗 vt.& vi.(用熨斗)熨;烫平 16.steam n.蒸汽;水蒸气;蒸汽动力 vi.蒸发;散发蒸汽;冒水汽 17.superb adj.极佳的;卓越的 18.polar adj.(近)极地的;南极(或北极)的;磁极的 19.corridor n.狭长地带;走廊;过道;通道 20.pedal n.(自行车等的)脚镫子;踏板 vt.& vi.骑自行车;踩踏板 21.pirate n.海盗;盗版者 vt.盗印;窃用 22.column n.(书、报纸印刷页上的)栏;专栏;柱(形物) 重点单词 1.cloth n.(一块)布;织物;布料 2.valley n.谷;山谷;溪谷 3.ban vt.明令禁止;取缔 n.禁令 4.accompany vt.陪同;陪伴;伴随;(尤指用钢琴)为……伴奏 5.adopt vt.采用;采取;采纳 vt.& vi.领养 6.sour adj.酸的;有酸味的 7.bless vt.祝福 8.sneeze vi.打喷嚏 n.喷嚏;喷嚏声 9.stretch vi.延伸;延续 vi.& vt.伸展;舒展 10.fountain n.喷泉;人工喷泉;喷水池 11.route n.路线;路途;途径 12.ahead adv.向前;在前面;提前 13.theme adj.有特定主题的 n.主题;主题思想 14.incredible adj.极好的;极大的;难以置信的 15.adorable adj.可爱的;讨人喜爱的 16.wander n.游荡;闲逛;流浪 vt.& vi.闲逛;漫游vi.走失;离散;走神 17.swing vt.& vi.(swung,swung)(使)摆动;摇摆;转弯;(使)突然转向 18.rare adj.稀少的;珍贵的;(肉)半熟的 19.splendid adj.壮丽的;雄伟的;极佳的;非常好的 20.display n.展览;陈列;展览品vt.显示;陈列 21.appetite n.食欲;胃口;强烈欲望
词汇拓展 1.visible adj.看得见的;可见的→invisible adj.看不见的→vision n.视力;视觉 2.prohibition n.禁止;阻止;禁令→prohibit vt.(尤指以法令)禁止;阻止 3.journalist n.新闻记者;新闻工作者→journal n.日志;杂志 4.rewarding adj.值得做的;有益的→reward vt.报答;酬劳;奖赏 5.cycle n.自行车;摩托车;循环 vi.骑自行车→cyclist n.骑自行车的人 6.appeal vi.有吸引力;呼吁;恳求;上诉n.吸引力;呼吁;上诉;请求→appealing adj.有吸引力的;恳求的 7.amusement n.娱乐(活动);愉悦→amuse vt.(提供)消遣;(使)娱乐→amusing adj.逗人笑的;有乐趣的→amused adj.逗乐的;觉得好笑的 8.fashion n.时尚;时兴;流行款式→fashionable adj.时尚的 9.entertainment n.娱乐;招待;娱乐活动;文娱节目→entertain vt.招待;款待;使欢乐→entertaining adj.使人愉快的;有趣的
重点词组 1.on the move在行进中;在移动中 2.set out出发;启程;(怀着目标)开始工作 3.live off依靠……生活;以吃……为生 4.appeal to有吸引力;有感染力;呼吁;上诉;打动 5.up to达到(某数量、程度等);直到;不多于;(体力或智力上)能胜任 6.upside down颠倒;倒转;翻转
重点句型 1.I wake up to the sound of the wind buffeting the cloth of my tent. 风噼里啪啦地拍打着我的帐篷,我在这声响中醒来。 2.Spreading out before me,branches of the Rapa River flow through the valley below. 拉帕河的支流在我面前展开,流经下面的山谷。 3.Following the reindeer were the Sami people,who made this territory their home. 跟随着驯鹿步伐的是萨米人,他们在这片土地上安家落户。 4.Whichever and whatever you like,there is an incredible theme park that will appeal to you! 无论你喜欢哪一个,无论你喜欢什么,总会有一个奇妙无比的主题公园让你流连忘返!
Passage 1
Fantastic journey around Sarek National Park
At the edge of the enormous universe, there is a treasure near the boundary which connects the Arctic Circle to the Europe, whose name is Sarek National Park. The wind buffeting the cloth wakes me up. It is an incredible world that nobody can figure out whether it is morning or night. Wandering around, I found the valley with a slightly flowing river is everywhere between each mountain. At the far side of the valley, an ancient Sami cottage is visible. How splendid the scenery is!
It is a place which no one can disturb, and all new development is banned within it. Standing on the land and breathing the fresh air, I found every trouble and sadness seems to fade away. At that moment, I felt like I was an eagle flying in the sky freely.
I am not a Sami, but in Sarek I've adopted some of their habits gradually. After breakfast, I pack my bag and go ahead with my adventure. In this sense, what I begin is not just an adventure, it is a remarkable life with a brand new me.
在这个巨大的宇宙的边缘,有一个连接北极圈和欧洲边界的宝藏,它的名字是沙瑞克国家公园。风吹着布发出的“ ”声把我吹醒。没有人能弄清楚现在是早晨还是晚上,这真是一个不可思议的世界。在山谷里游荡,每座山谷之间都有一条缓缓流动的小河。在山谷的另一边,可以看到一个古老的萨米人村舍。多么壮观的景色啊!
Passage 2
Precious happiness on the beach
I love traveling to the sea. So, a few days ago, I went to seaside with my family. The sea is at the edge of a cottage, just like its boundary. We walked on the cream and soft sand. Seeing the vast blue sea stretch out to the distance, we set out for the island by ship. On the move, we saw a flock of seagulls, an island covered with bush, and a statue of a mermaid. What appealed to me most is the sunset glow shining above the sea and making the water glitter.
That was an incredible and splendid view. I wish one day I can bring a person I love, wandering on the sand, enjoying the rare slow time, doing the rewarding things. I will accompany him to see the view that I love. This is my enormous happiness.
01. (母爱的深远影响)
Everyone has one person they look up to as a role model. To me there is none other than my mom. She has beauty, brains, and one of the best hearts I know. Without her in my life, I would have no idea whether I can be a famous dancer. Someday, when I am older and have children of my own, I hope I can be just as great a parent as my mom. 每个人都有一个榜样。对我来说,不是别人,正是我妈妈。她很漂亮,很聪明,而且是我认识的最用心的人之一。如果没有她,我不知道我能不能成为一个著名的舞者。有一天,当我长大了,有了自己的孩子,我希望我能成为像我妈妈一样伟大的父(母)亲。
02. (表达自己的价值观)
I am extremely unhappy about it. I think money doesn’t equal happiness. And free life style also doesn’t equal happiness. The real happiness is that everyone loves each other, and does everything useful for our society. Most of my classmates support me. But some of them think money is everything. In my opinion, money can’t take the place of everything, such as your life, your time and your happiness.
03. (借用名言警句来升华主题)
“Two reasons account for that you won,” the teacher answered. “First, you’ve almost mastered one of the most difficult throws in all of judo. Second, the only known defense for that move is for your opponent to grab your left arm. It is your biggest weakness that makes you win the match. As a proverb says, ‘Every coin has two sides.’ Making full use of your strength is your achievement. Please remember that in no case will you give up especially in trouble. God is fair to everyone.”“有两个原因可以解释为什么你赢了,”老师回答。“首先,你几乎掌握了柔道中最难的一个动作。其次,这个动作唯一已知的防御方法,就是让你的对手抓住你的左臂。这是你最大的弱点,让你赢得比赛。正如谚语所说,‘每枚硬币都有两面。’充分利用你的力量就是你的成就。请记住,在任何情况下,你都不要放弃,尤其是遇到麻烦的时候。上帝对每个人都是公平的。”
Grammar 动词 ing形式作主语
一、关于动词 ing形式的基本情况
1.动词 ing形式是动词的一种非谓语形式,包括现在分词和动名词两种。
动词 ing形式在句中的语法作用:动名词在句中作主语、宾语、表语和定语,现在分词在句中作状语、宾语补足语和定语。
2.动词 ing形式的时态和语态。
Reading aloud is a good way to learn a language.
Having studied his lessons very hard, he passed the exam.
努力学习了功课, 他通过了考试。
The building being built now will be finished next month.
Having been laughed at for his lameness, the boy became shy and inhibited.
那男孩因跛脚被人讥笑, 变得羞怯。
语态 时态 主动语态 被动语态
一般式 doing being done
完成式 having done having been done
二、动词 ing形式作主语
1.动词 ing形式作主语
Saying is one thing, and doing is another.
Having a walk every day helps to make one keep healthy.
动词 ing形式作主语,往往表示经常性、习惯性的动作,通常置于句首。
Climbing mountains is really difficult for the old.
2.形式主语it代替动词 ing形式作主语。
It is a waste of time persuading such a person to join us.
It is no good/use regretting for the past.
It's useless arguing with them. 
It's a waste of time doing sth.做某事是浪费时间
It's useless/worthwhile doing sth.做某事没用/是值得的
It's no good/use/fun doing sth.做某事没好处/没用/没意思
3.动词 ing形式和to do作主语时的区别。
Playing with fire is dangerous.
Singing is my hobby, and to sing at my friend's birthday party is my dream.
动词 ing形式和to do都可以作主语。动词 ing形式作主语表示比较抽象的一般行为,to do作主语往往表示具体的或一次性的动作。
①I can't stand (work)with Jane in the same office.
②It's no use (complain)without taking action.
③(2019·全国卷Ⅱ) (volunteer)just feels so good.
④ (invite)to the party was a great honour to the family.
【答案】1.working2.complaining 3.Volunteering 4.Being invited
三、动词 ing的复合结构作主语
His/Tom's being late made the teacher very angry.
Jerry's not arriving on time made the people present angry.
(1)作主语的动词 ing的复合结构的肯定形式为:形容词性物主代词/名词的所有格+doing...。
(2)作主语的动词 ing的复合结构的否定形式为:形容词性物主代词/名词的所有格+not doing...。
on time made all of us worried.
will help to learn French.
【答案】1.His not getting to the station2.Your learning English well
1. (talk)with your kid heart to heart is very important.
2.It is no use (regret)your past mistakes.
3.Wesley's (return)so soon surprised me.
4.Seeing (be)believing.
5.It is no good (cry)over spilt milk.
6.Their (come)to help was a great encouragement to us.
7.His not (know)English brought him a lot of inconvenience.
8. (read)in bed is bad for your eyes.
【答案】1.Talking 2.regretting 3.returning 4.is 5.ing7.knowing8.Reading